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TOPIC : food and meals.

Text : food – food and cullture

People commect to their cultural or ethnic group through similar food patterns. Immigrants often use food as
a means of retaining their cultural identity. Food plays an important role in the lives of families in most
cultures. However, the degree of importance varies from culture to culture. For example a host family may
demonstrate its prosperity or societal rank by providing large quantities of food. Among other families in
other locations. Activities and celebrations include food, but is not neccessarily the center of the event.
Food traditions vary widely throughout the world. Even among people who share similar cultural
backgrounds and some of the same food habits, eating patterns are not identical. Further Families vary from
their own daily routines on holidays, when traveling, or when guests are present. Men eat differently from
women. People of different age groups eat differntly. Howeever, in most parts of the world, food is
associated with hospitality and expression of friendship. Therfore, sensibility to food rules and customs is
important building and strengthening cross-cultural relationships.
Some people from Middle Eastern and South East Asian countries might leave little bit of food on their
plates in order to indicate that their hunger has been satisfied. Cooks from other locations might be offended
if food is left on the plate, indicating that the guest may have disliked the food. Similarly, a clean plate
might signify either satisfaction with the meal or desire for more food. Even the role of conversation during
mealtime varies from place to place. Many families believe that mealtime is a good time to converse and to
« catch up » on the lives of family and friend.among other families, conversation during a meal is
acceptable, but the topics of conversation are limited. In some South East Asian countries it is considered
polite to limit conservation during a meal.
A- Multiple choice questions : Copy the complete sentence containing the correct answer
1. Food is a means of……….. cultural identity :
a- Keeping b- Studying c- Providing d- Indicating
2. Almost everywhere, giving food to someone is a sign of………………
a- Properity and hospitality
b- Friendship and hospitality
c- Prosperity and relationsip
d- Friendship and relationship.
3. In Eastern and South East Asia, little food left on the plate shows that the guest……..(the) food.
a- Needs more b- does not like c- like
B- Tue or False questions : copy down the true sentences and correct the false ones :
1. Food doesn’t play role in people’s life.
2. People of different age groups eat differntly.
3. In Asian countries, it is impolite to talk during a meal.
4. Food is the same in the world.
C- Answer the following questions :
1. What is the meaning of leave little bit food on their plates in Asia ?
2. What is the importance of the food in the text. ?
A- Copy each word from the list on the left with one from the right so as to make pairs of synonyms.
Illness Reduce .
Dimunish Sikness
Goods Provide
Give Articles
B- FUNCTION : complete this dialogue with your own words
AWA : May I go out mum ?
MUM : yes……………………….
AWA : ………………. to the cinema next week ?
MUM : No…………………….the weather is very bad.
C- Grammar : Put the verbs in the parentenses into future tense
1. She (to travel) tomorrow
2. They (to be ) late next time
3. We (not be come) on Sunday
4. I (visit) the Zoo.
D- Translate into French
Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. It is usually of plant or
animal origin.
E- Composition : choose only one topic
1. Do you think that agriculture is a key factor of the development of Mali ? support your ideas in an esssay
of 10 mines.

2. Moussa Diallo is student in lycee LA FLAMME DU CERVEAU ; Bamako Mali PO box 2424 10è CG,
he has difficulties in English. He writes a letter to his father asking to send hime some money so that he
can buy an English dictionary. Write Moussa’s letter with the appropriate layout.

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