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1- Preencha os espaços em branco com a forma correta do verbo irregular:

a) Yesterday, she ________ (go) to the store to buy some groceries.
b) They ________ (eat) at that restaurant last night.
c) He ________ (see) that movie three times already.
d) grandparents ________ (be) married for 50 years.
e) We ________ (have) a great time at the party last weekend.

2- Escolha a forma correta do verbo irregular entre as opções dadas:

a) I ________ (choose/chose) the blue dress for the party.
b) The children ________ (swim/swam) in the pool all afternoon.
c) She ________ (break/broke) her phone accidentally.
d) We ________ (begin/began) our journey early in the morning.
e) He ________ (bring/brought) his guitar to the campfire.

3- Transforme as frases para o passado usando o verbo irregular

a) I can swim. (passado)
b) They know the answer. (passado)
c) She understands the instructions. (passado)
d) We win every game. (passado)
e) I read that book. (passado)

4- Complete as frases usando o passado simples dos verbos irregulares:

a) I ________ (drive) to work every day.
b) They ________ (break) the window during the storm.
c) She ________ (forget) her keys at home.
d) He ________ (wear) a suit to the interview.
e) We ________ (think) it was a great idea.
5- Assinale a alternativa correta:

5.1 Maria always ________ her lunch at 12:30.

a) eats

b) ate

c) eaten

d) eating

5.2 Last night, they ________ a fantastic movie at the cinema.

a) watches

b) watch

c) watched

d) watching

5.3 He ________ the guitar at the concert last week.

a) play

b) plays

c) played

d) playing

5.4 We ________ a great time on our vacation in Italy.

a) has

b) have

c) had

d) having
5.5 Sarah ________ a new job last month.

a) finds

b) finding

c) found

d) find

5.6 Yesterday, he ________ his keys at home.

a) leaves

b) left

c) leave

d) leaving

5.7 They always ________ to the beach during the summer.

a) goes

b) going

c) went

d) go

5.8 My cat ________ a mouse in the garden yesterday.

a) catches

b) catch

c) catching

d) caught
5.9 The children ________ their homework before playing outside.

a) finish

b) finishing

c) finished

d) finishes

5.10 He ________ a novel every month.

a) writes

b) write

c) wrote

d) writing

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