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Good Morning

From the given case study we can observe that a traditional dining restaurant was undergoing a
efficient process where technology meets its excellence.

In the light of the system, describe the decisions to be made in strategic planning, managerial
control, and operational control? What information would you require to make such decisions?

Strategic Planning:

 Decisions: Menu planning, pricing strategy, expansion, customer

 Information Needed: Market trends, customer preferences, sales data,
competitor analysis, cost structures.
By analyzing market trends and customer preferences, it refines menus and pricing, allowing
the restaurant to not just cater but captivate."

Managerial Control:

 Decisions: Cost controls, inventory management, staffing levels, quality control.

 Information Needed: Real-time sales data, inventory levels, cost breakdowns, employee
performance metrics.

Operational Control:

 Decisions: Order routing, stock replenishment, void analysis, customer service improvement.

 Information Needed: Order status, out-of-stock alerts, void reasons, customer feedback.

Through MIS, from smart order routing to instant feedback, it transforms potential chaos into a well-
choreographed culinary experience."

2. Making the System a More Complete MIS:

Include Analytical Tools:

 Incorporate features for data analysis, trend analysis, forecasting tools, and predictive
analytics. "The transition from good to exceptional lies in data's interpretation. By integrating
analytical tools, this MIS doesn't just crunch numbers; it deciphers trends, predicts
preferences, and transforms data into culinary intuition."

Integration with External Data:

 Connect the system with external data sources like market trends, weather, or events. "In
the world of gastronomy, external influences shape experiences. By integrating with external
data, this MIS anticipates not just appetites but the very atmosphere in which they are

User Training:

 Provide training for users on leveraging advanced features for better decision support. "The
power of technology is unlocked by those who wield it. User training isn't just about buttons
and screens; it's about empowering culinary artists to paint their masterpieces with the
strokes of data-driven decisions."

3. Effects of Making the System More Formal:

On Customers:

 Positives: Improved accuracy in orders, faster service, better management of customer


 Negatives: Potential reduction in personalized service, less flexibility in customizing orders.

On Management:

Positives: Enhanced control and reporting capabilities, better decision support.

Negatives: Increased complexity and potential need for additional training.

"Formalizing systems elevates control and decision support. Yet, it's crucial to navigate potential
resistance. As with any recipe, balance is key; too much formality may stifle innovation, while too
little may lead to chaos in the kitchen."

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