TEST4 (4,13) Ix

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Test 4:CHP(4,13)
Name: _____________ Class: IX Date: ______

Chapter: 4,13 Total Marks:40 Obtained Marks:______/40

(Section A-Objective)
Q#1 Choose the correct option: Total marks:05

i. In √n a a surd if ‘a’ is
a ) irrational b) complex c) rational d) None
ii. The process of multiplying a given surd by rationalizing factor to get a rational number
is called_________
a) Conjugate binomial surd b) Factorization c) Rationalization d) None of these
iii. Which of the following sets of lengths can be the lengths of the sides of a triangle
a) 2cm,3cm,5cm b) 3cm,4cm,5cm c) 1cm,4cm,5cm d) None of these
iv. What will be the angle for shortest distance from an outside point to the line.
a) 180 b) 270 c) 90 d) None of these
v) A surd which contain a single term is called
a) Monomial b) binomial c) trinomial d) None of these

( Section-B Subjective) Total marks:35

Q#2 Solve the following Questions: (3*7)=21)

i) Perform the indicated operation and simplify
x−2 x +2
− 2 .
x +6 x +9 2 x −18

ii) Find the product [ 4

5 16 2 25
4 x 25
x +
16 x
iii) if x + y + z=12∧x 2 + y 2 + z 2=64 then find xy + yz+ zx .
iv) Factorize ( x− y ) ( x + y )( x 2+ y 2)( x 2 + xy + y 2) .

( )
1 1
v) if x=2+√ 3 then find x- ∧ x−
x x
4 +√ 3
vi) . find the rational numbers x∧ y such that =x+ y √ 5.
4−√ 3
2 1 3
vii) Simplify + − .
√5+ √3 √3+ √2 √ 5+ √ 2
Section-C (Long Questions)
Q#3 Attempt any two Questions. (7+7=14)
a) Prove that if two sides of a triangle are unequal in length,the longer side has an angle greater
Measure opposite to it.
b) Prove that the sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third side.

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