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Implementation of ChatGPT in the Understanding and Application of

Fundamental Concepts of Programming in students of the IT career at the
University of the Armed Forces "ESPE"


Sangoquiza David


Ing Edison Lascano Ph.D

NRC: 14382

Sangolqui, February 28, 2024

Implementation of ChatGPT in the Understanding and Application of Fundamental
Concepts of Programming in students of the IT career at the University of the Armed
Forces "ESPE"
Problem Description.
Students of the Information Technology program at the University of the Armed Forces
"ESPE" face particular challenges in understanding and applying fundamental
programming concepts. Despite receiving rigorous academic training, some students may
experience difficulties assimilating abstract concepts and solving practical programming
problems. Additionally, factors such as workload, academic pressure, and time constraints
can contribute to a less effective learning experience.In this context, the need arises to
explore innovative methods that help improve the teaching and learning process of
programming among students of the Information Technology career at the University of
the Armed Forces "ESPE". It is crucial to find solutions that not only facilitate the
understanding of theoretical concepts, but also encourage the practical application of this
knowledge in real-world situations.offered.
General Objective
Evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of ChatGPT as an educational tool in
improving the understanding and application of fundamental programming concepts in
students of the Information Technology career at the University of the Armed Forces
Specific Objectives
• Evaluate the impact of ChatGPT on programming understanding, comparing test
results before and after the interaction.
• Investigar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la utilidad de ChatGPT a través
de encuestas y entrevistas.
• Analyze the quality of programs developed by students after using ChatGPT to
understand programming concepts.
• The results show a high acceptance among students towards ChatGPT as a support
tool in programming learning. With 80% of students rating the ease of use as
"easy" or "very easy" and 75% expressing satisfaction with the speed of response,
an overall positive perception towards the tool is evident.
• The majority of students reported a significant improvement in their
understanding of programming concepts thanks to ChatGPT, with 70% indicating
this improvement. Additionally, 80% of students expressed high levels of
confidence when using ChatGPT to resolve programming questions. These results
suggest a positive impact on students' confidence and competence in
• With 90% of students expressing their willingness to recommend the use of
ChatGPT to other students and 75% stating that ChatGPT contributed
significantly to their ability to apply programming concepts in practical projects,
there is widespread acceptance of the tool and its practical contribution to
programming education.
• The results indicate that the implementation of ChatGPT has had a significant
impact on the understanding and application of fundamental programming
concepts among students of the Information Technology program at the
University of the Armed Forces "ESPE". With a majority of students reporting an
improvement in their understanding of programming concepts and a high
willingness to recommend the use of ChatGPT to other students, the value of this
tool in improving programming learning is evident.
• The survey reveals that ChatGPT has been perceived as a useful and effective tool
for resolving programming questions and providing relevant feedback. With the
majority of students finding the feedback provided by ChatGPT useful in solving
programming problems and expressing high levels of confidence in using the tool,
its usefulness as an educational resource in teaching programming is confirmed.
• The results show that ChatGPT has positively contributed to students' confidence
and competence in programming. With a majority of students expressing high
levels of confidence in using ChatGPT to resolve programming questions and
reporting significant improvement in their ability to apply programming concepts
in practical projects, the tool's contribution to the development of practical skills
and preparation to face challenges in the field of programming.
• It is recommended to continue integrating ChatGPT as an educational tool in the
curriculum of the Information Technology degree at the University of the Armed
Forces "ESPE". This integration can be carried out systematically in different
courses and subjects related to programming, thus ensuring constant exposure of
students to the tool throughout their academic training.
• It is suggested to develop complementary resources and activities that take
advantage of ChatGPT capabilities to provide personalized and contextualized
feedback to students. These activities may include interactive programming
exercises, simulations of practical problems, and guided tutorials, specifically
designed to improve the understanding and application of programming concepts.
• It is important to provide ongoing training and support for both students and
teachers in the effective use of ChatGPT as an educational tool. This may include
initial training sessions on how to interact with the tool, as well as additional
resources and technical assistance to address any issues or questions that may arise
during use in the classroom. Additionally, the creation of communities of practice
can be encouraged where students and teachers can share experiences and best
practices in using ChatGPT for programming learning.

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