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Seeking Mental Health help

A. Checking on one’s mental health is a necessity.
B. Seeking mental health help should be encouraged.
C. Social support encourages seeking mental health help.

A. Seeking mental health damages one's reputation.
B. One feel unpleasant seeking mental health help.

2. Openess to Treatment
A. There are sufficient existing mental health services for those who need
B. People prioritize mental health treatment similarly as physical health
C. One should be open to mental health treatment.
D. One should be encouraged to talk freely about their mental health.
A. People can deal with their mental health problem alone.
B. Mental health should be less emphasized.
C. People want to get psychological help if worried for long period of
D. Sharing about one’s problem offend people.

3. Therapy
A. Promoting open communication about one's mental treatment can aid
in healing.
B. Therapy has no side effects.
A. One who seek therapy are weak to manage their own issues.
B. People avoid therapy for better work life balance.
C. Therapy is excessively expensive.
D. Therapy is only chatting.
E. Therapy can be done by any layman.

4. Medication
A. Medication for mental illness is required.
B. Medication is important for mental health treatment.
A. Side effects of certain medication of mental illness is life threatening.
B. It is useless to take medication for mental health treatment.
5. Psychiatric facility/ Rehab
A. Psychiatric facilities and rehabilitation centers serve to safeguard society.
B. In psychiatric facilities and rehabilitation centers, individuals receive support
and care.
C. Psychiatric facilities and rehabilitation centers lower the risk of relapse and
additional medical issues.
A. Rehabilitation centers are like lock-ups.
B. Psychiatric facilities and rehabilitation centers are stigmatized.
C. Access to psychiatric facilities and rehabilitation centers tends to be more
available to individuals from higher socio-economic status.

6. Support group
A. Support groups for mental health treatment provide emotional strength to
B. Support groups for mental health treatment helps individuals feel less lonely.
C. Individuals receiving supports are more open about their mental health
A. Participation in support groups for mental health treatment may in still a fear
of disappointment in individuals.
B. In support groups for mental health treatment, individuals are subjected to
pity for seeking mental health treatment.
C. Individuals in support groups for mental health treatment may experience a
lack of trust in their own abilities.

7. Prejudice about mental health

A. Prejudice about mental health often results in people being given space.
B. Prejudice about mental health can raise awareness about both one’s own and
other’s mental health.
C. Prejudice about mental health fueled by stereotypes, can prompt
conversations and dismissal of taboos surrounding the topic.
A. Prejudice about mental health is rooted in societal ignorance and denial.
B. Prejudice about mental health treatment makes it difficult for individuals to
earn a living.
C. Prejudice about mental health, perceiving individuals as unfit for society, can
hinder people from seeking help.

8. Finance in context to mental health.

A. Taking care of one’s mental health leads to financial stability.
B. Treating mental illness increases one’s financial stability.
C. Investing money in mental health facilities and care promotes wellbeing.
A. Mental health treatment is expensive.
B. Having financial cushion increases the variability of treatment one can
C. Expensive facilities provide better care and treatment.

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