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00:00 So, hello everyone and assalamu alaikum, so today I'm gonna show you the difference

between different AI platforms. And, a best platform on which you can easily do anything and it will
also help you out in many things.
00:24 Okay? So, on the first step, on my first step, I'm, sirs, I'm opening Jaijipiti. Okay. And on my
second step, I'm opening, I'm searching Google Bar.
00:40 Bye. Okay, and on my third step, I'm gonna search Snapchat. Okay. So, now we can analyze the
question of why I'm searching Snapchat.
00:53 That's it. This is Snapchat because it has my AI platform, which will help you still okay? No.
Now. So here you can see dive my AI.
01:09 Okay, so now I'm gonna search different different things on different different different
different or depth. No, I'm gonna search the same things on the GigiBiddy, Bart and Snapchat, okay.
01:32 So Snapchat has my AI platform on which you can easily easily. Check, okay, so I would give,
and it will give your camera like wipes, okay.
01:46 Now, I'm gonna search the same question, so what All right. I need her, so that's why I'm
searching her. Okay, searches on YouTube.
02:07 Okay. Thank you. So I'm gonna copy it as I don't want to waste too much time. Okay. And
control V.
02:18 Okay. So I'm gonna, so now I'm going from to all of them. Okay. So, first of all, let's see the
answer of Chagippity.
02:32 Chagippity is saying I'm sorry, but I don't have regular time internet access This is, So, I can't
provide you with the current training services on YouTube.
02:42 Grants on YouTube can change rapidly and are influenced by video spectres such as current,
events, popular, culture and user behavior to find Thanks for the most up-to-date on training
services on YouTube.
02:56 You can visit the YouTube Training page directly on the YouTube website or app. This page
features a curated list of popular and training videos based on factors like views, likes and shares,
Bye guys.
03:09 Keep in mind that training services are-and videos may vary depending on your location and
personal preferences. If you have a specific topic or category-category in your mind, so you can also
use YouTube's search bar.
03:25 Thanks watching! Try to explore the latest and most popular content in the-in that niche. Okay,
so this was the answer from Chechevity and to summarize, they are saying that they can't-they don't
have a internet access so they can't provide you current training systems on YouTube.
03:47 Okay, now if you will go on Google bar, so what's saying that some Bye! Some of the training
systems on YouTube include because it's, it's a part of Google.
03:58 So, that's why. Okay. So, bad bunny! Ojit Ojit is to Lendos, but bad Bunny, okay. So, this, this is
a song which I say sayin', okay?
04:19 I sayin', because it's a good day, okay? I said A, okay. So, these are the trendy searches on
beauty, okay?
04:31 If you want to snapchat, so, You So, let me ask it again. Thank you for watching! Okay. Hey
there! The training searches on YouTube can change pretty quickly, but some popular topics now are
music videos, vlogs, gaming and DIY tutorials.
05:09 What kind of video are you interested in? Okay, so this is the answer from my AI and my AI
gave very specific answer because it is involved in training.
05:25 Thank you. Okay, but Google write you can just write a prompt and you can easily do it. So if
you're different, you write them.
05:36 So try to be, try to give it ehm, I don't like it. It will give you, uhh, many benefits, but on the
other hand, if it has benefits, so it has also disadvantages.
05:50 It don't, it also have some disadvantages if it has. Bye! Advantages, okay. So, trajectory 3.5,
okay. So, this is the plan which I am using right now.
06:09 It's Thank you. It is a free plan, okay. So I am not paying any money. I am not doing any
payment to them.
06:19 Okay. So, we are going to do unlimited messages and messages in history. Access to our GPD
3.5 model. Okay. So, now the second one is a plus and per month you will give 20 dollars.
06:38 So, as a Pakistani, if I look on word it into Pakistani rupees, so it's saying 5,568.38 Pakistani
rupee. Huh? Bye!
06:55 Anyways, uhh, it's not that much, but per month, per month, 5,000, if you will calculate it, 5,000,
5,000, 5,000. If you will multiply it, five 12,5,5 to the, ok, 60,000, so then we are going to give 60,000
rupees every month.
07:22 Thank watching. No, everyone, no, every ear. So this is more, so this is their uhh, GPT-4, which
is their most capable model.
07:34 Thank you. Okay, this is access to additional tools like DELL-A, Browsing, Advanced Data, and
then this is more. But Googlebot, what is the difference between Thanks watching!
07:48 It's free of course, okay? It after often in a month and no, in a couple of days, after a couple of
days, it updates, okay?
08:08 So, the people who hadn't, and more the Google artists. So, they are Bye bye. Using this, okay?
So, they are building it after every, every couple of months or every week.
08:27 So, I, I also have the history. But, activity, I guess, so no. I guess, so it's my activity. So, it also
shows you the updates.
08:42 So, man, it updated. So, it also has a, it Thank you. It also has extensions. Google Photos. So,
see. Google workspace.
09:00 Okay. So, I am satisfied. There's rice. That would charge a quick key. But now, I love Google bar
because it's so good.
09:14 Okay. Like, I can also say that in my iPhone. That's a lot of it. What is the most expensive ring?
09:27 No. So, it requires a time, a period of time. What is the most expensive ring? Thanks watching!
So see, I searched it and now I'm gonna send it, summited and now it will give me and it can also
lead her out.
09:52 It was a random question, so uhh, it doesn't speak of, speak of no. It will. Thank you. Let's see.
But now, if you will go on through chativity, it doesn't, it gives you the option of copy, like, dislike
10:24 Or reload. But it also reads, it reads, ok, in free of course, ok. You can also double check
response. Once.
10:40 You can also, by searching along the google, you can also re-search it, ok. And you can also
like or dislike and modify response.
10:54 You can also modify it, uhh, like. Bye. Look, if you want to make it shorter, so it will give you a
shorter response.
11:02 See. Thank you. Okay. And now it's not shared. It's not shared. Can't hear anything but as it is a
11:26 But uhh, I don't know So let's search who is the founder of church. Thank you. Sam. Altsman is
the father of Chajapati who has become the hottest face in the world of artificial intelligence.
11:55 So it's good. Chajapati is good but not according to me. Okay. Now, anyways, I hope you liked
this video. Like this video and don't forget to like, share, subscribe.
12:09 So, see you in my next video. It was my first one. So I thought let's do something unique and I
hope you liked it.
12:24 See you in my next one. Okay. And in my next one, I will tell you how white can you. You What
are the things that you can make from charge JPT?
12:41 How can you get help from charge JPT? Google guard and stuff. Okay. So we do it in my next
12:47 I'll, under like. Bye.

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