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One day a girl named Vann,a graduated student onced lived on a countryside with her Mom named

Carel and her dad named Alldine. Her life changed when she was looking for a job. She did some
research on a Facebook to see if there was any available jobs, then she saw a company that hires a
waitress so she picked that job.
She texted the owner of a company and then few hours passed she got accepted, she then telled to her
parents with excitement saying "Mom! Dad! I got hired as a waitress in the US" her mom replied
"thats great dear but are you sure that you can do this? The US is very far away and everything is
high tech on there" Vann replied "Oh mom I'm 29 I can do this and whats wrong about high techs
stuff like that i just need to get used to it", then her parents talked about it and they agreed, they were
supporting vann with the money for the flight to the US. When she was ready to go she was filled
with exitement and joy but a little bit sad beacouse she was leaving the country side and her parents.
When she got there her mom was right everywhere she looked was all high tech so what she did was
first go to the company thet she got hired in to then she was asked to fill out the form and she was
shoked becouse in filling out the form it was on an ipad she got clueless on how to use it but luckily
the manager was so kind so she try to help her with it. When the filling out the form was done she
then rented an apartment so she could sleep into. A day passes she was ready to start her first day of
her job. A few years passed when she got a hang of the technologies, she went back home to visit the
countryside. When she finally set foot to the countyside the atmosphere changed, because on the city
it was all so loud but in the countryside was so peacefull and quiet, When she got to her house
everything changed to her, instead of fancy fastfood restaurants there was a simple and small
"kalenderya" instead of busses and taxis there was "kalesas" and "carabao". Then she rode a kalesa
into he house. Her family shocked and cried becouse they finnaly saw her again. When she came
home she became dramatic beacouse of the new environment, when her mom was preparing lunch
for her she looked disgusted even though her mom always cook that for her. When her father finds
out he was really disappointed so what he did so her father was planning to take her daughter for a
kalesa ride and drove around the countryside. When she agreed they prepared the horse and vann also
came prepared, she wore a fancy clothes but her father disagreed of her wearing the fancy clothes
becouse her father was used to see her wearing a classic clothes so her father suggested to wore a
classic clothes, vann was pissed but she still follows orders to her father. When vann came back, they
started their journey tothe countryside so vann could get used to the village. After all of that her
father tried to ask her if she could help her ..,...

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