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1st dhyana 2nd dhyana 3rd dhyana 4th dhyana

Arhat/Ignorant Bodhisattva/Mea Tathata/Suchness Tathagata


1st, 2nd, 3rd 4th emptiness of 5th Emptiness of work 6th Emptiness of all
emptiness no work The first and second egoless things
are also illusory. As if it
appears. From here starts the
deity yoga or any ritual. Devine

Clearing the 1st Clearing 2nd ego Moon Moon and sun

In the first Om svabhava shuddha sarva Om ye dharma

meditation, good to dharma svabhava shuddho
tell people to focus Ham
on 4 dharma seal
and 12 links and
123 emptiness

1. Lakshana sunyata - Emptiness of individual marks

Individual marks - you don't describe, no words, the mind does not move, it just appears, there
is no name. This is the meaning of individual marks.
General marks - you describe - it is such a beautiful lady, the name is like that - you can
describe. You discriminate, you imagine. What is known to you
2. Bhavasvabhava sunyata - Emptiness of self-nature
Emptiness of self-existence. Emptiness of self-substance. Emptiness of self-nature
Do we see things as they are, or we imagine?
Here we do not analyze, but we have to see straight away the mirror.
From the perspective of the mirror there is no birth, no death, no arising.
Non-dual - there is no good without bad, far and near - you need to compare, good is because
of bad. As if something is born.
Whatever is in your emotional state or thinking, the “unborn” mind never changes.
1-3 prepares you for clearing the first ego.

3. Apracarita sunyata - Emptiness of no-work - from 1st, 2nd and 3rd emptiness you
arrive at the 4th. Aggregates, elements of self and its external world are always at peace
- Nirvana. First focus on your body and mind. Don't go to the external world first.
This is the truth for the Arhats. When the aggregates are always in nirvana, relative truth
is also in nirvana. So the relative truth is absolute truth - both truths are one single
reality. Relative truth is also in nirvana.

4. Pracarita sunyata - Emptiness of work - devoid of ego and its belongings, meaning
ego of self is composed of discriminative ego and the innate ego in the 7th
consciousness, which comes from 8th consciousness and you perceive the world and
there is this I. This belongings are your body, property, children, etc. Devoid of the 1st
ego is without 5 aggregates.Spontaneous presence Bodhisattva knows this type of
emptiness, they are proactive.
2 types of egolessness - 1. of self, and 2. of things

5. Sarvadharma-nirabhilapya-sunyata - Emptiness of all things

* all things means (1st, second, third dharma) (the appearance, the names, words,
discrimination is falsely imagined, you can't use words to express this state) - this is what
is in your mind, they are falsely imagined. Your plans and future is unpredictable. You
know that there are many consciousnesses in the ocean of energy and they are all
interconnect and interact.If you arrive at that point it is easy to handle your habit energy.
This is the 2nd type of egolessness - ego of things.

6. Paramartharyajnana-mahasunyata - Emptiness of its highest sense - about the

habit energy, no trace of it. Bodhisattvas have a constant aspiration and are blessed by
Buddha - they work this way and never give up. They are in Samadhi and primordial
pureness and they still work, building their strengths. This is the emptiness of

7. Itaretara sunyata - Emptiness of mutuality

Emptiness of mutual exclusion. Emptiness of Reciprocity. Emptiness of mutuality which is

They have learned something from their memory. In the present contact the memory
comes and they compare, they say it (my husband is not here, this will have
consequences) what they have learned and the present contact. You must be in certain
contact to do that.
(if we explain like that we can keep this sunyata at first place, if we have this
understanding that everything appears from the mind. This is about turbidity of affliction,
the mind is very busy, worry, anxiety - may be you are very happy maybe you are very

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