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Carrer moves
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
AYYOO YOOO good morning good afternoon and goodnight, was good everybody backagain with
me Haidhar Arvin Hidayatullah you can call me Arvin, and wait I don’t have a partner like the last
assignment so I do my vn alone here haha, so guys what do you think about ur future carrer, what are
you gonna do after graduated from here?, me? U asking me? Hmmmmmmmm I think im gonna be an
entrepreneur, that’s sound challenging to me, because I myself I like challenge and being an
entrepreneur sound challenging, theres so many benefit being an entrepreneur, but I think not
everyone gonna be agree what im gonna talking about, so being an entrepreneur u don’t follow rules,
u make ur own rules, u make ur own system, we make our own product that’s why entrepreneur has to
be inovattive and creative, you cant make a product that is so mainstream in the market, yeaaaaaaaaa
we can make a mainstream product but at least its better than the others competitor product, talking
about competition in entrepreneurship, yes making a business means you have to compete to a market
competition and i tell you that thereeeeee is so manyyyy competitor in just one business that’s why we
have to be innovative and creative, you know what being an innovative and creative is not enough to
run a business, you need to calculate the initial capital and the profit, if the initial capital is more high
than the profit the business will go bankrupt, that’s where u find pricing strategy, after getting right
price, u need to sell it right? Of course you need to sell it are you going to just put it in ur mom
garage? Hahaha, this is where u find marketing strategy, u gonna sell the product to who? U gonna
branding ur product, For example u gonna sell toy trucks to an 18 year old teenager, are you insane?
Why the hell a 18 year old teenager need a toy trucks, the right marketing is u sell it to parents or
children, andddddd congratualations u just sell ur product, after this u need to make an report about all
of selling, and once again congratulations u just open a business, after getting a lot of profit u need to
expand, expand the production, expand the promotion, all of the upgrade to make improvement to the
selling, that’s it guys the story behind being an entrepreneur, all of words that im saying is just things
ive been known, so if there is a missing or wrong way to being an entrepreneur im sorry bcz that’s all
I know, I never run a business before, Im just talking hahaha, but I think im gonna try to open a
business after I graduated from here or after graduated from Mahad, many people asking why are you
not being a teacher or lecturer after you graduated and why are you apply to TBI in Uin Malang
everybody thinks imma weirdo, well im gonna answer that question in two sentences : “I want to
learn Islamic things and I want to improve my English skills” yea its questioning right? Hahahaa,
that’s all guys, I hope im gonna be successful entrepreneur or businessman, and I hope all of you guys
TBI family, whatever you want to be or gonna be in the future I hope all of you achive your goals in
future, I am Arvin signing out bye guyss

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