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The New Revelations of Jesus Christ, Book 25, Chapter 82


the disciples had declared that they agreed with Peters explanation while still adding a few personal opinions, John began to speak and explained to his brothers that especially My loving care is always attentive to reach the goal with the greatest of certainty for the individual, and that it is also mainly that end goal which determines the way that the individual should go towards his development to become a human being. But since for very wise reasons every person has a different personality, also the soul of every human being is guided differently up to his complete development. That is why a general, but not a specific universal fixed law can be noticed as to which way a developing soul should take, because only God knows the end goal, and no one else can know for sure not even the very individual himself what kind of position in the service of God he can and will reach. [2] Therefore, dear brothers, as John continued his speech, you should strive for the right kind of love and humility, more than for all the knowledge, so that the Lord will be able to lead you unhindered. You should not want anything else but only His love, then you will reach the greatest knowledge, and that is: to take up residence in Gods heart, where you can then observe everything, not by yourself, but by Gods love by which the scales will fall from your eyes. [3] While the disciples were still discussing this and that concerning this subject that was brought up, there was a noise in the big hall, coming from the window opening as if someone tried to hold on to it and was in danger of falling down. The disciples ran quickly to it and saw there a man hanging on a baluster and who obviously listened to what was discussed but by which he lost his balance and was now at risk of falling down. He was pulled up and kindly asked if he did not hurt himself and how he actually came to that rather high window opening. [4] The man who first reacted a bit stubborn, like a criminal who was caught, became soon more friendly because he did not see any displeased faces that were pointed at him, and he said: Dear friends, I realize now that I was very wrong about you and I

sincerely ask you to forgive me for all the things that I did to you with my words, although you do not know that. But allow me to let you know more precisely what brought me here and why I almost had a fatal accident. [5] Look, I am an inhabitant of the city of Ephraim and I observed you already for a long time since you were here and I always wondered what you were actually doing within these walls, and also who you actually are. Some of my family members and friends said that you are Essenes who commit sorcery here and plan a new conspiracy against the Romans in Jerusalem for which this is an ideal place. Others thought that you must probably be sorcerers who can do a lot of things for example also the unusual fast restoration of this castle but no conspirators because this does not go together with your friendly, open character. [6] I laughed about the thought that you might be sorcerers because I do not believe these things at all, for I know that everything on Earth happens in a natural way and I decided to search for myself to know who and what you really are. So I often went on my way at night to walk around this house and see how I could satisfy my curiosity. But I was always kept away by a strange fearfulness to enter with you. [7] But today my desire was so strong that I wanted to penetrate your secret at all cost, and so I prepared to intrude. There is a tree before the window where you caught me, and the branches are very wide. I took along a few strong sticks with me and laid them from the branches on the window frame and so I easily could come here by means of that bridge and listen to your conversation. Since you discussed with each other with such great attentiveness you did not discover me sooner, and I was so much captured by what you said that I completely forgot that I was an intruder and would have preferred to jump inside to be with you. Since I completely forgot myself I did not pay attention anymore to my light bridge, and all of a sudden I bumped against the sticks which then fell down. In my attempt to prevent that, I almost fell down myself if you would not have come quickly to help me. [8] Now I ask you, dear friends, to forgive me, for you will surely believe me when I say that I am not a thief or criminal intruder. Anyway, it would be difficult to deceive you this is what I heard from your wisdom. [9] Peter said: Dear friend, what is there to forgive since we all know very well that it was less your curiosity but more your inner spirit that drove you to us. So it will be far from us to think that you had something criminal in mind. But come now, come and sit with us, strengthen yourself and let us talk with each other as it befits sincere and true men. If you want to know something from us then ask. We certainly will like to answer you.

[10] The Ephraimite who had lost now his fear completely, went to sit by the disciples, strengthened himself and then he soon asked without shame all kinds of things: where we came from, what we wanted here and why we actually chose to stay within these walls, and also a lot of other personal things about the disciples who answered him also very openly. [11] When he now knew that My followers were disciples of the Nazarene who was well-known to him, he immediately asked for Me and absolutely wanted to meet Me. Peter rebuked him for his fiery nature and said that he should have patience, for none of them knew if their Master would allow this. [12] On this, the Ephraimite said boldly: Friends, I always went immediately to the source and never searched for a long time at the branches of a river when it was important to penetrate to the core of something. I suspected that there certainly had to be something special about you all, and it was also my wish for already a long time to come to know the Savior and to hear from Him personally the words which I only could obtain by means of detours. Is it then not very understandable that with all my might I am trying to meet Him as soon as possible, especially now that my heart longs so fervently for Him? Can you order your child to stay far away from you when he wants to hug you? I know very well from the Scripture, and from many other things that have happened now, who Jesus of Nazareth actually is. And it actually was also my inner feeling to come to know something about Him here that drove me to this place, and therefore it is true what you said that it was the spirit that drove me and not my curiosity. [13] But if it is really so that the King of Zion resides here, about whom David and all the prophets prophesized, then He also will not be opposed that a simple man, who brings only a heart full of the highest love and nothing else but that love, will knock on His door asking Him to come in. I believe that I so well know the highest Spirit, who has now taken up residence in a body, that He knows exactly what happens here and that He expects Me to receive my offering of love. [14] Peter, being very surprised, said: Just listen, friend, you are speaking here a language that is at least very unusual to our ears, for we never met someone who, without knowing the Lord, spoke about Him in this way. How do you actually know so well who He is? 218 [15] The Ephraimite said: Well, should this not be immediately clear to everyone if he has eyes to see and ears to hear? Both of these bodily organs are still in very good condition with me, and so also my reason and certainly also my heart that knows how to speak a much clearer language than the reason. So I opened up all

my sense organs and came to know that which others could not discover by the most obvious proofs. [16] Must one always have to see to believe? Must one always have to visit other countries to believe that they exist? Certainly not. Well now, friend, this is how it is with me, you see? What I heard, after thoroughly checking it, was sufficient to me to believe, and therefore I know now also who Your Master is, and I am completely convinced that I also will find in Him what I was looking for and what I firmly believe about Him. [17] When the Ephraimite had said that, I came into the hall and called out to him: Blessed are those who believe and did not see! And so you are welcome with Me as the last of all those who only came to Me by My word. And stay from now on with Me so that your faith will be crowned. Your name is Ephraim and from now on you will be a pillar for Me as a good support for the construction of My Kingdom. And you all should take an example at him so that you may learn what it means to live from the heart and only follow its will and feelings. [18] Now Ephraim rushed to Me, completely overtaken by his feelings. And now follows one of those scenes that were described many times and which is the result of the love of a child who recognizes his Father, greeting Him in blissful happiness. [19] After this scene and when I had strengthened Ephraim, I explained to My disciples that now the last one was won, of those who descended from the universe to the Earth to be a witness of My earthly lifetime, to be a support for My Kingdom and that so the number was full of those who were called to become teachers for My school of the spirit which the Son of man came to build and seal by His example. [20] Once more the disciples were exhorted to hold fast to what they had seen and heard and to well use the short time to make them really strong for the future and to be able to remain conquerors of themselves and by that also with respect to the people. For free download of the complete book The New Revelations of Jesus Christ, 25 volumes, 7,500 pages,

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