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Crafting a thesis statement on the complex and contentious topic of the War on Drugs is no small

feat. Many students find themselves grappling with the intricacies of this subject, navigating through
vast amounts of information, diverse perspectives, and evolving policies. The challenge lies not only
in researching and analyzing the data but also in articulating a concise and impactful thesis statement
that captures the essence of the student's perspective.

The War on Drugs, marked by its multifaceted nature, demands a comprehensive understanding of
historical context, social implications, legal intricacies, and public health concerns. This complexity
often leaves students overwhelmed, struggling to synthesize diverse viewpoints into a coherent and
compelling argument. The pressure to provide original insights and contribute meaningfully to the
ongoing discourse further intensifies the difficulty of the task.

Recognizing these challenges, many students seek assistance in crafting their thesis statements. While
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By opting for ⇒ ⇔, students can benefit from the expertise of professionals who
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In conclusion, writing a thesis statement on the War on Drugs is undeniably challenging, but with the
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solution for those seeking expert assistance in formulating a strong and nuanced thesis statement that
captures the essence of their research on this intricate and important topic.
Depression and suicide, mainly from drug abuse, are actually the most used problems probably the
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From a medical perspective, cannabis is used as an analgesic, to stimulate hunger in patients, nausea
ameliorator, and intraocular eye pressure reducer. Sudden withdrawal causes respiratory
complications and can even be fatal. But the production of drug moved from those countries to
Colombia, looking at the situation US government came up with the plan Colombia. If you reduce
the supply of anything (drugs are no exception) without reducing the demand first, then the price of
that product will increase. The war on drugs has proven to be a failure, and in the light of failure it
makes no sense to ignore the issue and pretend it will go away.Rather, we must look at the past, the
statistics and the truth and understand what effect this war really has on us. In other words there are
viable cheaper and more holistic approaches to fighting the war on drugs. This special session, also
known as UNGASS, marks a rare opportunity to discuss and review the international treaties and
conventions that have given legitimacy to drug prohibition and repression around the world. This is
largely due to severe, unjust punishments and penalties towards drug users, and mandatory
minimums. Minorities suffer from this especially. Under the cost-benefit analyst of policy analysis
proposed by Karger and Stoesz (2006), the war on drugs policy appears to be flawed. Narcotics act
as painkillers once they enter the body. Strategies to Combat Drug Use In the initial stages the PDFA
started to utilize media to make aware children so that they may not indulge in drugs use by shaping
attitudes through convincing information and succeeded in the development of biggest media
campaign for public-service in 1986 and officially took the shape of PDFA in 1987. Thshrewd
shopper, newspaper article creative writing on substance abuse essay. Booze. Great strategies for
students british matriculation. Drugs are substances that are becoming more common in our
communities as each day goes by. The criminal liability associated with drug use also makes it
difficult for clients to freely admit that they or family members or loved ones are abusing drugs.
Drug addiction is “a complex disorder characterized by compulsive drug use” (National Institute on
Drug Abuse We aim to provide a well-written essay on drug abuse and carefully constructed essays
that present facts on teen drug abuse in a clear, concise manner. Murrah authorities effort to counter
political tool the question thesis statement about 33. Moreover, persistent incarceration also means
that drug users are not getting treatment. In situation your teenager’s social primary group is
employing drugs, then there might be a effective pressure because of the fact that drugs are present
and is offered. In the initial stages, the government wanted to know the source of the illicit
substances. Karger, H. and Stoesz, D. (2006) American Social Welfare Policy: A Pluralist Approach.
The United States government finally “put its foot down” and thus slowly started developing
agencies like the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. On a Wednesday, January 7 there was a
major case involving the distribution of narcotic drugs in Jefferson County in America. This class of
drugs acts by temporarily increasing mental activity resulting to increased awareness, changes in
mood and apparently cause the user to have a relaxed feeling. Between 1986 and 1988, congress
passed laws that focused on the drug user and drug dealers at the street level and the primary target
was crack cocaine. Moreover, illicit drugs casualties are more liberally spread among young persons.
Various programs have been devised to curb the issue and prevent children from attempting and
using drugs by creating awareness through advertisements.
The arguments in favour of the war on drugs also claim that existing social problems will be
exemplified by widespread addiction had it not been for the war on drugs. Although its addiction
potential is lower as compared to that of cocaine, prolonged use of cannabis results to an immense
craving for more. Baltimore teen challenge provides a composition in the dilemma for school kids. C.
Being essays on same sex marriage essay. If the consumption of drugs is not controlled and
overdosed, then it may prove to be fatal. However it has been seen to be controversial as its
supporters suggest the campaign has been beneficial in curbing the issue while the critics propose the
opposite opinion. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing excerpts and infographics from Ending
the War on Drugs on Virgin Unite’s website. Full-blown drug abuse comes with social problems such
as violence, child abuse, homelessness and destruction of families National Institute on Drug Abuse,
To understand to the impact of drug abuse, one needs to explore the reasons why many get addicted
and seem drug abuse essays pull themselves out of this nightmare. The United States should use
Switzerland as its muse. Moreover it will not be used by drug traffickers to fund extremist groups in
order to make sure smooth drug business; instead this will be used by US government who can use
in the treatment of drug abusers. Although Asia and the Middle East were the largest producers of
heroin, 39% of heroin identified by DEA signature programs originated from Mexico, making the
southwest border the source for many heroin overdoses west of the Mississippi River, (Drug
Trafficking Across Borders., 2014). Proponents against the war on drugs typically take the position
that it “impacts minority communities in a very disruptive way” (Rushefsky 2008, p. 288). Another
method of reasoning is liberal in nature. Moreover, a number of families are torn apart and once the
drug offender is returned to the family and the community, the problem is not resolved as drugs
remain liberally available and the recently released drug addict soon returns to the problem behaviour
that warranted punishment to begin with. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for
anonymous statistical purposes. The principles of causation had become decidedly settled,
particularly with respect to the culpability of the supplier of illegal drugs which subsequently claimed
the life of a user. The answer was simply Mexico; it was the greatest exporter of marijuana in the
sixties. It has both social and economic consequences, which affect directly and indirectly our
everyday live. The most prominent Act under the war on drugs was the Harrison Act. Moreover it
has been supported by the U.S. government directing the Office of National Drug Control Policy
(ONDCP) to carry on a national media drive for the intention of preventing and reducing drug abuse
amongst young adults and children of America. About the Author Jennifer Brozak earned her state
teaching certificate in Secondary English and Communications from St. While Mexico produces no
cocaine, the cartels do move Colombian cocaine through South and Central America into the U.S.
through Mexico. Mexico is also the largest supplier of methamphetamine. Also, the individual could
get convinced to consider there are no problem with trying drugs because “everybody else does it.”
Within the effect that teenagers attempt drugs only to slot inside the social norms, they may do
something to impress their buddies that need considering “cool” incorporated in within the crowd
and gain acceptance by buddies. Drug abuse essays are used legally in combination with other drugs
as analgesics and antitussives but are abused due to their ability to induce a feeling of well being.
Likewise, the problems that are contributing to drug abuse will not be addressed unless the agency is
aware that there is a substance abuse problem. The environment plays a major role in early stages of
addiction. Not only are the number of blacks criminalized and imprisoned for drug possession far
greater than the number of whites, the cost of incarceration for the larger community is also
problematic. A price that can forever ruin their life, and trigger psychological problems for short
term, long term and even forever. It introduces the agent, in this case the drug, drug abuse essays, to
the abuser who knowingly or otherwise develops dependence to the substance. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. As certain political parties, such as PRI, “filled with corruption
spurred by the drug-trade, maintained stability, as they were United States favored-anti-communist,”
(Julien Mercille,2011). Schneider, E. C. (2008). Smack: Heroin and the American city.
This alternative is not only less costly economically than incarceration, it is also less costly socially.
Others are structural analogs to morphine and these include heroin, oxymorphone among others. I let
them feel uneasy, uncomfortable, and let writers continue to play with names to get an on-going
sense of our modern literature ideally: Blogging allowed us to broader, systemic issues, just as a tool
for second- language learning pp. Approximately 6 out of 10 prisoners in state prisons on drug-
related offences do not have violent antecedents or drug dealing antecedents. Source: The war on
Drugs and its Impact on American Society by Marc Mauer and Ryan S. By continuing we’ll assume
you’re on board with our cookie policy. If the consumption of drugs is not controlled and overdosed,
then it may prove to be fatal. It is widely accepted that illicit drug use can have negative
consequences for the user’s health and can lead to deviant and criminal behavior. Addiction,
Clandestine chemistry, Drug 795 Words 3 Pages has been a constant. Although the issue of what to
do about dangerous, possibly addicting drugs such as heroin and cocaine have long been issues
within many countries, the approaches taken to stem the tide have had widely varying results.
Moreover, body tolerance after continual use requires one use a higher dose to get the same effect.
The environment plays a major role in early stages of addiction. Decriminalizing marijuana would
save taxpayers billions of dollars, and the sale of the drugs could even be taxed, just like cigarettes.
Among such approaches, integrated marketing communications is found to be one of the most
effective one due to various benefits it provides to the organizations. Over the next few weeks, we’ll
be sharing excerpts and infographics from Ending the War on Drugs on Virgin Unite’s website. This
war has not affected only American empire but also affected America’s many possessions and
provinces, including most of the Europe who were forced to adopt same laws to penalize criminals
explained by Johman (2000). The crime families also no longer operate individually, but they have
joined to form international crime networks that allow for easier shipment of drugs between
countries. In other words, opponents of the war on drugs emphasise that the cost of the war on drugs
is not justified by its objectives. Substantial studies and research has shown injustice and
inefficiencies in drug policies which has become the cause of the failure of the war. As it is the
current policy does not meet its objectives with the result that it helps no one and hurts everyone as
illustrated in this paper. This paper is an example of essays we write at We.
Policy frameworks should examine the potential impact of a policy (or a series of policies) on other
social policies, social problems, and the overall public good (p. 27). The corresponding media reports
and campaigning by politicians created the impression that the war on drugs was entirely necessary
because crack cocaine was “a national emergency and a national epidemic” (Banks 2005, p. 114).
Crack cocaine was associated and continues to be associated with social and inner-city decay
(Farrington and Coid 2003, p. 64). Many people use prescription drugs as directed by a physician but
others use purely for leisure. Besides the effectiveness of IMC, the media campaign launched to curb
and prevent substance abuse among youth of America was found to be more relying on advertising
media. My fellow Commissioners, many of them former Heads of State or Government, have spent
much time on the frontlines of the global drug trade. Forensic science, the sources that it requires
amount of time in jakarta, following a coalition of quality important. Plymouth, UK: Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers Inc. Isralowitz, R. (2002). Drug use, policy, and management. Westport.
Karger, H. and Stoesz, D. (2006) American Social Welfare Policy: A Pluralist Approach.
Governments in many countries have established ministries to tackle the issue of substance abuse.
Shows Overdoses On The Rise, Families Gather For Awareness Vigil. The. This war has also
corrupted the law and enforcement agencies. Different messages were formulated to attract to
particular age groups like teens, young people, and parents as well as various socio-economic,
geographic and ethnic audiences. The problem with this way of handling the issue is that it blatantly
ignores the most fundamental market forces in economics; supply and demand. They apparently
cause someone to hear sounds and see images that do not exist. Drugs, on the other hand, initiate
crime, with this being the major. Chicago”, 2012 and a large percentage of this was in metropolitan.
Policy analysis is based on the commitment to derive the largest possible social benefit at the least
possible social cost. Murrah authorities effort to counter political tool the question thesis statement
about 33. Even if the production of drugs or an important supply route is destroyed, the supply to
the buyer will not be reduced. Parrillo, V. (2008) Encyclopedia of Social Problems, Vol. 2. Thousand
Oaks, Ca.: SAGE Publications, Inc. Those in “big business” may claim this is restricting the private
market, which in their eyes is “socialist” or “communist” in nature. Merits of Integrated Marketing
Communications Integrated marketing communications is adopted by organizations to accomplish
the objective of maintaining and creating communication throughout its organizational members as
well as its customers. This special session, also known as UNGASS, marks a rare opportunity to
discuss and review the international treaties and conventions that have given legitimacy to drug
prohibition and repression around the world. Andreas Schleicher - 20 Feb 2024 - How pop music,
podcasts, and Tik Tok are i. In other words, opponents of the war on drugs emphasise that the cost of
the war on drugs is not justified by its objectives. Moreover, using drugs while pregnant can cause
birth defects or result in a drug addicted child (Brux 2008, p. 37). These social and health concerns,
according to proponents of the war on drugs’ social welfare policy necessitate the approach taken by
the war on drugs. Adolescents usually use some prescription drugs and especially painkillers since
they induce anxiety among other feelings as will be discussed below. These by plenty of to drugs
addiction your pursuit essay for language-study an chance destroyer. Pursuant to the pluralist
approach to social welfare policy, this paper concludes by making some recommendations for a
policy framework that will ensure that the war on drugs is more effective and less costly. But
progress has been sluggish, and there is growing fear that UNGASS in four week’s time will fail to
deliver any meaningful results, held back by member states that still favour repressive policies the
failed approach of the past. If you want to find out what writing services are popular in 2017 you can
do it now with the help of TopWritersReview. The war on drugs claims to target distribution and
production as a means of lowering demand or addiction to drugs. Number of citizens who were
imprisoned increased in the last three decades. Cases of kidnapping and assassination increased in the
States. Soft drugs include: marijuana, hashish, and psilocybin containing mushrooms. These drugs,
although not legal, have acceptable risks and therefore are separated from drugs with unacceptable
risks, such as cocaine. Between 1986 and 1988, congress passed laws that focused on the drug user
and drug dealers at the street level and the primary target was crack cocaine. Just Say No, the
powerful slogan championed by then-first lady Nancy Reagan’s anti-drug campaign would teach
children to stay away from drug use and unite Americans for the war on drugs. Reinarman, C. and
Levine, H. (1997) Crack in America: Demon Drugs and Social Justice.
If instead of making drugs ill legal an attempt was made to regulate them there would not be the
emergence of profitable black market in US. This war has contributed towards the expansion of
prison system and injustice to minorities. Drug Free Communities Support Program. (January 4,
2011) (Retrieved March 10, 2011). Moreover, it is cheaper and highly addictive, which makes it far
more likely to create a drug addiction epidemic (Cooper 2002, p. 95). This accounts for the emphasis
on crack cocaine over powder cocaine under the anti-drugs policies created under the war on drugs.
Every country in teens. 2008 we ve heard it’ll research papers contact individuals trying paraphrase
my essay on addiction medicine, be for sale the illegal substance abuse road accident. Rushefsky, M.
(2008) Public Policy in the United States: At the Dawn of the Twenty-First Century. Other experts
view addiction as a state of mind rather than a physiological problem. Many of the problems that we
associate with the use of drugs are actually caused by the war against them. History of cocaine.
(n.d.). Cocaine History. Retrieved January 5, 2014. They, instead, transferred their focus onto those
using the substances. Custom paper about addication on addiction and treatment, essay give a
excellent british essays, an associate s recovery, 2013, substance abuse. The costs for both users and
producers are economic and abstract in that the criminal justice system in involved (Harris, Tamas
and Lind 2008, p. 118). Obviously there is something wrong with this picture. Over the last two and
half decades, drug-related arrests have tripled culminating in nearly 2 million arrests in 2005. Among
such approaches, integrated marketing communications is found to be one of the most effective one
due to various benefits it provides to the organizations. Secretary the u. s. states us the entire of
condition and antiviral drugs. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Many Central governments are often earmarked as objects of its now age-old and publicly
pulverised “War On Drugs.”. Meanwhile, low-cost drugs have become even more plentiful (288).
Research shows that the most affected population is the youth and this leads into wastage of their
most important age in their lives which could have been used in career development. The US has
been largely criticized for racially molding The War on Drugs. Although the issue of what to do
about dangerous, possibly addicting drugs such as heroin and cocaine have long been issues within
many countries, the approaches taken to stem the tide have had widely varying results. Moreover it
will not be used by drug traffickers to fund extremist groups in order to make sure smooth drug
business; instead this will be used by US government who can use in the treatment of drug abusers.
This text is free, available online and used for guidance and inspiration. It has both social and
economic consequences, which affect directly and indirectly our everyday live. The budget for the
DEA in 1973, according to the DEA’s staffing and budgeting board, was 65.2 million. Today, the
budget has increased exponentially to a staggering 15.5 million. What is interesting and what
demonstrates the ineffectiveness of the government’s efforts are the increase of both the quantity
and the potency of drugs coming into the US, despite the increase in funding and manpower. Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. It is clear that there are methods that are not only cheaper, but also are actually
effective, rather than just creating a slew of more problems. If you want to find out what writing
services are popular in 2017 you can do it now with the help of TopWritersReview. Many people use
prescription drugs as directed by a physician but others use purely for leisure.
Moreover, using drugs while pregnant can cause birth defects or result in a drug addicted child (Brux
2008, p. 37). These social and health concerns, according to proponents of the war on drugs’ social
welfare policy necessitate the approach taken by the war on drugs. Another example is the failure of
the “DARE” program and Nancy Reagan’s famous “Just Say No” campaign. Fight against drugs
could be securely 225 reads aa living sober yellowwar on narcotics for world fight against drugs.
Banks, C. (2005) Punishment in America: A Reference Handbook. Murrah authorities effort to
counter political tool the question thesis statement about 33. According to our system, meth, PCP,
and crack cocaine are “safer” than marijuana. But this effort of US government was criticized by
many analyst and congress men as according to them US is keeping focus only on south side whereas
ignoring drug trafficking from the North part of the country. Pursuant to the pluralist approach to
social welfare policy, this paper concludes by making some recommendations for a policy framework
that will ensure that the war on drugs is more effective and less costly. This is because crack cocaine
is less expensive to obtain and “members of the white middle class” are more apt to use the more
expensive cocaine powder (Banks 2005, p. 114). It is doubtful that by distinguishing between crack
cocaine possession and cocaine powder possession, that policy-makers intended that African
American communities would be the primary target while middle-class whites would be virtually
free to engage in cocaine powder abuse. Respect for law has not increased, but diminished. ” Nearly
90 years later and this is still perfectly applicable today with the United States’ war on drugs. It’s
clear when comparing the statistics of the US with the Netherlands that the Dutch clearly have a
better understanding and willingness to make progress. Custom paper about addication on addiction
and treatment, essay give a excellent british essays, an associate s recovery, 2013, substance abuse.
These campaigns efficiently work with the aim of reducing drug maltreatment through effective
media advertising. Functional Functional Always active The technical storage or access is strictly
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example heroin, cocaine, and opium might cause sudden mood changes and strange flares of temper
inside the effects within the brain, degeneration within the disease fighting capacity, and nervous
breakdowns inside the modifications in the centre rate, certainly one of other place effects. Under
the cost-benefit analyst of policy analysis proposed by Karger and Stoesz (2006), the war on drugs
policy appears to be flawed. Certainly they may be taken off the streets and by doing so, are not able
to commit crimes in support of their drug addiction. Personal statement does its solution essay
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teacher and athletes. Report this Document Download now Save Save Essay on the Drug Abuse For
Later 100% (3) 100% found this document useful (3 votes) 3K views 3 pages Essay On The Drug
Abuse Uploaded by jasbirldh86 AI-enhanced title and description Drug abuse has crossed the border
of caste, class, creed, sex and nation. This forced large methamphetamine producers to close down
production and business, but the unintended consequences were the thousands of small-scale
operations that started setting up shop all around the country. Drugs, on the other hand, initiate
crime, with this being the major. Therefore, a drug policy should be enforced, focusing on preserving
life, reducing incarceration, and not funding The War on Drugs. Some state that drug abusers
continue to be the main criminals filling up prisons, while others state that the way drugs have been
addressed is being successful and crime rates have dropped. It abolished the selling of drugs like
cocaine and heroin. Millions of dollars of military aid was given to Colombia in order to combat
against guerilla groups who are involved in drug trafficking. According to data that was collected by
the CDC, and graphs showing trends found on the National Institute on Drug Abuse () showed that
the number is 70, Out of the 70, drug overdoses 47, were caused by opioids of any kind. Therefore
in addition to being a health issue, illicit drugs are a serious welfare social problem as it impacts the
lives of the individual users and those of society in a variety of ways (Parrillo 2008, p. 256). Social
welfare policies relative to drug abuse in the US have also been focused on production and
criminalization of drug use and drug production. Though in the mid-seventies, the Mexican
smugglers were subdued due to stricter customs and border patrol. This article paints a different
perspective on the failed drug war.
Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your
work published on IvyPanda. Moreover, the ONDCP and PDFA have also been in difference over
the form of advertising that should be employed to discourage use of drug or in the implementation
of any other form of integrated marketing approach. Child Abuse and Neglect Children in Court
Physical Child Abuse. African Americans make up 40% of all inmates in the United States.
Marketing Marketing The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send
advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing
purposes. The most prominent Act under the war on drugs was the Harrison Act. Anslinger, which
was called “The Marijuana Tax Act.” These early laws were essentially created against Mexican and
Asian immigrants in an effort to stamp out their traditional customs. Propaganda films such as
Reefer Madness, which depicted these drugs as violence inducing substances, fueled the public
support for this law. Bush witnessed the “rapid escalation of the domestic drug law enforcement,”
and then the growth of drug war began to slow down, (A Brief History of the Drug War, 2019).
Andreas Schleicher - 20 Feb 2024 - How pop music, podcasts, and Tik Tok are i. This has lead many
people to question the motives behind the current laws. Pursuant to the pluralist approach to social
welfare policy, this paper concludes by making some recommendations for a policy framework that
will ensure that the war on drugs is more effective and less costly. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. If instead of making drugs ill
legal an attempt was made to regulate them there would not be the emergence of profitable black
market in US. Although Asia and the Middle East were the largest producers of heroin, 39% of
heroin identified by DEA signature programs originated from Mexico, making the southwest border
the source for many heroin overdoses west of the Mississippi River, (Drug Trafficking Across
Borders., 2014). Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Other drugs such as marijuana
as well were legal in the 1880’s. A couple of a few things i ongoing thexperiment allow you to
custom written essay writing on substance abuse. Just Say No, the powerful slogan championed by
then-first lady Nancy Reagan’s anti-drug campaign would teach children to stay away from drug use
and unite Americans for the war on drugs. Therefore in addition to being a health issue, illicit drugs
are a serious welfare social problem as it impacts the lives of the individual users and those of society
in a variety of ways (Parrillo 2008, p. 256). Social welfare policies relative to drug abuse in the US
have also been focused on production and criminalization of drug use and drug production. From a
pluralist perspective, the social welfare policy question is whether or not the cost of prevention is
justified by reference to the harm caused (Karger and Stoesz 2006). Cannabis, also known as
marijuanais the most often abused drug familiar in almost every corner of the world, from the streets
of New York to the most remote village in Africa. It produces hallucinogenic effects, lack of body
coordination, and causes a feeling of ecstasy. Many people with conditions requiring painkillers,
especially the elderly, have a higher risk of getting addicted as their bodies become tolerant to the
drugs. Again, reported by the CDC, tobacco directly killed 435,000 people, making it America’s
number one killer. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. After using depressants for a long time, the body
develops tolerance to the drugs. Cooper, E. (2002) The Emergence of Crack Cocaine Abuse. Upgrade
your browser today or install Google Chrome Frame to better experience this site. Because The War
on Drugs has become so dangerous for police officers, many do not prefer to work the midnights in
the Eastern. Marijuana which has been banned by US government has tremendous commercial value
for dozens of uses and was grown throughout United States as commercial product.

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