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Academic Year 2023 – 2024

2nd Semester


(Cooperating Office)

Submitted by:
Immersion Student
12 – ICT

Submitted to;
Immersion Teacher


Title Page/ Cover Page ______________________________________________________ 1

Table of Contents __________________________________________________________ 2
Student’s Resume __________________________________________________________ 3
Statement of Purpose _______________________________________________________ 4
Organization of Portfolio Entries _______________________________________________ 5 - 8
 Day 1 – Day 10
Additional Entries as Immersion Student _________________________________________ 9
 Picture of Entries in the Diary
 Other Pictures while in the Immersion Days
Personal Reflection in Portfolio ______________________________________________ 10 -14
Parental Consent
Certificate of Completion

Immersion Student
Address: 191 Tenement Street, Pantalan Luma, Orani, Bataan
Mobile Number: 0907 021 9040
Sex: Female
Date of Birth: October 04, 2006
Birthplace: Olongapo City, Zambales
Age: 17
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Height: 5’0
Weight: 56kg
Religion: Catholic
Languages Spoken: Filipino and English
Name of Mother: Katherine S. San Andres
Name of Father: Jeffrey J. San Andres

Secondary (SHS): Information and Technology Communications (ICT)
Jose Rizal Institute – Orani
Parang – Parang Orani, Bataan
2022 – Present
Secondary (JHS): Jose Rizal Institute – Orani
Parang – Parang Orani, Bataan
2018 – 2022
Primary: Nellie E. Brown Elementary School
West Bajac – Bajac Olongapo City, Zambales
2016 – 2018
 Efficiently able to navigate Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint)
 Proficient in AutoCAD
 Computer literate
 Excellent leadership skills
 Responsible
 Ability to adapt to situations
 Skilled with collaborative work
 Consistent academic achiever since nursery
 Feature writer in Rizalite (Journalism)

I hereby certify that the information furnished herewith is true and correct according to my knowledge
and belief.



This portfolio is a daily record of the events and experiences of my daily life within

the immersion experience. It is a distinct and memorable journey that aided me in developing

office skills for my possible future occupation in a professional setting. Every single day is

captured within this portfolio, to which I can reflect on and carefully examine my experiences

from the immersion.

I participated in 80 hours of working at the Municipal Assessor's Office Department

(MAOD) in order to meet the required hours for our immersion subject and to which this

department caters to the official documentation and approval of properties within Orani


It was a privilege to experience working in a professional setting. It has provided me

with insightful and valuable lessons that can possibly help me in my future endeavors. By

participating in this experience, it has pushed me outside of my comfort zone. I had to ask for

help when needed, be more confident in myself, and learn how to be more self-sufficient.

While getting older and experiencing new memories every single day, I can confidently

say that I will never forget the valuable memories I have made while in the immersion

experience. This portfolio may serve as a reminder that despite the challenges I faced, I will

overcome it with my strengths and skills. It shall also be evidence that I have served and

preserved through the tantamount difficulties I have faced. By using this portfolio as a

reference, I can move closer towards my goals and be a successful functioning member of


Day 1 (August 1, 2023)

The immersion experience is starting today and I am a bit excited but apprehensive at
the same time. Well for starters, Kazandra and 1 were assigned to the assessment department
while the rest of our classmates got sorted into the other departments. They told us that we
had to sign something at the front desk every day that indicated we were present on that
specific day, a sort of attendance. The representative of the assessment office took us to their
office and so far we are just sitting here. Kazandra and I have been sitting here since exactly
8:53 am, it is currently 9:15 am as I am writing this and nothing exciting has been assigned to
us. Just sitting here doing nothing. I am reading e-books on my phone to pass the time but
unfortunately, Kazandra does not have a phone so she is even more bored than me. She has
her head down on the table in front of us. This whole ordeal of doing nothing is making me
sleepy. It is 9:36 am and finally, we have something to do now. The head of the assessment
department told us to sort the files by barangay and then print them, which seemed easy
enough. They are currently trying to boot up a computer for us to use though. We got out at
4:52 pm, and all we did was encode data onto Microsoft Excel. My eyes are exhausted from
looking at a computer screen all day.

Day 2 (August 2, 2023)

I did not sleep well last night so I
was very short-tempered this
morning. Nothing notable
happened that morning, we just
worked on encoding data onto
Microsoft Excel, and that is it. I
find office work very boring but
at least there is air conditioning.
In the afternoon, our routine of
encoding had another step added to it. Kazandra and I had to scan the hardcopy of documents

first and then put them in PDF files per owner/s. After doing that, we were tasked to make
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets per barangay and add the data of the homeowners onto it, like
their name, address, when they inquired, etc. One of our classmates, Laluna, went to our
department office and asked if we could print something for him since their department office
does not have an available printer. Kazandra and I agreed since we kind of had our own printer
for the computer we were using so I printed what Laluna was requesting to print. Eventually,
Laluna just kind of hung around our department. There is no harm in it, he even helped us with
our scanning work. I also learned how to type “ñ” for the first time in my life today, an office
worker in the same department as Kazandra and I taught me. I appreciate it a lot.

Day 3 (August 3, 2023)

I did not want to go to the
immersion thing today but I
sucked it up and went anyway. It is
not that I am lacking in sleep or
anything, I just wanted to sleep in
and scroll on my phone mindlessly
at home like how I did this past
summer vacation. Anyway, I am
currently sitting here in the office, waiting
for Kazandra to arrive. Kazandra arrived
quite late today, once she arrived we
started scanning a ton of documents and
putting them into PDFs, it is routine at
this point. We also learned to put
pictures of the houses of the people who
inquired into the PDFs. Laluna came over
to our office to do nothing but just hang out, he also slept in the
broken swivel chair.

Day 4 (August 4, 2023)

I’m sick, I have a fever. I can’t come to work.

Day 5 (August 7, 2023)

It is Monday, I hate
Mondays. Anyway, we just
scanned a few documents
this morning and encoded
them into Microsoft Excel as
usual. This afternoon was a
bit more exciting, we got free
champorado given to us by
office workers of the
department we were in
which is the assessor’s
department. The
champorado was unique in
my opinion, it had Hershey’s
chocolate in it, and it was
very chocolate-ly. This

afternoon they had a sort of mass. They asked if Kazandra and I
wanted to join but we politely declined. I am an atheist and Kazandra
is catholic, but she did not want to join unless I was joining too, so in
the end, we just did not join. Laluna came over again. Kazandra,
Laluna, and I talked about our 11th-grade year, it was nice. We got
out at exactly 5:00 pm and I walked home with Laluna.

Day 6 (August 8, 2023)

I dreaded going today, like always. This whole day was boring, we just
scanned and encoded as routine. The only exciting thing that happened
today was when I went on a date with my friend after work.

Day 7 (August 9, 2023)

This morning was uneventful.
However, we were given
breakfast, consisting of cassava
cake and yema cake, it was
yummy. We left for lunch
relatively early, like 11:50 am
instead of the usual 12:00 pm. The
remainder of the afternoon
followed the same old boring
routine, encoding and scanning.

Day 8 (August 10, 2023)

I told Laluna via messenger that Kazandra brought snacks today and
he came over to our office in like 3 minutes. He loves food, I cannot
blame him, but it was funny that the only reason he came over was
for snacks. Nothing significant happened today but Kazandra and I
scanned so many documents today. Compared to the previous days,
the paperwork was insane today, we scanned through around four
barangays. I also fell asleep at some point and got an imprint of my
jacket on my arms. My eyes are strained and tired from looking at a
computer for hours on end, scanning documents, converting them
into PDF files, and then encoding them in Microsoft Excel. I feel as if I
am slowly withering away from exhaustion.

Day 9 (August 11, 2023)
Kazandra was not present today, so I
had to scan and encode the
documents by myself—an experience
that I never wish to happen to me
again. Nevertheless, I managed to
cope with the situation, I had to, I did
not have a choice. Also, there was this
funny incident where Laluna
accidentally spilled water everywhere.
I gave him tissues to clean the spill on
the table and he got a mop for the
water that fell on the floor. I did not
wear shoes today, my feet were
getting tired so I wore slippers instead,
best decision ever.

Day 10 (August 14, 2023)

We did our usual scanning and data entry in

Microsoft Excel. But today, I had to rush to meet
my cousin on the bridge near Centro Dos because
I forgot my daily time record (DTR) like a fool. I
ran there and I got pretty tired. Anyway, later in
the day, Laluna, Kazandra, and I collected our
classmates’ DTRs to check with HR. It is now 5 pm
and Kazandra and Laluna went to the HR office to
get our DTRs checked to prove that all of us
completed 80 hours of work. They checked it and
rejected all of our DTRs. Some of us did not
complete the 80 hours. I felt utterly helpless
when Laluna and Kazandra broke the news to me because I thought this whole immersion
ordeal would finally be over, but unfortunately, it was not.

Supposed to be day 1 (July 31, 2023)
All of us arrived around 7:40 am at
the Municipal Hall. As of current, it's
8:13 am. We have been waiting for
more than 30 minutes now and I am
starting to get bored, we are just
sitting here doing absolutely
nothing. Hopefully, something
exciting will happen soon. I miss my
bed and my pets. We have been waiting here for more than two hours
now, only for them to tell us that we will start tomorrow. I was a bit
upset because all of us just wasted more than three hours doing nothing.

Extra 1 (what happened after day 10)

After Kazandra and Laluna told me the news that all of our DTRs got rejected and none of us
would be getting the certificate that certified we finished our immersion experience, I felt
hopeless. I told our immersion teacher the news and asked if we could continue our immersion
experience on Wednesday (August 16, 2023), for those who still needed to complete the 80
hours. Since during Wednesdays, we only had one subject in school and we have the rest of the
day off. Our teacher agreed to the arrangement.

Extra 2 (August 16, 2024)

We just finished our only subject for the day and I immediately sent a message to our
immersion teacher, asking if the arrangement from the other day would still be held. Our
teacher told us to go down to the principal’s office because she wanted to talk to us. We were
all given a harsh scolding by the principal over not completing the 80 hours. After that, our
immersion teacher accompanied us to the municipal hall to ask for a favor of taking us in again
for us to complete the 80 hours we needed. The HR department agreed and all of us went to
our respective departments to complete the 80 hours. After we all went through a rough patch,
we finally got our certificates. Except for Kazandra, she missed more than 16 hours of
immersion experience hence why she had to stay behind for two more days to fill in those
missing 16 hours.

Day 1
1. How would you describe the environment?
-The department offices were different based on each department's needs. For instance,
in the assessor's office where Kazandra and I resided, there was a lot of paperwork and
storage. Other departments had special equipment for their specific tasks. The
municipal hall, aside from the offices, sometimes got crowded. We did not interact
much with people inquiring in our department since we mainly handled paperwork, but
the assessor's office had a good number of visitors daily. Our office was filled with
papers, and there was a big storage closet with documents from recent to past years.
The office itself was usually cold too. The people we interacted with were polite and
helpful, guiding us through tasks and assisting when needed. Except for the man at the
front desk, he is a bit grumpy if I am being honest. Overall, the atmosphere was
generally relaxed, except on busy days when the paperwork piled up, causing us some
2. Describe how your classmate acted on the first day.
-Kazandra is generally an anxious and reserved individual, so it was no surprise that she
exhibited such behavior on the first day. Despite her inherent shyness, there was a hint
of excitement and fascination in her demeanor, from both her surroundings and the
people we have encountered. She has also learned how to navigate through Microsoft
Excel and has mastered the art of converting hard copies into PDFs. While she may have
been somewhat lagging in executing certain tasks, it is worth mentioning that she at
least gets the job done.

Day 2

1. While you were observing the people inside the office where you’ve assigned, did you
imagine yourself being like them in the future? What similarities or differences do you
have with the workers you observed?
-While I was observing the people inside the assessor’s office, I did not imagine myself
being like them in the future. The similarities I have with the workers inside the office
was that they were skilled in what their job was and know how to follow instructions. I
am a person that dutifully follows any tasks given to me and I am confident in the
abilities I possess to be able to complete them with barely help from others.
2. Think of a person in that office you cannot forget. How did she/he help you with your
needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)?
-I am unable to forget this one worker that was working next to us, he probably helped
us the most besides the representative of the assessor’s department. He helped us a ton
when it came to anything technology or computer related. A specific skill I learned from
him is how to type the letter “n” which is alt 164 and alt 165 for the capital “Ñ”. He also
gave us some tips on how to efficiently put in data into Microsoft Excel.
3. Show other insights here about the workers in that office.
-All of the workers inside the assessor’s office were incredibly patient and
understanding. They patiently taught us the skills we needed to know to be able to work
efficiently. Sometimes they gave us free food too.

Day 3

1. How does the person in the higher position in that office influence the other workers
considering their differences?
-The head of the assessor’s department was barely present during our 10 day stay. They
were incredibly busy and was often out of the office but that does not mean that they
were careless for the people under them.
2. Do the people in the office you’ve assigned have different ways to finish their work?
-The people in the assessor’s office all were vastly different so of course the way they
finished their works were unique as well. Some were quick to finish and some were
more laid back and relaxed.
3. Among all the people there, who do you wish you were? Does she/he help you to realize
what work you could do in the future?
-Among all the people in the assessor’s department, I wish I was the head. Solely
because I do not like being an “employee”. I would rather give out orders rather than
following orders. The head helped me realized that I am not cut out for desk jobs. It is
incredibly boring.

Day 4

1. How did you feel being in that working area? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity
among the workers inside and outside of the office you were in?
-I felt bored and sluggish during the whole immersion experience. I felt a sense of unity
since all of the employees were working towards one goal so in turn I felt like I belonged
too. The other employees outside of the assessor’s department, I barely interacted with
but everyone was civil with each other and all in all, respect is felt.
2. What are the traits you should have or need to be a successful office worker like the
people you encountered?
-The traits one should need to be a successful office worker are patience,
communication skills, adaptability, and being technology literate.
3. What new things did you learn about being with the people in the area you’ve assigned?
-I only learned one thing about being with the people in the assessor’s department.
Office workers are extremely patient. They have to deal with unending paperwork every
single day, and on top of that they had to cater to the questions or inquiries the people
of Orani had.
4. What did you appreciate most from your experience in being in that office? Why?
-I mostly appreciated the workers from my experience in the assessor’s department. As I
stated in my answer to question number three, they were patient. To further add
details, they were understanding and efficient workers as well. I appreciate that they
have the mental capacity to be able to do that because personally, my patience is
almost non-existent and I do not like being in a high-pressure environment.

Day 5

1. Does the communication between the employees affect the paperwork? If yes, what are
these effects? And if not, why do you think there is no effect?
-Yes, communication between employees significantly affects paperwork in an office
environment. Clear communication helps in circulating information, clarifying
instructions, and ensuring that tasks are executed accurately and on time. On the
contrary, poor communication can result in errors and delays, negatively impacting the
overall workflow and potentially leading to mistakes in paperwork. Therefore, fostering
strong communication practices is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness and accuracy
of paperwork in an office setting.
2. Who are the people you could find to seek advice regarding the paperwork you are
doing? Do these people help you to understand more why work is important?
-I could ask anyone in the office for advice regarding paperwork but I mostly asked the
representative of the office since she was in charge of us afterall. She helped me
understand that it is okay to be slow just as long as you do the job accurately, rather
than being efficient but inputting the wrong information.
3. As a future employee, how would you establish good collaboration with your co-
workers? How can you work well with them?
-I would rather not be a future employee but to answer on how I could establish good
collaboration with my co-workers, I would prioritize open and clear communication,
actively listening when needed, and addressing conflicts professionally.

Day 6

1. Are there areas in the office for specific purposes (storage room, pantry, supplies, etc.)?
Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if these areas for specific purposes are
not present?
-There are areas in the assessor’s department for specific purposes, there is a storage
room and a restroom. The storage room is packed to the brim with paperwork and
other supplies, and the restroom is just that, a restroom. If the storage room was not
present then the office itself will definitely be constricted and it would feel suffocating
due the the amount of paperwork the assessor’s office has. If the restroom was not
present, it would be inconvenient but not a problem since there’s a restroom outside
the office, its a free for all restroom for the people waiting in line for whichever
department they need to inquire in.
2. Are there any rules posted on the wall of the office? Do these rules reinforce positive
-There are rules posted on the wall of the office. They contain basic human decency
behaviour and overall just be respectful. These rules reinforce positive behaviour.
3. Did all the employees in the office follow the rules?
-Yes, they all follow the rules. They need to, its rules afterall.
4. What are the daily routines done by the employees? If there is, how are they done?
-Everyone has their own unique daily routine. I cannot describe every single one since
everyone is distinct in their own ways but a similar trait is that every single employee
has rest breaks. Even just for 10 minutes, all of them take a break when they want to.

Day 7

1. How does the superior voice affect the other employees?

-I could not answer his honestly because, as I stated in my answer to question one in
day three, the head of the assessor’s office was barely present during my 10 day
immersion experience.
2. How does the punctuality of the one in a higher position affect the office discipline?
-The punctuality of individuals in higher positions significantly influences office discipline
by serving as an example and establishing clear expectations for the entire team. In
essence, the punctuality of those in higher positions plays a pivotal role in shaping the
organizational culture and maintaining a disciplined work environment.
3. Are there any strategies you get from the superior or employees you want to have?
What are they and how will you apply them when you are in a position you want in the
-I could barely feel the presence of the head of the assessor’s office. The strategy I
would want to have from the employees is to relax and not get too immersed in the
paperwork that you have or you will get burned out fast. I could apply that into my
future career as a web developer. Take my job calmly but follow deadlines. Time
management is key.

Day 8

1. How do the employees you observed compare to the teachers you encountered in the
school? Is there any similarities in their works?
-The employees I observed compared to the teacher in schools have some similarities.
All of them have skills in their respective fields and work together towards one goal,
which is for the better of the future. In terms of the employees, its for the better of
future documentation and for teachers, its for the better of the future workers.
2. Can you explain the disposition of the workers after a long day of work? Are they happy
and eager? Satisfied and contented? Or disappointed and exhausted?
-The disposition of workers after a long day of work can vary based on several factors,
but to summarize it, the workers were eager to get home. Whenever it was close to 5
pm, I could observe employees coming out of their offices and lining up at the front desk
to sign out.

Day 9

1. Are the materials (papers, chairs, tables, etc.) inside the office arranged properly
according to their functions and characteristics?
-Yes, the materials inside the office are arranged properly according to their functions
and characteristics.
2. Do you think every person in that office were comfortable with the area?
-Yes, I think every person inside the assessor’s office were comfortable in their work
3. If you were a superior in the office, what suggestion could you make to have a better,
clean, and neat working area?
-If I was a superior in the office, a suggestion I could make to have a better, clean and
neat working area is to maintain the proper cleanliness of the vicinity, Having weekly
clean up’s is enough to maintain the cleanliness of the area.

Day 10

1. Describe your experience being with the people in that office for ten days. Do you learn
from them or do they also learn from you?
-To describe my experience in one word from being with the people in the office for ten
days is, lackluster. I definitely learned from them but I am not quite sure if they also did
learn from me. I did not contribute any meaningful reasons for them to learn from me.
2. List all the learnings you gained from the office and the people you are with.
 How to type “ñ” and “Ñ”
 Further technology literacy
 Patience
 Time Management
 Punctuality
 Confidence
 Communication
 Documentation skills
 Critical thinking
 Adaptability
 Networking
 Teamwork
 Professionalism
3. If there is any chance, would you like to work with them again?
-No, but not because I dislike the workers. I just don’t like being constricted in an office
4. Do you think you can fit as a good office worker someday? Describe yourself.
-I do not think I qualify as a good office worker someday. I have little patience, easily
angry, aggressive, sarcastic, etc. To sum it up, I do not work well with people. Patience
isn't exactly my strong suit, but when I need to, I am willing to put up a façade in order
to have a job and get paid.


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