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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Thesis Statement on Internet Addiction

Crafting a thesis statement is a challenging task that requires precision, research, and a deep
understanding of the chosen topic. When it comes to addressing the issue of internet addiction, the
difficulty level is amplified due to the complex nature of the subject. As individuals grapple with the
intricacies of internet addiction, formulating a clear and concise thesis statement becomes a
formidable undertaking.

Internet addiction is a multifaceted phenomenon, encompassing a wide range of behaviors and

psychological aspects. As researchers delve into the various dimensions of this issue, they must
navigate through a plethora of information and conflicting perspectives. The evolving nature of
internet use, coupled with the dynamic landscape of technology, adds an additional layer of
complexity to the thesis-writing process.

One of the primary challenges is striking the right balance between providing a comprehensive
overview of internet addiction and maintaining a focused and coherent argument. The vastness of
the subject can easily lead to information overload, making it essential for individuals to sift through
the plethora of data to extract relevant and impactful insights.

Moreover, the rapidly changing dynamics of internet usage and the emergence of new technologies
make it imperative for researchers to stay abreast of the latest developments in the field. This
constant evolution poses a challenge in maintaining the relevance and currency of the thesis
statement, demanding a continuous review and adaptation of the research focus.

Given these challenges, it is not surprising that many individuals find themselves overwhelmed and
seek external assistance in crafting a well-structured and compelling thesis statement. For those
grappling with the intricacies of addressing internet addiction in their academic work, ⇒ ⇔ emerges as a reliable and efficient solution. offers a platform where individuals can connect with experienced writers who
possess the expertise and knowledge required to tackle the complexities of internet addiction. With a
team of skilled professionals, the platform ensures that the thesis statement is not only well-crafted
but also reflects a nuanced understanding of the subject matter.

In conclusion, navigating the intricate landscape of writing a thesis statement on internet addiction
requires a careful balance of research, focus, and adaptability. For those seeking a reliable solution to
this challenging task, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a trusted resource, providing expert
guidance to individuals aiming for excellence in their academic pursuits.
Nokia case study- What is wrong in the US market for mobile phones- can Nokia. Just like any other
addiction, it affects the way your brain functions and can have a significant impact on your emotions
and daily responsibilities. For the reference of students, a short Essay on Computer Addiction of
100-150 words has been provided. For better or for worse, this phenomena of compulsive Internet
use has been termed 'Internet Addiction' based on its superficial similarity to common addictions
such as smoking, drinking, and gambling. Excessive Internet use has not been recognized as a
disorder by the World Health Organization, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders DSM-5 or the International Classification of Diseases ICD-11. The Causes and Effects of
Internet Addiction 2019-02-28. B. What will be your reaction if your company stopped using the
social media. Nearly instantaneous access to information and global news has paved the way for the
future of humanity, thus further enhancing our thirst for societal advancement. Egypt internet usage
and telecommunications report, 2012. All the participant noted that they are using Facebook. Cite
this Article in your Essay (APA Style) Drew, C. (January 21, 2024). 25 Thesis Statement Examples.
This is what happens during Internet addiction, performing the same action strengthens some
neurons and weakens others. Merzenich performed research on brain mapping by drilling a hole in
the skull of a monkey using a hair-thin microprobe to examine the monkey’s cerebral cortex (p. 21). It
is known that each individual part of the body is represented by a corresponding area of the cerebral
cortex. For people who have developed into Internet addicts, help is available. Nokia case study-
What is wrong in the US market for mobile phones- can Nokia. Learn more about our academic and
editorial standards. A marketer may want to set goals with customers for developing offline
interactions, such as. Recently, a study was done by Angie Page at the University of Bristol, UK,
who concluded, based on scientific research that. All of these neurons create a vast, interconnected
communication system. The accessibility factor of the Internet is what makes it so dangerous, anyone
at any age can get their hands on this drug. Cynthia Andrzejczyk Addiction to Internet In the text
The Globalization of Addiction, Bruce Alexander emphasizes the four different types of addiction
Addiction1, Addiction2, Addicition3, and Addiction4, which include behavioral disorders that apply
to habitual uses of technology including the Internet, video games, and other modern technological
gadgets. Internet-addicted individuals also suffer a higher than average rate of co-occurring mental
health disorders, such as anxiety or depression, although it can be difficult to tell which came first,
the addiction or the disorder. Sometimes for better and sometimes for worst mood according to
shares and posts of. Sources of addictive stimulation can be chemical (as is the case with addictive
drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, nicotine and heroin), sensual (as in sex) or even informational (as in
gambling or workaholism). A. How does the social media affect your responsibility toward your
family? Scans were carried out on 17 internet-addicted adolescents and 16 non-addicted individuals,
and the results compared. A scientific essay has the characteristics of an academic text but at the
same time its author conveys his thoughts on a particular topic. This problem is mostly found in
children going to school. Specific purpose: To inform my audience about the growing problem of
prescription drug abuse, some common drugs that cause abuse, and their effects and some common.
Video gamer as a conceptual framework this thesis brings to the fore the.
However, overreliance on technology has become an addiction for many. Learn more about our
academic and editorial standards. However, both the parties should think of their children before
taking any decision as divorce affects the lives of the children in a real bad way. Ultimately it is
about making a clear and orderly approach to the subject of the investigation importance of its
implications as well as the way in which it has been considered convenient to approach the study of
its different elements. The first problem with this fear is that the likelihood of technology
disappearing from society is very small. Many of our day to day activities and functions have been
made faster and simpler by performing them online. We noticed that thereis low awareness within
50% of the participant about the meaning. Some people may benefit from self-corrective behaviour
while others require the aid of a therapist to help them use the internet in a healthy way again. B.
How do you think social media can be used better? Many parents are considering this situation as
they don’t want their children to just stay in front of the computer screen and become lazy and
inattentive. It tells how using of too much Internet affects us human kind and lead us to do stupid
things. In addition, negative interactions from others on social networking sites resulted in
individuals’. Internet addiction is very similar to any ot her addictive substance. Not only are people
hooked to it physically, never leaving their phones or computers out of their sight, the Internet has
also become an extra appendage to the brain. This text is free, available online and used for guidance
and inspiration. Internet addiction disorder (IAD) is a recently recognised condition characterised by
out-of-control internet use. This serious disease is a result of typing for long time. Facebook is a
social networking service launched in February 2004; it reports more than 1 billion. If you find
yourself tempted to behave like a boor, step away from your keyboard you wouldn't drive drunk,
would you. This research study uses qualitative approach to get insights about the effect of social
media. Are There Different Types of Computer or Internet Addictions. They added: 'Our finding that
IAD is associated with impaired white matter integrity in the orbito-frontal regions is consistent with
these previous results. In hindsight, one can look back and see this to be true in the case of Friedrich
Nietzsche. Read this essay on chapter 1 in research about computer games addiction. Egypt internet
usage and telecommunications report, 2012. The author gives specific examples and explanations
and focuses on one central point. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your
paper. Approach in synthesizing and shaping key concepts around serious gaming and deriving a
framework and set of game informed principles for health professions education. The authors,
editors, producers, and contributors shall have no liability, obligation, or responsibility to any person
or entity for any loss, damage, or adverse consequences alleged to have happened directly or
indirectly as a consequence of material on this website. It dangerously affects the ability of people to
have one-on-one conversations with each other.
Types of Addiction It is to no surprise that heroin use has increased within the United States,
effecting young and old, rich and the poor. The action you just performed triggered the security
solution. Alter speaks to how the environment of the modern digital age is far more conducive to
addiction than any other vices humans have faced with in the past (p. 4). He states that in the 1960s
“we swam through waters with only a few hooks: cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs” all of which were
hard to come by and expensive (p. 4). You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for
your paper. Individuals emit positive and negative emotive responses to others, similar to face-to-
face. Computer addiction is becoming a serious illness nowadays as people, especially children are
spending hours and hours in front of a computer screen watching cartoons and playing games and
more. The criteria for diagnosis was Beard’s definition of IAD. The internet is considered as the
most effective tool in all areas of science, business, education. People spend hours and hours on the
internet collecting information. Footer Picture Dictionary English Speech English Slogans English
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Solutions Selina ICSE Solutions ML Aggarwal Solutions HSSLive Plus One HSSLive Plus Two
Kerala SSLC Distance Education Disclaimer Privacy Policy Area Volume Calculator. Everyone is
different, so each substance abuse treatment program must be designed to match their unique needs.
Blu-ray Disc, Communication, History of the Internet 1581 Words 5 Pages Technology Makes
Possibilities. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. One website that is peeling
families apart is Facebook. This problem is mostly found in children going to school. This can result
in neck and back pain, as well as eyestrain, headaches, and shoulder pain. The rush of dopamine
remains of the same high intensity, but because when some of the receptors are blocked off, it does
not result in the same payoff, the same heighted feeling of pleasure. More than a few books and self-
help resources (such as audio tape sets) are also available for those who want to educate themselves
on the problem. Among the discoveries: Americans spend, on average, over an hour more per day
with the streaming service than doing other leisure activities. B. What time in the day do you mostly
use social media? The first reading is an excerpt from a popular science text. Merzenich states that
“looking back on it, I realized that I had seen evidence of neuroplasticity” (p. 25). Just as learning to
ride a bike and pedal creates new neurons and connections, an Internet addiction, as it develops,
chemically alters the brain’s communication system as it creates new neural pathways. Furthermore,
participants in this study noted a loss of control in terms of not being able to limit. Likewise,
scientists have trained animals like monkeys to use certain tools, like rakes and pliers, and it was
found that brains of the monkeys had changed to incorporate the rakes and the pliers into the mind
maps of the animals’ hands (p. 32). Simply stated, it was “as if the pliers were now the hand fingers”
(p. 32). Not only does this further support neuroplasticity, but it also demonstrates how susceptible
the brain is to change in the presence of mechanics and technology. The discovery shows that being
hooked on a behaviour can be just as physically damaging as addiction to drugs, scientists believe.
Telephones, televisions, cell phones, beepers, and the internet, have all contributed to making our
lives a little bit easier, a little more convenient, and a little bit more enjoyable. The addictions of
technological devices are on the rise. One can easily find websites for viewing this type of material.
Influence of social media on the academic performance of the undergraduate st. Using a semi-
structured individual depth interviews with 20 persons featured with a specific.
The Internet is wonderfully and terrifyingly ubiquitous. Mr. Khaled Kareem said; “it’s so bad, I have
a bad experience with my wife due to. Internet addiction has been called Internet dependency and
Internet compulsivity. Internet addiction disorder has yet to claim a Tiger Woods of its own, but the
sad, silly evidence of our worldwide cyber-bingeing mounts on a. What is disputed is whether people
can become addicted to the Internet itself, or rather to the stimulation and information that the web
provides. Furthermore, it shows that there is a significant positive relationship between social media
addiction and different life dimensions destructions in the Egyptian society, in all manners such as
the personal relations, work productivity, health and lifestyle. I want you to create an expository
thesis statement that doesn’t argue a position, but demonstrates depth of knowledge about the topic.
In Internet addiction, a parallel situation exists. A micro essay is in essence a short direct and clear
essay. Individuals who are experiencing web dependence invest more energy sitting alone, invest
extremely less time with individuals, in actuality, and are constantly connected with individuals
socially. Addicts in this study utilize the web an average of 38 hours per week for non-academic or
non employment purposes, which caused detrimental effects such as poor grades among students,
reduced work performance among employees, and discord among married couples. Computer
addiction is becoming a serious problem in today’s time as people, especially children spend most of
their time either on computers or laptops. Researchersshould takenote of the potential positive. Micro
blogging is a byproduct of social media development that is also gaining force and popularity among
users. So we give it more. We eat more junk food, ingest more alcohol, more drugs, or spend more
time on the Internet. The mechanism of change for this generation is the Internet. Counseling or
therapy is typically required to treat this addiction and ensure lasting behavioral changes. Each
individual neuron can be examined in three sections: the soma, the axon, and the dendrites (E).
However, the impact of overuse of Facebook and the loss of personal productivity in the workplace
can also be found in enterprise studies. Future researchers can apply the results of this study to
further. Computer addiction may lead to various things like online gambling, shopping, collection of
data, watching adult movies, and more, which is not good for you. Introduction to social media
overview of web 20 and social media tools how epa and other agencies are using these tools agency
and government wide policies governing use of tools case studies todays discussion. Excessive use
of the Internet is the first sign of an Internet addict. Table (1): presenting the socioeconomic data of
the participants by numbers and percentage of. More than a few books and self-help resources (such
as audio tape sets) are also available for those who want to educate themselves on the problem. There
is no doubt that some Internet users develop problematic. For the reference of students, a short Essay
on Computer Addiction of 100-150 words has been provided. A. How does the social media affect
your responsibility toward your family? Measurements were done before and after this play period.
Using the Internet this much can be extremely hazardous to your health.
Excessive Internet use has not been recognized as a disorder by the World Health Organization, the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 or the International Classification of
Diseases ICD-11. List of essays on social media in english essay on social media essay 1 100 words
social media is a very controversial topic of discussion today as it can be argued to be both a blessing
and a curse to our generation. B. What will be your reaction if your company stopped using the
social media. Influence of social media on the academic performance of the undergraduate st. There
is no doubt that some Internet users develop problematic. All of these neurons create a vast,
interconnected communication system. There is no doubt that excessive use of Facebook affects the
real world interaction abilities and. The trend of long-term consequences can trickle into the birth
process. If requires a connection to the internet to play and its a type of pc game. While thankfully
some im pacts are reversible others leave long-term damage. H3: the social media addiction is
associated with the personal and. The reason of abstract lead treatment is that feelings trigger
contemplations, which by then trigger suppositions and produce rehearses. In addition, the newness
of this phenomenon demands lots of curiosities and researches. Computer addiction is like drug
addiction, so it often needs counselling. A. How people can control their over usage of social media?
B. Does communication through the social media satisfy your parents the. In some cases, such as in
the criminal justice system, addiction is treated with pharmaceutical medications. Kids spend an
increasing fraction of their formative years online, and it is a habit they dutifully carry into
adulthood. People post pictures of their new cars, fancy dinners and the expensive concert tickets
they got but people rarely post pictures of anything negative that happens to them. The study would
be of great help to those parents and teenage child whose experiencing such kind of communication
gap. It is a very dangerous cycle because the pleasure one gets from drugs often trumps what they
would get from healthier activities. Sufferers spend unhealthy amounts of time “online” to the extent
that it impairs their quality of life. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find out impact of social
networking like; Facebook. Often the most addictive games are the online multi-player What is
internet addiction. There are four main traits that make up an Internet addict, which include
excessive use, withdrawal, tolerance, and negative repercussions (Block). At the point when
individuals are not ready to invest the ideal measure of energy, they frequently draw in themselves in
contentions with relatives which results in a negative and discouraging climate at home. Long Essay
on Computer Addiction 500 Words in English Long Essay on Computer Addiction is helpful to
students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. In all three situations, things were fine at first. We are all
depended on technology, it almost seems like it is controlling us. H4: the social media addiction is
associated with the low mental health and quality of life.
Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the
bottom of this page. A satisfactory response rate of 100% was achieved as 20 interviews. If you feel
like you need to pull out your phone when being lectured at is also an indication. Addiction, Drug
addiction, Internet addiction disorder 2290 Words 5 Pages Society today is saturated with
technology such as computers, cell phones, and tablets. A scientific essay has the characteristics of
an academic text but at the same time its author conveys his thoughts on a particular topic. Computer
addiction makes a person non-interested in other events. It refers to the excessive use of the internet
and related technologies that can lead to negative physical and mental consequences. We are all
depended on technology, it almost seems like it is controlling us. One can easily find websites for
viewing this type of material. However, both the parties should think of their children before taking
any decision as divorce affects the lives of the children in a real bad way. Social media remains the
most talked about things these days. Video gamer as a conceptual framework this thesis brings to
the fore the. You dream in HTML. Your wife says communication is important in a marriage.
Scientists found that healthy teens who used the Internet obsessively report that they felt moody or
nervous when not online and were 2. The message or neurotransmitter under examination is
dopamine. Teenagers have gotten so used to have technology around them. Socioeconomic profile
was gathered for each participant and then gathers in the below table to. In April of last year the
London Stock Exchange was closed for eight hours when a glitch shut down its systems. On the
more positive side, wireless networking allows leaders to share resources with their team operating
by means of wireless media, such as microwaves, cellular technology, and radio frequencies. In some
cases of addiction (such as addiction to alcohol or to heroin), a phenomenon known as tolerance
occurs, wherein more and more stimulation is required to produce the same pleasurable effect. There
is no doubt that some Internet users develop problematic. To prevent this problem, consult someone
who is an expert on these topics. Scans were carried out on 17 internet-addicted adolescents and 16
non-addicted individuals, and the results compared. People with addictions are often determined to
do something about their feelings of helplessness, but in their mind, they resort to addiction because
they think it makes them feel better. The Internet is truly the new cigarette in today’s modern digital
world, only a person doesn’t have to be 21 to try it for the first time or get hooked. Social media
websites are wonderful tools but are often abused. In order to learn more about internet addiction
treatment at The Kusnacht Practice Written by Dean Gustar. A. Do you have accessibility to social
media in your work? List of essays on social media in english essay on social media essay 1 100
words social media is a very controversial topic of discussion today as it can be argued to be both a
blessing and a curse to our generation. Internet addiction increases the concentration and intensity
with which the neurotransmitters are released due to overstimulation. Withdrawal symptoms occur
due to dop amine neurotransmitters, which drives the pursuit of pleasure, to be release into the brain,
whenever a pleasure stimuli such as drugs, sex, food, or the internet, is put in the brain (Phillips).

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