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The Operational Characteristics of a

Sodium Iodide Scintillation Counting System

as a Single-Channel Analyzer

W.-H. Wang

Abstract Introduction
Scintillation counters have widespread uses in The scintillation detector with a NaI crystal
measuring gamma rays and low-energy beta rays. doped with thallium [NaI(Tl)] as activation
The sodium iodide (NaI) scintillator has a high impurities is one of the best instruments for
attenuation coefficient for the interaction of counting gamma rays. The most prominent
gamma rays and gives high efficiency and good property of NaI(Tl) is its excellent light yield. The
resolution of gamma rays. When the analyzer of high atomic number of iodine in NaI results in
the counting system is in the differential mode, high efficiency for gamma ray detection. The best
both lower and upper discriminators are used and resolution achievable is about 7% for the 662-keV
the scintillation counting system is called a single gamma ray from Cs-137 for a 3-inch diameter by
channel analyzer (SCA). The primary application 3-inch long NaI crystal. Besides, NaI(Tl) is almost
of an SCA is to discriminate between a desired linear in its energy response.[1] It has come to be
radiation and other radiation that may be con- accepted as the standard scintillation material for
sidered noise. In this article, the principles and routine gamma ray spectroscopy. For a scintil-
components of a typical single channel analyzer lation counter, a gamma ray with a given energy
will be discussed. Also, five typical operating will deposit this energy in the NaI(Tl) crystal by
procedures will be described regarding: excitation and ionization. Only the amount of
excitation which causes electronic transitions to
1. determination of the operating voltage for the
excited states in the luminescent material is
photomultiplier (PM) tube;
proportional to the energy of the gamma ray. The
2. calibration of a spectrometer for excited states decay by emitting flashes of light
a particular gamma-ray energy; known as scintillation photons in 0.23 micro-
3. establishment of a differential spectrum of a second.[2] After the scintillation photons strike the
gamma-ray emitter; photocathode, photoelectrons are ejected at the
photocathode. Again, the number of photo-
4. computation of the energy resolution of the electrons is proportional to the energy of the
NaI detector; and gamma ray. Then the electrons are accelerated to a
5. calculation of the counting efficiency of the dynode. When the photo-multiplier tube is
single channel analyzer. operated at a high voltage, there will be multi-
plication of the photoelectrons. The degree of
multiplication depends upon the voltage applied.
The higher the voltage, the greater the
multiplication, and so the greater

28 Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003

the pulse size formed at the anode. The sizes of to eliminate a large number of small noise pulses
the pulses produced at the anode are usually on mainly from the photocathode. In the differential
the order of tens of millivolts. Since pulses within mode, two discriminators are used to establish an
this size range are too small for proper operation energy window in which the pulses must fall to be
of the counter which operates in the range of 0 to passed. The scintillation counter operating in the
10 volts, a linear amplifier is required. Therefore, differential mode is called a single channel
the sizes of the output pulses are directly analyzer (SCA). The main use of the SCA is to
proportional to the sizes of the input pulses. The measure one radioisotope in the presence of
output pulses are sorted according to size by an another, or to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio
analyzer before counting and thus gamma rays when measuring a low activity source in the
with different energies can be counted individual- presence of a significant background.[3]
ly. The analyzer has a base and an upper discrimi-
The essentials of an SCA consist of the
nator and can be operated in either integral or
NaI(Tl) detector, a high voltage power supply, a
differential mode. The sizes of pulses passed
depend on the discriminator settings. Only the
base discriminator is used in the integral mode. It
is set to block pulses below a certain size and also

Figure 1. Canberra scintillation counting system as a single-channel analyzer

Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003 29

linear amplifier, a pulse height analyzer, and a from the anode of the photomultiplier tube to
readout device. A typical SCA is shown in the pulse-shaping main amplifier such as
Figure 1. Canberra Model 2015A.
7. Two cesium-137 point sources were utilized.
One source of 370,000 disintegrations per
Experimental Apparatus
minute (dpm) on February 1, 1975 was used
1. Canberra Model 1000 Portable Bin/Power for the determination of the operating voltage.
Supply is used to provide mounting space and Another source of 7.0 µCi on December 23,
power sources for up to six standard nuclear 1976 was used for the energy calibration and
instrumentation module (NIM) widths. the Cs-137 spectrum. The activity of the
2. Canberra Model 3102D Power Supply is a calibration source must be carefully selected
high voltage power supply designed for in order to avoid the correction for the
operation with scintillation PM tube detectors. coincidence loss. When the counting rate is
The output voltage is regulated up to ± 2,000 about 400,000 counts per minute, the coinci-
VDC with 1 mA of output current capability. dence loss due to the resolving time of the
scintillation counter is not greater than one
3. Canberra Model 2015A AMP/ TSCA is a percent. If the count rate exceeds 600,000
combination of a spectroscopy amplifier with counts per minute, the surfaces of the dynodes
gated base line restoration and a timing single in the PM tube will be adversely affected. The
channel pulse height analyzer. In the SCA effect will be seen as a shift in gain and is
(single channel analyzer) mode of operation, a called fatigue.
logic signal output is generated whenever the
amplifier unipolar signal falls between the
energy levels determined by the front panel Determination of the Operating Voltage
controls (E and ∆E).
Most PM tubes commonly used with a NaI
4. Canberra Model 2071A Dual Counter Timer (Tl) crystal operate well in the 800-volt to 1,100-
is a preset timer and event counter under volt range. A good high voltage setting can be
normal operation. The Model 2071A obtained by plotting the integral count rate vs.
accommodates input counting rates of 100 high voltage curve with an analyzer in the integral
million counts per second for negative inputs mode. As a good rule of thumb, the operating
and 25 million counts per second for positive voltage should be selected relatively close to the
inputs. threshold voltage (within the lower 25% of the
plateau). Since the plateau curves for different
5. Canberra Model 802-3W Scintillation
gamma-emitting nuclides vary somewhat, the
Detector includes a 2-inch × 2-inch NaI (Tl)
operating potential must be determined
crystal, a photomultiplier tube, an internal
individually for each isotope used.[4] In order to
magnetic/light shield, and a chrome plated
obtain a good voltage curve, at least 30 minutes
aluminum housing. The crystal has a well
should elapse after each increase in voltage to
with dimensions of 0.656-inch in diameter
allow the PM tube to stabilize. This warm-up
and 1.546-inch in length. The Model 802-3W
period helps minimize the variations in output
has a 9% resolution specified at 662 keV of
voltage and ambient temperature due to the
voltage shifts in the PM tube. The operating
6. Canberra Model 2007P Photomultiplier Tube voltage should be chosen to avoid the rapidly
Base/Preamplifier contains a tube base, a rising thermal noise level at the higher voltages
voltage divider, a focus control, and a and to help preserve the life of the PM tube. The
preamplifier. The Model 2007P is designed operating voltage is determined on statistical
for compatibility with the Canberra Model grounds as that voltage where the ratio of the
802-3W scintillation detector. The
preamplifier integrates the charge impulse

30 Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003

Table/Chart 1. Result A

Determination of the Operating Voltage

Voltage Gross BKG Net (Gross)2 /
(volts) (cpm) (cpm) (cpm) BKG
400 30 28 2 32
450 75 57 18 99
500 31,709 89 31,620 11,297,311
550 43,720 142 43,578 13,460,834
600 59,430 207 59,223 17,062,439
650 67,912 234 67,678 19,709,572
700 72,194 260 71,934 20,046,052
750 75,494 269 75,225 21,187,153
800 85,725 273 85,452 26,918,592
850 86,946 284 86,662 26,618,334
900 87,762 290 87,472 26,559,202
950 88,717 302 88,415 26,061,941
1,000 90,310 313 89,997 26,057,176
1,050 92,217 393 91,824 21,638,613
1,100 94,048 853 93,195 10,369,316
* Gross: gross sample count rate in count per minute
** BKG: background count rate in count per minute
*** Net: net count rate in count per minute = (Gross - BKG)

Plot of Integral Count Rate vs. High Voltage

count rate (cpm)




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
voltage (volts)

Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003 31

square of the gross sample count rate to the total energy of 662 keV is chosen for the calibration. A
background count rate is at maximum.[5] window can be established using the base and
upper discriminators. This window must be wide
enough to allow a narrow range in pulse sizes to
Typical Operating Procedure get through, but not too wide or the calibration
1. Use a Cs-137 source and set the analyzer in will be inaccurate. A window about 20 divisions
the integral/normal mode. For integral wide is usually acceptable. This window should
counting, a separate signal cable should be be placed on the division scale of the base
attached to the connector labeled “DISC” on discriminator so that a division will correspond to
the rear panel of the AMP/TSCA module and a gamma ray with a given energy. For this
the connector labeled “A-IN” on the front experiment, the base discriminator should be set at
panel of the DUAL COUNTER TIMER 652 and with a 20-division window and so the
(Figure 1). center is at 662. With this analyzer setup, pulses
with a size between 6.52 and 6.72 volts will pass
2. Set the base discriminator at 30 to eliminate through this window. A calibration plot of Cs-137
the noise pulses from the PM tube. is also established to provide the complete
3. Set the coarse gain and fine gain at 8 and 500, information on the shape of the photopeak and
respectively. help confirm the discriminator settings.

4. Start the counter and increase the voltage until

counts are registered. Typical Operating Procedure
5. Set the voltage at the nearest 50-volt value 1. Set the high voltage at the operating voltage.
where counts are registered.
2. Set the analyzer in the differential/window
6. Take a one-minute count and repeat at 50-volt mode. For differential mode, a separate signal
increments. Stop at 1,100 volts. cable should be attached to the connector
7. Repeat the above procedures without the labeled “SCA” on the front panel of the
source to determine the background. AMP/TSCA and the connector labeled “A-
IN” on the front panel of the Dual COUNTER
8. Determine the operating voltage from the TIMER (Figure 1).
3. Set the upper discriminator to operate in the 1
9. Plot the net integral counts on the ordinate V range and establish a 0.2 V window. Set the
versus the operating voltage on the abscissa of base discriminator at 712.
linear graph paper. Draw a best fit curve.
4. Set the coarse gain and fine gain at 8 and 500,
Results 5. Place a Cs-137 source on the detector and
Results for this typical operating procedure are start counting. Decrease the fine gain until
shown in Table/Chart 1 (result A). From the almost no counts are registered. Record the
experimental data, 800-volt was selected as the coarse and fine gain settings.
operating voltage. 6. Slowly increase voltage until scaler registers
counts. Record the voltage setting.

Energy Calibration 7. Reset window twenty units lower and repeat

process until the photopeak is defined by data
Single Channel Analyzer using ten-second counts.
A single channel analyzer (SCA) must be 8. Adjust fine gain to position peak at 652 units.
calibrated before performing any sorting of the Since the photopeak is almost symmetrical,
pulse sizes produced in the analyzer. A cesium- the highest count should be at 652 with the
137 source that emits gamma rays with a known counts at 632 and 672 being lower and nearly

32 Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003

equal. The settings at 612 and 692 should also From the above Cs-137 spectrum, the FWHM
give nearly equal counts. It will be very is approximate 60 keV. Therefore,
helpful to have a published Cs-137 spectrum
at hand to locate the photopeak of 662 keV % resolution = × 100
photopeak energy
gamma rays.
60 keV
= × 100
9. Start at a base discriminator of 12. 662 keV
= 9.1%
10. Take a one-minute count.
11. Raise the base 20 divisions and repeat the which is almost identical to the guaranteed
count. FWHM value from the manufacturer’s data. This
ensures that consumers are not misled by the
12. Continue this procedure until the count rate advertisements of the detector manufacturers.
has dropped significantly.
13. Remove the Cs-137 source and measure the
background spectrum with the same settings. Counting Efficiency

14. Correct the counts in the Cs-137 spectrum for After the analyzer has been calibrated for the
background. desired energy range and the spectrum of the Cs-
137 to be counted is known, the relative counting
15. Plot the net count rate of Cs-137 on the efficiency of the NaI detector should be
ordinate versus the base discriminator setting determined using a calibrated source. Counting
on the abscissa of linear graph paper. efficiency can be calculated using the ratio of the
16. Draw a smooth curve through the points. net count rate to the absolute activity of a
Check to ensure the peak is at 652. radionuclide. The geometry of the detector and
source arrangements must be fixed in order to
have a constant counting efficiency.
Results for this typical operating procedure are Typical Operating Procedure
shown in Table 2 on the following page (result
B).When the coarse-gain and fine-gain settings 1. Use Cs-137 as a calibrated gamma source.
were 8 and 50 individually, there were almost no 2. Set the coarse gain and fine gain as
counts registered. The scaler started registering determined previously (8 and 337,
counts when the voltage was increased to 820 respectively in this case).
3. Set the high voltage as determined previously
(820 volts in this case).
Resolution 4. Set the analyzer in the differential mode.
The quality of a given scintillation counting 5. Choose a window of 0.2 V which straddles
system is often characterized by the magnitude of the photopeak for the source.
its energy resolution. The system resolution is a
measure of the photopeak sharpness. Resolution is 6. Take five successive one-minute counts
defined as the ratio of the full width at half- 7. Calculate the average count rate.
maximum (FWHM) of the full energy peak
(called the “photopeak” when dealing with photon 8. Calculate the current absolute activity.
detectors) to the energy midpoint of the full 9. Calculate the counting efficiency.
energy peak.[3] Thus, the resolution is dimen-
sionless fraction conventionally expressed as a
percentage. With a small resolution, the detector is
able to separate two radiations whose energies are
close together.

Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003 33

Table 2. Result B
Energy Calibration (count per ten seconds)

Fine Gain Setting on the Amplifier

Base* 50 400 200 300 330 340 336 338 337

712 367 56,565 1,170 2,053 4,307 7,085 5,610 6,300 6,032

692 452 42,970 1,307 3,290 13,462 22,158 18,118 19,585 19,362

672 480 20,158 1,422 8,915 36,873 48,672 44,732 46,717 46,088

652 627 9,312 1,548 28,630 60,798 61,677 61,917 61,708 61,753

632 702 3,493 1,795 57,822 53,283 41,412 46,878 44,050 45,092

612 838 2,193 2,345 60,353 25,363 16,235 19,525 17,905 18,648

592 1,028 2,185 4,705 31,520 7,838 5,053 6,037 5,375 5,442

* Base: base discriminator setting

** instrument settings: high voltage = 820 volts; coarse gain = 8

From the above experimental data, the optimal operating conditions for this counting system are coarse gain of 8,
fine gain of 337, and high voltage of 820 volts.
Determination of Cs-137 Spectrum (counts per minute)

Base Gross BKG Net Base Gross BKG Net

12 128,918 11 128,907 412 47,474 6 47,468

32 451,605 7 451,598 432 40,508 5 40,503

52 96,787 9 96,778 452 33,004 3 33,001

72 87,337 11 87,326 472 26,526 2 26,524

92 83,560 15 83,545 492 21,200 1 21,199

112 83,764 10 83,754 512 17,466 1 17,465

132 84,775 14 84,761 532 14,962 3 14,959

152 86,113 12 86,101 552 13,727 5 13,722

172 96,574 19 96,555 572 15,528 2 15,526

192 121,525 10 121,515 592 32,203 4 32,199

212 113,595 13 113,582 612 107,993 6 107,987

232 95,849 9 95,840 632 265,204 3 265,201

252 86,349 12 86,337 652 369,256 1 369,255

272 79,594 4 79,590 672 276,896 3 276,893

292 75,554 4 75,550 692 118,188 2 118,186

312 71,361 7 71,354 712 37,268 2 37,266

332 68,855 8 68,847 732 16,031 4 16,027

352 64,682 4 64,678 752 11,379 0 11,379

372 60,346 5 60,341 772 9,402 1 9,401

392 54,175 6 54,169 792 8,387 2 8,385

* instrument settings: high voltage = 820 volts; coarse gain = 8; fine gain = 337

See also Chart B on following page.

34 Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003

Chart 2. Result B

Cs-137 Spectrum
count rate (cpm)




0 200 400 600 800 1000
base discriminator setting

A = A0 e -λt
The data of five successive one-minute counts dis
are follows: 3.7 × 10 4
= 7.0 µCi × sec
Gross BKG Net
− 0.693
(cpm) (cpm (cpm) 60 sec 30yr
× 21.9yr
× ×e
) 1 min
365,378 1 365,377 = 9,370,134
376,941 3 376,938
363,190 4 363,186 where:
371,007 1 371,006 A is the amount of activity left after time t;
357,600 3 357,597 A0 is the initial quantity of activity;
Average =
366,823 λ is the transformation constant (= 0.693 / half-
cpm life ); and
t is the decay time.

The activity of Cs-137 was 7.0 µCi on

December 23, 1976 and the half-life of Cs-137 Therefore,
is 30 years (U.S. Public Health Service, 1970,
p.303). The test was performed on November
20, 1998. The activity of Cs-137 on the test
date was obtained using the decay equation

Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003 35

counting efficiency = 6. Radiological Health Handbook, Revised ed.,
366,823 count U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare,
min × 100%
9,370,134 dis
Public Health Service, Rockville, M.D., 1970.
= 3.9%
The Author
Conclusion Wei-Hsung Wang received his MS in
Following this operational, step-by-step Environmental Health Engineering from
procedure, a complete setup and calibration for an Northwestern University, and his BS in Geology
SCA has been demonstrated. There are many from National Taiwan University. He is currently
different types of detectors and nuclear instrument a PhD candidate at Purdue University. In his
modules (NIMs) from various vendors. However, native Taiwan, he served the Ministry of National
the basic principles and operation of an SCA Defense within its occupational health and safety
apply to all. For different isotopes, the operating control program. He also worked as Research
procedures are similar to those for Cs-137 only Associate for the Research, Development, and
with slight modification on the base discriminator Evaluation Commission to examine the nuclear
setting. safety regulations for the Atomic Energy Council.
Previous work experience includes a position as
Environmental Health Consultant for Cendai
References Industrial Company Ltd. In the United States, he
served both Northwestern University and Purdue
1. Turner, J.E., Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation University in their respective radiation health and
Protection. New York: John Wiley & Sons, industrial hygiene laboratories, and he has been a
Inc., 1995. teaching assistant while pursuing his graduate
2. Knoll, G.F., Radiation Detection and studies. In Illinois, he also worked for Landauer,
Measurement. New York: John Wiley & Inc. as Research and Development Technologist.
Sons, Inc., 1989. Mr. Wang is a plenary member of the Health
Physics Society and a full member of the
3. Cember, H., Introduction to Health Physics. American Industrial Hygiene Association.
New York: Pergamon Press, 1990.
School of Health Sciences
4. Wang, C.H. and Willis, D.L., Radiation 1338 Civil Engineering Building
Methodology in Biological Science. Purdue University
Englewood Cliff, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., West Lafayette, IN 47907-1338
1965. Phone: 765/494-1530
5. Wang, C.H., Willis, D.L., and Loveland, Fax: 765/496-1377
W.D., Radiotracer Methodology in the e-mail:
Biological, Environmental, and Physical
Sciences. Englewood Cliff, N.J.: Prentice-
Hall, Inc., 1975.

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36 Radiation Protection Management ▪ Volume 20, No. 5 ▪ 2003

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