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Annotated Bibliography

Debicki, Andrew P. "Construction and Deconstruction: The Theme of Fleetingness in

Poems by Juan Ramón Jiménez, and Pedro Salinas," Studies in 20th Century Literature: Vol.

7: Iss. 2, Article 3. 1983. 1-12.

Debicki claimed that this poem is built on an unusual personification that turns into a

metaphor, surprising the reader and leading him far beyond the work's anecdote (8). In an

instance, the poet used different images and objects to be used as a metaphor which turns into

personification like the sand and the wind. With the use of these images, the readers forget

the literal meaning of the poem because of what we think. Additionally, Debicki depicted that

looking at the poem as a whole, we could say that the unusual metaphor served to take us

beyond both of the elements being compared and led us to the trait they have in common,

their elusiveness (8). In short, if we will ready this continuously, we can say that its unclear

and incomprehensible.

It’s clear that the way of writing of Salinas is somehow fuzzy because of the images

used in the poem. If we will critique it one by one we can get an impression that it’s about

love. But, digging the real meaning of it, we can conclude that the poem is incomprehensible
Annotated Bibliography

Gala, Candelas. “Poetry’s ‘Malentendu’: Love, Gender, and Paradox in Pedro Salinas’s ‘La

Voz a Ti Debida.’” Revista Hispánica Moderna, vol. 57, no. 1/2, 2004, pp. 121–36. 2023.

This paper is all about the review of Pedro Salinas’ poetry writing. Thus, this paper

follows Salina’s lead in his “Poetica” and with the interpretative tool of the maletendu

(misunderstanding) at hand, looks ay the latent, mysterious, even explosive force contained

under the verbal texture of La Voz a ti debid (The Voice due to you) (121). In which, taking

the poems as objects of analysis reveal the connection of human concerns to the nature of


This review reveals that there is a connection of the poetics and its nature more

specifically with the nature of love. Pedro Salina’s comments about poetry does not have any

consideration in assessing terms of his works

O’Flynn 4

Annotated Bibliography

"Pedro Salinas - Other Literary Forms" Poets and Poetry, Complete Critical Edition Ed.

Rosemary M. Canfield Reisman., Inc. 2003 4 June 2023 ,

Following Salinas' own instructions in Reality and the Poet in Spanish Poetry, critics

have attempted to ascertain the author's worldview by ascertaining his fundamental attitude

toward reality. Their perspectives diverge substantially. He has been described as a mystic, an

escapist, a romantic idealist seeking the absolute, a type of Neoplatonist, and someone who

oscillates between accepting reality and emptiness. The critics who highlight Salinas's many

viewpoints on reality are perhaps more accurate. His creations are a mixture of several ways

of viewing reality, including exaltation, idealization, escape, revolt, and acceptance. Salinas's

fundamental acceptance of reality, if there is one attitude that can be considered to

predominate at all. Although some of Salinas's works express the poet's desire to view his

situation from a number of angles, the overarching theme of his work is a basic acceptance of


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