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CG, S olutions Grades 4-6 89) (2Qand IN) Tom picked up 3 nickels (15¢), Bill picked up a quarter, the dime and a nickel (40¢) and Drew picked up 2 quarters and a nickel (55¢) 90) (7:48) It took Jim 12 minutes to do half by himself. It took both of them 6 more minutes to do the other half for a total of 18 minutes. They finished at 7:48. 9) “B” must be larger than “A” or the answer would have been 58 (not 48). That means “B” must be 2 more than “A”. (71 - 23 = 48, 72 24 = 48,77 29 = 48.) 92) 24 4 = 20 participated in at least one event. 15 + 12 = 27. If only 20 participated, 27 -20 = 7 must have participated in both events. ‘Using a Venn Diagram: 24 ss L s hy : () : 4 93) (7) 4484 where 8 is twice 4 or 7742 where 4 is twice 2.4+4+8+4=20;7+7+ 4+2=20. 94) (47) 1/8 + 2/8 + 4/8 = 7/8. 1/8 of the cars head toward E. 376 + 8=47 47 cars head toward E. 95) (13) The 1234 will appear in the list numbered 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21.... The xyz will appear in the list numbered 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19... The next time they appear together in the list is numbered 13. (Every 12" number after 1 they will appear together.) 96) (21¢) Cost of bottle + cost of soda = $1.75. Cost of bottle + (cost of bottle + $1.33) = $1.75. $1.75 - $1.33 = $.42. The cost of the bottle is 21¢ and the cost of the soda is $1.33 + $.21 = $1.54, ($1.54 +§.21 = $1.75.) Or, look for the two numbers that add to 175 that are 133 apart, 154 + 21 = 175, 154-21 = 133. 97) G77) From 7-15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. is 7 1/4 hours, 52 x 7 = 364 miles in 7 hours and 52x 1/4 = 13 miles in 15 min. Rob traveled 364 + 13 = 377 98) (85) SEL 4+ (242434343) 44444444) 45454545451 444 9416425 =55. 41 CG, Ss olutions 110) (4) ‘When 8 dishes are removed from the cabinet there are 8 more on the second shelf than on top and bottom combined, When 4 are taken from the bottom shelf and placed on the second shelf ( a net change of 8) there are now 16 more on the second shelf than on the top and bottom. When 6 are taken from the second shelf and placed on the top shelf (a net change of 12) there are now 4 more on the second shelf than the top and bottom shelves combined. Grades 4-6 1) ©) Ax A= thirty-something. The only choice is 6. 66 x 6 = 396. 112) ($550) Break the $990 into 6 parts: one part for the 3" project and 5 parts for the 1" and 2* projects combined. $990 + 6 = $165 for the 3" project. That leaves $825 for the first 2 projects combined. Break the $825 into 3 parts: 1 part for the 2™ project and 2 parts for the 1* project. $825 +3 = $275 for the 2" project and $550 for the 1* project. 113) @) If A and A+ C=12, the only choice for A is 8. x3 8x3=24.8+4=12 andB=2. BC 114) (16) She had 6 bars left. 6 + 2=3 bars in each package. 3 (packages) x 3 (bars) + 1 (ate) = 10. She had 10 at the end of the first day after giving one package to her brother. 10 + 2 = 5 bars in each package. She received 3 x 5 +1 granola bars. 115) (18) There are 3 possibilities: 5~ $3 awards and 9 - $5 awards; 14 people. 10- $3 awards and 6 - $5 awards; 16 people, 15 - $3 awards and 3 - $5 awards; 18 people. Numbers 2 & 3 must be next to 1. 4, 6, 8, 10 then follow 2 and 5, 7, 9 follow 3. 6 vn 117) (8) AX6=A, Acould=2,4,6 or 8, Only 8 & 6 = 48 “carries” a4, 88 x 6 = 528. 118) orf 5 quarts = 10 pints. 10 pints + 5 pints = 15 pints total. Each will get 5 Jane 1 3 pints of juice. Since Jane receives more pint bottles than the others, she Bob 2 gets 3 pints and 1 quart. Helen 2 43 GC, S Olutions 119) 120) 121) 122) 123) 124) 125) 126) 127) 128) (42) ($18) (25) (40) (as) (1200) (14) (12) (A=3, B=8) (48) Grades 4-6 1/4 0f 36 = 9 brought a friend. 9+9= 18. 2/3 of 36 = 24 came alone. 18 +24 = 42 attended the party. 2x$25=$50. $68 $50=$18. 100 stamps would cost $36. 4 is the largest divisor of 100 and 36, 25 stamps would cost $9. 1 The bottom is 8. The sum of all the tops has to be 8. Each of the sides is Ble 12(14+3+8). 8+8+12+12=40. 8 Ifthe other 3 squads had a minimum number of 5 members each, that would leave 15 members for the other 2 squads. If they make 48 per day all along they would have had to make 144 (48 x 3) the last 3 days. They made the extra 44 tables in 22 days (2 extra each day). ‘They were contracted to make 48 tables a day for 25 days (22 +3). 48 x 25 = 1200. Or, 22 days they made 50 tables/day and then 100 more the last 3 days. (1100 + 100 = 1200.) In the unit’s column, A must =9 (9 + 8 + 5 = 22). Carrying a2, * must = 5 Q4+5+7+1=15). 94+5=14. Working backwards: Gave Had 1 3 3 6 If Eddie has 6 after giving away 1/3 to Ben, he had 9 marbles at that point and 12. when he started. AB x A= 114. A divides 114. Possibilities are 2, 3, 6. Only 3 works (2 x 57, 6 x 19 do not work since A is not the same digit). 3 x 38 = 114. 38 x 83 = 3154. The hour hand moves five units in one hour or 1 unit in 12 minutes. Every 12 minutes the minute hand gains 11 units on the hour hand. In 48 minutes (4x 12) it would have gained 44 units (4 x 11) and be one unit from the hour hand. GC S olutions 129) (17) Only 15, 16 (4 incorrect, 5 unanswered, 64 - 4 = 60) and 17 (8 incorrect) are possible, With 18 correct (72 points) then 12 would have to be incorrect, but 18 + 12 = 30 questions. There were only 25 questions. Grades 4-6 130) (24) In 8 minutes Don is even with Ed and halfway to Frank or 100 yards from Frank. So Ed gained 50 yards on Frank in 8 minutes. It will take him 24 minutes to gain 150 yards. cater 2x15=3x10=30. 2+15+3+10=30. & (3,10)) 132) (8) 12123434, 133) (11) Marla ran 100 yards for every 95 yards Lynn ran or Marla ran 20 yards for every 19 Lynn ran. 220 +20 = 11. While Marla ran 20 yards 11 times, Lynn ran 19 yards 11 times. 19 x 11 = 209. 220 - 209 = 11 yards ahead, 134) (19) 100 (1); 102-109 (8); 120 {1); 122-129 (8); 130(1). 148 +14+8+1=19 numbers. oe 5,5&6,5&6&7,2&5,5&8,2&5&8,2&3&5 &6, (The 21 A’s are 1,2,3,4, 5,7, 8,9, 2&3, 3&4,2&3 &4,5&6,5&6&7,8&9,2&5, 5&8, 2&5 &8,3&6,3&6&9,2&3&5K64K7) 136) (380,000) 684,000 + 6 = 114,000 over 60. 684,000 - 114,000 = 570,000. 570,000 + 3 = 190,000 under 5. 570,000 - 190,000 = 380,000 from 5 to 60 years old, 137) (4) 9+5=14 but 3 girls were counted twice. 14-3= 11 15-11=4 girls who play tennis, 138) (42) Choose 7, 3, 2. The product is 42 139) (14%) Keep adding 1 more pin for each additional row. After 5 rows, 15 pins; 6 rows, 21 pins. The patter is 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91, 105. The hundredth pin would be in the 14° row. 140) (7%) It he averaged 3 minutes per game in the last 4 games, he played a total of 12, minutes in those 4 games. 3 + 0+ 1%=4%, 12- 4% = 7% minutes in the final game, 45 CG, Soluti ns 141) (90¢) If when Juwan gave Jose 15¢ they had an equal amount of money, then Juwan must have 30¢ more than Jose. Thus when Jose gave Juwan 15¢ he would have 60¢ more than Jose. Look for two numbers that are 60 apart and where the larger is 5 times the smaller. Only 15 and 75 satisfy the criteria. ‘Thus Juwan started with 60¢ and Jose 30¢, or 90¢ total. Grades 4-6 142) 8) “A” must be 0. Since 1 is “borrowed” from the 9, C+D must add to 8 143) (216) 12 passengers cach added to 6 remaining cars means 72 passengers (12 x 6) were taken from 3 cars, Originally 72 + 3 = 24 passengers were on each of 9 cars. 24x 9=216 (or there are now 36 passengers on each of 6 cars) 144) 6) 17,2”, 3” (9 - 6), 4” (6 - 2), 5” (6-1), 6", 7” (9 = 2),8” (9: 1),9” 145) (10) D+E=E,D=0.A+B=EandA+C=B means A +(A+C)=Eor2A+C . Since 2C = E, 2A + C= 2C or 2A=C. We know Cis % of E and Ais % of C. Thus A= 1, C=2,E=4. Since A+C=B,B=3 1+3+2+0+4=10 146) (66”) ‘Two “a” sections plus one “b” and one “c” 24" have a length of 24” Since two “a” + one ibaa bonad.d| “bp” + one “c” + one “d” = 30,d=6" The x 7 entire length is 30 + 24 + 12 = 66” 30” ne 147) (2) J=(124+6)+2=9;K=(15 + 6) *3=7and L=(25 +15) +#5=8. Tos 9 =(+7)+8=2 ee 78 148) (85¢) 2 dimes (20¢) + 6 nickels (30¢) + 10 pennies (10¢) + 1 quarter (25¢). 20¢ + 30¢ + 10¢ + 25¢ = 85¢. 149) (45) 75. 51 =24 went in by car 24 + 4 =6 cars went in. 6 cars x 5 people = 30 people returned by car. 75 - 30 = 45 returned by bus. 150) (23) Working backwards: If Norman is 10, then Maria is 20. Thus Lenny is 18 and Katie is 23. 151) (8) Since y + y is even, one is not carried from the unit’s place, y is either 3 or 8. Since one is carried from the ten’s place (x + z= 4 in unit's place), y must be GC S olutions 152) 153) 154) 155) 156) 157) 158) 159) 160) 161) (10) (Sunday) (24) (76) (126) (16 and 22) ($16) (4) (8) ) Grades 4-6 ‘The 10 acute angles are: 1 1,2,3,4, 1 & 2,2 & 3,3 &4, 1&28&3,2&3&4, 2 1&2&3&4. 1 ‘The even Mondays must be the 2, 16%, 30" Sunday is the 15 The value of the quarters equal %4 of $6.00 or $3.00. She has 12 quarters. Since she has 12 nickels (60¢) she must have 24 dimes ($3.00 - $.60 = $2.40), Boys 1 2 31 (Difference must be 14 Girleesis ees omen 7. 45 and end with 45 girls.) (Totals 1G pes 18 eee 20) 76 ‘The number of chickens must be a multiple of three. Break the 200 + into 5 pieces (one piece for pigs, one for cows and 3 for chickens). Try 40 pigs, 41 cows and 123 chickens. (40 + 41 + 123 = 204.) Try 41 pigs, 42 cows and 126 chickens. (41 + 42 + 126 = 209.) 126 chickens is the maximum number that, can be on the farm. 16 + 18 +22 +24 +34= 114. 114 +3 =38. There are 38 red and 76 green. ‘The 38 red are in the jars containing 16 and 22 candies. Joan Connie Donna $26 $14 $8 $4 $28 $16 Joan gives Connie $14 and Donna $8.) $8 $8 $32 (Connie gives Joan $4 and Donna $16.) S16 S16 $16 (Donna gives Joan $8 and Connie $8.) ‘Two large tractors do the work of 4 small tractors. Two large tractors and 3 small tractors do the work of 7 small tractors. If 7 small tractors plow 14 acres in one hour, then one small tractor will plow 2 acres in one hour and a large tractor will plow 4 acres. ax 11-11 =77. That means ax 11 must be 88 and a= 8, “B" must be 0 (A - A in unit’s column) and “A” must be 1 (no hundred’s column in answer). 101 - C1 =10.“C"=9 cee CG, S plutions Grades 4-6 162) (10) Since D + E =5, Dis less than 5. Since 2B + C= 8, C must be even. C= 2, then D=4 andE=1 IfA+2(2)=4,A=0. 2B+2=8,B=3 0+342+4 +1=10. 163) (bor Looking at the square shown (3 x 3), if those 9 were all not shaded then 5x5) placing shaded squares around those would result ina 5 x 5 square. 164) (cor ‘The sum of their ages must be a multiple of 17 (9 + 8). Of the choices only 72) 72 is not a multiple of 17 165) (11) (19 +17) (12 + 13)=36 25 =11 166) ($150) $162 + 27=$6. Each student contributed $6, Mr. Lacher contributed $12 for his 2 girls. $162 - $12 = $150. 167) (6) In the ten’s column + "B= 14 and “B” ” must be 4 if“A” +A” + (1 carried) =9 If“A” = 4, 8 168) (60) For each dozen grapefruit they paid $2 and sold them for $4.80 (12 x $.40). ‘They made $2,80 per dozen. To make $168 they would have to sell $168 = $2.80 = 60 dozen. 169) (7) ‘Next year when Jose is 12 his sister will be 3 (he will be 4 times as old). Jose is 9 years older than his sister. He will be twice as old as his sister when he is 18 and she is 9. He will be 18 years old 7 years from now (18 - 11), 170) (20) ‘There are 10 in the three hundreds (303, 313 ... 393) and 10 in the five hundreds. 171) (11:00) In six hours it will be 5 or 10. That means it’s either 11 or 4 now Only 11:00 ‘would give an even number seven hours ago. Accept 11 A.M. or 11 P.M. or 11:00. 172) (11) 384 + 421 =805. 1534 805 =729. A=2,B=9,2+9=11 173) (57) 35 + 28 = 63, But 6 members were counted twice. 63 6 = 57 in the club. GL s 174) 175) 176) 177) 178) 179) 180) 181) 182) 183) 184) 185) @ @ (45) (89) (60) (36) or 43622) (27) (12) (either 62 or 106} @ (83.48) olutions Grades 4-6 H R 3N IN, ID (15¢) 2N, 1D 2D (20¢) 2N, 1Q 1D, 1Q (35¢) 3D IN, 1Q (30¢) Otherwise the product would remain 0. D+E=33,D+P=31, E +F=26, If these ages are added it would be twice the sum of the ages of the 3 boys since each would have been counted twice, 33 +31 + 26 = 90, The sum of the ages of the 3 boys is 45 years. If 11 bushels cost $23 and 19 bushels cost $39, the extra 8 bushels cost a total of $16 or $2 each. Since each additional bushel costs $2, 7 bushels sell for $14 and the fixed price for the first 4 bushels (11 - 7) is $9 ($23 - $14). 40° + 2.x 40°= 120° 180°. 120° = 60° It would take 3 hours (180 minutes) for one of the five to rake the yard. 18( 5=36 minutes. 43622 + 12 = 43634 which is a palindrome. a oF The left width is divided into 2 equal parts, 4&4.448=12, a s ra If Alan is twice as old as Gary, that 12 year difference represents Gary's age. Gary is 12 and Alan is 24. The difference between 73 and 40 is 33. The number should be 22 away from 40 and 11 away from 73. (Or add 33 to 73 making it 66 away from 40.) 3.12-3=9, (A8)*4=A8)+4= 12, (6A4)*8=(6x4)+ ‘There are 20 apples in 5 Ibs. of apples. Twenty apples cost $2.90, 2 apples cost $.29 and 2 dozen apples cost 12 x $.29 equals $3.48 49 Gis 187) 188) 189) 190) 191) 192) 193) 194) 195) 196) 197) 198) ay (3) (492) (55) G shillings and 9 pence) ) (3142) (both, black) (68) 09) (Sunday) as) lutions. Grades 4-6 x+2z=5. Since y + yis even, one is not carried from the unit's place. y is either 3 o 8. Since one is carried from the ten’s place, y must be 8. x + y+ z= 845-13 45/9 +54/9=5+6=11 25/74 52/7=77/7= 11 if AGXE) ~ 98, then 17 + @ x) must = $6. The 3 xO must = 39 and = 13. 80 x 4= 320 points total on the first 4 tests. 86 x 2 = 172 points on the next 2 tests. 320 + 172 = 492 is the total score of all 6 tests. 50+k=10,k=5. 50+5=55 Ts + 6p = 1s + 18p for 2 cones or 3s + 9p for 1 cone. 11 +19 =30.30+2=15 ‘The 13% number would be the smallest starting with 3. The 13" number is 3124 and the 14" number is 3142. Al's statement means Cal and Sal together cannot have 3 red feathers. If Sal had 2 black feathers or 1 red and 1 black, then Cal would still not know his feathers. He could only know with 2 red on Sal’s head. He could only have 2 black or Al would have known. 136 - 68 = 68. Subtract % of 136 so that the answer is the same as the number subtracted. Half the number must be 6, so the number is 12. Twice 12 + 5 = 29. 2002 +7 = 286. Since 7 divides evenly into 2002 (no remainder) it will be Sunday again. _ gg Amust equal 3 since 21 x 3 = 63. The number in the box is a CG, Ss olutions Grades 4-6 199) (50) 1/2 1/3 = 1/6. Twenty gallons of water were run off to reduce the capacity of the tank by 1/6. The tank holds 6 x 20= 120 gallons when full. 1/3 of 120 = 40 and 3/4 of 120 = 90, 90 - 40 = 50. Fifty gallons were added to go from 1/3* capacity to 3/4 capacity. 200) (12) The difference of $36 is from $4 x 6 + price of 1 additional omament. Since $36. $24 =$12, then the price of an omament, $P, is $12. 201) (21) 1f6 quinks = 2 quarks, then 3 quinks = 1 quark. Then 7 quarks = 21 quinks = 1 quim. 202) (15) First 6: AABE, AACE, AADE, ABCE, ABDE, ACDE; Next 6: AABF, AAC, AADE, ABCF, ABDF, ACDF; last 3: AEF, ABEF, ADEF 203) @) 1001 is the next palindromic number after 999. 204) 6) If the total price was $1, $4 (2 geese) or $9 (3 geese) he could not use $10 bills. The possible choices for the total price of the flock is $16, $25, $36, $49, $64 and $81 All have an even number of $10 bills except $16 (4 geese) or $36 (6 geese). 205) (dor 3, 4 and 6 divide 36 while 5 (in the circle) does not. or 36) 206) (27) 11 =16K, IP =8K, 1B = 2K, IK = IK. 16 + 8 +2 + 1=27K. (This is the English Imperial system of measures.) 207) (9) She can make 5¢, 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 30¢, 35¢, 40¢, 45¢. 208) (b) The larger of the 2 numbers must be 4 times the smaller if doubling one and halving the other results in equality. Start with 12 and 48. 12 x 2 = 24; 48 +2 = 24.24 + 24= 48. (This is true starting with any number, not just 60.) 209) (110,000) He lost 3,000 x 12 = 36,000 a year but gained 32,000 a year. That is a net loss of 4,000 hairs a year. He lost 40,000 in 10 years. 150,000 - 40,000 = 110,000. 210) (3) 4/5 in 12 hours means 1/5 in 3 hours. He needs 3 more hours to complete the last 1/5 of his room, 211) (8) 3P + 1B = 1A and 2B + 1A=9P. 2B + (3P + 1B)=9P or 3B + 3P = 9P So3 bananas balance 6 plums or 1 banana balances 2 plums. Now back to the original statement, 3P + (2P) = 1A or 5 plums balance 1 apple. CG, S olutions 212) (12) The first mile costs $1.50 + (8.35 x 4) = $2.90. $22.15 - $2.90=$19.25. Bach additional mile costs 5 x $.35 = $1.75. $19.25 + $1.75 = 11. 11 +1 = 12 miles. Grades 213) (3/8) 4 cans of liquid is 3/2 pints. 1 can is 3/8 of a pint. (1/4 x 3/2.) 214) (14) Work backwards: Add 1 then divide by 2. 53+ 1 = 54. 54*2=27 27 was the first result. 27 + 1 = 28. 28 + 2= 14. 14 was first fed into the machine. 215) (70) The overall rectangle is 14 x 6. 14 x 6 = 84. The 2 small unshaded rectangles are 2x 4 and 2 by 3. 84 - (8 +6) = 70 sq. units. 216) (26) William Reverse Lou. The new number after the digits are 21 12 — reversed must be forty something or 22 22 — fifty something in order to be twice 23 32 —— _ anumber in the twenties. 26 is the 24 42 21 ‘oldest Lou could be so his age is in 25 52 26 the 20's. 217 f fives 12, Either subtract 9°s from 69 until a number is divisible by 5 or subtract 5’s from nines 1 69 until a number is divisible by 9 fives 3: nines 6 218) ($22.50) 500 - 50 = 450 regular marbles. Since the 50 “puries” cost 3 times as much as regular marbles, $90 would be the cost of 600 regular marbles, (450 + 3(50)).. Aregular marble costs $.15 ($90 + 600). A “purie” costs $.45. 50 x $.45 = $22.50 219) (34) 17+ 18-6 + 5 =34. (The minus 6 because they are already counted in either the 17 or 18.) Or, use a Venn Diagram, 2 Co 6 11+6+12+5=34 5 220) (54) 17 +37=54, GC, S Olutions 221) ($675) Count the fencing along the Interstate 3 times. 5 +3 = 8. $1800 + 8 = $225 for cach of the 5 sides and $225 x 3 = $675 for the fencing along the Interstate. Grades 4-6 222) (3) Area of AABE = 4 so the area of AABC = 12. That makes the area of AABD = 6. Since the area of AABF = 3, the area of ABFD = 3. 223) (2215) “T” appears 3 times and is in the hundred’s column, so “T” should be 9 While “A” appears 3 times, it is the only letter not in the hundred’s column, so “A” should be 3. Since “R” appears twice, “R” should be 7. “F” should be 5. 739 + 539 + 937 = 2215. 224) (523, The unit’s column must be 4 and 6 or 3 and 7 to add to 670. To get a 147) difference of 6, the only choice is 13-7. AB3_ B+D~=6 since | is carried. D7. Since 4 and 2 will not work in the hundred’s column, 4 and 2 are in the ten’s column.Since 5 - 1 #3, B must be less than D. 225) (20%) 1/2 + 3/10 = 5/10 + 3/10 = 8/10. 2/10 or 20% is left 226) (71) Multiples of 7 between 50 and 80 are 56, 63, 70, 77. Of the choices 58, 65, 72 and 79, only 72 isa multiple of &. Her grandfather is 71 227) (10) 10? +9? (10-9+8-74+6___)+(9-8+7. 645-4 __). Since and 8 - 8 =0, etc,, then the only number remaining in the sum of 10? 228) ($340) Painting the other half is worth $420 ($500 - $80). So the price of painting the first half was also $420. Since he received $80 and a television set, the television set was worth $420 - $80 = $340. 229) (2) 230) (4) 1* passes every 3 seconds; 2! passes every 5 seconds; 3" passes every 15 seconds, 4" passes every 7/4 seconds. The common denominator is 15. They come together every 15 seconds, 60 + 15 = 4 times. 231) (Tom; Linda. 24 x $300 + $720 = $7920. $7920 ~ 24,000 = $.33 3¢) Tom. 30 x $250 + $1500 = $9000. $9000 + 30,000 = $.30. Tom pays 3¢ less per mile than Linda. 232) (2% 80 - 60 = 20. Alan goes up at the rate of 20 steps per minute. To go up 50 steps minutes) will take 50+ 20 = 2% minutes. 53 Gis 233) 234) 239) 236) 237) 238) 239) 240) 241) 242) 243) 244) (Ghrs.) (25) a” (500 mph.) (15, 55, 33) (65 and 12) ©), ($76.50) (65) ) (125) 0 min) olutions Grades 4-6 9x 4=36 miles out. 36 + 6 = 6 hours to get back. Eis one more than § for the first 24 numbers. But the 25 number in $ is 49 49. 24=25 ‘After the first pill there are 30 pills to be taken over a 240 hour period (1 every 8 hours). She takes a pill and cough medicine together every 40 hours (5 x 8). 240 + 40 = 6. She takes the pill and cough medicine once at the start and 6 ‘more times over the 240 hour period. 1 +6 =7 ‘The plane leaving New York will arrive at the halfway point 5 hours after it takes off (1,500 + 300). The plane leaving Los Angeles will have to reach that point in 3 hours. 1,500 + 3 = 500 m-p.h. ‘The problem is equivalent to finding all two-digit divisors of 165 5 x 33 = 5x3x 11 15, 55, 33 satisfy the criteria, Since AA times B = AA then B= 1 A must then equal 5, making C = 2 2:00, 1:10, 1:01, 11:00, 10:10, 10:01 The 9 watermelons represent 1/6 of all his watermelons. He started with 9 x 6 = 54 watermelons, He sold 45 of them at $1.50 each (45 x $1.50 = $67.50) and 9 at $1 each (9 x $1 = $9). $67.50 + $9 = $76.50. Choices for their ages are 92 & 29, 83 & 38, 74 & 47, 65 & 56. Only ifhe is 65 is he less than 20 years older than she. Choose any 8 digit number 63,509,721 12,790,536 50,719,185. ‘These digits add to 36.3 +6=9 9 }- 25] +45] = (9 x 5) + (26-1) + (100. 45) = 45 + 25 + 55 = 125. 6 min. 40 sec. to go 1/3 of a mile means 18 min. 120 sec. or 20 min. to walk 1 mile. The other half mile takes 10 min. 20 + 10= 30 min. GCG, Ss olutions 245) 246) 247) 248) 249) 250) 251) 252) (53351) (8210) Gill) (2.16) © als) 27 a Grades 4-6 Six points for each 30 first place votes would be 180 points, which is too high. Four points for each 30 first place votes would be 120 points, which is too low. Once 5 points are awarded for each first place vote the rest follows. It will take 15 weeks to lose 30 pounds. Exercising 10¥ hours a week (71%), 157% hours will be required. 157% + 45 = 34%. Since 45 hours cost $60, 157% hours will cost $60 x 3% = $210. Babs’ husband is partners with Jack’s wife. Thus Babs cannot be Jack's wife nor Ken’s wife (Ken never plays). Babs is married to Phil. Jane’s husband is partners with Jill, Jane is not married to Ken (not playing) nor Phil (Babs? husband). Jane is married to Jack. Then Jill is married to Ken. (Basically, since Babs’ husband and Jane’s husband are playing, Jill’s husband must be Ken.) Louise saves 54 ($.59 $.05) on every 5 cans that she buys. On 20 cans she saves 4 times as much. $.54 x 4 = $2.16. Now X has to go inb or d to avoid box a and losing. =X | X | O If X goes in b then O goes in d and forces X into box a for a loss. If X goes into d then O goes in b. a |b xia There are 5 houses with one-digit ($.20). To find the number of two-digit houses (11 > 99): 11 > 19 is 5 houses; through 91 > 99 would be a total of 5 houses 9 times or 45 houses. 45 houses x $.08 = $3,60, $3.60 + $.20 = $3.80. $5.00 - $3.80 = $1.20. Each house with 3 digits is $.12. There are 10 houses with 3 digit numbers. 101 > 109 is 5 houses and 111 119 is 5 more houses. The last house is #119 ‘The sum of the unit's column must add to 13 (cannot add to 23), so the 2 painted digits in that column add to 9. One is “carried” so the digit in the ten’s column is 8. The hundred’s column adds to 14 so the 2 painted digits in that column add 0 9.9 +8+9+1=27 The I* time around she crosses off 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. The 2° time around she crosses off 1, 5,9. The 3" time around, skip 11 and cross off 3, Then skip 7 and cross off 11 and 7 is the only number left. 55 Gis 253) (84) 254) (4) 255) (15=36 256) (9) 257) (60) 258) (5/16) 259) (7x7) 260) (€or none of the above) 261) (42) 262) (dor 4) olutions -_ Grades 4-6 It takes 18 minutes longer by bus than by taxi each way Find two numbers that add to 66 where one number is 18 more than the other. (Take half of 66, 33, add 9 (42) and subtract 9 (24).) It takes 42 minutes by bus each way and 24 minutes by taxi each way Both ways by bus takes 84 minutes. Hours LengthA Length B 0 5 5 1 AY 4 In 4 hours the candle that burns 2 4 3 4" per hour is 3” long while the 3 3% 2 candle that burns 1” per hour is 1” 4 3 1 long. The first digit of the second two-digit number must be 1 (or the product is too large). To avoid repetition of digits, the second digit must be 5 John runs 560 yards to Kyle’s 330 + 30 = 360 yards, or 56 yards to 36 yards or 14 yards to 9 yards. It takes 3 hours for the friends to meet (each travels 21 miles at 7 m-p.h.). In 3 hours the falcon will cover 3 x 20 = 60 miles. fi4 =3/12 = 4/16Y_ 5/16, 6/16, 7/16 all lie between 1/4 and 1/2. Only 5/16 W/2 = 6/12 = 8/16f has 5 + 16=21 ‘Square size: 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7. Unshaded squares: 1 4 9 16 25 7x7 would be 49 squares total. If 25 are not shaded, then only 24 are shaded. “a” cannot be correct since then “b” would have to be correct, contradicting “g” “c” cannot be correct since both “a” and “b” cannot both be correct. “a” cannot be correct since if either “a”, “b” or “c” is correct we have a contradiction. Only “e” could be correct. ‘There are six rows and seven desks in each row. 6x7=42 “A” chooses 6. “D” and “BE” could not have chosen 4 and 5 since either “B” or “C" have to choose a number from that table. “D” and “E” choose two of the 13 numbers and either “B” or “C” choose the other one. The only number G, S olutions 263) 264) 265) 266) 267) 268) 269) 270) (653) @u) (as) (25) ©) a3) © Grades 4-6 ABC ABC “A” must be 6 and “D” is 4. “C” and “F” must both be DEE -DEF even or both odd. Since 2 even digits (A & D) are 1074-232 already taken, C= 3 andF=1 (fC =5,P=3,C+F will not = 4). 653 + 421 = 1074 and 653 - 421 = 232. ‘Amy did not win. Bill was 6 yards behind Amy so he didn’t win, Barl came in 5 yards ahead of Bill but was still 1 yard behind Amy so Earl did not win. Since Dan came in ahead of Chuck, Chuck did not win, Dan won the race. Bill is 5’ 4” and Charlie is 4’ 4” Aaron must be 5” shorter than Bill and 7” taller than Charlie (5” is 2” less than 7” and 5” +7” = 12”). Aaron is 4” II” Keep subtracting $9 from $71 until you get a number divisible by 5. 71, 62, 53 44,9. Karen bought 7 gidgets at $5 each and 4 gadgets at $9 each ($35 + $36 = $71), Similarly, 32, 23, 14, © Ken purchased 1 gidget at $5 and 3 gadgets at $9 each. ($5 + $27 = $32.) 7+4+ 1 +3 = 15 total. (You can start by subtracting $5 also.) ‘The number must be odd and a multiple of 5. Of 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65, only 5, 25, 45 and 65 leave a remainder of 1 when divided by 4. Then 25 is the only one of those numbers that leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 3. ‘The common denominator for 3, 4, 6 and 8 is 24. There were 24 students in the class. 8 received a“B”, 6 a“C", 4 a“D” and 3 failed. 8+6 +443 =21. ‘Three received an “A”. 8 3 = 5 more students received a “B” than received an “A” There are 25 numbers between 1 and 101 divisible by 4 (4, 8, ... 100). Twelve of those (8, 16, ... 96) are divisible by 8, and 13 are not, ‘Their ages must be 6, 6, 1. They cannot be 3, 3, 4 since 4 is older than 3. 57

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