Exploring The World of Faladel

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Exploring the World of

• What is Falafel?
• Historical Background
• Historical Background
Table of contents • Falafel Ingredients
• Prepare the Batter
• Cook and Serve
• Prepare Chickpeas
• Nutritional Benefits
• Preparation Process
• Serving Suggestions
• Global Popularity
• Popular Variations
• Falafel Festivals
• Conclusion
• Q&A
What is Falafel?

• Deep-fried spicy chickpea croquettes

• Served in pocket bread (pita) with: -Cucumber, pepper & tomato salad. – Sesame-lemon
• Cuisine of Lebanon, Irak und Syria.
Historical Background

• Falafel's roots trace back to the Middle East, believed to have originated in Egypt.
• Mention its popularity across the region and its spread to other parts of the world.
Falafel Ingredients
• 4 cups cooked chickpeas
• 3 medium cloves crushed garlic
• 2 beaten eggs
• 3 tbls. Flour
• ½ cup finely minced scallions
• ½ cup finly minced celery
• Flour for coating
• ½ tsp. Turmeric
• ¼ tsp. Cayenne
• Dash black pepper
• 1½ tsp. Salt
• ½ tsp. Ground cumin
Prepare the Batter
• Mash chickpeas
• Combine with all ingredients and spices
• Cover and chill 1 hour
• Chilling makes the batter easy to roll
Cook and Serve

• Roll batter (wirh floured hands) into 1- inch diameter balls

• Coat balls with flour
• Deep fry golden brown
• Serve hot in pocket bread with: - Cucumber, pepper & tomato salad – Sesame-lemon sauce
Prepare Chickpeas

• Use 4 cups canned chickpeas OR

1. Soak (4 hours or overnight) 2 cups raw chickpeas in 8 cups of water
2. Boil, then simmer untiöl soft (3 hours)
3. Drain
Nutritional Benefits

• High in plant-based protein

• Rich in fiber
• Good source of vitamins and minerals
• Suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets
Preparation Process

• Soaking: Chickpeas or fava beans are soaked overnight.

• Blending: Ingredients are finely ground together to form a thick paste.
• Seasoning: Herbs, spices, and other flavorings are added.
• Shaping: The mixture is formed into balls or patties.
• Frying: Cooked until golden brown and crispy.
Serving Suggestions

• Traditional: Wrapped in pita bread with tahini sauce and veggies.

• Modern twists: Falafel bowls, wraps, salads, or sliders.
• Accompaniments: Hummus, tzatziki, pickles, and fresh herbs.
Global Popularity

• Discuss how falafel has gained international acclaim.

• Highlight its presence in diverse cuisines and fusion dishes.
Popular Variations

• Lebanese Falafel: Uses more chickpeas and is lighter in color.

• Egyptian Falafel: Typically includes fava beans and a unique blend of spices.
Falafel Festivals
• Mention annual events dedicated to celebrating falafel.
• Discuss how these festivals showcase various styles and flavors.

• Recap the key points: history, ingredients, nutritional benefits, preparation process,
serving suggestions, global popularity, and variations.
• Encourage the audience to try making falafel at home or explore it at local restaurants.

the floor is open for questions and discussions.

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