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Brain Disorders 1 (2021) 100008

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Gamification and game-based education in neurology and neuroscience:

Applications, challenges, and opportunities
Stefano Sandrone a,∗, Chad Carlson b
Department of Brain Sciences, Imperial College London, Du Cane Road, London W120NN, United Kingdom
Department of Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: The role of games in education continues to evolve. The integration of game-based learning with technology has
Neurologic education become more common and contributed to a growing body of literature promoting the use of game-based learn-
Neurology education ing techniques. However, it is only recently that these approaches have been applied to the realm of medical
Neuroscience education
education. Here, we review the evidence supporting game-based learning in undergraduate and graduate med-
Active learning
ical education and in neurology education. Moreover, we discuss challenges and opportunities for neurologic
Gaming curricular implementation and explore applications in clinical settings. The potential for leveraging game-based
Gamebased education learning might represent a chance to seize for neurology and neuroscience.
Curriculum design
Clinical reasoning
Flipped classroom

Introduction rendered by expressions such as ‘game-based learning’ and ‘gamifica-

tion of learning’. From a mere theoretical perspective, these approaches
Playing is an archetypical activity and games of various natures are can be placed under the umbrella term of active learning, an emerging
part of our life from the very beginning [1]. Within the educational educational trend aimed at engaging learners and favouring knowledge
context, game-based education and gamification of learning are now es- application over knowledge acquisition [6,7]. It indicates the shift from
tablished approaches in several science, technology, engineering, and a traditional teacher-centric approach, where an expert imparts teach-
math disciplines [2–4]. The concept of gaming and competition being ing activities ex-cathedra [6,8,9], to a learner-centred approach [7].
valuable in learning is not unknown to medical education. However, it
is only recently that these approaches have entered the realm of medical
education. In this manuscript, we review the evidence supporting game- Applications in medical education
based learning in undergraduate and graduate medical education and in
neurology education. Moreover, we discuss challenges and opportuni- The use of game-based learning is not entirely new to medical educa-
ties for neurologic curricular implementation and explore applications tion. Many schools and graduate medical education training programs
in clinical settings. worldwide organize quiz-show events or similar competitions, although
these are often done on an ad hoc basis. Even a simple neuroscience-
related quiz-show question or poll can be employed to introduce or con-
Game-based learning and gamification of learning clude a teaching session [7]. Although many of these informal sessions
have little, if any, data to support their actual benefit nor educational
Definition and theoretical underpinning studies assessing inter-sites validity, there is a growing body of literature
to support the use of game-based learning techniques, as discussed be-
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word gamifica- low. As interest in active learning grows [7], game-based learning might
tion refers to ‘the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. follow a similar trend.
point scoring, competition with others, rule of play) to other areas of The internal medicine residency program at Birmingham and
activity, typically as an online marketing technique to encourage en- Huntsville developed a novel, game-based competitive question-based
gagement with a product or service’ [5]. A similar concept can also be program [10]. This web-based software program delivered roughly two
questions per day to residents who chose to participate, and an online

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Sandrone).
Received 24 November 2020; Received in revised form 16 February 2021; Accepted 16 February 2021
Available online 24 February 2021
2666-4593/© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Sandrone and C. Carlson Brain Disorders 1 (2021) 100008

leader board showed their progress compared to their peers [10]. This ous Medical Education (CME). In one of the first studies performed at
intervention was assessed based on knowledge retention (through re- the beginning of the past decade, thirty-two family physicians and three
peated questions), participation and acceptance. It has been considered senior family medicine residents were randomly allocated to either a
an enhancement of the educational experience among internal medicine game-based or case-based group following a presentation on stroke care
residents, although they heavily used it during the weekend (28.8% of [18]. The performance on a knowledge assessment was similar for both
questions answered within this time frame) or between 5 pm and 8 am groups; however, participants in the game-based session reported in-
(when over half of the items answered) [10]. This flexibility might come creased satisfaction with the learning experience even three months af-
at a high price, given the risk of eroding their already limited free time ter the end of the CME groups. The game-based group had higher num-
and potentially negatively impacting the residents’ mental health. Fur- bers of ‘strongly agree’ responses for virtually all satisfaction elements
thermore, overall engagement needs to be sustained over time as the (except for whether it was a useful way to learn material which was the
overall participation went down across the three rounds of competition same for both groups). Based on those responses, the game-based ap-
(starting with 92 in round 1 and ending with 55 in round 3). proach favoured more discussion and interaction at group-level while
But gamification of learning can also constitute an incentive for par- generating interest in a future similar CME event [18].
ticipation. In a study of urology and surgery residents, only three resi- Interactivity can also be promoted via a multiplayer role-playing
dents used the simulator when offered the opportunity for the first seven game. Mimycx, sponsored by the American Association of Colleges of
weeks of their trial (during which time no game-based elements were Pharmacy, is a recently piloted online, multiplayer role-playing game
present) [11]. In contrast, twenty-one residents utilized the simulator with interactive quests featuring ‘avatars engaged in virtual adventures
after a competition with monetary prizes was announced. Coupling the that are case-based and health-related’ [19]. This platform encourages
simulator with a gamification element and a financial reward boosted social interaction, communication and teamwork via a combination of
residents’ engagement in relation to the use of the simulator [11]. chat options and verbal functionalities, and has been used in their Psy-
Gamification has been implemented in the setting of undergradu- chiatry/Neurology course and the Healthcare Communication course
ate medical education. In a small, controlled trial, a gamified module [19]. Although the focus of this module was not on primary neurologic
teaching otorhinolaryngology concepts were tested against a traditional concepts, but rather communication, it nonetheless highlights broad po-
PowerPoint show [12]. The game-based module involved moving a tential applications of gamification even in more substantial learning
character on the screen to obtain learning materials and then collect circumstances (in this case, seventy-nine pharmacy students). Notably,
relevant information. The investigators found that satisfaction scores between the first “quest” and the second “quest”, attitudes of the stu-
were higher for game-based education. Still, no difference was reported dents worsened, with more students having negative feelings about the
in the knowledge gain (based upon scores on multiple-choice pre- and Mimycx system. The authors do note that, at the time of their study,
post-tests) between the two learning methods [12]. Performance on a the system was still in a beta testing stage [19]; therefore, some of the
multimedia-based situational test designed to assess overall competence technical concerns raised by students may be addressed in future itera-
was lower in the group that underwent game-based education [12]. tions. The more negative perceptions of some students reported in this
Somewhat in contrast, Granger et al. reported successful improvements work are surprisingly in contrast to most investigations analyzing game-
in critical appraisal skills for a group of nurses utilizing a web-based, based learning and active learning. However, while this specific aspect
self-paced educational game aimed at teaching statistical concepts cen- highlights the importance of addressing technical factors in technology-
tered around literature review [13]. focused game-based learning, it offers the possibility to discuss how per-
ceived challenges, or difficulties, can be educationally exploited to in-
Applications in neurologic and neuroscience education crease the students’ experience by embracing the flexibility offered by
Education in the principles of neurology is necessary for all levels of
health care practitioners. Neurophobia has been discussed as a challenge Challenges and opportunities for curricular implementation
in medical student education for decades, and the fear of neurology is
undoubtedly not limited only to physicians and physicians in training Gamification offers a broad range of options to tackle a number of
[14,15]. The potential benefits and incentives of gamification, including applications with potential for improved accessibility [20]. Game-based
peer-support and competition, may even address some of the challenges approaches have the potential to be used both as a training tool and as a
surrounding neurophobia. summative or formative assessment in neurology education. In its sim-
Gamification does not necessarily require expensive technological plest form, an easily implementable gamification element for the neu-
devices. In fact, a low-tech gamified strategy has been piloted with nurs- rology curriculum can be a digital multiple-choice question quiz show
ing students at the University of Alabama during the study of the cra- game. This can be played either individually or in teams to assess knowl-
nial nerves, which are foundational neurological aspects in the broader edge and collaborative skills. As the gamification element taps on the
curricular economy: learners had to guess the term described by team- competitive nature of the learners, it can be exploited to ‘put to the test’
mates without seeing the term to be guessed [16]. Students enjoyed the the collaborative skills among the team. In more details, a random team-
experience and the stress-free learning situation, but the retention of allocation may favour the development of collaborative skills among
knowledge was not quantified [16]. On a similar low-tech note, a game residents and fellows whereas a ‘blind’ topic allocation (i.e. only sec-
called the ‘neurological Hat Game’ has been adopted in Paris to teach onds before the start of the game) can prevent strategic learning of the
neurological semiology [17]. Intending to guess the highest number of tested material. While some data exist to guide the optimal design of
answers, two teams of medical students (second year) played against these game-based learning platforms as was discussed above, there is a
each other with a deck of cards featuring a neurological sign or a symp- wide gap in the optimal approach in neurology education whether at
tom to be guessed thanks to a clue-giver member, in a series of rounds the undergraduate or graduate medical education level.
of increasing difficulties [17]. ‘Hat Game’ has been used to complement Similar to the flipped classroom approach, foundational elements
lecturer-centred courses to teach neurological semiology to a group of might be easier to test with a gamification approach [21,22]. As re-
107 students [17]. They completed multiple-choice questions and a self- viewed above, procedural learning can benefit from gamification, pro-
administered survey and described themselves as ‘very satisfied’ with vided an alignment between the set of skills to be learnt and the imple-
the new teaching approach. However, randomized work is needed to mentation is in place. In both cases, an educational alignment between
replicate this finding [17]. the learning outcomes and the games needs to be established before-
Game-based implementation is not limited to undergraduate and hand, equally for knowledge and skills learning [23]. Sharing this ra-
graduate medical education, but has been piloted for stroke Continu- tionale with the students might maximize their learning experience. As

S. Sandrone and C. Carlson Brain Disorders 1 (2021) 100008

Fig. 1. Perceived barriers and potential solutions for residents and fellows, faculty and educators.
witnessed by the applications above, technology is not a strictly nec- creating training or educational resources and by sharing these (i.e., by
essary condition, although it can be used if allowed by the resources uploading them to existent repositories like MedEdPORTAL). Moreover,
available within a specific teaching context. this can offer an unprecedented, multi-centric platform to conduct an
In addition to the benefits mentioned above in relation to medical educational study on the effectiveness of games in neurology education
and neurologic education, gamification and game-based education come across countries worldwide.
with challenges and opportunities (Fig. 1). Several of these are shared Regarding the evidence substantiating game-based approaches, fur-
by active learning approaches, such as the flipped classroom model [7]. ther studies with larger sample size and appropriate control groups need
Game-based education can support the design and the adoption of tools to be performed. Outcome assessments need to assess not only the re-
allowing the delivery of educational content in time-constrained edu- action and learning (short term), but also the higher-order outcomes as
cational settings and/or coupled to strategies that can reduce training described by Kirkpatrick of behaviour and results [24]. Neuroscience-
costs. based approaches to game design are developing [25], but several as-
On the learners’ side, poor compliance with expected responsibili- pects still need to be improved, not only in game design, but also con-
ties and increased preparation time might be potential barriers. While cerning other methodological elements. For example, self-referentiality
the gamification element is designed to engage the students, its flexi- can be a significant risk for educational games, as they have a cross-
bility, coupled with the learner-centred nature of this approach, might disciplinary nature, but relies heavily on single-disciplinary contexts for
erode the already small amount of free time residents and fellows have. reports testing the validity and reliability [26]. Game-based approaches
The potential negative impacts of the loss of personal time could con- showed great potential to blend the learning process between real world
tribute to burnout among physicians. Ways to mitigate these effects, and game world while promoting problem-solving skills [3]. Still, few
whether through innovative design to minimize time demands, rewards studies exist on knowledge and skill retention in the long term. There-
for completion that “reimburse” time, or curricular designs that build fore, future works will have to systematically improve shared, replica-
time in the workday for completing the learning assignments, will need ble game design based on robust research method [3] and define the dy-
to be sought and, ultimately, investigated to establish effectiveness. Fur- namic played by extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation of the learners [27] and
thermore, course directors, program directors and educational working how to sustain this along with the training speciality.
groups have to identify the contents that may be better suited for game-
based approaches while defining protected contexts where traditional The transdisciplinary potential of gamification
models might be ideal, largely due to external constraints.
On the faculty side, obstacles include the need to train staff and fa- Translating evidence from neuroscience to education
cilitators, but also the time and resources needed to develop new curric-
ula, or new curricular portions to be ‘gamified’. These challenges may On a neuroscience-related note, one of the most popular results in
be further impacted by the possible lack of familiarity with educational several publication repositories is a study at the edge between neuro-
adult learning theories and methods among members of the teaching science and medical education, which investigated the impact of gami-
team. However, the lack of in-house resources can be compensated by fication of learning on the brain, which seems to ‘deactivate’ the default

S. Sandrone and C. Carlson Brain Disorders 1 (2021) 100008

mode network, usually active at rest or when not engaged in a cogni- Declaration of Competing Interest
tive task [28]. This work highlights the importance of applying cogni-
tive neuroscience and neurology findings to education, even for what Dr. S Sandrone receives royalties from Oxford University Press
concerns technology-enhanced learning [29], to identify biomarkers or (USA).
correlates of students’ engagement during learning activity [28,30]. On Dr. C Carlson has nothing to disclose.
a more specific note, this has already been piloted with the oscillatory
EEG, which has been used to ‘track’ attention, motivation and vigilance
during game-based learning [31]. From a more general perspective, this References
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