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Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Thesis Statement

Crafting a thesis statement on William Wordsworth's "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge" presents
an intriguing challenge, highlighting the poem's profound appreciation for the beauty of London at
dawn. This poem, through its vivid imagery and emotional depth, encapsulates the serene grandeur of
the cityscape, untouched by the hustle and bustle of daily life. The task of dissecting and analyzing
this piece to form a coherent thesis demands a deep understanding of Romantic poetry, its themes,
and the historical context surrounding Wordsworth's work.

Writing a thesis on this poem involves navigating the complexities of Wordsworth's language, his use
of figurative speech, and the overarching themes of nature versus civilization. The poet's depiction of
London in the early morning light, as a majestic scene that captures his full attention and moves him
to awe, serves as a rich foundation for a thesis. However, delving into how Wordsworth conveys the
tranquil beauty of the city, while juxtaposing it against the natural landscape, requires meticulous
examination and critical thought.

Given the challenges inherent in crafting a comprehensive and insightful thesis on "Composed Upon
Westminster Bridge," seeking professional assistance can be a prudent choice. For those who find
themselves overwhelmed by the task, or who wish to ensure their thesis accurately reflects the depth
and nuance of Wordsworth's poetry, ordering a custom-written thesis from ⇒ ⇔ is
a recommended solution. This service provides expert help tailored to the specific needs of each
individual, ensuring a high-quality, original thesis that captures the essence of Wordsworth's
masterpiece. Whether struggling with analysis, structure, or simply short on time, ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable resource for achieving academic success.

In conclusion, the endeavor to write a thesis on "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge" is a

challenging yet rewarding academic pursuit. It requires a deep engagement with the text, an
understanding of its historical and literary context, and the ability to articulate complex ideas clearly
and compellingly. For those seeking support in this endeavor, ⇒ ⇔ stands ready
to assist, offering professional guidance to navigate the intricacies of academic writing and ensure a
thesis of the highest caliber.
Take note of the way that the poet is just listing out a couple of attributes that the city has. This
example of a metaphor makes the London poem better and more effective; Blake puts a lot of
metaphors in here because his poem is all about London a being sad and gloomy poem, and by
putting metaphors in it will make it more clear for people to see what Blake was feeling and what he
wanted people to know. The poem has a feeling of wonder and it has its awe that is built from the
metaphor, exaggerations, and descriptions of the poem. Compare and contrast, the ways in which
Blake and Wordsworth present the ci. The form of a sonnet consists of an octave (first 8 lines) and a
sestate (last 6 lines). The description of London city is important, as it has emotional meaning. Here,
Wordsworth still oscillates between his acceptance and rejection of London. It also becomes a view
that readers then yearn to experience after reading the poem, so it prompts them to visit London in
person. Please feel free to view any of the other parts that have been analysed on
It is in this sense that he is trying to make the city itself look alive, as if we are the parts that are
keeping it alive, like the organs of the human body. Touching is a word that we can all relate to
whereas majesty shows the importance of nature and how much he was startled by this view. As the
poem progresses, the speaker reflects on the beauty and tranquility of the scene. Early Tech
Adoption: Foolish or Pragmatic? - 17th ISACA South Florida WOW Con. They describe the way the
city is quiet and peaceful at this time of day, with only the occasional sound of a carriage or a bird
breaking the silence. Wordsworth sees the good about the city and doesn't pick up any negatives.
Both Wordsworth's parents diedbefore he was 15, and he and his four siblings were left inthe care of
different relatives. The speaker also describes the way the river looks from the bridge, with the water
rippling and glistening in the morning light. The speaker, being a silent observer, says that there is
nothing more blissful than this enchanting sight. Instead used simple language to demonstrate
subjects mostly taken from nature. Enters Cambridge 1787; hikes in France and Alps 1790 (early in
Fr Rev) and again in 1791-2. Here there is no gaudiness but plain and simple beauty, despite the
man-made origins of these structures. What caught my attention was the intriguing juxtaposition of
both vague and specific perspectives that he includes in his writing. This calm and quiet beauty of
morning has been placed as a contrast to the commercial character of the city of London during the
day when there is a great noise bustle. The structure of the poem is most important part of this poem
because it takes the reader through different levels in relationship. A man who can pass by this
beautiful scene without being affected by it would be very dull. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 4.60 5 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 4.60 5
reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 22 March 2022 Share this Share through email Share
through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest English
GCSE and English KS3 resources 4.75 2399 reviews Not the right resource. What makes this poem
unique among Nature poems of Wordsworth is the fact that it does not describe any natural scene
like the hill of the river or meadow. It is not the city that is beautiful but the morning unfurling of the
city that makes it beautiful. You will realize that he loves nature and had a deep loyalty to Britain,
even though he lived in France and was married to a French woman. Wonder - struck, the poet had
had a feeling of childlike joy and rapture.
Line eight paints a picture of a 'bright' and 'glittering' smokeless London. Many of his poems are
focused on the landscapes of the Lake District, paying particular attention to the power of nature and
the ordinary people living and working on the land. The reader still seems to be unaware of the
subject. He begins by providing a scenery of the Thames River, which is an icon in London.
Wordsworth realized that more people where beginning to live in cities and that they were becoming
more important and more significant in peoples' lives. His word choices are excellent because he is
trying to make London sound happy, and he succeeds. William uses his sense of sight and his flair of
expression in the poem. Syntax again is used where he could have simply written “ we see little in
nature that is ours ”, which means we don’t recognise nature as being part of ours. Comparative
Poetry Essay: Both London by William Blake and Composed upon We. This tells us how the
prostitutes curse and swear at their children because they cry. The opening three and last two lines
describe the impact of the scene; the rest picture in detail on what the poet’s feeling response is
based. Here there is no gaudiness but plain and simple beauty, despite the man-made origins of these
structures. Usually when we are awake we turn on the light, making it look as if the house has
opened its eyes. His reasons for this is to make us pause, reflect and get the true meaning of the line
we have just read. This beautiful nature gives him what kind of drive. Elise has a B.A. Honors
Degree in English and Communications, and analyzes poetry on Poem Analysis to create a great
insight and understanding into poetry from the past and present. His reasons for this is to make us
pause, reflect and get the true meaning of the line we have just read. The answer to this query could
be probably that it is summer and hence the houses don't require heating. In line two, the poet says
“we have given our hearts away”, our heart is associated with love and without it he is implying we
do not appreciate nature in the manner we should. He was appointed as Poet Laureate in Succession
to Robert Southey in 1843. It is differentiated from everyday language and that which is commonly
used in novels, by its style, vocabulary, and use of figurative language. The reader can also sense the
great love the poet has for the city of London. The poem is a Petrarchan sonnet, written in loose
iambic pentameter. This calm and quiet beauty of morning has been placed as a contrast to the
commercial character of the city of London during the day when there is a great noise bustle. He
perceives the capital as a series of spectacles for a mass audience. Wordsworth starts off the poem by
saying “Earth has not anything to show more fair”. In english, there are two types of sonnets, the
petrarchan and the shakespearean, both with. The poem was actually written about an experience that
took place on July 31, 1802 during a trip to France with Wordsworth's sister, Dorothy Wordsworth.
Another capital letter is used in the middle of the sentence on the word city. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser.
This Sonnet Traditionally, sonnets are fourteen-line poems that follow a strict rhyme scheme and
conform to the metrical pattern of iambic pentameter. All resources specifically designed for this
paper and they explore both questions (3.1 and 3.2). It does not require a specific rhyme scheme or
metrical pattern. Here Wordsworth began an autobiographical poem named “The Recluse”. The
beautiful view of the morning city from the bridge, as the whole city is calm and quite at the time
and while the air is going by so peaceful, the sun rising makes the view even more wonderful but it
will but a matter of time when the people of London awake. In 1807, he published poems including
“Intimations of Immortality” and Sonnet Traditionally, sonnets are fourteen-line poems that follow a
strict rhyme scheme and conform to the metrical pattern of iambic pentameter. Instead used simple
language to demonstrate subjects mostly taken from nature. The proper noun 'Westminster Bridge' is
important as it is direct and connects to the content of the poem. The poetic devices used in his poem
help show that beauty is not always made by hand but that it is formed throughout nature on calm,
peaceful mornings or afternoons. It gives me a sense of longing for something I haven’t even seen
with my own eyes yet. Another review type of work composed upon westminster bridge is a lyric
poem in the form of a sonnet. Imagery is central to both poems. For the brief time between sunrise
and the beginning of the workday, the speaker feels 'a calm so deep. When Wordsworth stood upon
this bridge he could see everlasting green fields, surrounding London, that lead right to the horizon.
That is, the morning environment is quite, calm, free from dust and pollution. Here, Wordsworth still
oscillates between his acceptance and rejection of London. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. Tone - The tone of happiness is evident in
the poem. The fact that he has listed so many of these features gives the impression that he wishes to
go on but cannot, to upkeep the structure of the Italian sonnet. One of the prominent romantic
writers, William Wordsworth, brought the discipline of literature into closer alignment with
disciplined memory. It is in this sense that he is trying to make the city itself look alive, as if we are
the parts that are keeping it alive, like the organs of the human body. The poem picturizes the quiet,
the calm, and the silence which prevailed, when Wordsworth crossed Westminster Bridge with his
sister Dorothy while traveling in a boat from London to Calaise on July 31, 1802. It shows us how
everyone works together and how the sun is shining over everyone. Sonnet Composed Upon
Westminster Bridge by William Wordsworth This poem praises the city of London at the height of its
importance and expansion during the Industrial Revolution, it was at this time that the city truly
transformed into the modern capital it is known as today. Show replies EnglishGCSEcouk 3 years
ago Hiya, can I double check that you have accessed the PowerPoint and not just the image preview
files. The title is of prior importance as it tells us where the poet was when he was inspired. William
Wordsworth. Life of William. Born April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland. He uses the
repetition of charter’d to create emphasis of restriction in London, the streets and the Thames of
London. William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 at in Cumbria.His father was a lawyer. A
bridge at Westminster was proposed in 1664, but opposed by the and the. The reader imagines that
the city's heart beats rapidly during the day, while everything and everyone in it is bustling about, but
now, in the early morning hours, the city's heart is.
Married Mary Hutchinson Five children Lived with sister Dorothy. All resources specifically
designed for this paper and they explore both questions (3.1 and 3.2). Both Wordsworth's parents
diedbefore he was 15, and he and his four siblings were left inthe care of different relatives. He
could be personifying the entire hub of the city that is silent. Question 12: What impression of
London does the speaker create and how is this achieved. The description of London city is
important, as it has emotional meaning. The site is full of grandeur and appeals greatly to the heart.
NEW - Includes a very detailed knowledge organiser. This example of a metaphor makes the
London poem better and more effective; Blake puts a lot of metaphors in here because his poem is
all about London a being sad and gloomy poem, and by putting metaphors in it will make it more
clear for people to see what Blake was feeling and what he wanted people to know. He begins the
poem personifying Earth telling the reader that the beauty that it reflects touches everybody who sees
it -'not anything to show more fair.'. I think that Wordsworth is using the word “fair” in the same way
to describe London. The reader imagines that the city's heart beats rapidly during the day, while
everything and everyone in it is bustling about, but now, in the early morning hours, the city's heart
is. An important feature to note is that the poet loved solitude and when he sees the city in the early
morning devoid of its bustle and noise, he is impressed. The use of the word “earth” suggests the
supreme quality of such beauty. Composed upon Westminster Bridge - William Wordsworth. The
beauty of the morning seem to be - a silent, even b silent, bare c quiet, bare d getting bare. Not only
did he lose his mother and father at young ages, he also lost two of his children to early deaths. A
bridge at Westminster was proposed in 1664, but opposed by the and the. He was appointed as Poet
Laureate in Succession to Robert Southey in 1843. Because of its graphic details the poem manages
to be both objective and personal; meaning it is both visually vivid and true to Wordsworth’s
feelings, which he enables us to share. The opening three and last two lines describe the impact of
the scene; the rest picture in detail on what the poet’s feeling response is based. People in London are
very dirty and so are the streets, it shows us how no one cares about anyone and how they curse each
other and swear at their children. The structure of the poem is most important part of this poem
because it takes the reader through different levels in relationship. The poem is also divided into three
distinct sections, try to identify them. Perhaps this reminds us of how the scene will change once
days of smoky industry begin. While thinking on this concept, readers would then be prompted to
wonder what their own personal focus would be of the beauty of London. Compare and contrast, the
ways in which Blake and Wordsworth present the ci. Introduction. William Wordsworth - Famous
Figure - English Poetry This paper will be mainly reflecting the personal and poetry life of the great
author William Wordsworth. Wordsworth must have purposely constructed it this way to highlight
the unusual nature of his subject. Composed Upon Westminster Bridge Summary Written in 1802,
the sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge was essayed to depict the beauty of London in early
morning light.
Mood - Nature has always impress Wordsworth, this poem reflect the mood of joyous exhilaration.
In Wordsworth’s sonnet, the iambic beat does dominate but only one line consists of five iambic feet,
without caesura or obstacle to flow, and that is the last line. The manner in which Composed upon
Westminster Bridge is. Compare the ways in which william wordsworth and williams blake describe
lo. Wordsworth's usage of the colon is important as it introduces significant information. The poem
was written about an experience that took place during a trip to France with Wordsworth's sister,
Dorothy Wordsworth. Because of its graphic details the poem manages to be both objective and
personal; meaning it is both visually vivid and true to Wordsworth’s feelings, which he enables us to
share. He was a British poet and created with ushering in the English romantics’ movement with the
production lyrical Ballards (1798) collaboration with Samiel Taylor Coleridge. After taking a degree
at Cambridge University, he went on a walking tour in France, the Alps, and Italy in 1790. William
wordsworth is in london on the bridge that crosses the thames river by the houses of parliament,
close to where big ben's tower stands today. This sense of perspective being so unclear allows the
reader to wonder what Wordsworth is putting his focus of affection on, other than the city of
London as a whole. The speaker, being a silent observer, says that there is nothing more blissful than
this enchanting sight. This calm and quiet beauty of morning has been placed as a contrast to the
commercial character of the city of London during the day when there is a great noise bustle. Each
moment represents a personal, a specific, and a dramatic London, which is depicted in colours,
shapes, lines and emotions. What has struck the poet most about the sight of London city early in the
morning is the calm that has enveloped it. He goes on to demonstrate the imagery of the nature —the
way that the river which he personifies glides along at the slow pace it chooses. Wordsworth, an
aesthetic, that is, a lover of the beauty especially of the natural world, praises the urban landscape
seen from westminster bridge. Nonetheless, the city is still very large, so it is hard to tell what he
could be reveling in so deeply. The city does not clash with nature but becomes part of it. The poet
feels grateful to God for the quiet scene in which even the house appears so still as if they are
sleeping. I also used symbolism in my poem so that I can use an object to refer to all the pain the
narrator has been through. He was one of the first English Romantic Poet, who along with Samuel
Taylor Coleridge began the wave of Romanticism in English Literature with their joint publication
“Lyrical Ballads”and The Prelude, a Romantic epic poem chronicling the “growth of a poet’s mind.”
In 1843 Wordsworth was named Poet laureate of England. Tone - The tone of happiness is evident in
the poem. Through reading three poems of London: William Wordsworth's 'Composed Upon
Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802', Oscar Wilde's 'Impression du Matin', and Carol Ann
Duffy's 'Woman Seated in the Underground, 1941', the author intends to show an awareness of the
Impressionist narrative technique in terms of the spatial representations of the city. He continues to
write more about the city’s beauty in lines 6 and 7, Wordsworth writes: “Ships, towers, domes,
theatres, and temples lie open unto the fields, and to the sky.” These two lines are especially relevant
to the juxtaposition, because while he does name particular places and things that are catching his
eye, he names so many that it essentially becomes vague again. When reading this statement, one
might think that, for Wordsworth, poetic composition is solely based on the expression of emotions,
excluding any reflection about them. I particularly liked the way the first word of each stanza is
emphasised. William Wordsworth. Life of William. Born April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth,
Cumberland. The only movement in the poem is of the river 'glideth at its own sweet will.' Besides
personifying the river he also emphasizes an identity that the river seems to possess. It is a descriptive
poem in which a realistic picture is painted in words.
This is the first indication in the poem of what it is about. We will argue that the Wordsworthian
concept of identity arising from a 'moral Download Free PDF View PDF Literary Criticism London
1802 Wordsworth Rula Jwabre Download Free PDF View PDF London Impressions in Poetry
Allison Lin In this article, the author wants to theorise the dialectical images of London as signs, by
using an Impressionist way of reading the visual and the verbal representations. In the former, the
sublime comes into play in private retrospections at an individual level, incurred after the
ramifications of a tragedy sets in. The poem ends with an exclamation, saying that “the houses seem
asleep” and the heart of the city is still. To begin with, William Wordsworth resorts to a hyperbole to
express his admiration and exaggerate his feelings for the city of London. Line eight paints a picture
of a 'bright' and 'glittering' smokeless London. Here Wordsworth began an autobiographical poem
named “The Recluse”. But Wordsworth gave equal importance to the element of thought in poetry
and says that poems to which any value is attached were never produced on any variety of subjects
but by a man who being possessed of more than usual organic sensibility, has also thought long and
deep. The last line fully brings before us the contrast between the noisy and hurried activities and
processes that go on during the day in the great city and the calm and quiet which prevails a dawn:
“And all that might heart is lying still.”. It is only in the fourth line that he mentions 'This City' -
London. It shows us how everyone works together and how the sun is shining over everyone. He
says such things as: “Never did the sun more beautifully steep”, and “Ne’er saw I, never felt, a calm
so deep!” which is another cleaver use of syntax. The form of a sonnet consists of an octave (first 8
lines) and a sestate (last 6 lines). Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other
study tools. William Wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770 at in Cumbria.His father was a lawyer.
One important thing to remember is the background of the poet. He is putting his emotions into the
choices of his words; he is trying to express them. Another review type of work composed upon
westminster bridge is a lyric poem in the form of a sonnet. This shows that there is no difference to
how people feel, whether they are old or young. London wears the morning beauty like a piece of
clothing. This free poetry study guide will help you understand what you're reading. Wordsworth, an
aesthetic, that is, a lover of the beauty especially of the natural world, praises the urban landscape
seen from westminster bridge. This is maybe his prayer to God to keep nature so beautiful whereas in
“The World is too much with us”, he used “Great God” as to say WAKE UP. You will realize that he
loves nature and had a deep loyalty to Britain, even though he lived in France and was married to a
French woman. Theme - The theme of the poem is the relationship between man and nature. This
beautiful nature gives him what kind of drive. KRSEVANA U ZADRU I KAPELI NJEZINA
SVECA ZASTITNIKA Ana Miskovic Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download
PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. He was known as a political
anti-establishment poet of his day. William wordsworth is in london on the bridge that crosses the
thames river by the houses of parliament, close to where big ben's tower stands today. Wordsworth
uses the word “fair” in the first line of his poem, which is a word that has been seen in another one
of his poems “She Dwealt among the Untrodden Ways: “—Fair as a star, when only one is shining in
the sky”.

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