Family, Friends, Daily Routihne, Holidays, Special

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Family, friends

My name is Soós Erna and I’m 14 years old. I live in Miskolc with my family in a nice flat near the
I have got an older sister. Her name is Róza and she is 16. She goes to Avasi Secondary School. She is in
year 10.
We get on really well with each other. We laugh a lot, we watch TV together and we rarely fight.
My mother is an English teacher at Diósgyőri Reformed School and my dad is a sales manager. She
usually works from home. I usually get on well with my parents. They always support me and help me.
We spend a lot of time together. In the evening we watch TV together. I like Asia Express or cooking

We have got a pet cat. Her name is Tamara and she is a British shorthair. She is very cute and fluffy. she
sleeps a lot and she is usually very calm. She often spends time in my room especially when I am
studying or watching TV.
We have already had pet rabbits, fish and birds too. We love animals.

I am not tall but not short either. I am slim and I have got long brown hair and brown eyes. People say I
take after my mum and my sister takes after our dad.
I am usually cheerful and happy. I think I am helpful and kind. I like creative things like decorating my
room or writing a journal.

Hobbies and free time

I enjoy watching TV shows, my favourite now is Gilmore Girls which was a popular TV show 25 years
ago. I love it , it is funny and also very meaningful. It is about a single mum and her daughter. They live
in a small town in the USA. The people are really funny and kind. And I laugh a lot. I like watching series
on Netflix. I watch them in English with subtitles. We also subscribe to other streaming services such as
HBO, Amazon prime and Disney. My mum thinks it is very important to watch them in English so my
English can be better. I really like it, that you can stop watching series whenever I want and when I stop
them, I can continue watching them where I left off. However, there are some shows I like watching on
Hungarian Tv too. They are. Asia express, where couples compete while travelling and completing
challenges. I also like cooking competitions. And I sometimes watch my Grandmother’s favourite TV
show with her, the …………………………..
I never listen to the radio, I download music on my phone. I listen to music a lot. My favourites are

I also like listening to music in the car with my mum when she takes me to school. We usually sing along
too. It is fun.
In my free time I like reading. My favourite is Agatha Christie. My favourite book is
I love her books. I know she was an English writer and she writes crimes stories with a lot of twists.
I like sports. I have started swimming quite early, when I was 4. I used to go swimming for 5 years then I
started basketball. I played basketball for 5 years and now I go swimming 2 times a week.
I also like riding a bike and skiing. I go to the school bike tour camp every year in the summer. Last year
we were at Lake Balaton and it was great. We explored Tihany and other popular places. It was
sometimes very hard because of the hot weather but we also swam a lot in the lake.

I have got a lot of friends form school. My best friends are …………………… they are my classmates.
We can talk about everything. I sit next to Árnika during lessons. We sometimes meet at the weekends
too. In the summer we had sleep-over parties. It was a lot of fun.
I also like going to the cinema. My favourite films are…..

I also like chatting in a café. I like lemonade and sometimes I eat fast food too. I like McDonalds.
I also have friends in the neighbourhood. We usually go to the garden where we chat and hang out until
late in the summer. They are great people.

One of my grandmothers lives in Berekalja near the Castle of Diósgyőr with my uncle. His name is
Ádám and he works at Joyson now.
My grandmother’s name is Éva and I call her Mama. She has got a nice family house with a garden. She
usually cooks for us on Sundays. When I was little I often spent a lot of time with her when my parents
were away.
She sometimes teaches me to cook or we do the gardening together. She has got a lovely cat called
Manci. She is a rescue cat.

My grandfather, Imi papó lives in Siófok with his wife, Ronny. We spend time with them in the summer.
I love Balaton. It is very busy in the summer. I have already been to 4 horse riding camps near Siófok in a
small village. I loved it.
We usually meet at Christmas too, usually at our home or at my aunt’s in Budapest.

My mother has got a twin sister, called Vera. She lives in Budapest with her husband. Vera works for a
big French medical company in an office. And Adam is a music producer. He is British and really cool. I
love him, he is very funny.

My father’s parents live in Miskolc near us. They had a small cottage near a lake in Vadna and we spent a
lot of time there when I was younger. We could play outside a lot with my cousins and swam in the pool.
Unfortunately, they sold the house because they are old now, and it was very hard to take care of the
house and the garden, too.
My grandmother can cook really well and she always tells us stories about her childhood.
We usually talk on the phone and visit them every month.
My father has got two brothers. Roland and Marci. Roland has got two children, my cousins. Sára is 18
and Maja is 16. I love them, and we really get on very well. We spent a lot of time together when we
were little. When we meet we hang out, make funny videos, play board games. Or sometimes we watch
Marci got married in August last year. It was a lovely wedding in a village. We danced a lot and had so
much fun. His wife is Zsófi. She is a lovely person. Kind and funny too. I think they are great together.
They have just had a baby in December. Her name is Jázmin. I am really happy that there is a new baby
in our family.

Daily Routine:

I usually have very busy weekdays.

I usually get up at 6.30. After I wash my face and put on a little make up. I like it because I feel more
confident with it.
Then I get dressed and my father prepares breakfast for me and my sister. We usually have hot tea and
some toast, eggs or a croissant. Sometimes he makes us a smoothie with fruits and spinach. It is really
Then we leave home at about 7.25. We drive to school. It takes about 15 minutes. We usually listen to
music on the way to school. And sometimes I sing along too. It is fun.
The first lesson starts at 8.00. I have a snack after the first lesson. Usually a sandwich and some crisps.
I usually have lunch at school at around 2.30.
On Monday and Friday I go swimming. On Tuesday I go to Vasgyár where I have to do exercises for my
back. Sometimes I don’t want to go because I am tired.
I usually start doing my homework at 4 and then I chat with my friends or play computer games. My
favourite is Roblox where I play with my friends online. It is really fun. Then I help my mum with the
dishwasher or set the table for dinner.
WE talk during dinner about our day. Then I take a shower or a bath. After I watch something on Tv or
on my tablet.
I usually go to bed at 9.30. I read a little then I go to sleep.

At the weekends I usually sleep until 10-11. Then I hang out with my sister in the living room or I stay in
my room and watch tiktok on my phone.
I have breakfast then I relax or do my homework. On Sundays we sometimes have dinner with my
grandmother in Berekalja. I sometimes meet my friends in the city centre or go to the cinema. When the
weather is nice we go for a walk in the Bükk. In the evening we have dinner together and watch Tv.
I usually go to bed later, my parents let me stay up until 11 p.m.

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