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The integration of artificial intelligence technologies, specifically chatbots, in

educational environments has opened new perspectives in teaching and
learning methods, particularly in technical disciplines such as computer
science. At the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, the use of chatbots in the Data
Structures course offers fertile ground to explore how these digital tools can influence
not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but also the development of crucial
practical skills. for computer science students. Despite the potential of chatbots
to provide more interactive and personalized learning, a debate persists
around their effectiveness and the balance between the benefits of their use
and the possibility of generating a technological dependency that could limit the
development of critical thinking and problem solving.

This study delves into the evaluation of the impact of chatbots on the learning and
development of practical skills in computer science students, with a specific focus
on the Data Structures course at the ESPE Armed Forces University. Through a
thorough analysis, we seek to decipher whether these virtual assistants facilitate a
deeper understanding of the fundamental concepts and practical applications
of data structures, or if, on the contrary, their use could hinder the autonomous
learning process and the development of essential computer skills.

To address these questions, the study combines qualitative and quantitative

methodologies to obtain a holistic view of the role of chatbots in the educational
environment. The existing literature is reviewed to contextualize the use of chatbots within
of computer science education, highlighting both technological and
pedagogical advances. Additionally, students' perceptions and academic
performance are examined, providing a detailed analysis that reflects the
complexity and multidimensionality of teaching and learning in the digital age.

The findings of this research have the potential to provide significant insights
into the effective integration of chatbots in higher education, especially in
technical courses that require both theoretical understanding and practical skill. By
highlighting both the benefits and challenges associated with the use of chatbots,
this study contributes to the development of more effective pedagogical strategies
that leverage artificial intelligence technologies to enrich the learning experience
in the field of computing.

Aiming to fill the gap in the current literature on the specific impact of chatbots on
learning data structures, this research not only
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seeks to clarify how these virtual assistants can improve or impede the educational
process, but also serve as a guide for future implementations of AI technologies in
computer science education, ensuring that their use is aligned with the
learning objectives and development of critical skills for students. students.

This paper is structured as follows: it begins with a literature review that establishes the
theoretical context and relevance of chatbots in computer science education.
Next, the methodology adopted to investigate its impact on data structure learning is
detailed. Then, the results obtained are presented, followed by a discussion that
links them with previous studies and relevant theories. Finally, we conclude with the
implications of these findings for educational practice and suggest directions for future
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Of course, here is a slightly expanded version of each explanation for each

slide, maintaining a coherent and linked flow:

Slide 1: Cover
"We begin with the title of our presentation: 'Impact of Chatbots on Learning
Data Structures', focused on a study carried out at the University of the
Armed Forces ESPE. This work addresses the revolution that artificial
intelligence technologies, specifically "Chatbots are taking place in the field of
computer science education, promising significant transformations in the way
complex concepts such as data structures are taught and learned."

Slide 2: Table of Contents

"This is the itinerary of our exploration today. We will begin by introducing the topic
and background that motivated our research. Then, we will delve into the research
problem we set out to solve, define our objectives, formulate our hypothesis, and
discuss the research gap we "We have identified. We will continue with the
structure of our document, where each section contributes to a comprehensive
understanding of our study, and we will end with our conclusions and the references
that support our research."

Slide 3: Introduction to the Topic

"We take the first step in our journey by exploring the emerging role of
chatbots in the field of computer science education. We particularly focus on how
these virtual assistants can be powerful tools to enhance both theoretical
understanding and the development of practical skills in such courses.
fundamentals such as data structures, placing our study in the context of an
education that constantly seeks innovation and effectiveness."

Slide 4: Background
"Chatbots are at the forefront of the educational revolution, offering new ways
to interact with study material. Their ability to provide instant and personalized
responses presents a unique opportunity for technical teaching, especially in
complex and challenging fields such as the
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data structures in computing. This scenario led us to question how these tools are
effectively changing teaching and learning methods."

Slide 5: Research Problem

"We find ourselves facing a dual scenario: on the one hand, chatbots have the
potential to revolutionize computer education; on the other, doubts arise about
whether they really contribute to meaningful learning or if, on the contrary, they
could foster a technological dependency that limits intellectual development
and problem-solving skills. This ambiguity represents the heart of our study and
guides our research."

Slide 6: Objectives
"Our study seeks to unravel the complexity of this scenario, critically evaluating
the impact of chatbots not only on the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but
also on the development of practical skills indispensable for computer science
students, with a particular focus on the Data Structures course."

Slide 7: Hypothesis
"We hypothesize that the strategic and well-integrated use of chatbots within the
Data Structures curriculum can significantly enrich the learning process, facilitating
not only the understanding of complex concepts but also promoting the development
of critical skills necessary for future academic and professional of students."

Slide 8: Research Gap

"We identified a notable lack of specific research on the direct impact of chatbots on
effective Data Structures learning. This gap in the literature suggests an
urgent need for studies that closely examine how interaction with chatbots affects
the development of practical skills in computing, as well as the perception and
academic performance of students in technical educational environments."

Slide 9: Document Structure

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"Our research is meticulously structured to address these questions from multiple

perspectives. We begin with a literature review to establish a solid theoretical
framework. We then detail our methodology, which combines qualitative and
quantitative approaches to capture a complete picture of the impact of the chatbots.
We present the results of our study, discuss their significance in the broader context
of computer science education, and finally, offer conclusions that highlight the
practical and theoretical implications of our findings."

Slide 10: Conclusions

"We conclude that, while chatbots offer considerable potential to innovate the
teaching and learning of data structures, their effective implementation requires
careful consideration of pedagogical and technological challenges.
"Our study underscores the importance of a balanced approach that maximizes
the educational benefits of chatbots, while minimizing the risks of technological
dependency and ensuring that these virtual assistants adequately complement
existing teaching strategies."

Slide 11: References

"We conclude our presentation by highlighting the references that have formed the
basis of our research. Each source selected has been essential in building the
theoretical and empirical foundation of our study, ensuring that our
research is well supported and contributes significantly to the existing body of
knowledge on the use of chatbots in education."

This expanded version provides richer context and additional details for each part of
your presentation, ensuring your audience fully understands the importance and
scope of your research.

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