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Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265

Studies on lethal concentrations and toxicity stress

of some xenobiotics on aquatic organisms
M. Abul Farah a, Bushra Ateeq a, M. Niamat Ali b, Rubina Sabir a,
Waseem Ahmad a,*
Gene-Tox Laboratory, Division of Genetics, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, UP, India
P.G. Department of Zoology, University of Kashmir, Srinagar-190006, J & K, India
Received 22 January 2003; received in revised form 3 October 2003; accepted 25 October 2003


Three widely used xenobiotics pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2-chloro-2,6-
diethyl-N-(butoxymethyl) acetanilide (Butachlor) are evaluated for acute toxicity and stress behavior on freshwater fish
(Heteropneustes fossilis, Clarias batrachus, Channa punctatus) and mosquito larvae (Culex pipiens fatigans). The
experiment was carried out by medium treatment using intermittent flow-through system. Median lethal concentrations
(LC50 ) were calculated by probit analysis. The LC50 values and 95% confidence intervals showed variable range for
tested chemicals. Mosquito larvae generally appeared resistant than fish, while H. fossilis was found to be most sen-
sitive. Stress signs in the form of behavioral changes are also observed. Both types of organisms are recommended as
good bioindicator for the risk assessment of aquatic environment due to chemicals tested.
Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Acute toxicity; LC50 ; Behavioral changes; PCP; 2,4-D; Butachlor

1. Introduction (Seiler, 1991; Extoxnet, 1996). The other related com-

pound, 2,4-D, is a common herbicide employed in post-
Chemicals play an important role in modern day emergence foliar spray and has additional use in weed
farm practices. New formulations are introduced on control of wheat, rice, maize and aquatic weeds (2,4-D
regular basis. Human destructive influence on the Fact Sheet PAN, 1997), while, Butachlor is known for
aquatic environment in the form of sub-lethal pollution its pre-emergence selective herbicidal activity and is used
also contributes to chronic stress conditions. Impor- in rice fields of many Asian countries (Sinha et al., 1995).
tant compounds such as (PCP), 2,4-D and Butachlor The massive use of these chemicals has therefore, re-
belonging to chlorophenoxy and acetanilide groups merit sulted in their ubiquitous presence in the environment
immediate attention in this context. Together these con- and more seriously, exposure of people has culminated
stitute the highest production figure worldwide (Seiler, in serious toxic symptoms (Klemmer et al., 1980). De-
1991; Hill et al., 1997; 2,4-D Fact Sheet PAN, 1997). spite this, no satisfactory information is available on the
The pronounced biocidal activity of PCP, known for toxic stress of these chemicals with special reference to
many years, has facilitated its use as fungicide, mollus- India.
cide, insecticide, herbicide, slimicide and as preservative For such purpose, initial toxicity tests are usually
performed on water and sediments using fish and
invertebrates. Thus standard lethal tests such as the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-571-2720920; fax: +91- median lethal concentration (LC50 , 96 h) are recom-
571-2708336. mended for preliminary exploration to establish initial
E-mail address: (W. Ahmad). estimates of the toxicity of a substance (Sprague, 1989).
0045-6535/$ - see front matter Ó 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
258 M.A. Farah et al. / Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265

The effects of pollutants on fish can be evaluated by Mosquito larvae: Fourth instar larval stages of Culex
acute and chronic toxicity test (Sprague, 1973; Rand and pipiens fatigans with uniform size were used. All the
Petrocelli, 1985; Van der Merwe et al., 1993; Nussey stocks were maintained at constant conditions of tem-
et al., 1996). In addition, abnormal behavior if any is perature (25 ± 2 °C) and humidity (80 ± 5%).
also recommended as the sign of toxicity stress (EPA
Guideline, 1996). 2.3. Treatment
A few studies on median lethal dose of forestated
chemicals have appeared in terrestrial vertebrates: for Since 2,4-D and PCP are not soluble or have low
example, 50–328 mg/kg for PCP (RTECS, 1980; Renner solubility, a stock solution of the two chemicals was
et al., 1986), 100–2000 mg/kg for 2,4-D (Gehring and prepared by dissolving desired amount in ethanol. The
Betso, 1977; Young, 2000) and 2000 mg/kg for Buta- multiple exposures comprised of 10 concentrations in
chlor (Tomlin, 1994). The situation however, in aquatic each chemical (Tables 1 and 2). Replicates on negative
organisms is complicated since completely or partially control (water) and solvent control (0.2% ethanol) were
dissolved chemicals maintain a constant pressure. PCP, set up simultaneously for comparison. The acute toxicity
2,4-D and Butachlor used terrestrially end up in the test was worked out in medium treatment by intermit-
water bodies and create such pressure, affecting non- tent flow-through test by replacing toxicant and the
target aquatic organisms. dilution of water at regular intervals (Adams, 1993). A
This study is aimed at examining the toxicity of these group of 10 fish and 100 larvae were exposed in each
compounds on some freshwater fish (Heteropneustes concentration. Treatments were given in polypropylene
fossilis, Clarias batrachus and Channa punctatus) and the troughs by dissolving desired quantity of stock solution
larval stages of the mosquito (Culex pipiens fatigans) by in 50 and 10 l of water for fish and mosquito larvae
determining LC50 values and analysing behavioral respectively. Remaining test conditions like temperature
changes due to toxic stress. The study further focussed (22 ± 2 °C), pH of water (6.5–8.5) dissolved oxygen
on more reliable evaluation of the risk to freshwater >60% of saturation and hardness (140–160 mg/l as
organisms and to strengthen the base line data that CaCO3 ), etc. were kept constant. All variables and test
could be used to estimate a comparative sensitivity to concentrations were measured at the beginning and the
these xenobiotics. termination point of the study.

2. Materials and methods 2.4. Determination of LC50 and toxicity stress

2.1. Chemicals Mortality of test organisms was recorded when

opercular movements stopped. Dead individuals were
The herbicides, pentachlorophenol (CAS No: 87-86- removed instantly. Accurate records of mortality counts
5, 99% purity), 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (CAS were maintained at a regular interval of 6 h till 96 h (fish)
No: 94-75-7, 98% purity) and 2-chloro-2,6-diethyl-N- and 48 h (C. p. fatigans). LC50 values were based on the
(butoxymethyl) acetanilide, 50% EC (Butachlor: CAS cumulative mortality observed at the end of a desired
No: 23184-66-9, technical grade) were purchased from exposure. LC50 values and 95% confidence intervals (CI)
Fluka Chemika (Switzerland), Loba Chemie and Shree were calculated by probit analysis transformation
Rasayan Udyog (India) respectively. method and by plotting graph of percent mortality
(probit value) against log concentrations (Musch, 1996).
2.2. Experimental organisms Change in behavior related to stress and symptoms were
closely monitored during the course of experiment.
Fish: Various freshwater fish: H. fossilis (30 ± 5 g and
18 ± 2 cm), C. batrachus (35 ± 5 g, 16 ± 2 cm) and C.
punctatus (30 ± 5 g, 15 ± 2 cm) were procured from local 3. Results
out let and acclimatized for two weeks to the laboratory
conditions. All the stocks were maintained in polypro- 3.1. LC50 determination
pylene troughs containing water at 22 ± 2 °C and the
dissolved oxygen at the constant (5 ppm) level. Specimen The relation between various concentrations of PCP,
were subjected to a prophylactic treatment by bathing 2,4-D and Butachlor and the percent mortality with
twice in 0.01% KMnO4 for 30 min at an interval of 24 h their respective probit values for the test organisms are
before commencing the routine experiments during shown in Tables 1 and 2. The estimated LC50 values and
which feeding was stopped. Only healthy fish showing confidence intervals are listed in Table 3. Graphic rep-
little or no mortality for two weeks were used in the resentation of the probit transformation for the chemi-
experiments. cals under study are presented in Figs. 1–3. No mortality
Table 1
Showing the percent mortality and their respective probit values obtained by acute toxicity testing by various concentrations of PCP, 2,4-D and Butachlor in H. fossilis and
C. batrachus
Test PCP 2,4-D Butachlor
organism Conc. Log % Mortality Probit Conc. Log % Mortality Probit Conc. Log % Mortality Probit

M.A. Farah et al. / Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265

ppm conc. value ppm conc. value ppm conc. value
H. fossilis 0.35 )0.52 0 – 30 1.47 0 – 0.5 )0.30 0 –
0.40 )0.45 3.34 3.12 40 1.60 6.67 3.5 1.0 0 16.67 4.05
0.45 )0.39 10 3.72 50 1.69 23.34 4.26 1.5 0.17 20 4.16
0.50 )0.34 16.67 4.05 60 1.77 23.34 4.26 2.0 0.30 40 4.75
0.55 )0.30 33.34 4.56 70 1.84 36.67 4.67 2.5 0.39 53.34 5.08
0.60 )0.25 43.34 4.82 80 1.90 46.67 4.92 3.0 0.47 63.34 5.33
0.65 )0.22 53.34 5.08 90 1.95 60 5.25 3.5 0.54 73.34 5.61
0.70 )0.18 63.34 5.33 100 2 73.34 5.61 4.0 0.60 80 5.84
0.75 )0.15 80 5.84 110 2.04 83.34 5.95 4.5 0.65 90 6.28
0.80 )0.12 100 – 120 2.07 100 – 5.0 0.69 100 –

C. batrachus 0.35 )0.45 0 – 70 1.84 0 – 1.0 0 0 –

0.40 )0.39 3.34 3.12 80 1.90 6.67 3.52 1.5 0.17 13.34 3.87
0.45 )0.34 10 3.72 90 1.95 10 3.72 2.0 0.30 26.67 4.39
0.50 )0.30 23.34 4.26 100 2 13.34 3.87 2.5 0.39 33.34 4.56
0.55 )0.25 36.67 4.67 110 2.04 26.67 4.39 3.0 0.47 43.34 4.82
0.60 )0.22 46.67 4.92 120 2.07 43.34 4.82 3.5 0.54 53.34 5.08
0.65 )0.18 56.67 5.18 130 2.11 63.34 5.33 4.0 0.60 60 5.25
0.70 )0.15 60 5.25 140 2.14 70 5.70 4.5 0.65 80 5.84
0.75 )0.12 76.67 5.74 150 2.17 83.34 5.90 5.0 0.69 83.34 5.95
0.80 )0.09 100 – 160 2.20 100 – 5.5 0.74 100 –

260 M.A. Farah et al. / Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265

Table 2
Showing the percent mortality and their respective probit values obtained by acute toxicity testing by various concentrations of PCP,
2,4-D and Butachlor in C. punctatus and C. p. fatigans
Test PCP 2,4-D Butachlor
organism Conc. Log % Probit Conc. Log % Probit Conc. Log % Probit
ppm conc. Mortality value ppm conc. Mortality value ppm conc. Mortality value
C. punctatus 0.50 )0.30 0 – 60 1.77 0 – 0.5 )0.30 0 –
0.55 )0.25 6.67 3.52 70 1.84 10 3.72 1.0 0 13.34 3.87
0.60 )0.22 16.67 4.05 80 1.90 16.67 4.05 1.5 0.17 26.67 4.39
0.65 )0.18 23.34 4.26 90 1.95 33.34 4.50 2.0 0.30 33.34 4.56
0.70 )0.15 36.67 4.39 100 2 40 4.75 2.5 0.39 43.34 4.82
0.75 )0.12 46.67 4.92 110 2.04 56.67 5.18 3.0 0.47 52 5.05
0.80 )0.09 53.34 5.08 120 2.07 73.34 5.61 3.5 0.54 56.67 5.18
0.85 )0.07 66.67 5.44 130 2.11 80 5.84 4.0 0.60 73.34 5.61
0.90 )0.04 80 5.84 140 2.14 86.67 6.13 4.5 0.65 80 5.84
0.95 )0.02 100 – 150 2.17 100 – 5.0 0.69 100 –

C. p. fatigans 20 1.30 0 – 50 1.69 0 – 5 0.69 0 –

40 1.60 21 4.19 100 2 7 3.52 10 1 20 4.16
60 1.77 25 4.33 150 2.17 15 3.96 20 1.30 37 4.67
80 1.90 25 4.33 200 2.30 25 4.33 30 1.47 43 4.82
100 2 51 5.03 250 2.39 39 4.72 40 1.60 52 5.05
120 2.07 64 5.36 300 2.47 48 4.95 50 1.69 63 5.33
140 2.14 75 5.67 350 2.54 57 5.18 60 1.77 75 5.67
160 2.20 80 5.84 400 2.60 71 5.55 70 1.84 83 5.95
180 2.25 87 6.13 450 2.65 84 5.99 80 1.90 94 6.55
200 2.30 100 – 500 2.69 100 – 90 1.95 100 –

Table 3
Calculated LC50 values (ppm) and 95% confidence intervals for PCP, 2,4-D and Butachlor in fish and mosquito larvae
Test organism Durations (h) LC50 (95% confidence intervals)
PCP 2,4-D Butachlor
H. fossilis 96 0.58 (0.40–0.70) 81 (50–100) 2.34 (1.5–4.0)
C. batrachus 96 0.64 (0.45–0.75) 122 (100–130) 3.25 (2.5–4.5)
C. punctatus 96 0.77 (0.65–0.90) 107 (90–130) 2.82 (2.0–4.5)
C. p. fatigans 48 98 (60–140) 302 (150–400) 35 (20–70)

was observed in any fish or in mosquito larvae in control as restlessness, swimming at the surface or abnormal
group. swimming behavior, vigorous jerks of body, loss of
The LC50 values estimated in H. fossilis, C. batrachus, balance, myotonia and anorexia. The concentrations
C. punctatus and C. p. fatigans were 0.58, 0.64, 0.77 and between 0.65–0.90 ppm, 110–150 ppm and 4.0–5.0 ppm
98 ppm for PCP, 81, 122, 107 and 302 ppm for 2,4-D of PCP, 2,4-D and Butachlor induced lethality accom-
and 2.34, 3.25, 2.82 and 35 ppm for Butachlor respec- panied by tremors and coma. Severe poisoning was
tively. Concentrations below 0.35 ppm (PCP), 30 ppm found to be terminated into death along with the
(2,4-D) and 0.5 ppm (Butachlor) showed no mortality in observable signs of congestion, breathing difficulties,
any fish, whereas, no mortality appeared in mosquito edema and hemorrhages of the viscera.
larvae at or below 20, 50 and 5 ppm of the respective
chemicals. In terms of relative sensitivity, H. fossilis was 3.3. Toxic stress and poisoning symptoms in mosquito
found to be more sensitive among the fish and mosquito larvae
larvae comparatively resistant than the fish, as the esti-
mated LC50 values were higher for each chemical. Behavioral and the swimming patterns were normal
in control group without any mortality. Concentrations
3.2. Toxic stress and poisoning symptoms in fish >LC50 that is 120–200 ppm (PCP), 350–500 ppm (2,4-D)
and 50–90 ppm (Butachlor) showed stress in larval
Fish subjected to higher concentrations of chemicals stages. Respiratory problem was observed in most cases
under observation displayed behavioral changes such forcing the larvae to float on the surface in congrega-
M.A. Farah et al. / Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265 261

100 10 100 10
H. fossilis C. batrachus
90 9 90 9
80 8 80 8
70 7 70 7

Probit Value

Probit Value
% Mortality
% Mortality

60 6 60 6
50 5 50 5
40 4 40 4
30 3 30 3
20 2 20 2
10 1 10 1
0 0 0 0
-0.52 -0.45 -0.39 -0.34 -0.3 -0.25 -0.22 -0.18 -0.15 -0.12 -0.45 -0.39 -0.34 -0.3 -0.25 -0.22 -0.18 -0.15 -0.12 -0.09
Log Concentrations PCP (ppm) Log Concentrations PCP (ppm)

100 10
C. p. fatigans
100 10 90 9
C. punctatus
90 9 80 8
80 8 70 7
70 7

Probit Value
% Mortality
60 6
Probit Value
% Mortality

60 6
50 5
50 5
40 4 40 4

30 3 30 3
20 2 20 2
10 1 10 1
0 0
0 0
-0.3 -0.35 -0.22 -0.18 -0.15 -0.12 -0.09 -0.07 -0.04 -0.02
1.3 1.6 1.77 1.9 2 2.07 2.14 2.2 2.25 2.3
Log Concentrations PCP (ppm) Log Concentrations PCP (ppm)

Fig. 1. Graphic representation of log concentrations versus the probit values of the percent mortality determining LC50 of PCP in the
organisms tested.

tional form. Affected larvae gradually become inacti- in cutthroat trout depending on the formulations used
vated avoiding vertical movements, followed by death (NRCC, 1978). Other LC50 values reported are 1.1 mg/l
as a consequent. for rainbow trout (Tomlin, 1994) and 63.24 mg/l for C.
carpio (Sarikaya and Yilmaz, 2003). The corresponding
LC50 values for the present, range from 81 to 122 ppm
4. Discussion in all the fish studied. LC50 (96-h) values of Butachlor
has been reported by Tomlin (1994). These are 0.52 mg/l
Toxicity of chemicals to aquatic organisms has for rainbow trout, 0.44 mg/l for bluegill sunfish, 0.32
shown to be effected by age, size and health of the spe- mg/l for carp and 0.14 mg/l for channel catfish, in
cies. Physiological parameters like quality, temperature, comparison present value ranges between 2.34 and 3.25
pH, dissolved oxygen and turbidity of water, amount ppm for this chemical showing significant toxicity to
and kind of aquatic vegetation, concentration and for- the fish under study and possibly to other organisms as
mulation of chemical and its exposure also greatly well.
influence such studies (EPA Pesticide Fact Sheet, 2000; A review of literature revealed little information on
Young, 2000). Johnson and Finley (1980), found PCP as toxicity of these herbicides in invertebrate group using
highly toxic to many species of fish as evident from the mosquito larvae. Aquatic invertebrates do not in
reported 96-h LC50 in Chinook (68 lg/l), rainbow trout general seem to be very sensitive to 2,4-D and the
(52 lg/l), fathead minnow (205 lg/l), channel catfish (68 toxicity level show wide range )0.1 to >100 ppm (2,4-
lg/l) and bluegill sunfish (32 lg/l). Against these, the D Fact Sheet PAN, 1997). The median tolerance limit
present values recorded for the same chemical are 0.58, at 48 h in Culex pipiens by alkyl benzene sulfonate
0.64 and 0.77 ppm in H. fossilis, C. batrachus and C. (detergent) was estimated by Lal et al. (1983). In the
punctatus respectively. present case, LC50 48-h is estimated between 35 and
As for the 2,4-D, some formulations are highly toxic 302 ppm. Toxic effects of heavy metals on Aedes ae-
(esters), therefore, LC50 ranges between 1.0 and 100 mg/l gypti larvae reported LC50 endpoints as 3.1, 16.5 and
262 M.A. Farah et al. / Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265

100 10 100 10
H. fossilis C. batrachus
90 9 90 9
80 8 80 8
70 7 70 7

Probit Value

Probit Value
% Mortality
% Mortality

60 6 60 6
50 5 50 5
40 4 40 4
30 3 30 3

20 2 20 2

10 1 10 1
0 0 0 0
1.47 1.6 1.69 1.77 1.84 1.9 1.95 2 2.04 2.07 1.84 1.9 1.95 2 2.04 2.07 2.11 2.14 2.17 2.2

Log Concentrations 2,4-D (ppm) Log Concentrations 2,4-D (ppm)

100 10
100 10 C. p. fatigans
C. punctatus 90 9
90 9
80 8
80 8
70 7
70 7 Probit Value

Probit Value
60 6
60 6 % Mortality
% Mortality

5 50 5
4 40 4
30 3 30 3

20 2 20 2

10 1 10 1

0 0 0 0
1.77 1.84 1.9 1.95 2 2.04 2.07 2.11 2.14 2.17 1.69 2 2.17 2.3 2.39 2.47 2.54 2.6 2.65 2.69

Log Concentrations 2,4-D (ppm) Log Concnetrations 2,4-D (ppm)

Fig. 2. Graphic representation of log concentrations versus the probit values of the percent mortality determining LC50 of 2,4-D in the
organisms tested.

33 ppm for Hg, Cd and Cu respectively (Ryms-Keller fauna like snails, slug worms, tadpoles and fish finger-
et al., 1998). lings.
Other chemicals like carbaryl, malathion and Behavioral changes as a result of stress are further
ammonium sulfate have also been tried on H. fossilis accepted as the most sensitive indication of potential
(Singh et al., 1984; Banerjee, 1993). LC50 value of car- toxic effects. Various behavioral changes observed dur-
baryl (15.08 mg/l, 96 h) in C. batrachus induces pertur- ing the coarse of the study are restlessness, swimming at
bations at the level of certain biochemical components the surface or abnormal swimming behavior, vigorous
(Sharma, 1999). Similarly few acute toxicity studies in jerks of body, loss of balance, myotonia and anorexia.
Channa punctatus are carried out and LC50 values cal- More or less similar changes were reported in common
culated for malathion (4.51 mg/l, 96-h), endosulfan (5.78 carp (C. carpio) (Sarikaya and Yilmaz, 2003) and gup-
mg/l, 96-h), carbaryl (8.71 ppm, 48-h) and phenthoate pies (Peocilia reticulata) by Polat et al. (2002) and Baser
(0.473 ppm, 48-h) (Rao et al., 1985; Haider and Inbaraj, et al. (2003) using various chemicals including 2,4-D.
1986). Ferrando et al. (1991), in their study on the effect of
From a comparative account, H. fossilis seems to be eight selected organochlorine pesticides on eels (Anguilla
more sensitive among the fish examined (C. batrachus anguilla), while determining 96-h LC50 values also re-
and C. punctatus) as the LC50 values are found to be ported behavioral changes like anxiety, disorders in
lower for all the tested chemicals. Comparatively, swimming patterns, loss of balance excessive mucous
mosquito larvae appear generally resistant and their secretion and lightening in colour. Sub-lethal concen-
LC50 values are higher than those in the fish. This trations of carbaryl in catfish Mystus vittatus, acceler-
suggests that these chemicals have greater margin of ated the swimming activity and increased the frequency
safety to mosquito larvae in comparison to fish. In a of opercular beats (Arunachalam et al., 1980). In other
similar study by Lal et al. (1983), Culex pipiens was aquatic species including mosquito larvae (Culex pipi-
found to be more resistant than other species of aquatic ens) behavioral changes as an index of detergent toxicity
M.A. Farah et al. / Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265 263

100 10 100 10
H. fossilis C. batrachus
90 9 90 9
80 8 80 8
70 7 70 7
60 6

Probit Value
% Mortality

Probit Value
60 6

% Mortality
50 5 50 5

40 4 40 4

30 3 30 3

20 2 20 2

10 1 10 1

0 0 0 0
-0.3 0 0.17 0.3 0.39 0.47 0.54 0.6 0.65 0.69 0 0.17 0.3 0.39 0.47 0.54 0.6 0.65 0.69 0.74

Log Concentrations Butachlor (ppm) Log Concentrations Butachlor (ppm)

100 10 100 10
C. punctatus C. p. fatigans
90 9 90 9

80 8 80 8

70 7 70 7
Probit Value

Probit Value
% Mortality
% Mortality

60 6 60 6

50 5 50 5

40 4 40 4

30 3 30 3

20 2 20 2
10 1 10 1
0 0 0 0
-0.3 0 0.17 0.3 0.39 0.47 0.54 0.6 0.65 0.69 0.69 1 1.3 1.47 1.6 1.69 1.77 1.84 1.9 1.95
Log Concentrations Butachlor (ppm) Log Concentrations Butachlor (ppm)

Fig. 3. Graphic representation of log concentrations versus the probit values of the percent mortality determining LC50 of Butachlor in
the organisms tested.

are known (Lal et al., 1983). The mode of action of all inhibition of cholinesterase (Rajyalakshmi et al., 1996).
these chemicals may be markedly different, behavioral In contrast the respiratory problem in mosquito larvae
changes are similar to ours. could be due to external factors such as water pH,
It is widely accepted that the stress response as a mineral composition and ionic calcium levels (Wend-
whole is characterised by physiological changes. These elaar Bonga, 1997).
changes tend to be similar for stressors and could be The present study on the acute toxicity in aquatic
as varied as anesthesia, flight, forced swimming, disease organisms is expected to help assessment of possible risk
treatments, handling, scale loss, or rapid temperature to similar species in natural environment, and as an aid
change (Wedenmeyer and McLeay, 1981). A study by in determination of water quality criteria for regula-
Wendelaar Bonga (1997) showed that stressor increases tory measures. Correlation with acute toxicity testing
the permeability of the surface epithelia, including the of other species for comparative purpose is further
gills to water and ions and thus induces hydromineral achieved by such studies.
disturbances. Therefore, it is good indicator of toxicity
in fish than in mammals, as the fish are exposed to
aquatic pollutants by extensive and delicate respiratory Acknowledgements
surface of the gills. The high bioavailability of many
chemicals in water is an additional factor in their sen- The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
sitivity to stress. (CSIR), New Delhi, India is profusely acknowledged for
The study showed that PCP and Butachlor induced financial help no. 9/112 (339) 2002 EMR-I-SRF; 9/112
the stress well below the LC50 concentrations, while in (340) 2002 EMR-I-SRF and 13(7740-A)/2002-pool. The
case of 2,4-D, the stress response appeared at >LC50 Chairman, Department of Zoology, AMU, Aligarh is
concentrations. Stress response by Butachlor was gen- gratefully acknowledged for providing necessary facili-
erally severe with the possible neurotoxic effect through ties.
264 M.A. Farah et al. / Chemosphere 55 (2004) 257–265

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