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Hi Amy! Welcome to English History! This is history
revolving around the UK, and how world events had
an effect on the UK. This won't be easy! You're going
to learn a LOT. And the tests are going to be A-level
questions. You will need to revise really well, have
insight on situations, and have the proper skills it
takes to master history. Hopefully you will enjoy this
class! Goodluck. <3

English History
Unit 1: timeline
55 B.C 43 A.D 410 597
Roman Invasion - Julius Roman Conquest - Roman Withdrawal - The Christian Conversion -
Caesar makes the first Emperor Claudius Roman Empire begins to Pope Gregory I sends a
Roman attempt to successfully leads a withdraw its forces from mission led by Augustine
invade Britain, but the Roman invasion of Britain due to increasing to convert the Anglo-
invasion is unsuccessful. Britain and establishes pressure from barbarian Saxons to Christianity.
Roman rule. invasions elsewhere in The mission is successful,
the empire. and Christianity begins
to spread throughout

English History
1066 1215 1348-1350 1485
The Norman Conquest, The signing of the Magna The Black Death, a The Battle of Bosworth,
led by William the Carta, a document that devastating pandemic where Henry Tudor
Conqueror, resulting in limited the powers of the that killed a significant defeated Richard III,
the Battle of Hastings monarchy and portion of the leading to the start of the
and the establishment of established certain rights population. Tudor dynasty and the
Norman rule in England. for English nobles. end of the Wars of the

English History
Roman conquest
(43 A.D - 410)
The Roman invasion of Britain occurred in 43 AD
when Emperor Claudius led a military campaign to
conquer the island. The Romans faced initial
resistance from Celtic tribes but eventually gained
control. They established a provincial
administration, built infrastructure, and introduced
Roman culture. Roman rule lasted for about four
centuries until the early 5th century when the
empire began to decline, leading to the eventual
withdrawal of Roman forces from Britain. The
Roman invasion left a significant impact on
Britain's history, shaping its culture, governance,
and architecture.

English History
conversion (597)
Christian conversion in the UK refers to the process by
which the population of the region adopted Christianity
as their predominant religious belief. It began with the
arrival of Roman soldiers and missionaries, and later
intensified with the efforts of missionaries from Rome
and Ireland in the 6th and 7th centuries. The conversion
of the Anglo-Saxons was a gradual process, influenced by
political factors and the establishment of monasteries
and churches. Christianity played a significant role in
shaping the religious, cultural, and societal landscape of
the UK, leaving a lasting impact on its history and

English History
The Norman
conquest (1066)
The Norman Conquest was the invasion and conquest
of England by William the Conqueror in 1066.
William's victory at the Battle of Hastings led to his
coronation as King of England and the establishment
of Norman rule. The Conquest brought significant
changes to England, including the introduction of the
Feudal System, Norman culture and architecture, and
the consolidation of Norman power. It marked a
crucial turning point in English history and shaped
the country's monarchy, language, and society.

English History
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was signed by King John of England
in 1215. It aimed to limit the king's powers and protect
the rights and liberties of the barons. It established
principles of justice, fair treatment, and the rule of
law. The Magna Carta is seen as a foundational
document in the development of constitutional
governance and individual rights in the UK.

English History
The black death
The Black Death, a deadly pandemic in the mid-14th
century, struck the UK in 1348. It spread rapidly, causing
high fever, painful swellings, and massive death tolls. It
led to labor shortages, economic disruption, and social
changes. The Black Death had lasting effects on society,
economy, and public health, reshaping the UK's history.

English History
Bosworth (1485)
The Battle of Bosworth, fought on August 22, 1485, was a
decisive conflict in the Wars of the Roses, a series of civil
wars for the English throne. It resulted in the death of
King Richard III and the ascension of Henry Tudor as King
Henry VII, during a battle for the throne. The Battle of
Bosworth marked the end of the Plantagenet dynasty
and the beginning of Tudor rule in England. The Battle of
Bosworth is remembered as a significant event in the
struggle for power in medieval England and has been
immortalized in literature and popular culture as a
turning point in English history.

English History
01 02 03
Make sure you know dates. They Make sure you know how to Make sure you can connect causes,
are important! answer a question properly, and and name the aftermath of events.
how to argument insight questions.

English History
Hope you enjoyed your first notes for English history! I know it might be a lot, but it's pretty easy to memorise.
If you don't understand something you can always ask me or Google it. Goodluck on your homework and
tests! Also, you can leave comments if you need me to edit something or have a question, I'll check it out! <3

English History

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