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Thermal Properties:

The behavior shown by a textile material when it is subjected to heat is

known as thermal property. Followings are the thermal properties of a
textile material-

• Thermal conductivity
• Glass transition temperature
• Melting temperature
• Thermal expansion
• Heat of wetting or heat of absorption
• Heat setting
Thermal conductivity:
Thermal conductivity is the rate of transfer of heat in calorie along
the body of a textile material by conduction. Higher conductivity of a
material indicates that the heat will pass through the material very
For Example:
Woolen dresses are comfortable to wear during winter season due to
its lower conductivity and cotton dresses are comfortable to wear in
summer season because of its higher conductivity.
Synthetic dresses are not suitable in summer
or winter season
• The value of thermal conductivity of synthetic fibre. i.e., Polyester,
Nylon is higher than natural (i.e. Cotton, Silk, Woolen etc.) fibre. as a
result, the synthetic dresses are more conductive, hence rate of
transfer of heat along a body is very high. So, in summer season,
atmospheric heat is easily felt and in winter season, low temperature
of air is also affected on the body by synthetic fibre dresses and
• That’s why, the synthetic dresses are not suitable in summer or winter
Wool dresses are warmer in winter season
• Due to the lower conductivity.
• There are provided air pocket into the wool fibre structure, as air
prevent the cooling atmosphere.
So, wool dresses are warm in winter.
Typical values of thermal conductivity
for some fibres:
Fibre Thermal conductivity (mWm-1K-1)

Cotton 71
Wool 54
Silk 50
(Above thermal conductivity of fibres with a bulk density of 0.5 gm/cm3)
PVC 160
Cellulose acetate 230
Nylon 250
Polyester 140
Polyethylene 340
Polypropylene 120
Specific Volume vs Temperature Diagram:
Glass transition temperature:
The temperature up to which a textile material behaves hard as
like glass and after which it behaves soft as like rubber is known as
glass transition temperature and it is expressed by Tg. The range of Tg
lies between -1000 C to 3000 C.
Factors influence the Tg value of polymers:

a) Higher the flexibility of chain bond, lower will be the Tg value.

b) Composition of ring structure in molecular chain raises the value of Tg.
c) Bulky side groups raise the value of Tg.
d) Flexibility of side groups decrease the value of Tg.
e) Tg increases with molecular weight up to 20,000.
f) Polarity of side groups increase the value of Tg.
g) Co-polymers have lower value of Tg than homo-polymers.
h) Increase of orientation restrict the chain movement and increase the
value of Tg. (Tg of undrawn polymer fibre is 1100C whereas Tg of fully
drawn polymer fibre is 1500C)
Melting temperature:
The temperature at which a textile material melts is known as
melting temperature and it is expressed by Tm. At melting
temperature, a polymer loss its identity and change into viscous
liquid. Its losses its strength and some molecular weight at melting
temperature. Cellulose and protein fibres decompose before melting.
Melting point depends on

Composition  Polyester Tm= 264

PVC Tm = 310
Structure  Larger polymer structure = Tm
Rigid structure = Tm
Bonding force  Covalent Bond, Hydrogen bond = Tm
Typical values of Tg and Tm for some MMF:

Fibre Tg (0C) Tm (0C)

Nylon-6 50 215
Nylon-6.6 50 260
Polyester 69 260
PVC 81 310
PAN 97 314
Rubber -73 36
Cellulose tri-acetate -
73 300
Thermal expansion:
Thermal expansion is the increment of length of a textile
material after heating. Thermal expansion is measured by co-
efficient of thermal expansion. Co-efficient of thermal expansion
can be defined as the fractional increase in length of a material
due to rise in temperature by 10 C.

Co-efficient of thermal expansion= Increase in length x100

Initial length of a textile material
Heat of wetting or heat of absorption:

When textile materials absorb

water they show their ability to
leave off small amount of heat
which is known as heat of
wetting or heat of absorption.
If 1 gm dried material is
completely wetted, then heat
in calorie/gm involved in that
material is known as heat of
Heat setting:

Heat setting is the process of stabilizing the form, size and

dimension of the material by drying and cooling in successive dry and
wet condition.
For manmade fibre, heat setting process must be done to keep the
dimension of fabric during further heat treatment. Usually the lycra
or spandex is heat set at 180-2000 C based on different brands. After
heat setting material becomes able to keep its dimensions up to
setting temperature. Heat setting is usually done by hot air or steam
flow treatment.
Heat setting:
• This operation is crucial for fabrics made of synthetic fibres (PE, PA,
elastomers), for triacetate, and partly for PAC fibres (setting), since it grants
excellent dimensional stabilization and crease proof properties, maintained
till the fabric is exposed (by air blowing) to temperatures exceeding the
heat setting one (after being treated with water at a temperature above
the second order glass transition temperature, i.e. 80-85°C for acrylics).
• Heat setting is carried out on gray fabrics (scarcely applied), on scoured
fabrics (frequently applied) and on dyed fabrics (scarcely applied). The
process grants excellent dimensional stability and good crease-proof
properties. As far as operating conditions are concerned, the fabric must be
treated in accurately controlled moisture and temperature conditions.
Mechanism of Heat Setting:
Types of Heat setting
Temporary Heat Setting
Semi Permanent Heat Setting
Permanent Heat Setting:
Stages of Heat Setting:
Heat setting at Grey Stage:
Heat Setting after Scouring:
Heat Setting after Dyeing:
Stenter Machine
Stenters are widely used for
stretching, drying, heat-setting and
finishing of Fabrics. The stenter
frame is usually 80-100 feet long
and 70-100 inches wide. The
speed ranges from 10-45 m/min
with a maximum setting time in
the setting zone 30 sec at
temperature ranging from 175 to
250~ depending upon the
thickness and type of the
Factors of flammability:

Chemical structure  Covalent Bond, H-

lonic Bond→Flammability
Crystallinity  Crystallinity→Flammability
Rigidity  Rigidity→Flammability
Effect of temperature on fibre deformation
• Increase of cellulosic fibre, for increasing the temperature, if deform
to decompose and finally turn to ashes. For thermoplastic fibres, it
deforms to soften and melts. This melting is regarded as first order
transition temperature.
• Before melting point, a fibre can deform any desired form at a certain
temperature which is called second order transition temperature.

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