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(BBA. LL.B. –(5YDC) I st YEAR – I st SEMESTER)

Course Code: 20UC1101L Course Title: General English and Legal Language
Semester: I LTP: 3 - 0- 0 Credits: 3

Course Objectives
1. To improve and command in English Language.
2. To make the student conversant with the Legal Terminology.
3. To acquire the knowledge of English Language necessary to understand and interpret the laws.

Course Outcomes
1. Students will be able to understand the legal principles.
2. Students will be able to present the legal aspects with the legal terminology.
3. Students will be able to understand the intricate problems of law and will equip him with the
faculty of articulation and sound writing.

UNIT I English Grammar – Sentence; subject and predicate; Phrase and clause; Case; Number; Person;
Gender; Tense; Aspect; Active–Passive; Modals; Prepositions; Infinitives; Gerunds; Adjectives; Degrees
of comparison; Articles.

UNIT - II: Passive and Active listening – Questioning – Non-Verbal Communication – Listening
Comprehensive – Consulting a dictionary – Synonyms and antonyms – Regular Vocabulary Exercises –
Plain English.

UNIT – III: Legal language –Semantics; Morphology; Phonetics; Forensic linguistics. Characteristics –
History – English as a medium of communication for legal transactions in India.

UNIT – IV: Fundamental Principles of Legal Writing – Conscion – Clarity – Cogency – Simplicity of
Structure – Brief Writing and Drafting of Law Reports - Writing of Case Comments – Essay writing on
topics of legal interests – Terms used in Civil Law and Criminal Law – Latin words and expressions.

UNIT – V: General Juristic Writing in English; Proficiency in Regional Language.

UNIT-VI : Activities :1.Know your Partner 2.ESCATALK 3.Desperate Decision 4. PMI

5.Tell me Why.

Suggested Readings:
1. Legal Language, Legal Writing and General English – Central Law Publications, New Delhi.
2. Madabhushi Sridhar – Legal Language (Second edition.) Asia Law House, Hyderabad
3. Dr. Anirudh Prasad – Outlines of Legal Language in India, Central Law Publications, Allahabad.
4. Mohan and Banerjee – Developing Communication skills.
5. Mogha – Pleadings, Law and Language.
6. Bhatnagar, R.P. & R.Bhargava, Law and Language, New Delhi: Macmillan,
7. Kelkar, Ashok R. "Communication and Style in Legal Language", Indian Bar Review, 1993.

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