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1. When a capillary tube is dipped in water, water rises upto 8 cm in the tube. What happens when the tube is
pushed down such that its end is only 5 cm above the outside water level?
(A) The radius of the meniscus increases and therefore water does not overflow.
(B) The radius of the water meniscus decreases and there fore it does not overflow.
(C) The water forms a droplet on top of the tube but does not overflow.
(D) The water starts overflowing.

2. Two vertical parallel glass plates are partially submerged in water. The distance between the plates is d and
their width is  . Assume that the water between the plates does not reach the upper edges of the plates
and that the wetting is complete. The water will rise to height ( = density of water and  = surface tension
of water)
2 3 4 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
gd gd gd gd

3. In the above question the force of attraction between the plates is

g 2 g  g  g
(A) h (B) h (C) (D)
2 2 2 2h
[represents the height to which the liquid rises.]

4. In Q. 2, if water is replaced by another liquid of surface tension 2, then the force F of attraction between
two plates would become
(A) 2F (B) 4F (C) 8F (D) 16F

5. Water rises in a vertical glass capillary tube up to a length of 8 cm. If the tube is inclined at 450, the length
of water column in the tube will be
(A) 4cm (B) 3 cm (C) 8 2 cm (D) cm

6. The tower end of a capillary tube of radius r is placed in water. With the rise h of water in the capillary tube,
heat evolved is (Take  as the density of water.)
2   r 2 h2  g
(A) h (B)  hr (C) zero (D)
g g 2

7. What change in surface energy will be noticed when a drop of radius R splits up into 1000 droplets, each of
radius ‘r’. Surface tension is T.
(A) 4 R2T (B) 7 R2T (C) 16 R2T (D) 36 R2T

8. A hollow sphere has a small hole in it. On lowering the sphere in a tank of water, it is observed that water
enters into the hollow sphere at a depth of 40 cm below the surface. Surface tension of water is 7 x 10–2 N
m–1. The diameter of the hole is
1 1 1 1
(A) mm (B) mm (C) mm (D) mm
28 21 14 7

9. a large number of droplets, each of radius a, coalesce o form a bigger drop of radius b. Assume that the
energy released in the process is converted into the kinetic energy of the drop. The velocity of the drop is (
= surface tension,  = density)
1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2 1/ 2
   1 1   2  1 1    3  1 1    6  1 1  
(A)      (B)      (C)      (D)     
   a b     a b     a b     a b 

KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.
Regd. Off.: 29A, ICES House, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi - 110 016. Ph: 011 - 2651 5949, 2656 9493, Fax: 2651 3942
10. 125 water droplets, each of radius r, coalesce to form a Ingle drop. The energy released raises the
temperature of the drop. If a represents surface tension, prep- resents density, S represents specific heat
and J represents mechanical equivalent of heat, then the rise in temperature of the drop is
12  12  2 
(A) (B) (C) (D) zero
5 Jr  S 7 Jr S S Jr

11. Two soap bubbles of radii a and b combine to form a single bubble of radius c. If P is the external pressure,
then the surface tension of the soap solution is
P(c 3  a3  b3 ) P(c 3  a3  b3 ) 3 2 2 3 2 2
(A) (B) (C) Pc – 4a – 4b (D) Pc – 2a + 3b
4(a2  b2  c 2 ) 4(a2  b2  c 2 )

12. A straw 6 cm long floats on water. The water film on one side has a surface tension of 50 dyne cur On the
other side, camphor reduces the surface tension to 40 dyne cm The resultant force acting on the straw is
 50 40 
(A) (50 x 6 – 40 x 6) dyne (C)  
6 
(B) 10 dyne dyne (D) 90 dyne
 6
13. A wire of mass 1 g is kept horizontally on the surface of water. The minimum length of the wire that does not
break the surface film is (surface tension of water is 70 dyne cm )
(A) 3 cm (B) 4 cm (C) 7 cm (D) 14 cm

14. A long cylindrical glass vessel has a small hole of radius rat its bottom. The depth to which the vessel can
be lowered vertically in a deep water bath, without water entering the vessel, is ( = surface tension)
2 3 4 
(A) (B) (C) (D)
r dg r dg r dg r dg
10 cm
15. A soap film of surface tension 3 x 10–2 Nm–1 formed rectangular frame can
support a straw as shown in figure. If g 10 m s–2, the mass of the straw is Soap
(A) 0.006 g (B) 0.06 g film
(C) 0.6 g (D) 6 g

16. The identical cylindrical vessels with their bases at the same level, each contain a liquid of density . The
height of liquid in one vessel is h1 and that in the other vessel is h2 .The area of either base is A . The work
done by gravity in equalizing the levels when the two vessels are connected is

 h  h2   h  h2   h1  h2 

(A) A g  1  (B)   A  1  (C) A g   (D) zero

 2   2   2 

17. When two equal volumes of two substances are mixed together, the specific gravity of the mixture is 4. But
when equal weights of the same substances are mixed together, the specific gravity is 3. The specific
gravity of the two substances are
(A) 6, 2 (B) 5, 3 (C) 7, 1 (D) 7, 8

18. An open and wide glass tube is immersed vertically in mercury in such away that a length of 0.05m extends
above mercury level. The open end of tube is then closed and the tube is raised further by 0.43 m. Calculate
the length of the air column above the mercury level in the tube?
(A) 0.39 m (B) 0.48 m (C) 0.01 m (D) 0.1 m

KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.
19. Water stands at a depth h behind the vertical face of a dam.
(shown in figure). It exerts a resultant horizontal force on the
dam tending it to slide it along its foundation and torque
tending to overturn the dam about the point ‘O’. The net
torque about ‘O’ is given by
[ l  cross sectional length of dam,  - density of water ] h

 glh 2  glh3
(A) (B)
6 6
 gl h2 2
 glh O
(C) (D)
6 2

20. Water flows out of a big tank along a tube bent at right angles, as
shown in the figure, the radius of the tube is r  0.5 cm . The length
of the horizontal section of the tube is l  22 cm . The water flow rate r l
is Q  0.5 lit/sec. The moment of forces of reaction of flowing water,
acting on the tube walls, relative to the point ‘O’ is
(A) 0.3 Nm (B) 0.7 Nm
(C) 1.7 Nm (D) 2.1 Nm

21. A soap bubble of radius ' R ' is connected with the atmosphere through a capillary tube of length l and
radius r .The surface tension is T and the coefficient of viscosity of air is  . The time of survival of the
soap bubble will be
2 lR 2 3 lR 5 l 2 R 2  lR 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Tr 4 Tr 2 T 2r 8


22. A bottle is kept on the ground as shown in the figure. The bottle can be modeled as
having two cylindrical zones. The lower zone of the bottle has a cross-sectional
radius of R 2 and is filled with honey of density 2. The upper zone of the bottle is
filled with the water of density  and has a cross-sectional radius R . The height of  2H
the lower zone is H while that of the upper zone is 2H . If now the honey and the
water parts are mixed together to form a homogeneous solution: (Assume that total
volume does not change)
(A) The pressure inside the bottle at the base will remain unaltered
Honey H
(B) The normal reaction on the bottle form the ground will remain unaltered
(C) The pressure inside the bottle at the base will increase by an amount (1/2) gH
(D) The pressure inside the bottle at the base will decrease by an amount (1/4) gH

23. n drops of a liquid each with surface energy E join to form a single drop. Then:
(A) Some energy will be released in the process
(B) Some energy will be absorbed in the process
(C) The energy released or absorbed will be E n  n  
2/ 3

(D) The energy released or absorbed will be nE 2  2/ 3

 1

KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.
24. A liquid flows through a horizontal tube. The velocities of the liquid in
the two sections which have areas of cross section A1 and A2 are
v1 , v2 respectively. The difference in the levels of liquid in the two
vertical tubes is h :
(A) The volume of liquid flowing through the tube in unit time is
2 gh
(B) v2  v1 
2 gh v1 v2

(C) v2  v1 
2 2
2 gh
(D) The energy per unit mass of liquid is the same in both the sections of the tube.

25. A tank which is open at the top contains a liquid upto a height H . A
small hole is made in the side of the tank at a distance y below the
liquid surface. The liquid emerging from the hole lands at a distance y
x from the tank.
(A) If y is increased from zero to H , x will first increase and then H
(B) x is maximum for y  H / 2
(C) The maximum value of x is H
(D) The maximum value of x will depend on the density of liquid.

26. A solid sphere of mass m , suspended through a string in a liquid as shown.

The string has some tension. Magnitudes of net force due to liquid on upper
hemisphere and that on lower hemisphere are FA and FB respectively.
Which of the following is/are true
(A) Density of material of the sphere is greater than density of liquid
(B) Difference of FB and FA is dependent of atmospheric pressure
(C) FB  FA  mg (D) FB  FA  mg



Figure shows a siphon in action. A siphon is, in fact, very convenient for
50 cm
removing liquids from containers. However, it works only if the tube is
filled with liquid so that there could be a pressure difference along the A

tube. If there is no liquid pressure at all points has the same value and so
liquid will not flow. In the figure the liquid flowing through the siphon has a
175 cm
density 1.2 g/cc. Both the containers are open to air and the siphon tube
has a uniform diameter. Height of point B above the surface of liquid in
the upper container is 50 cm and depth of the surface of liquid in the
lower container below the point C is 175 cm.

Take g  1000 cm / s and answer the questions.


27. Pressure difference between points A and D is

(A) zero (B) 1.01 x 105 N/m2 (C) 1.5 x 105 N/m2 (D) 4.5 x 105 N/m2

28. Pressure difference between points B and C is

5 2 5 2 5 2
(A) 1.01 x 10 N/m (B) zero (C) 1.5 x 10 N/m (D) 4.5 x 10 N/m

29. Speed of the liquid as it flows out of the lower end of the tube is
(A) 3 m/s (B) 5 m/s (C) 2.5 m/s (D) 4 m/s
KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.

30. A cube of side  and density is attached with a particle of negligible h (non–viscous)
volume and mass m 1 by using a thread.
k /3
The mass of the particle (m 1) is found to  3 . Find k .

31. Water flows steadily through a horizontal pipe of a variable cross–section. If the pressure of water is P at a
point where the velocity of flow is v, the pressure at another point where the velocity of flow is 2V is found
to be P  V 2 ( the density of water is .) . Find k .

32. A liquid flows through a pipe of varying diameter. The velocity of the liquid is 2 ms at a point where the
diameter is 6 cm. The velocity of the liquid at a point where the diameter is 3 cm will be …….(m/s)

33. A solid sphere of mass m = 2 kg and specific gravity s = 0.5 is held

stationary relative to a tank filled with water as shown in figure. The tank is
accelerating vertically upward with acceleration a = 2 ms2. If the tension in
the thread connected between the sphere and the bottom of the tank is 4T
N, find the value of T (g = 10 ms–2)

34. A rectangular barge floats in water of density ρw. When it is empty it is

submerges to a depth D = H/3 below the surface. Oil with density ρ 0 is
poured into the barge until it is about to sink. At this instant height of oil
from the base of barge is H/n. Find ‘n’ if ρw/ρ0 =3/4

Column – I Column – II
A cube of mass m and density  is pulled by a force
 a
Fx  mgiˆ in an accelerating liquid of density . The value of x is

(A) (p)
mg g 
  2

The sphere of mass m is pulled horizontally by a force Fx  mg

in a non-accelerating liquid. The value of is
(B) (q) 1:1
 

KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.
A closed tube of length x is placed in a rotating liquid. The value
of , where a x = horizontal acceleration of the tube, is
2g 
(C) (r)
 

x x

The string of a pendulum makes an angle  with vertical when the

cart moves with an acceleration a . If the cart is filled with a liquid
of density    (density of the bob), the value of the angle of
inclination with vertical becomes ’.


2  
2    
(D) (s)

Then is (Assume the co-ordinate axes)


Column – I Column – II
Hydrostatic force on the side wall of the cubical vessel,
 = density of liquid

(A) (p) A v 2

Buoyant force on the cube,  = density of liquid

h A 1
(B) (q) A v 2

KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.
Impact (reaction) force on the vessel by the liquid coming out
(C) (r)  ghA
of the vessel,  = density of liquid

Aero dynamic force acting on that flat roof surface of area

A ,  = density of air
(D) v (s)  ghA
A 2

1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C
6. D 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. A
11. B 12. A 13. C 14. A 15. C
16. B 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B
21. A 22. BC 23. AC 24. ACD
25. ABC 26. AD 27. A 28. C 29. B
30. 2 31. 2 32. 8 33. 6 34. 2
35. A  s; B  r; C  p; D  q
36. A  s; B  r; C  p; D  q

KUKATPALLY CENTRE: # 22-97, Plot No.1, Opp. Patel Kunta Huda Park, Vijaynagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500 072. Ph.: 040-64601123
MIYAPUR CENTRE: Above Sai Motors Maruthi Showroom, Allwyn X Road, Miyapur, Hyderabad.

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