Chapter 2 - Testing Throughout of SDLC - Question

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Question 1: Which of the following characteristics of good
testing apply to any software development life cycle model:
A. Acceptance testing is always the final test level to be applied.
B. All test levels are planned and completed for each developed feature.
C. Testers are involved as soon as the first piece of code can be executed.
D. For every development activity there is a corresponding testing activity.

Question 2: What is important to do when working with

software development models:
A. To adapt the models to the context of project and product characteristics.
B. To choose the waterfall model because it is the first and best proven model.
C. To start with the V-model and then move to either iterative or incremental models.
D. To only change the organisation to fit the model and not vice versa.

Question 3: What are the good practices for testing within the
development life cycle?
A. Testers will start to get involved as soon as coding is done.
B. Early test analysis and design.
C. A and B above.
D. Different test levels are defined with specific objectives.

Question 4: Which option best describes objectives for test

levels with a life cycle model?
A. The objectives of a test level don't need to be defined in advance.
B. Objectives are the same for each test level.
C. Each level has objectives specific to that level.
D. Objectives should be generic for any test level.

Question 5: Beta testing is:
A. Useful to test bespoke software or Useful to test software developed for a specific customer
or user.
B. Performed by customers at their own site
C. Performed by customers at their software developer’s site
D. Performed by an independent test team

Question 6: Which of the following is a true statement regarding the process of fixing
emergency changes?
A. There is no time to test the change before it goes live, so only the best developers should do
this work and should not involve testers as they slow down the process.
B. Just run the retest of the defect actually fixed.
C. Always run a full regression test of the whole system in case other parts of the system have
been adversely affected.
D. Retest the changed area and then use risk assessment to decide on a reasonable subset of the
whole regression test to run in case other parts of the system have been adversely affected.

Question 7: Non-functional testing includes:
A. Testing a system feature using only the software required for that function.
B. Testing to see where the system does not function correctly.
C. Testing the quality attributes of the system including reliability and usability.
D. Gaining user approval for the system.

Question 8: A regression test:

A. Will check changed areas of the software to see if they have been affected.
B. Is only run once.
C. Will check unchanged areas of the software to see if they have been affected.
D. Will always be automated.

Question 9: Which of the following is a non-functional quality

A. Usability
B. Regression
C. Maintenance
D. Feasibility 5
Question 10: Which of these is a functional test?
A. Measuring response time on an on-line booking system.
B. Checking the on-line bookings screen information and the database contents against the
information on the letter to the customers.
C. Checking how easy the system is to use.
D. Checking the effect of high volumes of traffic in a call-center system.

Question 11: Which of the following is a test type?

A. Acceptance testing
B. Component testing
C. Functional testing
D. System testing

Question 12: Which of the following describes how testing
activities can occur in parallel with development activities?
A. Test specification
B. Test execution
C. Quality standards
D. V-model

Question 13: In iterative development models which of the

following is true?
A. Regression testing is not important on all iterations after the first one
B. Regression testing is less important on all iterations after the first one
C. Regression testing is increasingly important on all iterations after the first one
D. Regression testing is not done on iterations after the first one

Question 14: Validation involves which of the following?
i. Using prototypes to speed up development
ii. Checking that the right product has been built
iii. Checking that standards have been met
iv. Starting test specification during development stages

i, ii, iii and iv are true

ii is true; i, iii and iv are false

i, ii, and iii are true; iv is false

iii is true; i, ii and iv are false

Question 15: Testing interfaces to external organisations is most
likely to occur in which part of the life cycle?
A. System Integration Testing
B. System Testing
C. Acceptance Testing
D. Configuration Testing
Question 16: Navigation of a web site might be tested as part of
A. Performance testing
B. Volume testing
C. Stress testing
D. Usability testing
Question 17: In Test-Driven Development, when should a set of
test scripts be written for a component?
A. When the equivalence classes have been specified
B. At least four weeks before testing commences
C. Before the code is written
D. When there are zero compile defects 9
Question 18: When conducting Component Integration testing,
functional integral:
A. Tests the application built in an incremental life cycle
B. Tests multi-threaded program modules
C. Selects a specific area of functional capability in the system
D. Is a type of test automation
Question 19: Which of the following is untrue of user acceptance testing?
A. The aim is to establish confidence in the system
B. The main purpose is to find defects in the system
C. It is the responsibility of users
D. It may assess the systems readiness for deployment and use

Question 20: Testing following modifications, migration, or retirement of the

software is:
A. Maintenance testing
B. Change control
C. Configuration management
D. Performance test
Question 21: Which of the following statements about testing are true?
i. White box testing is only useful during system and acceptance testing
ii. Alpha testing takes place at a customer site
iii. Structural testing is equivalent to white box testing
iv. Interoperability testing is a non-functional testing type
v. Stress tests are part of functional testing
A. i, iii and iv are true; ii and v are false
B. iii is true; i, ii, iv and v are false
C. iii and iv are true; i, ii and v are false
D. i, iii, iv and v are true; ii is false

Question 22: Functional testing would test which of the following?

A. The system will recover from any failure within 20 minutes
B. The system will provide an average response time of 3 seconds
C. The system will support 1000 simultaneous online users
D. The system will produce a weekly order report

Question 23: A regression test:
A. Is the same as re-testing.
B. Check unchanged areas of software for unexpected side effects.
C. Determines if changed areas of software contain defects.
D. Is only used during acceptance testing.

Question 24: Regression testing should be performed:

i. Every week
ii. After the software has changed
iii. As often as possible
iv. When the environment has changed
v. When the project manager says
A. i and ii are true; iii, iv and v are false
B. ii, iii and iv are true; i and v are false
C. ii and iv are true; i, iii and v are false
D. ii us true; i, iii, iv and v are false

Question 24: The _________ testing is performed at the developing organization's site.
A. Unit testing
B. Regression testing
C. Alpha testing
D. Integration testing

Question 25: What is the MAIN benefit of designing tests early in the life cycle?
A. It is cheaper than designing tests during the test phases.
B. It helps prevent defects from being introduced into the code.
C. Tests designed early are more effective than tests designed later.
D. It save times during the testing phases when testers are busy.

Question 26: System integration testing should be done after:

A. Integration testing
B. System testing
C. Unit testing
D. Component integration testing
Question 27: What is the disadvantage of black box testing?
A. Chances of having repetition of tests that are already done by programmer.
B. The test input need to be from large sample space.
C. It is difficult to identify all possible inputs in limited testing time. So, writing test cases is slow and
D. All of the above.

Question 28: Which type of test design techniques does the following statement best
describe 'a procedure to derive test cases based on the specifications of a component'?
A. Black box techniques
B. White box techniques
C. Glass box techniques
D. Experience based techniques

Question 29: Which of the following is a test type?

A. Component testing, Functional testing, Non-functional testing, Acceptance testing.
B. Component testing, Integration testing, System testing, Acceptance testing.
C. Component testing, Functional testing, Non-functional testing, Confirmation testing.
D. Functional testing, Non-functional testing, White-box testing, Change-related Testing.

Question 30: Match every stage of the software Development Life cycle with
the Testing Life cycle:
I. Global design
II. System Requirements
III. Detailed design
IV. User Requirements

a. Unit tests
b. Acceptance tests
c. System tests
d. Integration tests

A. I -d , II-a , III-b , IV-c

B. I -c , II-d , III-a , IV-b
C. I-d , II-c , III-a , IV-b
D. I -c , II-d , III-b , IV-a

Question 31: Which of the following is true of the V-model?
A. It states that modules are tested against user requirements.
B. It only models the testing phase.
C. It specifies the test techniques to be used.
D. It includes the verification of designs.

Question 32:Which of the following statements about component testing is FALSE?

A. Black box test design techniques all have an associated test measurement technique
B. White box test design techniques all have an associated test measurement technique
C. Cyclomatic complexity is not a test measurement technique
D. Black box test measurement techniques all have an associated test design technique

Question 33: Which of the following is NOT part of system testing?

A. Business process-based testing
B. Performance, load and stress testing
C. Usability testing
D. Top-down integration testing

Question 34: Software testing activities should start:
A. As soon as the code is written
B. During the design stage
C. When the requirements have been formally documented
D. As soon as possible in the development life cycle
Question 35: Which of the following is the main purpose of the integration strategy
for integration testing in the small?
A. To ensure that all of the small modules are tested adequately.
B. To ensure that the system interfaces to other systems and networks.
C. To specify which modules to combine when, and how many at once.
D. To specify how the software should be divided into modules.
Question 36: Testing where in we subject the target of the test, to varying workloads to
measure and evaluate the performance behaviors and ability of the target and of the test to
continue to function properly under these different workloads.
A. Load Testing
B. Integration Testing
C. System Testing
D. Usability Testing
Question 37: A Type of functional Testing, which investigates the functions relating to detection
of threats, such as virus from malicious outsiders.
A. Security Testing
B. Recovery Testing
C. Performance Testing
D. Functionality Testing
Question 38: When should the testers start reviewing project documents?
A. When they have been baselined and approved
B. After the first revision
C. As soon as a draft is available
D. When the developers have started coding
Question 39: Which iterative model consists of relatively short
iterations(e.g.,few weeks)and produces small features increments?
A. Rational Unified Process
B. Scrum
C. Rapid prototyping
D. Kanban 18
Question 40: Which of the following is a true statement regarding the
V-model lifecycle?
A. Testing involvement starts when the code is complete
B. The test process is integrated with the development process
C. The software is built in increments and each increment has activities for requirements, design, build
and test
D. All activities for development and test are completed sequentially

Question 41: Which of the following Software Development Lifecycle Models

performs acceptance testing only one time during the project?
A. Spiral Model
B. Iterative Models
C. Sequential Lifecycle
D. Agile

Question 42: Which testing level is primarily focused on building confidence
rather than finding defects?
A. Unit Testing
B. Integration Testing
C. System Testing
D. Acceptance Testing
Question 43: If you need to add system integration testing as a test level for a
particular project,what testing level should it directly follow?
A. Component
B. Component integration
C. System
D. Acceptance

Question 44: In which test level are the developers most heavily involved?
A. Compatibility.
B. Acceptance.
C. Component.
D. Conversion.
Question 45: Which of the following is a characteristic of a well-managed test level?
A. It has a target duration of one month
B. It has a corresponding test objective
C. It does not overlap with another test level
D. It applies a single test design technique

Question 46: Contract & Regulation testing is a part of?

A. System Testing
B. Acceptance Testing
C. Integration Testing
D. Functional Testing

Question 47: Which of the following is most correct regarding when

functional tests may be executed?
A. Unit & Integration
B. Integration & System
C. System & Acceptance
D. All Levels 21
Question 48: Usability testing is an example of which type of testing?
A. Functional
B. Non-functional
C. Structural
D. Change-related
Question 49: Which of the following is an important characteristic of tests
used for regression testing?
A. They focus on testing the intricate and difficult-to-test aspects of the software
B. They require significant maintenance effort for each release
C. They are used for one release and are then discarded to keep the test set fresh
D. They are reusable for multiple releases with little maintenance

Question 50: Repeated Testing of an already tested program, after modification,to
discover any defects introduced or uncovered as a result of the changes in the
software being tested or in another related or unrelated software component:
A. Retesting
B. Confirmation Testing
C. Regression Testing
D. Negative Testing
Question 51: Which of the following is a true statement regarding the process of
fixing emergency changes?
A. There is no time to test the change before it goes live,so only the best developers should do this
work and should not involve testers as they slow down the process.
B. Only retesting of the defect actually fixed should be performed.
C. Retest the changed area and then use risk assessment to decide on a reasonable subset of the
whole regression test to run in case other parts of the system have been adversely affected.
D. Always run a full regression test of the whole system in case other parts of the system have
been adversely affected.
Question 52: Consider the following statements about regression tests;

I- They may usefully be automated if they are well designed.

II- They are the same as confirmation tests(re-tests).
III- They are a way to reduce the risk of a change having an adverse effect elsewhere
in the system.
IV- They are only effective if automated.
Which pair of statements is true?
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV

Question 53: Which of these statements about functional testing is true?
A. Structural testing is more important than functional testing as it addresses the code.
B. Functional testing is useful throughout the life cycle and can be applied by business analysts,
testers,developers and users
C. Functional testing is more powerful than static testing as you actually run the system and see
what happens
D. Inspection is a form of functional testing
Question 54: You have been receiving daily builds from the developers. Even
though they are documenting the fixes they are including in each build,you are
finding that the fixes either aren't in the build or are not working.What type of
testing is best suited for finding these issues?
A. Unit Testing
B. Confirmation System Testing
C. Testing
D. Regression Testing
Question 53: A defect was found during testing.When the network got
disconnected while receiving data from a server,the system crashed. The defect was
fixed by correcting the code that checked the network availability during data
transfer.The existing test cases covered 100%of all statements of the corresponding
module.To verify the fix and ensure more extensive coverage,some new tests were
designed and added to the test suite.
What types of testing are mentioned above?
A. Functional Testing.
B. Structural Testing.
C. Re-testing.
D. Performance Testing.

a) A, B, and D
b) A and C
c) A, B, and C
d) A, C, and D
54. Which of the following is the correct list of the triggers for maintenance testing?

A. A component in production is modified, migrated or retired

B. A fix has been received for a product that is in development
C. regression has been discovered in a set of fixes just received from the developer
D. A new requirement has been received for the software that is currently under
test that may result in an architectural change

55. Which of the following is a trigger for maintenance testing?

A. A new software product is being developed and defects have been found in unit
B. A new software product is being developed and will work across multiple
C. A component of an existing production software product has been removed
D. A component of an existing production software product has received high usage
56. What is the purpose of performing regression testing when system maintenance
activities have occurred?

a) To ensure the overall system has not regressed

b) To ensure no unauthorized changes have been applied to the system
c) To assess the scope of maintenance performed on the system
d) To identify any maintainability issues with the code

57. Impact analysis helps to decide

a) How much regression testing should be done

b) Exit criteria
c) How many more test cases need to be written
d) Different tools to perform regression testing

58: Which of the following is correct regarding the test levels?
1-Each test level is an instance of the test process
2-The test levels are universal and used in all software companies
3-Test levels are groups of test activities that are organized and managed together
4-For every test level, a suitable test environment is required

A. 1,2,3 are correct. 4 is wrong

B. 1,3,4 are correct. 2 is wrong
C. 2,3,4 are correct. 1 is wrong
D. 1,2,4 are correct. 3 is wrong

59. Which of the following is a correct definition of component testing?

A. Testing interactions between components or systems.

B. Testing components that are separately testable.
C. Testing the behavior and capabilities of a whole system or product
60. Which of the following is an objective of component testing?

A. Building confidence in the component’s quality

B. Building confidence in the quality of the interfaces
C. Validating that the system is complete and will work as expected
61: Which of the following are considered as test basis for component testing?

A. use cases - workflows - Sequence diagrams

B. Epics and user stories - State diagrams - Risk analysis reports
C. Detailed design - code - data model 30
62:Which of the following is an example of defects and failures that can be found in
component testing?
A. Incorrect sequencing or timing of interface calls
B. Incorrect code and logic
C. Incorrect control and/or data flows within the system
63: "A software development process relying on software requirements being
converted to test cases before software is fully developed, and tracking all software
development by repeatedly testing the software against all test cases"
A. This is the definition of component testing
B. This is the definition of test-driven development
C. This is the definition of the test levels
64: "Integration testing" focuses on:
A. Testing the code early as possible
B. Interactions between components or systems
C. Functionality of each component that can be tested separately
65: "Component integration testing" is mostly the responsibility of (...............) and
"System integration testing" is mostly the responsibility of (.............)
A. developer-tester
B. tester-developer
C. tester-tester
D. Tester-client
66: Which of the following can be considered as a test basis for integration testing?
A. use cases - workflows - Sequence diagrams
B. Epics and user stories - State diagrams - Risk analysis reports
C. Detailed design - code - data model

67: Which of the following is an example of defects and failures that can be found in
integration testing?
A. Incorrect sequencing or timing of interface calls
B. Incorrect code and logic
C. Incorrect control and/or data flows within the system 32
68: Which of the following sentences regarding scope of integration is correct?
A. The greater the scope of integration, the more difficult it becomes to isolate
B. The greater the scope of integration, the more easy it becomes to isolate defects
C. The lower the scope of integration, the more difficult it becomes isolate defects
D. Isolating defects is always a difficult activity
69: Which of the following is a correct definition of System testing?
A. Testing components that are separately testable.
B. Testing the behavior and capabilities of a whole system or product
C. Testing interactions between components or systems.

70: Which of the following can be considered as test basis of System testing?
A. Detailed design - code - data model
B. Epics and user stories - State diagrams - Risk analysis reports
C. use cases - workflows - Sequence diagrams
71: Which of the following statements about system testing are correct?
1-The test environment should ideally correspond to the final production
2-System testing is typically carried out by independent testers who rely heavily on
3-Finding defects is often not an objective of system testing
A. 1 & 2 are correct. 3 is wrong
B. 1 & 3 are correct. 2 is wrong
C. 2 & 3 are correct. 1 is wrong

72: Which is a test object that can be tested in system testing?

A. Applications - Operating systems
B. Reports - Forms
C. APIs - Microservices
73: Which of the following is a similarity between system testing and acceptance
A. They both have the same test objects
B. They both have the same test basis
C. They both focus on the behavior and capabilities of a whole system or product.

74: Your project is currently in Acceptance testing phase, and your testing team is
reporting too many defects, what does this situation indicate?
A. This is a good situation and it indicates that the product quality is increasing and
testers are making good effort
B. This is a bad situation because finding defects is often not an objective of
acceptance testing, and finding a significant number of defects during acceptance
testing may in some cases be considered a major project risk.

75: Which of the following can be considered as test basis of Acceptance testing?
A. Regulations, legal contracts and standards
B. State diagrams
C. Workflows

76: Which of the following is a defect that can be found in Acceptance testing?
A. Failure to properly and completely carry out end-to-end functional tasks
B. Business rules are not implemented correctly
C. Interface mismatch

77: In which type of acceptance testing are we testing the system by systems
administration staff in a (simulated) production environment?
A. User Acceptance Testing
B. Operational Acceptance Testing
C. Contractual and regulatory acceptance testing
D. Alpha and beta testing
78:Which type of Acceptance testing is used by developers of commercial
off-the-shelf (COTS) software who want to get feedback from potential or existing
users, customers, and/or operators before the software product is put on the market?
A. User Acceptance Testing
B. Operational Acceptance Testing
C. Contractual and regulatory acceptance testing
D. Alpha and beta testing

79: Which type of Acceptance testing tests the system by validating the fitness for use
of the system by intended users in a real or simulated operational environment?
A. User acceptance testing
B. Operational acceptance testing
C. Contractual and regulatory acceptance testing
D. Alpha and beta testing

80: Which of the following is considered as a test type?
A. Rational unified process
B. Integration Testing
C. Structural Testing
D. Early Testing
81: "Functional Testing" means that we evaluate functions that the system performs,
which of the following is a test basis for functional testing?
A. Load, performance and security
B. Agile, Scrum and Kanban
C. User stories, Epics and use cases

82: Which of the following describes non-functional testing correctly?

A. Non-functional testing focuses on what the system performs
B. Non-functional testing focuses on writing the test plan of the project
C. Non-functional testing focuses on how well the system behaves
83: Which of the following is correct regarding functional testing?
1-Functional testing is only performed in system testing
2-The functions in functional testing are “what” the system should do.
3-The thoroughness of functional testing can be measured through functional
4-black-box techniques may be used to derive test conditions and test cases for the
functionality of the component or system
A. 1,2,3 are correct. 4 is wrong
B. 1,2,4 are correct. 3 is wrong
C. 1, 3,4 are correct. 2 is wrong
D. 2,3,4 are correct. 1 is wrong

84: Which of the following is correct regarding non-functional testing?
1-Non-functional testing can be performed at all test levels
2-Non-functional testing focuses on how well the system behaves, such as
performance, usability and security
3-Non-functional testing must be performed by a dedicated tester
4-An example of non-functional coverage is using traceability between tests and
supported devices for a mobile application, the percentage of devices which are
addressed by compatibility testing can be calculated, potentially identifying coverage
A. 1,2,3 are correct. 4 is wrong
B. 1,2,4 are correct. 3 is wrong
C. 2,3,4 are correct. 1 is wrong
D. 1,3,4 are correct. 2 is wrong


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