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Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386 – 401

Reconstruction of parent grains from EBSD data

C. Cayron ⁎, B. Artaud, L. Briottet
CEA-Grenoble, DRT/LITEN/DTEN/S3ME, 17 rue des Martyrs 38054 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
Received 21 October 2005; received in revised form 24 January 2006; accepted 14 March 2006


The limits of the parent grain reconstruction by the neighbor-to-neighbor method are shown. A new method of parent grain
reconstruction from EBSD data is proposed for any phase transformation. It is based on the theoretical groupoid structure formed
by the variants and their operators. It tolerates materials with high levels of intragranular deformation. It is quick and robust
because it does not imply solving any equation, and mainly consists in the comparison of numbers. It has satisfactorily been applied
to the reconstruction of austenitic grains in martensitic steels.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Phase transformation; EBSD; Reconstruction; Martensite; Groupoid

1. Introduction are investigated to better understand their plastic de-

formation [1] and damage mechanisms [2] at cryogenic
Many materials take their high mechanical properties temperatures. The low carbon bainitic/martensitic
from a fine lath microstructure that blocks the dis- 16MND5 steel used in French vessel Pressure Water
location movements. These laths are generally daughter Reactors is studied to predict its mechanical properties
grains inherited from parent grains by a phase transition at high temperatures in the case of a hypothetical sce-
that occurs at high temperature during the elaboration of nario of a severe accident with a core meltdown [3,4];
the material. This is the case for the titanium and and the low carbon 9Cr ferritic/martensitic Eurofer steel
zirconium alloys that present a β → α Burgers phase is investigated as a primary structural material for the
transition between 900 and 1000 °C, and for steels that demonstration fusion plant (DEMO) and for the first
present a γ → α′ martensitic transition between 550 and fusion power reactors [5,6].
100 °C (depending mainly on the carbon content). The In all those cases, the size, morphology and texture of
microstructure of these structural materials is widely the parent grains (β-grains for Ti alloys, austenite for
studied in order to understand their mechanical behavior steels) are important microstructural parameters in the
and to improve their performances. Let us give some mechanical models. For example, the prior particle grain
examples from the works performed in our laboratory. boundaries are often imagined as preferential paths for
The Ti–6Al–4V alloys produced by powder metallurgy fracture. However, most of the time, the parent grains
and selected for their applications in the Ariane V engine are not visible due to the complexity of the microstruc-
ture constituted by a high number of variants. Some-
⁎ Corresponding author. times some appropriate intermediate heat treatments that
E-mail address: (C. Cayron). decorate the parent grain boundaries with coarse
1044-5803/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 387

precipitates are possible, but such methods are limited. sition rates (in average 20 frames/s) are reached under
The Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction (EBSD) tech- these conditions. The EBSD data are also treated with
nique used in a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is Channel 5. This software allows, for example, the iden-
a very powerful and mature technique [7] that gives, in tification of the grains while ignoring some special
addition to the morphology, the orientation of each grain disorientations between grains given by pairs (angle and
(if crystalline) nowadays at a speed higher than 50 axis). This subroutine (“Grain Size Measurement” in the
points per second with an angular precision ∼1°, and a “Excluding” mode) is usually used to reunify some
spatial resolution ∼ 10 nm. The results can be re- grains that have special orientation relationships (such a
presented by orientation maps or by pole or inverse pole Σ3 twins); but we have used it here to reunify the grains
figures. This technique has been used these last years to that are linked by a rotation close to an operator (it is the
study the β → α transformations in Ti or Zr alloys by neighbor-to-neighbor method for parent grain recon-
two ways: (i) in situ SEM-EBSD experiments [8] and struction, see next section). For more complex recon-
(ii) reconstruction of the parent β-grains by post-proces- struction, the EBSD data have been exported in a file,
sing of the EBSD data obtained on the α-grains. treated by a program written in Python language, and
The post-processing reconstruction is based on then re-imported in Channel 5 to display the results.
theoretical works developed by Humbert et al. [9–11].
The method has been applied to reconstruct semi-auto- 3. Neighbor-to-neighbor reconstruction and
matically or automatically the β-parent grains (with their importance of the angular tolerance
orientation) for Ti alloys [12–16] and Zr alloys [17].
However an automatic austenitic parent grain recon- 3.1. Neighbor-to-neighbor reconstruction
struction does not exist up to now. In the present paper,
we will give some details of the method used in these Details on the β →α transformation in Ti alloys are
studies and explain why it works satisfactorily for the Ti given in the theoretical works of Humbert et al. [9–11].
and Zr alloys, but not for steels. Then, we will briefly They demonstrated that the number of α-variants is 12 for
recall a new theoretical approach of the crystallography the β→ α transformation and the number of β-variants is 6
of phase transitions [29], and show how such algebraic for the inverse transformation α → β [9]. Humbert et al.
considerations may help in solving the parent recon- proposed a method to calculate the possible β-parent
struction problem for any structural phase transition. crystals if the orientations of a finite number of daughter
Finally, a new simple and powerful method of parent crystals are known; they found that at maximum 3 α-
grain reconstruction will be proposed and some exam- variants are required to determine without ambiguity the β-
ples with martensitic transformation in 16MND5 steels parent crystal [10] (actually 4 variants are needed, see [29]).
will be given. They recently proposed an improvement of his method to
evaluate accurately the orientation of the β-parent grains by
2. Materials and experimental technique taking into consideration the orientations of all the α-va-
riants [11]. Gey and Humbert calculated the orientations of
The materials examined in the present study are a Ti– the 12 α-variants, and observed that there are 5 distinct
6Al–4V alloy elaborated by powder metallurgy and hot transformations between them [12] (these theoretical
isostatic pressing [1,2] and two kinds of wrought transformations will be called operators). Each operator
16MND5 steels (called R and K) that despite their can be expressed by a set of equivalent rotational matrices
very close chemical compositions and microstructures (due to the orientational symmetry of the variants) but only
have very distinct fracture behaviors at high tempera- one matrix can be arbitrarily chosen to represent the set.
tures [3,4]. This theoretical representative rotational matrix is usually
All these materials have been prepared for EBSD chosen with the minimum rotation angle (in absolute
measurements by mechanical grinding and polishing value), and expressed by a couple of angle and axis of
followed by a soft vibratory polishing with non-crys- rotation (∣δth∣min, Uth). Gey and Humbert proposed to
talline colloidal silica on Vibromet 2 (Buehler). The reconstruct the β-parent grains with the following method:
EBSD patterns have been obtained with a SEM-FEG
LEO-1530 (Zeiss) at 25 kV with an objective aperture of 3.1a. Compare the transformation matrices between the
60 μm equipped with a Nordlys II detector. They have variants to the rotation matrices of the five
been acquired with the Channel 5 EBSD software (HKL operators and, if the comparison is positive,
Technology) with a binning of 4 × 4 and a minimum of 6 assume that the two adjacent grains come from
bands for pattern identification. Relatively high acqui- the same parent grain.
388 C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401

3.1b. Calculate the orientation of the β-parent grains by and steels with NW OR and 16 operators for steels with
solving the Humbert equations for each packet of KS OR. The neighbor-to-neighbor method of parent
α-grains [11]. reconstruction relies on the comparison of the experi-
mental rotation between two adjacent grains to the
We will call this method “neighbor-to-neighbor” re- theoretical operators (step 3.1a): if the rotation cor-
construction. It has been applied to reconstruct the β-parent responds to an operator (with a tolerance angle ε), the
grains (with their orientation) for Ti alloys [12,13] and Zr two grains are supposed to be inherited from the same
alloys [17]. The step 3.1a is automatic and the step 3.1b is parent crystal. However, as already observed by Gey and
semi-automatic. An automated reconstruction of the β- Humbert for the Ti alloys [12], the amplitude of the
parent grains is proposed in [14–16]; it is based on Gey and tolerance angle can modify somewhat the outline of the
Humbert's method and includes Monte Carlo calculations supposed parent grain. Actually, the neighbor-to-neigh-
to minimize the misorientation angles of the β-parent bor reconstruction is limited, and step 3.1b fails very
candidates. often due to the fact that two grains have been
Many crystallographic studies are also devoted to the “abusively” reunified during step 3.1a. This is why
analysis of the variants in martensitic steels [18–23]. only a semi-automatic method has been proposed to
Mainly two kinds of orientation relationship between the reconstruct the parent grains in Ti alloys [12]. The
parent austenitic crystals and the daughter martensitic “automatic” method proposed in [14–16] seems to
variants are possible: the Nishiyama–Wassermann (NW) ignore this problem during the Monte Carlo global-
OR [24,25] and the Kurdjumov–Sachs (KS) OR [26]. Both minimization process.
ORs are presented in Table 1 and illustrated in Fig. 1. There To better understand the influence of the tolerance angle
are 12 variants for the NW OR and 24 for the KS OR. ε on the step 3.1a of the neighbor-to-neighbor method, we
These two orientation relationships are very close (the have calculated the probability Dα that two randomly
maximum angular deviation between them is only 5.3°). oriented daughter crystals are linked accidentally by an
The orientation of each variant and the distinct rotations operator. For each operator, noted Onα, all the equivalent
between the variants have been calculated by Gourgues et theoretical rotation matrices have been calculated and
al. [18]. They found 5 and 16 operators between the expressed as a set of pairs of angle and axis {(δkth, Ukth)}n =
variants for the NW OR and for the KS OR, respectively th
{(δkn th
, Ukn )}. The set of operators is noted Oα (see next
(without taking into account the identity operator). Similar section for details). This calculation has been done for the
results were described for the KS OR in [19] and for the Burgers and for the martensitic transformations with the
NW OR in [22]. Up to now, only local analyses have been NW and KS ORs. Then, random rotations have been
performed from these theoretical considerations. An auto- generated according to the following process: three real
matic austenitic parent grain reconstruction with the neigh- random numbers belonging to [0,1], rδ, rα and rϕ, are
bor-to-neighbor method used for Ti alloys does not exist. generated and used to create the random rotation angle, δr
(between 0 and π radian) and the random axis of length
3.2. Effect of the tolerance angle equal to 1, Ur, according to:

As previously explained, the operators (classes of dr ¼ k r y

transformation between variants) are reported in litera-     
Ur ¼cos k rf −1=2 d cos k ra ; sin k ra ; 0
ture for the Burgers transitions and for the martensitic  
transitions in steels: there are 5 operators for Ti alloys þsin k rf −1=2 0; 0; 1 ð1Þ

Table 1 Then, each random rotation (δr, Ur) is compared to all the
Orientation relationship between the austenitic parent crystal and a theoretical rotations of all the operators {(δkth, Ukth}n and the
martensitic daughter variant for the NW OR and for the KS OR minimum deviation angle Δδr is calculated by:
Martensitic transformation in steels
Ddr ¼ min fmaxfjdr −dth
kn gj; jðUr ; Ukn Þjg
Parent = γ = FCC kn
Daughter = α′ = BCC
where (δkth, Ukth) is deduced from the operators Onα (i.e.
Nishiyama–Wasserman OR Kurdjumov–Sachs OR Onα ∈ Oα) and ∣(Ur, Ukth)∣ is the absolute value of the angle
(110)α // (111)γ (110)α // (111)γ between the random axis Ur and the theoretical axis Ukth
[1–11]α // [1–10]γ [001]α // [1–10]γ given by cos(Ur, Ukth)= Ur Mα Ukth, where Mα is the metric
Number of variants: 12 Number of variants: 24 tensor of the α daughter phase. We note DΔσ the discrete
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 389

Fig. 1. Developed representation of the variants generated by a martensitic transformation with (a) a Nishiyama–Wasserman OR and (c) a
Kurdjumov–Sachs OR. The FCC γ-parent crystal with its {111} faces is in white and the α daughter variants with their {110} planes are in green. A
3D representation is given on (b) and (d) respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)

distribution function of angles defined on [0,π] with an the element N of this distribution, where N is integer with
α α
angular interval of Δσ. Initially, DΔσ = [0,…,0]. Each N Δσ ≤Δδr b (N +1) Δσ. The distribution DΔσ can be
generation of random rotation and its comparison with numerically integrated, and, if Δσ is fixed sufficiently
the theoretical values gives a number Δδr that brings 1 to small and if the number of random generations is
390 C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401

sufficiently high, the integration becomes very close to the NW OR and 45% for KS OR. Since each grain has
continuous cumulative distribution function: generally 4 neighbors (for a lath microstructure), it is clear
that the parent size obtained by the neighbor-to-neighbor
Da ðeÞ ¼ PðDdr V eÞ ð3Þ method is slightly overestimated for the Burgers transfor-
mation, and largely overestimated for martensitic transfor-
The right-hand side represents the probability that the mations. The problem is illustrated on Figs. 3-5. As shown
random variable Δδr takes on a value less than or equal to ε, for martensitic steels in Figs. 4 and 5, nearly all the grains
i.e. the probability that two randomly oriented crystals are are assumed to be daughter variants of only one parent
linked by a rotation accidentally close to an operator within crystal: the reconstructed maps are nearly uniformly
an angular interval lower than ε. In other words, Dα (ε) may colored with ε = 3°, and are completely uniformly colored
be imagined as the probability to wrongly assume that two with ε = 5° (the corresponding figure is not shown here).
grains are inherited from the same parent crystal at the step This means that the step 3.1a of the reconstruction by the
3.1a of the reconstruction by the neighbor-to-neighbor neighbor-to-neighbor method for highly deformed materi-
method. Dα (ε) has been calculated with two thousand als is not effective, and this explains why until now an
random generations and an angular step of Δσ = 0.3° for the automatic method of parent grain reconstruction does not
Burgers transformations and for martensitic transforma- exist for the martensitic steels.
tions with NW and KS ORs. The results are presented in
Fig. 2. 4. The groupoid of orientational variants
For a tolerance angle of ε = 5°, which is reasonable if we
consider that the resolution in EBSD is close to 1° and that 4.1. First approach
the structure is often stressed and plastically deformed due
to the phase transformation, it appears from Fig. 2 that the We briefly introduce the notion of groupoid. Let us
probability to wrongly suppose that two grains are inherited suppose that α1, α2 and α3 are crystals that are inherited
from the same parent crystal is 12% for a Burgers from the same parent crystal. Let us call α12 and α13 the
transformation, 20% for martensitic transformation with transformations between α1 and α2, and α1 and α3

(a) (b)
2° 5°
Cumulated probabilities (%)

80.0 20.0
50.0 0.0
40.0 0 6
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
Angle (°)
(c) (d)
Cumulated probabilities (%)

90.0 1° 2° 3°
70.0 20.0
60.0 10.0
40.0 0.0
30.0 0 3
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Angle (°°)

Fig. 2. Cumulated probability Dα that two random grains are accidentally linked by an operator in function of the angular tolerance ε for (a) a Burgers
transformation and (c) a martensitic transformation (with a NW or a KW OR). The enlargements represented in (b) and (d) correspond to the tolerance
used in the reconstruction by a neighbor-to-neighbor method in Fig. 3 (ε = 2° and 5°), and Figs. 4 and 5 (ε = 1°, 2° and 3°).
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 391

respectively. We note these transformation matrices composition law (matrix multiplication) forms a group.
α12 = α1 → α2 and α13 = α1 → α3. Each of these transfor- The composition table of this “group” can be easily
mations must correspond to one of the operators. deduced from the list of pair of variants (αi, αj) asso-
Moreover, another condition must be checked, it is ciated to each operator Oij by defining that Oij Okl exists
that α23 = α2 → α3 = α12 α13 corresponds to an operator. if and only if j = k and the result is then Oil. Surprisingly,
For all the variants αi and αj similarly placed, the the composition does not produce only one solution but
rotations αij are equal and correspond to the same a set of solutions [28]. The composition of operators
operator On. First, naturally but naively, it was thought seems to appear as a multivalued function! This strik-
that the set of rotations On associated to a classical ing point has led us to study more deeply what is the

Fig. 3. Ti–6Al–4V (powder metallurgy): Reconstruction of the β-parent grains by the neighbor-to-neighbor method (with the Channel 5 software)
with a tolerance of (a) 2° and (b) 5°. The corresponding error probability is given in Fig. 2(b). The white borders characterize the grain boundaries that
correspond to operators with a tolerance of 2°. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
392 C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401

Fig. 4. 16MND5-R steel: Reconstruction of the parent grains from the neighbor-to-neighbor method (with the Channel 5 software) assuming a NW
OR with a tolerance of (a) 1°, (b) 2° and (c) 3°. The corresponding error probability is given in Fig. 2d, lower curve. The microbar represents 100 μm.
The original EBSD map (not reconstructed) is given in Fig. 8a.
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 393

Fig. 5. 16MND5-R steel: Reconstruction of the parent grains from the neighbor-to-neighbor method (with the Channel 5 software) assuming a KS OR
with a tolerance of (a) 1°, (b) 2° and (c) 3°. The corresponding error probability is given in Fig. 2d, upper curve. The microbar represents 100 μm.
394 C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401

algebraic structure formed by the variants and the op- an operator between variants (ambivalent operator) and
erators. We have recently proved that such a structure is an operator from one variant to another (polar operator).
actually a groupoid [29]. It means that the sign of δ in the pair (∣δth∣min, Uth)
representing an operator is important. Moreover, it was
4.2. Definition and main properties proved that, contrary to the proposals in [10], sometimes
three α-daughter variants are not enough to determine
Let us describe the most important results of the the β-parent crystal.
study [29]: The results obtained with the martensitic transforma-
tions were only briefly reported in [29]. We give here
– Each variant αi is algebraically identified to a coset more details for the martensitic transformation with a
αi = giβHβ, where giβ is a symmetry matrix of Gβ NW OR (the tables for the KS OR are too big to be
the point group of the parent phase, where presented). Our computer program calculates the
Hβ = Gβ ⋂ TNGα TN− 1 is a subgroup of Gβ also intersection group Hγ = Gγ ⋂ TNGα TN− 1 (this group is
called the intersection group, and where TN is a given in Table 2) and then calculates the set of variants
transformation matrix from the parent crystal to one (i.e. the quotient set Gγ/Hγ): any martensitic variant
of the daughter crystals. The number of variants is takes the form αi = giγ Hγ. The variants are numbered and
Nα = ∣Gβ∣ / ∣Hβ∣. represented in Fig. 1a. Then, the operators are computed
– Each operator Onα from a variant αi to another αj by calculating the distinct products of sets Onα = αi− 1 αj =
is algebraically identified to a double-coset {αk}. We found that there are 6 operators for the mar-
Onα = αij = αi− 1 αj = Hβ gijβ Hβ where gijβ = (giβ)− 1 gjβ. tensitic NW transformation (without the identity) and not
The variants αi and αj are called respectively the only 5 as reported in [18] because two complementary
source and the target of the operator Onα. Each polar operators were distinguished. The operators are
operator can also be written as a set of variants given in Table 3 with their pairs of variants (source,
Onα = {αk}. target). For any operator Onα, the total set of equivalent
– The set of variants associated to the set of operators rotation matrices is Ttαi→αj = TN− 1 Gγ gijγ Gγ TN with
constitutes a groupoid. This algebraic structure en- gijγ ∈ Onα (see remark 6 of [29]). This set has also been
larges the notion of group by clearly separating the calculated and expressed by a set of pairs of angle and
objects (here the variants) from the arrows that link axis (δkth, Ukth) used in Eq. (2). Only rotations with
these objects (here the operators). In a group, since the special angles (minimum or 60°, 90°, 120°, 180°) are
neutral element acts as a reference these two notions reported in Table 3 with their corresponding axis. The
are not distinguished, and one can speak equivalently entire information on the variants and on their operators
of elements or operations. The composition law of can be summed up in the composition table of the
groupoid is very natural: one can compose the groupoid given by (Om ,Onα) → (Omα −1 α
) On = {Oqα} = {Oqα
α α α
operator that links the variant αi to the variant αj such that Oq = αij with Om = α1i, On = α1j} as presented in
with the operator that links the variant αk to the variant Table 4. This table proves that, if only the operators are
αl if and only if αj = αk. We have shown that actually considered, the composition of operators is not a
this composition is a multivalued composition. monovalued function but a multivalued one. We will
– A general method that determines if two daughter see how Table 3 and 4 can be used very easily to verify
variants αi and αj can be inherited from more than the coherence of the operators that link grains assumed
one parent crystal was described. to be inherited from the same parent crystal. Moreover,
– A computer program has been written to calculate all the possible parent crystals of two daughter variants
these properties for any structural transition. have been calculated according to [29], and the
minimum number of distinct variants required to
4.3. Theoretical results for Burgers and martensitic determine without ambiguity the parent crystal has
transitions been calculated: at maximum 4 variants are required for
a NW OR, and 7 for a KS OR. For example, in the case
New results have been obtained in [29] and ex- of the NW OR, the knowledge of the triplet of variants
tensively described for the Burgers transitions. For (α1, α5, α9) is not enough because two twin γ-parent
example it was proved that Nβ the number of variants of crystals are possible: since the variants of this triplet
the inverse Burgers transition, calculated in [10] and [14] have their (110)α planes that lie in the same (111)γ plane
(Nβ = 6) results of a general equation Nα ∣Gα∣ = Nβ ∣Gβ∣. (Fig. 1a), a mirror symmetry through the (111)γ plane
It was also shown that a distinction is possible between does not change the variants but changes the γ crystal
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 395

Table 2 and axis that corresponds to an operator Onα within

Intersection groups Hγ and Hα for a martensitic transition with a NW the tolerance interval of ε, i.e.
Hγ ≤ Gγ ψ Hα≤ Gα minkn fmaxfjdexp exp
ij −dkn gj; jðUij ; Ukn Þjg V e:
th th

E → E
I → I
5.1ii. ∀ (Gi, Gj, Gk) ∈ (Snexp )3, if we call Gij ≈ε Oqα and
(y x z) = σdb → (x y z̄) = σh Gik ≈ε Orα, Gjk ≈ε Osα then it should be checked
(ȳ x̄ z̄) = C2b → (x̄ ȳ z̄) = C2 that Osα ∈ (Oqα ) − 1 Orα given by the groupoid
These groups are subgroups of Gγ and Gα respectively; they are linked
by an isomorphism ψ. The symmetry elements constituting these
groups are written with the Jones, and with the Bradley and Cracknel Table 3
representations. See [27] for details. For a martensitic transition with a NW OR, list of the operators Oαn and
their corresponding variants (source and target) verifying Oαn = αij
into one of its Σ3 twins. It is the same case with the List of pair of variants (αi, αk), Rotation angle (°) and
sextuplet (α1, α5, α9, α13, α17, α21) as shown in Fig. 1b. source and target of the corresponding axis
operator Oαn
Another point that will be used in the following is the
notion of equivalent configurations of variants. The Python Oα0 (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), 0°, 90° [1 0 0], 120° [1 1 1],
(5, 5), (6, 6), (7, 7), (8, 8), 180° [1 1 0]
program that generates the variants uses a unique
(9, 9), (10, 10), (11, 11),
configuration of variants that is, in the case of martensitic (12, 12)
NW transformation, C0 = (α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, α6, α7, α8, α9, Oα1 (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 4), 13.76° [11 11 1], 90° [6 1 0],
α10, α11, α12). However, due to the internal symmetry of the (3, 1), (3, 4), (4, 2), (4, 3), 120° [7 6 5], 180°
austenitic parent crystal, this configuration is completely (5, 6), (5, 7), (6, 5), (6, 8), [138 136 23]
(7, 5), (7, 8), (8, 6), (8, 7),
equivalent to other ones, for example to C(11̄0) = (α1, α3, α2,
(9, 10), (9, 11), (10, 9),
α4, α9, α11, α10, α12, α5, α7, α6, α8) obtained from C0 by a (10, 12), (11, 9), (11, 12),
mirror symmetry through the plane (11̄0) of the γ-parent (12, 10), (12, 11)
crystal. All the equivalent configurations are calculated Oα2 (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 2), (4, 1), 19.47° [1 0 0], 180° [7 5 0]
with the Python program used in [29]. (5, 8), (6, 7), (7, 6), (8, 5), 180° [7 5 0]
(9, 12), (10, 11), (11, 10),
We describe in the next section how these results can
(12, 9)
be easily used to quickly reconstruct the parent grains Oα3 (1, 5), (1, 9), (2, 7), (2, 12), 60° [1 1 0], 120° [1 1 0], 180°
even in highly deformed materials. It is a general (3, 8), (3, 10), (4, 6), (4, 11), [11 11 9]
method, but in all the following, the examples will be (5, 1), (5, 9), (6, 4), (6, 11),
given for the martensitic NW transformation. (7, 2), (7, 12), (8, 3), (8, 10),
(9, 1), (9, 5), (10, 3), (10, 8),
(11, 4), (11, 6), (12, 2), (12, 7)
5. Application to the reconstruction of the parent Oα4 (1, 8), (1, 12), (2, 6), (2, 9), 53.69° [−946 − 924 301], 90°
grains (3, 5), (3, 11), (4, 7), (4, 10), [−138 − 136 23], 120°
(5, 4), (5, 12), (6, 1), (6, 10), [−40 −28 − 5]
5.1. Coherency of the set of grains (7, 3), (7, 9), (8, 2), (8, 11),
(9, 4), (9, 8), (10, 2), (10, 5),
(11, 1), (11, 7), (12, 3), (12, 6)
As presented in Section 3, it is very likely that the Oα5 (1, 7), (1, 10), (2, 5), (2, 11), 50.05° [4 4 3], 120° [21 10 0],
transformation between two martensitic grains G1 and (3, 6), (3, 9), (4, 8), (4, 12), 180° [231 147 110]
G2 on an experimental EBSD map will be accidentally (5, 2), (5, 11), (6, 3), (6, 9),
close to a theoretical operator, even with tolerance angles (7, 1), (7, 10), (8, 4), (8, 12),
(9, 3), (9, 6), (10, 1), (10, 7),
as small as ε = 3°. Therefore, G1 and G2 are often
(11, 2), (11, 5), (12, 4), (12, 8)
wrongly reunified with the neighbors-to-neighbors Oα6 (1, 6), (1, 11), (2, 8), (2, 10), 53.69° [946 924 −301], 90°
method. It is possible to avoid this problem while (3, 7), (3, 12), (4, 5), (4, 9), [138 136 − 23], 120° [40 28 5]
keeping large tolerance angles ε with the following (5, 3), (5, 10), (6, 2), (6, 12),
approach. For any group of n grains Snexp = {G1, G2,…Gn} (7, 4), (7, 11), (8, 1), (8, 9),
(9, 2), (9, 7), (10, 4), (10, 6),
supposed to be inherited from the same parent crystal, it
(11, 3), (11, 8), (12, 1), (12, 5)
must be verified that:
All the operators contain some rotations; the rotations with the
minimum angle and some special angles (60°, 90°, 120° or 180°) are
5.1i. ∀(Gi, Gj)∈ (Snexp)2, ∃ Okα ∈ Oα such that, Gij ≈ε Okα, given in the last column with their corresponding axis (in the source
i.e. Gi and Gj are linked by a transformation Gij daughter crystal). The operators 4 and 6 are complementary polar
expressed by a pair (δexp, Uexp)ij of rotation angle operators, the other are ambivalent.
396 C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401

Table 4 of the reconstruction. A progressive angular

Composition table of the groupoid Gγ → α for a martensitic transition tolerance is introduced to take into account this
with a NW OR
problem: conditions 5.1i and 5.1ii are tested with
a low angular tolerance ε but, if no solution is
found, the tolerance is discretely increased until a
solution has been found. If no solution is found
and if ε becomes higher than a fixed value εmax, it
is concluded that the grains are not coherent.

5.2. Nucleation step

The first step consists in starting the reconstruction

with a small set of grains that are “quasi-surely” daughter
of the same parent crystal. For this purpose, a triplet of
adjacent grains Snexp = (G1, G2, G3) is searched on the
experimental EBSD data verifying the coherence condi-
tions explained in Section 5.1 with a progressive and very
The table gives (Oαm, Oαn ) → Oαm = {Oαq } = {Oαq such that Oαq = αij with
Oαm = α1i, Oαn = α1j}. Only the indexes q of Oαq are noted in the
small angular tolerance ε = 1°, 2°, and ε max
= 3°. Indeed,
resulting table. For each operator Oαn , the corresponding variants αi even at the maximum tolerance angle εmax nucl
= 3°, the
such that Oαn = {α1i} are also reported. For example the composition probability to wrongly reunify two grains is 7% with a
of the operators Oα3 by Oα4 is (Oα3 )− 1 Oα4 = {Oα2 , Oα4 }. This result NW OR (see Fig. 4b), which means that the probability of
comes from the fact that (Oα3 )− 1 = {α51, α91}, Oα4 = {α18, α112}. finding three random grains linked by operators is
negligible (0.073 = 0.03%). Once this triplet has been
composition table. This means that all the triplets found, a grain of S3exp is arbitrarily indexed as variant α1
(Gi, Gj, Gk) should be coherent. (G1 ≈ α1). The two other grains are then identified to
5.1iii. ∀Gi ∈ Snexp, ∃ a unique pi ∈ [1, Nα] such that theoretical variants such that these ones are in agreement
Gi ≈ αpi. This means that for any grain Gi there is with the composition table of operators. To illustrate our
one possible theoretical variant αpi. This index is mind, let us consider three grains G1, G2 and G3 with, for
deduced from the groupoid composition table example, G12 ≈ O3α, G13 ≈ O5α and G23 ≈ O6α as shown in
during the step 5.1ii. Fig. 6. The coherence of the operators is verified because
The “coherence checking” by comparison to pre- O6α ∈ (O3α)− 1O5α (see Table 4). Moreover, the information
calculated theoretical groupoid data is the main on the operators helps us to index the variants. If we
idea of the new reconstruction method proposed choose G1 ≈ α1 then, since G12 ≈ O3α, there are only two
here. Now, many distinct approaches can be per- possibilities to index G2: G2 ≈ (α5 or α9), and in the same
formed on this base, the one we call “nucleation/ way, there are two possibilities to index G3: G3 ≈ (α7 or
propagation” method will be described in the α10). Furthermore, since G23 ≈ O6α, the only possible
following sections. This appellation is purely al- solutions are (G1, G2, G3) ≈ (α1, α5, α10) or (α1, α9, α7).
gorithmic; indeed, one may note that we actually These two solutions are equivalent because they belong to
want to inverse the arrow of time (to know how two equivalent configurations C0 and C(11̄0). Consequent-
the structure was before the transition) but we do ly, one can arbitrarily choose the solution S3th = (α1, α5,
not simulate the inverse transformation (like a re- α10) without loosing any information. Now, we will make
heating for example). These two situations are this “nucleus” grow to reconstruct the entire parent grain
fundamentally different for reconstructive trans- that contains (G1, G2, G3).
formations due to their irreversible character (see
the discussion in [29]). An intrinsic difficulty 5.3. Growth step
relies on the angular proximity of some operators;
for instance, one may notice that for a NW mar- We consider the previous “nucleus” (G1, G2, G3).
tensitic transformation, O1α and O2α, and O5α and Among all its neighboring grains we find those which
O6α are very close operators (both rotation axis are coherent with it. More precisely, we consider a new
and rotation angles are very close, see Table 3). grain G4 (that is for example neighbor of G2), and we
This proximity can lead to some misindexations want to know if (G1, G2, G3, G4) is a coherent set of
of the operators and variants during the first steps grain. For this purpose, the triplets (G1, G2, G4), (G2, G3,
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 397

G1 ≈ α1 hand G23 = G42 G43 ∈ (O1α ) − 1 O3α = {O3α , O5α }. Now
α α imagine that by increasing the tolerance to ε = 9° another
G12 ≈ε O3 G13 ≈ε O5
solution appears: G42 ≈ O2α, G43 ≈ O3α and G41 ≈ O6α. We
keep this solution because it is coherent and the grain G4
has a unique indexation: G4 = α8. This growth mode can
G2 ≈ α5 or α9 α
G23 ≈ε O6 G3 ≈ α7 or α10 be performed recursively for each grain which is in the
neighborhood of the growing nucleus Snexp. Of course,
each new grain Gn+1 which is candidate to incorporate
the set Snexp should fulfill three conditions such that the
Fig. 6. Nucleation step: Determination of a triplet of grains (G1, G2, exp
potential nucleus Sn+1 obeys the coherency conditions
G3) that verifies the groupoid coherence with a progressive tolerance
angle from ε = 1° to possibly εnucl
5.1i and 5.1ii. These conditions become:
max = 3°. If the coherence is verified the
three grains are assumed to be inherited from the same parent crystal
and will be considered as a nucleus for an algorithmic growth. 5.3i. ∀Gi, ∈ Snexp, ∃ Okα ∈ Oα such that Gi(n+1) ≈ε Okα,
with ε = 3°, 6°, 9° or 12°. This means that the
G4), (G1, G3, G4) are considered with a progressive grain Gn+1 should be linked by an operator to all
tolerance angle ε = 3°, 6°, 9° or ε = εmaxgrowth
= 12°. This the grains of the growing nucleus (with a
high value was chosen according to the intragranular maximum tolerance angle of 12°).
deformation of the martensitic steel. It allows to de- 5.3iia. ∀ (Gi, Gj) ∈ (Snexp ) 2 , if we call Gij ≈ε Oqα
termine an acceptable solution between two antithetical (obtained from the previous steps of the recur-
situations: a tolerance of 3° is often too small to identify sive growth), and G(n+1)i ≈ε Okα, G(n+1)j ≈ε Olα
an operator due to some intragranular deformations and (obtained from the condition 5.3i), then it
a tolerance of 12° is quite high and leads to different should be checked that Oqα ∈ (Okα)− 1Olαof the
possibilities when choosing the operator, which in- groupoid composition table. This means that all
creases the program complexity and reduces its speed. the triplets (Gi, Gj, Gn+1) should be coherent.
To illustrate our mind, let us consider that the grain G4 is 5.3iib. ∃ p ∈ [1,Nα] such that ∀(Gi, Gj, Gn+1) tested in
found to be linked to (G1, G2, G3) in the following way: iia the solution is Gn+1 ≈ αp. This means that
G42 ≈ O1α, G43 ≈ O3α and G41 ≈ O6α with ε = 3°, as shown from all the tested triplets (Gi, Gj, Gn+1), only
in Fig. 7. This solution is impossible because on the one one possible theoretical variant αp for the grain
hand G23 ≈ O6α (see previous section) and on the other Gn+1 can be deduced.

G1 ≈ α1
α G13 ≈ε O5
G12 ≈ε O3

G2 ≈ α5 α G3 ≈ α10
G23 ≈ε O6

α α
G41 ≈ε O6 G43 ≈ε O3
G42 ≈ε O2

G4 ≈ α8

Fig. 7. Growth step: Determination of the grains, in the neighborhood of the nucleus (here G4) that verifies the coherence of (G1, G2, G3, G4), i.e. the
coherence of (G1, G2, G4), (G1, G3, G4), (G2, G3, G4) with a progressive angular tolerance from ε = 3° to possibly εgrowth
max = 12°.
398 C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401

In practice however, due to the increasing number of found in the first solution. In addition, Gn+1 can obey
triplets — there are C(2,n) triplets with Snexp, the condition 5.3iia, but some previous variant misindexations in
5.3ii is obeyed only with a maximum of 10 triplets as soon Snexp impede a completely coherent indexation of Gn+1
as n ≥ 5. Two modes have been tested: a global mode and make the step 5.3iib fail. The determination of the
where the triplets are randomly chosen in the entire “best” solution in the first steps of the growing
growing nucleus Snexp or a local mode where the triplets process while accepting angular tolerances as high as
are chosen only in the neighborhood of the candidate 12° is very difficult and time-consuming. Therefore,
grain Gn+1. Since the local mode gives better results for we decided to keep the first solution found at the
highly deformed materials, it is used to reconstruct the lowest angular tolerance (although it is not always the
austenitic grains in steels (the deformations are probably “best” one) and, to be able to do that, we have relaxed
due to the phase transformation stresses). the strict condition 5.3ii by defining a “misindexation”
However, the first solution found in 5.3iia with the parameter M. Let us explain in details. Each step
lowest tolerance angle ε is not always the best one, 5.3iia is followed by 5.3iib where we deduce an index
and sometimes another solution, coherent with the p but, although 5.3iia is checked, this index is not
complete growing nucleus, can been found at higher always the same for all the tested pair (Gi, Gj) (5.3iib
tolerance angles with the operators close to those is then not verified) and sometimes no index can be

Fig. 8. Automatic parent grain reconstruction for the 16 MND5-R martensitic steel assuming a NW OR. (a) Original EBSD map of the martensitic
grains, (b) reconstructed austenitic grains with εnucl
max = 3°, εmax = 12° and Mmin = 0.5.
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 399

found for the same raisons we have explained (we Roughly speaking, each parent grain reconstructed
write then p = − 1). The misindexation parameter is the with the nucleation/propagation method is constituted
maximum number of occurrences of the same variant by the daughter grains that are all linked coherently
index p divided by the number of times that the test with a maximum tolerance angle of εmax growth
5.3ii has been performed. For example, if Gn+1 has transformations between the variants are close to the
been tested with 10 triplets (i.e. the limit we have operators and these ones verify the groupoid compo-
chosen on the number of tests) and if the result of the sition table). However, only a ratio of daughter grains
tests is the list of indexes (2,−1,2,3,2,−1,2,−1,2,2), greater than Mmin is correctly indexed due to the large
then M = 6/10. We have to choose an acceptable limit tolerance angles. In this reconstruction method the
for this parameter Mmin above which the candidate parameter εmaxgrowth
does not play a key role (it must be
grain Gn+1 is incorporated in the growing nucleus adjusted to the level of intragranular deformation of
Snexp. We will see in the next section that Mmin = 0.5 the material that is studied). Let us recall that at
gives satisfying results. εmax
= 12° the reconstruction by the neighbor-to-

Fig. 9. Automatic parent grain reconstruction for the 16 MND5-K martensitic steel assuming a NW OR. (a) Original EBSD map of the martensitic
grains, (b) reconstructed austenitic grains with εnucl
max = 3°, εmax = 12° and Mmin = 0.5. The scale is the same as in Fig. 8.
400 C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401

neighbor method fails completely even with Ti alloys by coarse carbides) will be studied and reconstructed in
(see Fig. 2). With the method proposed here, large order to validate the method.
deformations might be tolerated; the price to pay is the
uncertainty on the indexes of the variants inside the 6. Conclusions
parent grain, which takes the form of the new
parameter Mmin. We have shown that the parent grain reconstruction
by the neighbor-to-neighbor method can be applied
5.4. Results and discussions only with very small tolerance angles (around 5° for a
Burgers transformation, 4° for a NW martensitic
We give the results of the reconstruction with transformation and 2° for a KS martensitic transfor-
= 3°, εmax
= 12° and Mmin = 0.5 for the martensitic mation), which implies that the materials are not too
16MND5 steels R and K in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. much deformed. Experimentally speaking, this condi-
Each original EBSD map has nearly 106 pixels. More tion is rarely observed because the phase transforma-
than 2000 daughter grains have been treated and the tion itself leads to very high stresses and deformations
reconstruction takes 2 h on a 500 MHz PC with a (due to the volume change of the lattices). This effect
program written in Python language (and not optimized is limited in Ti alloys, which explains why the parent
yet). Only some details of the maps would be modified grain reconstruction by the neighbor-to-neighbor
if, for example, we would have chosen εmax growth
= 15° and method works satisfactorily, but is very important in
Mmin = 0.7. We find these reconstructed maps very steels where intragranular deformations higher than
realistic: only a few small martensitic grains remain 10° are frequently observed. Therefore, we have
isolated, and one may observe convex and straight proposed a new fully automatic method that tolerates
boundaries between the prior reconstructed austenitic high angular deformations. This method is based on
grains as well as many triple grain junctions, which is the groupoid structure formed by the variants and their
usual in classical metallography. Such features are not operators (described in a recent study [29]). In an
obtained with the neighbor-to-neighbor method. The experimental EBSD map, a triplet of neighbor grains
color chosen for each parent grain in Figs. 8 and 9 that verifies the groupoid composition table is
corresponds to the color of one of its daughter grains; searched with a very low tolerance angle (≤3°).
but not to its orientation. Indeed, the reconstruction has Then, we make this “nucleus” grow by considering its
been done without calculating the orientation of the neighboring grains as candidates, and by retaining
parent crystals. This is also an important feature of our them if they obey some conditions of coherence. The
method: there is no equation to solve and only a few “nucleation/growth” process is repeated until no more
calculations are needed (most of the program consists new nucleus can be found. This method is quick and
in the comparison of numbers!). If the maps of the robust and allows the identification of a very high
two kinds of steels are compared at the same scale, number of parent grains. It needs mainly one
one may notice that the austenitic parent grain size in parameter, the tolerated misindexation parameter
the K steel is more dispersed (10–100 μm) and in Mmin that roughly corresponds to the maximum
average smaller than in the R steel (30–50 μm). This number of bad indexation of grains inside a parent
is the only mesoscopic microstructural difference grain due to the intrinsic angular proximity between
between these two steels. A previous study [3] has some theoretical operators. Promising results have
shown that the K steel contains far more nanometric been obtained in the reconstruction of the prior
AlN particles at grain boundaries than the R steel. austenitic grains in martensitic steels assuming a
Therefore, the smaller and more heterogeneous grain NW OR.
size in the K steel could be explained by these AlN
particles that have impeded the grain growth during Acknowledgments
the austenitization.
More studies are still required to better determine the The authors wish to thank Dr. Gentzbittel for
variant indexes inside each parent grain and then de- providing the 16MND5 steels, Dr. Jouneau for his
termine the parent grain orientations. It will be in- help in Python programming and Dr. Galy of Synergie 4
teresting, for example, to see if the straight boundaries in for his precious training and advices on the Channel 5
Fig. 9b correspond to the twin boundaries of the software. We also acknowledge all the members of the
austenitic grains. Moreover, some specially heat-treated HKL technology team for their impressive Channel 5
steels (in which the prior austenitic grains are decorated software, which made this study possible.
C. Cayron et al. / Materials Characterization 57 (2006) 386–401 401

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