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The Setting

Down the highway of a lonely Arkansas town lies a gas station. It is not fancy, nor is it
from a major corporation, but it is a place to grab fuel, simple food, and a pack of
cigarettes while travelling. Even during the day, the lights are on, the bulbs buzzing
and humming overhead as neon glows along the coolers and front windows. The smell
of cleaning fluids punch at the nose, strong despite the smaller store, combating the
subtle whiff of rotting meat and sweat.

For the random passer-by, this gas station is nothing but a faint memory on the mind
and miles. For those that work and live nearby the gas station… they knew that it was
something else entirely. Racoons, junkies, and the holler hillbillies were only a sliver of
the usual clientele that calls the gas station a rest stop. From the first wink of twilight,
oddities began to appear. Frozen heads in the freezers, grey travellers from the skies
stopping by to grab their favourite atomic blue slushie, and the local death cult
stopping by because they knew the hotdogs would be fresher after they were changed
out from dinner time.

Weirdest of all… you work here. Whether from desperation or just biting curiosity, a
job’s a job, and you will have to do.

Playing The Game

This source is meant to be used as a diving board to create a game based around the
setting. Players take on the role of a minimum wage employee working in a gas station.
They try to go through their usual day to day activities while contending with the
abnormal, supernatural, and downright dangerous. This game is meant to be
completely open-ended and allow for pure exploration. Your GM (General Manager)
will be leading the players down paths of oddity and horror as they see fit. One may
embark on a journey completely at random, using the dice roll tables or pick and
choose the story threads you wish to follow.

Classes / characters random table
Roll Name Description

1 James Mathews College kid who's desperately trying to fund his mechanical engineering degree.

2 Samay (Sammy) Khan Middle aged Indian man, he lost his family corner store to a gambling addiction.

3 John Smith Former Desert Stormer fallen on hard times, who knows how to handle himself but is likely to
get in over his head.

4 Karen Gilmore Short blonde hair, some day will become the manager.

5 Tommy Price Middle aged goth with a receding hairline, never lets bad luck get him down.

6 Not-Stephen King An aspiring horror author looking to get into the field.

7 Butch Klein A local monster hunter working at the station as a side hustle to fund his main job.

8 Maribelle Delphino Very pretty girl who’s working here to supplement her income while she gets her OnlyFans

9 Miquell Morbino Built like a twig, smells like weed and mould, and obviously uses a fake name, he wears a
Megadeth shirt and knows a lot about tanks and other ww2 weaponry, always carries a sidearm
he calls “the man stopper.”.

10 Ole Bill A man aged somewhere in his thirties, he worked at the gas station before you, but he couldn't
tell you exactly when, only that his head hurts when he thinks about it.

11 Dough the Dawg Dough’s a blood hound and the gas station dog. He hangs around, eats scraps, and keeps watch
outside the station. At the ripe old age of twelve he’s not very active anymore, but Dough’s
always been an excellent judge of character, and his nose can pick up more than just scents (roll
again if PC lands on 11).

12 Kyle McMonster Teenager who is more willing to accept the strangeness of the gas station. However, he also has
anger issues and an addiction to energy drinks.

13 Daniel Yurt A roughneck that can no longer rough it in the oil fields that has injured both his knees. Tough
and strong willed, Daniel does his best to help his fellow employees, as he knows his knees will
grow tired and someone else will have to pull up the slack he leaves behind.

14 Emily Logger High School was not supposed to be her peak, but it turned into the high point of her life after
she failed college, failed basic training, and failed to hold any other job she put her mind to.
With abundant bad luck, she finally found respite in the job at the creepy gas station.

15 Cotter Yangin A son of a traditional Vietnamese family, he took off as soon as he knew he could to avoid
college and his family, seeking the weird and the unknown.

16 Charleene “Honey” Dukes A buxom country beauty with more charisma than she has sense. Despite having the body and
charm to seduce any man she set her eyes on, she instead became entranced by dystopian sci fi
novels and fiction, and instead set her sights on making this odd little gas station, and its
stories, hers.

17 Louie Dhenni A tall, athletic African American that used the dream of playing basketball in college to propel
him through life. A broken ankle and bad grades slammed him back down to reality, and soon
found himself with nothing but debt, a bad limp, and a dour outlook on life.

18 Davon Trududaldi New York and a large Italian family had been the place of his raising, but circumstances
grounded him in the town just outside the gas station. All it took was a single eye full of
Charleene Dukes, and he was never going back to New York without her.

19 Carolos “Dickems” Dikhad A horrible last name in America, and an even more annoying nickname from his college friends.
Leaving college, he found cheap lodgings in town, and instead took his learnings online. He
would rather be back home in Egypt, hugging his mother and enjoying her freshly baked Om Ali,
but instead he's hiding out in this town and slugging through small jobs.

20 Wilhelmina Sugar Boisterous and upbeat at almost all times, Wilhelmina is the spitting image of her mouth. Her
father was white, her mother black, and it left her with a year-round tan and curly hair that she
kept long and fluffed. Rain, shine, dark, or doom, Wilhelmina will find a way to at least slip in a
joke to lighten the mood.

Secrets Table
Roll Description

1 You killed someone a state over in a freak accident

2 You run a meth lab out of your shed and sell through the gas station

3 You’ve been diagnosed with schizophrenia

4 Sleeping with one of the day shift workers (dating within the company is strictly forbidden)

5 You are currently on probation

6 Your child died, and it was all your fault

7 Starred in a popular porn movie

8 HIV positive and need the extra income to afford the PEP

9 You’re not allowed within 100 yards of children

10 Nothing, you are a well-rounded Human being and certainly not a cuckoo baby from the Fey. Why would you ask that?

11 Grew up in a cult

12 You hate books, but you love being a pseudo intellectual

13 Recently you hacked a website and have a copy of a Marvel Movie Script

14 You steal money from the register and blame it on someone/something else

15 You're actually an android on the run

16 You constantly hear the faint ticking of a clock. There are times when it is louder, and always becomes deafening when
danger is nearby.

17 You’re a Russian spy sent to take notes on average life in America

18 You used to work for a rival gas station

19 You have a belly button lint collection

20 You have crippling OCD and have difficulty being in areas where things aren’t cleaned properly

Reasons Why You “Have to” Work Here
Roll Description

1 Buy a Camaro

2 Renovate your family’s estate that your serial killer uncle left to you when he died

3 You want to start a successful OnlyFans page. To do that you’ll need a state-of-the-art setup. That way, your feet pics
come out in 4K quality.

4 Send your kid to a good private high school

5 Trying to get a date with a first shift worker

6 Your brother disappeared after starting to work here, and you’re trying to find out what happened to him

7 You’re addicted to wargame models and need money to pay for the hobby

8 The thought of leaving gives you terrible migraines

9 You need this to fund your idea for a TTRPG

10 You don't remember. You've always worked here... You think?

11 Your BITCH mom told you to “get a job” so now you're here amongst the wage-cucks

12 You invested in crypto :(

13 You didn't read the Yelp reviews before signing the contract

14 You got drunk and vandalised the gas station, in return for not pressing charges you must work here

15 You want to learn and master all the tales that pass through here in order to write a bestselling book

16 Well, you don’t have much else going on, may as well make some money while you’re at it

17 To meet a cute monster girl, or, at least, hope that one passes through some day

18 Out of sheer hope one of the creatures that comes through the gas station will know where the portal to the anime verse

19 Maybe, just maybe, the love of your life will come in for a code red, and leave with you instead… by force, if need be

General duties table
Roll Description

1 Count the cash register

2 Get the raccoons out the dumpster

3 Restock the shelves

4 Stock count

5 Set out Rat traps

1. In the ceiling
2. In the utility room
3. In the car wash
4. In the bathroom
5. By the gas tanks
6. On the roof (please ensure extra-large traps are used here, don’t ask why please, just read the manual and
missing persons reports)

6 Check CCTV

7 Place hot dogs on the rotisserie, remember to stab them in order to make sure they are actually hotdogs

8 Receive deliveries

9 Clean around the gas pumps, refill fluids in wiper bins, and wipe down odd fluids from the pump handles

10 Replace the fast foods, even if they aren’t stale yet. He may be back tonight, and by God you aren’t going missing

Cleaning schedule
Roll Description

1 Clean the gas spills in the forecourt

2 Incinerate the hand plants growing out back, they’ve been getting too tall

3 Chase off the Homeless that are trying to set up a tent

4 Sweep and mop the store

5 Empty the bin in the forecourt

6 Jump in the dumpster out the back, they haven't been collected in two weeks and sometimes things try to make homes in

7 Clean up the knocked over display

8 Wash off the graffiti on the back of the building

9 Clean out the mud trap in the car wash

10 Unclog whatever is blocking the HVAC system filters

11 Clean the gas pump

12 Dust the shelves

What’s Out of Order and Needs to be Fixed
Roll Description

1 Toilet

2 Slushy machine

3 Patch the hole in the wall (do NOT let it grab another child, we can’t keep affording the injured customer lawsuits)

4 Pump two needs looked at

5 Light bulb needs changed

1. Store
2. Office
3. Bathroom
4. Forecourt

6 Coffee machine

7 Clock needs new batteries

8 Car wash

9 Freezer

10 Security Cameras

What's Been Lost and Needs to be Found?

Roll Description

1 Front door keys

2 Last night’s CCTV tape

3 Register Tape

4 The Drink Machine Handle

5 The Coffee Pot

6 The Plunger for the toilet

7 Mop

8 Money from the register

9 The front door of the store

10 The pistol kept under the counter

11 All the slushie flavour mixers are not where they should be

12 The third fuse

Cursed items
Roll Name Description

1 The Funny Bone A discarded arm bone of no significance. However, if you hit someone with it, the bone wills
them to laugh uncontrollably but causes aches throughout their body until they pass out

2 Voodoo Doll of Yourself Acts exactly how a voodoo doll normally works

3 Puzzle Box If opened your soul is claimed by demons

4 Portal to New Jersey It will take you two weeks of hitch hiking to make it to your next shift
1. Behind the till
2. The office
3. Utility room
4. Bathroom
5. Fridge
6. Car wash

5 The Cooler When you press a button and touch its lid to an object/person/thing the thing gets sent to
another dimension. If the players use it too often, the monster that lives in that dimension comes

6 Pair of Broken Glasses A pair of glasses with one lens missing. If worn, the player's eye coinciding with the intact lens is
instantly removed and disappears. The player is now bleeding and missing an eye.

7 Can of Spam An old can of spam sits on a shelf collecting dust, if eaten the person or thing that consumed it
will begin to melt and deform into a horrid flesh abomination as they slowly become living spam.

8 Nail Clippers If touched your fingernails come to life and bury into your flesh, if removed the still living nails
will bury into the ground, and in a 3-metre area in which the nails entered plant like chitinous
structures will slowly grow, they are hostile to animal and human life and will slowly spread to
other areas throughout the game

9 Mood Ring If put on it will immediately become stuck after 5 minutes and the hand itself will turn evil and
be put in the GM’s control. It will also turn a colour man has never seen

10 Red Stapler Nothing seems off about this simple red stapler, except that it seems to never run out of staples.
If you use the stapler too much, it will whisper ‘He's Coming’, and the old owner will be aware of
where it now resides.

11 Highwayman’s Stetson An old leather Stetson hat that was once worn by a corrupt Sheriff, who was shot through the
back of the head by an unknown assailant while he was writing a ticket to another driver; the exit
hole is still near the top of the hat, torn and ragged. If the hat is worn, the hole will smoke
slightly, and you will notice smaller details about people you would not normally see. If worn for
too long, the hole will increase in the amount of smoke it outputs, and the murdered Sheriff will
slowly take over the wearer’s mind for his own means.

12 Desiccated Hotdog of Shrivelled, hard, and stinking with age, this old gas station hotdog should have long ago rotted.
Glory However, when held in the left hand and applied with mustard, it will illuminate creatures that
mean the bearer harm, as well as hide the wielder from sight. When the ability is activated, the
wielder will also smell like foetid hotdogs, rotting fat, and rancid ketchup.

13 Gramma’s Teef’ A pair of old, yellow dentures with the name Marleen imprinted on the inside rear gums in steel.
These teeth still hunger for flesh despite their lack of ability to swallow, and actively begin to
chew on anything that touches them. If left alone long enough, or not fed, they will begin to hunt,
a faint chattering marking their stalking path.

14 Unending Tape A role of USPS basic packing tape. Sticky and tough, the roll never ends. The roll, however, is
inhabited by the soul of a rather kinky and horrible USPS employee that was shot in the chest by
the father of the young girl he molested earlier that day. His hands were clutching the tape as he
died, and his soul adhered to the tape by unknown means. The tape, when not being used, will
gravitate towards children or pretty women, and will begin taping and binding them for
unknown purposes.

15 Battered Diary The pages flutter as if wind rustles them, trying to attract your attention. The battered, rolled
pages and dirty cover bear one word across them all: “Price”. When blood is dripped onto the
pages, it will tell secrets, explain mysteries, and issue warnings. The diary is thirsty, so very
thirsty, and soon its hunger for blood will be far more than what you can give. Perhaps, the
battered diary will seek even certain people for its favours…

16 Branch of the Chained A simple branch of a tree with a broken iron link embedded within the wood. When held in the
Oak hand, tucked in the pocket, or otherwise kept on person, the branch will begin to ask you within
your mind to give charity to those who it thinks needs it. A free hotdog here, a gallon of gas for a
single mother there, what's the harm, eh? When you give in to the branch’s whims, you will have
incredible luck for the rest of that day. Except if you refuse the branch, it will begin to rapidly
wrap you in chains; Once as a warning, but the second time, it will begin to squeeze you tight,
and use your body to grow itself back into a full tree.

17 Stone of Hingam A small round, black stone with white rings wrapping around it. When gripped in the hand, you
know when food is going to go bad that day. However, if you do not eat said food when it is going
bad, the small stone will bury under your skin and begin devouring your flesh up to the weight of
the expired food. The stone will even begin to hunt you.

18 Leather Driving Glove A black leather glove that has a small speckle of blood on it. When worn, you can bullshit your
(It Seems to Fit) way through almost any accusation that comes your way, and despite how guilty you will appear,
you always find a way to wiggle out of it. However, once the glove helps you… someone has to
die. Either you can do it, or the glove will take care of it for you as you wear it, with or without
your consent.

19 Tarnished Pocket Mirror Round, silver, and small enough to fit in the palm, the little mirror has a small hairline crack
along the bottom edge near the hinge. When looking into the mirror, you see the face or faces of
those who wish you harm. However, when used, those same people know exactly where you are
down to the second.

20 Terracotta Eye A terracotta eye, broken around the ends and dusty despite how much you try to clean it. If you
beg the eye for help, the eye will blink, and a full Terracotta Soldier will appear from the
shadows, armed and willing to follow your commands. Each time you beg the eye, a large part of
your flesh turns into terracotta, the head being turned last.

Store phone calls

Roll Description

1 The music in the store keeps going off and on at random times. Each time it comes back there is a brief morse code that
spells a new word. If the words are tracked, they say, "Sierra, Oscar, Sierra" which is a long form of SOS. Later Numbers start
to be repeated which turn out to be the store's phone number. After that strange calls come in FROM the emergency services
asking what is going on at the store.

2 Phone call from a Chinese peasant trying to escape the factory he is chained up in. He will try to keep you on the phone, if
possible, begging for you to save him or he will be thrown in the incinerator for not making fruit-based technology products
fast enough.

3 There are odd calls coming into the gas station from random phones within the store. No matter how long you wait, the
phone continues to ring until someone, anyone picks it up.
● “The femoid is in our possession. Things will go just as we agreed, yes? Ten thousand in used bills.”
● “Yeah, this is Larry Balldragin, we’re calling about your order of nacho che- What the fuck? Daniel put that back in
its box. Daniel? Dan-OH GOD, OH FUCK WHO ARE YOU?! WHA-”
Usually this is just punk kids from in town or from the city a few hours down the road. But for some reason, these don’t sound
like prank calls. The area codes are from all over the country when you search for them in your phone, while one just shows
links to /x/ and conspiracy theory websites.

4 Phone call from someone claiming to be a Prince from Nigeria. His rule is being taken over and needs a bank account to put
$10,000,000 million dollars into. Once he’s safe he’ll leave you $5,000,000. There is a 1d2 chance of being true, but it will not
be known for sure until you give him access to your bank account

5 Caller orders a 6-piece chicken chow mein and a deep-fried pizza, then proceeds to threaten the player with increasingly
personal threats regarding the player’s personal life, only for the call to distort into demonic ramblings and static.

6 A woman claiming to be a former night shift employee tells you to leave the gas station immediately and head to a car that's
parked outside.
● “Listen to me! My name is Katy and I’m a former night shift employee”
● “You are in grave danger! Escape to the car parked outside on the curve”
● “Please! It's the only way you'll make it out.”
The car parked on the curve is old, rusty, and looks like it hasn't run for years. If you confront her on this, the message loops

7 An old woman calls into the gas station asking the employee for some help at her house. This can range from helping her
move her microwave, to outright lewd things like helping her wash and giving her a long sponge bath. As the
conversation/calls grow in frequency, the lewder she gets, and at night-time, the caller can see her shadow/dark figure pass
by on the other side of the road, or just outside windows.

8 As soon as the worker picks up the phone, screeching yells fill their ears. The caller just screams incoherently, making no
sense whatsoever. There is a strong chance that they will call back later, or simply come to the gas station to scream in
person rather than over the phone.

9 The phone rings. You pick it up and all you hear is a cat meow. As you speak to it, the cat reacts with meows, mews, hissing,
or yowls depending on what is said to it.

10 A salesman attempting to sell ‘Nightside Generators’ will call and attempt to sell one to whoever answers the phone for the
measly sum of $100,000.00. Selling points:
● Can bring you to the ‘Nightside’
● Can keep away the day and keep you in blissful night
● Can attract more monsters, you want more monsters, right?
● Aliens hate these fuckin’ things, fuck aliens!

11 You pick up the phone. The person on the other side is someone calling about the job listing for the night shift. He is
reasonable and lucid. You are confused as you already got the job, but he says the boss already said the position of night shift
manager will be open by tomorrow.

12 A calm voice speaks to you as you pick up the phone. She says her name is Lacey and she is selling life insurance. When
questioned, or if the answerer says no thank you, she presses harder, stating with absolute certainty that the answerer needs
the life insurance. Lacey knows the name of the answerer, and even where they are working, and begins to plead with the
answerer to get the life insurance ‘for their own good, and the good of others.”

13 The phone rings. When the phone is picked up, all the lights in the gas station go out. Freezers, lamps at the pumps, every
single light goes out as if someone had snapped their fingers. As soon as the lights go out, shuffling and hurried steps are
heard along the isles. When the phone is put back onto its holder, the lights instantly turn back on
● Food may be missing
● Items may be missing
● Entire rack of magazines may be missing
● Etc

14 The phone rings. When picked up, a man can be heard yelling in Japanese over the phone in a pleading manner. In the
background, the sounds of explosions, cars being crunched, as well as a large animalistic roar is audible. On the horizon, a
blue flash is seen, and the phone line goes dead.

15 When you pick up the phone it's nothing, but quiet static broken only by your own words. However, these are not the words
you are speaking into the phone, but the words you are thinking in your head repeated back to you in your own voice through
the line.

16 A raspy voice whispers “Seven days… sev-oh wait, shit. This isn’t Moira. Wrong number, sorry!”

17 A male voice on the other side starts talking through the phone like he’s streaming on twitch. However, each thing you do the
man says something relevant to your actions as if you were in a video game. For example, if you go to restock chips he says,
“Alright guys let's restock these chips real quick.”

18 Your mom gives you a call asking if everything’s going alright. It takes a lot to get her to hang up.

19 A voice mimicking whatever you say through the phone in a voice that’s eerily not human but trying hard to sound the part.

20 A routine phone call asking if you have a specific product (look below) for the rest of the day that product is bought by every
customer in addition to other things they want to buy

1d6 for item being asked about

1- Sunglasses
2- Firewood
3- Caramel flavoured Cola
4- Shovel
5- Hunter knife

Behind the Till: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 WD40 "This shit fixes anything! GUARANTEED"

2 Tranquiliser gun Each dart has enough tranquilliser to kill a child, knock out a grown man, OR briefly disorient a
hulking monstrosity.

3 Shotgun Two shots, maybe save one for yourself?

4 Mysterious Keyring A hefty keyring worthy of any high school janitor, this artefact allows the players access to
previously locked, or even non-existent areas of the Station itself.

5 Shrunken Voodoo head A shrunken head from the practice of voodoo, if given to a voodoo priestess she will grant you a
great boon.

6 Monkey's paw A small, mummified hand of simian origins, only one finger left upright, item can be used ONCE
but not to aid oneself, only to hinder someone else (Gm discretion advised).

Behind the Till: Random Events

Roll Event Name Description

1 Mop falls on you As you search you back into a wall and the mop that was standing against the wall falls on you

2 Moaning register You place some money in the register and for each bill you put in it moans for more

3 Cut your hand on You cut your hand on a razor-sharp edge but instead of blood, coins fall out of the wound.

4 Living register As you open the till expecting metal springs, cash, and coins, instead you see a grotesque mixture
of metal, paper, plastic, and meat. Each compartment is an organ, pumping, pulsating, and
squirming. The bills fused into one another with a slimy membrane reminiscent of a butchered
fishes gill, the coin tray a fleshy mass of silvery tumours, the plastic dividers; cartilage and sinew.
It shudders at your touch; it is in pain.

5 Boom As you open the register, the contents shoot out at you at high speed

6 “Psst.” You hear something ‘psst’ at you from below the counter. As soon as you look down, a mottled,
reptilian hand is outstretched, a handful of jellybeans in its palm. If you don’t take them, the hand
calls you a name and retreats into the shadows. If you take them, the hand pats you on the knee
and the jellybeans taste extremely good, almost homemade.

10 | P a g e
The Office: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 What to do if Your Exactly what it says on the cover, not actually very useful.
Property is Built on
Top of a Native
American Burial
Ground: For

2 Tinfoil-Hat Protection from mind-control.

3 Pistol A regular semi-automatic handgun with a magazine capacity of 15. It uses 9mm parabellum rounds.

4 A VHS tape When viewed it’s revealed to be a snuff film (authenticity unsure) with the owner featuring in it.

5 Russian documents Translation reveals this was meant as a distraction for the gas station clerk.

6 A human finger It's still somewhat fresh.

7 Employee name tags In the desk drawer you find close to a hundred name tags of former employees (Gm should get
creative with names).

8 Antique vase A vase full of chunky black liquid smelling of death.

The Office: Random Events

Roll Event Name Description

1 Hidden door As you search the desk in the office you hear a loud creaking and immediately a crack from under
your feet as you plummet into an unknown room underneath the office.

2 Pissed-Off book A book sitting on the desk starts yelling at you and reprimanding you as if it was your boss.

3 A cup falls of the desk The cup falls and shatters against the floor only to then fall upwards in reverse and reform itself on
the desk.

4 Chat box On the computer, a random chat box appears, asking you how you are doing, or how the shift is
doing. The chat box claims to be a manager at a sister location, bearing the name “Anne”. Anne
proceeds to tell you what other weird stuff is going on at her own location, even mentioning
customers you may have just had walk out. When asked, no one knows about this ‘Anne’ or a sister

5 “Here Lad, A Fresh A hand reaches around your shoulder, giving you a fresh cup of tea with milk and sugar. The cup of
Cuppa” tea is a tin cup, looking like it came out of a WWI movie, and the tea smells warm and inviting. No
matter how fast you may turn, all you see is the sleeve of a uniform and a dirty hand, the rest of the
body disappearing before you can get a good look.

6 Not again An employee of a children's pizzeria will enter the room, looking for something. You can hear
animatronics singing and children playing just beyond the closed door. If you open the door, it's just
the gas station. The employee will become annoyed and explain to you this is the third time they’ve
gotten stuck at this gas station.

11 | P a g e
Utility room: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 Tarot Deck A normal tarot deck, but sometimes the cards get oddly specific.

2 Crowbar Useful for dealing with mundane and interdimensional threats.

3 Discarded Mascot head A head of some mascot from one of those children’s pizza restaurants.

4 A can of silly string Is actually an aerosol.

5 box of drugs A large cardboard box full to the brim with nitrous oxide canisters.

6 A Painted Turtle Shell The shell looks like a normal turtle shell, if a bit large, and is painted green. If thrown at a vehicle,
the vehicle will automatically crash as if it was hit by a cannonball.

Utility room: Random Events

Roll Event Name Description

1 The hat man The lights go out and you go to fix them. While you’re fixing the fuse box you feel a tap on
your shoulder. Behind you is a black silhouette of a man, wearing a nice hat. He points at
one of the fuses that you need to flip before tipping his hat and fading away into the

2 You slip on a bucket Yowch!

3 “Psst.” You hear something ‘psst’ at you from the shelves. As soon as you look at the shelf making
the noise, a mottled, reptilian hand is outstretched. In its hand is the item you may or not
be needing, or if not, is just filled with more jellybeans.

4 Randy ghost No matter what you are doing, something gets a handful of your ass cheek. When you turn,
nothing is there, but something is chuckling in a feminine voice.

5 Broken finger You feel something grab your finger and snap it backwards, you see nothing that could
have broken your finger.

6 That cotton candy smell A nostalgic smell sweeps over you. It smells of peanuts and the circus, the scent of old
tanned leather and toffee apples, a smell you could get lost in for hours… and if you were
not found by another shift mate, you'd be spending a LOT longer than that here in the

12 | P a g e
Bathroom: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 Repairing Toilets A manual about repairing toilets. While it would seem to be useful, the plumbing and diagrams talked
for Dummies about do not exist and a few laws of physics would have to be broken for them to do so.

2 A bar of soap Good for cleaning and making things slippery but it's covered in hair.

3 A used hypodermic Could be infected with hepatitis, HIV, or who knows what.

4 A pristine cupcake A perfect looking cupcake attracts your eye. Issue is, it's sitting in the middle of the urinal bin/sitting
on the rim of the toilet seat.

5 Bloody nipple ring A gold but gore covered ring is sitting on the soap dispenser. It is covered in blood and may even have
literal nipple flesh still stuck to it. Poor bastard/bitch.

6 Safety razor A single safety razor without the handle found lying near a sink along with a few hairs and what you
hope isn't dried blood.

Bathroom: Random events

Roll Event Description

1 Voice in the toilet Begs to be “used.”

2 “Psst” You hear something ‘psst’ at you from the stalls. As soon as you open the stall making the noise, a
mottled, reptilian hand is outstretched from inside the toilet. It's holding a plunger. “Hey, boss, I
need a good schlucking here. I doubt you want jellybeans, heh heh.”

3 Seamus A man stumbles out of a toilet stall, covered in toilet water, wrapped in toilet paper, and what you
hope is just a chocolate bar in his hand. You know it is Seamus, and he always causes a mess. Seamus
will try to explain what is going on, but management hates this fucking dude, and you need to get
him out of the store, pronto.

4 Wet Splat You hear a wet splat from one of the stalls, and the door is not only closed, but locked. If you look
under the stall door/walls, you see a wet foot standing on the tile, and another sopping wet foot joins
it. If you stare too long, a voice says “Do you mind? I'm trying to work here.”
● Variants: High heels, work boots, dress shoes, wizard shoes, orc plate boots, knight’s
sabatons, hairy bare feet with painted pink toenails.

5 Stalls swing open One by one the stalls start to open, each with a loud bang from the furthest to the closest, and as the
final door bursts open there is a moment of quiet as the echo in the room fades. You hear a soft wet
sound and see inky black footprints walking towards you on the ceiling. The footprints stop right
above you, and you can feel cold damp breath on your neck.

6 “Caution wet The bathroom floor loses all friction and makes standing impossible.

13 | P a g e
Refrigerator: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 Vial of holy water Can be used to ward off various demonic beings. One use.

2 Can of a strange energy If consumed, immediately gain a temporary agility boost then punch a hole in the wall.

3 Bottle of virgin’s blood The text is scribbled on the label in a hurry and is valuable to beings that consume blood.

4 Half-Eaten chicken If eaten gives botulism penalty (negative to stamina).


5 Fridge mould Can be used in rituals to summon rot demons.

6 Bucket of… Kool-Aid? A large blue bucket full of chilled red liquid.

Refrigerator: Random Events

Roll Event Name Description

1 Fridge door shuts closed If the fridge door is left open it shuts on its own, any limbs or appendages caught in said event
will be crushed or severed.

2 Frigid love The door of a random fridge will fog over more than most, and a heart will appear on the
fridge’s door as if drawn with a finger. The messages will become super sweet, wish you good
luck, and simply give you the morale boost you need. If asked who is writing the message, a
nude body print will appear on the fogged glass, along with an additional heart being drawn just
above the shoulder.

3 The night market On the bottom shelf of the farthest fridge, the night market takes place. On this shelf, a thriving
medieval/high fantasy night market is in full swing with jugglers, vendors, fire breathers, and
even stalls selling stolen foodstuffs from the store.

4 Snowman The snow man seems to have everything he could need except a hat.
● If players put a hat on the snowman, it will remain stationary until a player is in
danger then it will try its best to assist.
● If players do not give it a hat the snow man will become hostile after the players
leave waiting for the perfect moment to attack. Players may notice mysterious trails
of cold water.

5 Fridge falls through floor A loud creak is heard then a crash as the floor gives out under the weight of the fridge leaving a
deep hole only to be consumed by a toothy maw. After the mouth is done munching on the
fridge, it gives a satisfied burp before sinking deeper and out of sight into the newly formed pit.

6 Poor luck You open the door and suddenly all the glass shelves in the fridge fall and shatter. A hushed
giggle echoes after it happens.

14 | P a g e
Freezer: Random items to find
Roll Item Description

1 Popsicles Those delicious popsicles that come in plastic.

2 Dead body You see the dead body of a guy in a sharp suit. No one knows how he got there.

3 Frozen head in A guy’s frozen head. Upon closer inspection he kind of looks like Walt Disney.

4 A block of ice If thawed, the creature possesses the ability to shape shift but cannot create inorganic matter.
containing a

5 The gas station That's where they store them.

hot dogs

6 Acorn Inside the freezer you find an acorn frozen in ice.

Freezer random events

Roll Event Name Description

1 Frozen hand As you reach into the freezer you feel an ice-cold hand drag you deeper past where the back of the
grabs you freezer should end (take cold damage).

2 The handle It is now mildly inconvenient to open the freezer, you will be billed for repairs.

3 Empty freezer You open it only to find it empty, the only clue as to what stole the contents of the freezer being a trail of
tiny humanoid footprints running down the side of the fridge.

4 Reverse The temperature in the freezer clocks in at 100+ degrees Fahrenheit.


5 Fight club Walking into the freezer you see two homeless men fighting over… something.

6 Portal Stepping into the freezer you see that in place of the back wall, are snowy mountains and harsh winds.

15 | P a g e
Car Wash: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 Smelly scrubby Does nothing. Gm should gaslight players into thinking that it is important.

2 Bottle of 1d4 Roll 1d4 for each pill taken:

mixed pills 1. Pain killer
2. Hallucinogen roll on not so minor encounter table
3. Candy (it's really good!)
4. Laxative

3 Wedding band It has a name etched into it, but it's worn out to tell whose it is.

4 Loofa A loofa sits on the ground, covered in soapy water.

5 Condoms Upwards of 100 used condoms lay across the ground of the car wash. The hell was going on in here?

6 Clothing A pile of black clothing. It reminds you of the goth kids in high school.

Car wash: Random events

Roll Event Name Description

1 Car wash is It must be appeased with the blood of middle-aged goths, and only middle-aged goths.
eldritch god

2 Car wash contains Russians are creating clones of one of the PCs.
underground base
for Russians

3 Car wash It seems particularly focused on crushing you in the process.

starts a wash cycle

4 SPONTANEOUS “Greetings tall folk!” is what you hear as you turn towards a pile of used rags. “It is I, the rag gnome,
GNOME and I live in these here rags. Give me a tasty bar of soap and I’ll make it worth your time.” If you
ENCOUNTER!! refuse, he tells you to “fuck off.” If you give him a bar of soap, he will thank you for your kindness and
reward you with a pistol he “found.”

5 Bathing goblin A goblin is inside of the car wash using it to bathe itself, it lets out an ear-piercing screech if it spots
someone watching it and covers its body.

6 Gore The inside of the car wash is absolutely strewn with blood, body parts and organs. The wash rollers
have organs tangled up in them. To clean this thing will take a long… LONG time.

16 | P a g e
Forecourt: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 Open bear trap You didn't know there were bears in this area…?

2 A happy meal toy Though for some (legal) reason you can't tell which.

3 Abandoned Teddy A small teddy bear that seems to have been abandoned. Strangely its face is frowning. If given to a
Bear child, the bear’s face turns into a smile.

4 Gnome hat A red garden gnome hat, if worn you feel a desire to play pranks and other mischief.

5 Metal orb An odd metal orb that vibrates at a rapid frequency in your palm.

6 Lost phone A smartphone lacking a password.

Forecourt: Random Events

Roll Event Name Description

1 You step in a bear You look down to see your leg crushed in a toothy metal maw, its rusted gagged edge rending your
trap calf and scraping on your tibia. The pain is excruciating.

2 You trip on a rock Hope you land on something soft.

3 Surrounded As you walk across the forecourt you see dozens of dimly light eyes peering at you from the forest

4 Goblin Jousting Two small green humanoids are riding on lawn mowers with metal poles. They look to be jousting
with a small group of onlookers taking bets.

5 Gnome fill up One of the gas pumps is off the latch, going out to check, you see a garden gnome holding the handle,
filling up an electric toy kept with gasoline.

6 Poor depth People complain about feeling dizzy and not being able to get the gas nozzle in their gas pump due to
perception a loss of depth perception. This effect only seems to happen at pump one.

17 | P a g e
The Bushes: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 Empty condom wrappers There’s… got to be around a hundred of them.

2 A Polaroid photo It's a picture of you working behind the counter. The picture seems to have been taken from
the ceiling.

3 Severed hand A severed hand cut cleanly at the wrist. It’s flipping you off.

4 A stick bug A friend

5 Mannequin A mannequin that has been dressed in lingerie and is holding twenty dollars.

6 Hedge clippers Near the foot of a bush, you find a pair of rusty hedge clippers.

The Bushes: Random Events

Roll Event Name Description

1 Touch poison ivy Idiot.

2 You scare the bushes Looking in the bushes you hear the shriek of a woman as the bushes uproot and quickly
scamper off in fear.

3 Bushes come to life The bushes come to life and ask for some of your blood.
“Feed me… Feeeeeeeeeeeeed me…”

4 Leprechaun fight You stumble upon two leprechauns - one orange and one green - punching the shit out of
each other behind a bush.

5 Bitten by a racoon Better get a rabies shot just to be safe.

6 Disturb a wasp nest While brushing up against a bush you accidentally disturb a wasp nest, and they are not
● 1d6 wasps

18 | P a g e
The Magazine Rack: Random Items to Find
Roll Item Description

1 Necronomicon Book stuff. Read the latin, get zombies. Klaatu barada... Necktie... Necturn...

2 The Book of Antithesis Strange occult magick (indeed spelled with a “k”) book pretending to be a TTRPG.

3 A manga about fictional pirates I think they're chasing something called the... “once reef?” Seems kinda cringe.

4 Creepy Pasta Magazine (vol. Something about Jeff the Killer, 1d2 chance of summoning the “real” Jeff.

5 “Tiddy” magazine Articles on the supernatural that take the guise of puff-pieces like "My Girlfriend is a
Ghost / Vampire / Eldritch Horror."

6 The Gas Station A short horror story that repeats last night's events at the gas station.

7 Supernatural yellow pages A phone book containing different runes in the same pattern as phone numbers for
people describing themselves as wizards, demons, murderers, and other monsters

8 Alabama Quarterly A magazine all about ranking people who are the result of incest. At the end of the
magazine, it announces the winner based on who has the most deformities.

9 Keeping up with the Old Ones A magazine sharing all the hottest drama regarding elder gods, apparently, they get
up to a lot of drama. Reading the pages may cause headaches and night terrors.

10 The CEO Grindset A book about adjusting to the corporate mindset and achieving maximum gross yearly
by M.T.Fuck profit to keep up that CEO energy so you can become the BASED sociopath I know
you can be!

11 The latest issue of Cock-Handler “All the cock-a-doodle-doo’s and Don'ts of raising a fine cock.”
Daily With spectacular articles such as:
● Top 10 Cocks of **-**!!
● Breeding Season Survival Guide!
● The Dangers of Cock Fighting

12 A copy of TIME magazine from In pristine condition as if fresh from the printers.

13 Helpful pamphlet A pamphlet describing detailed instructions on how to get away with murdering a co-
worker without getting caught, illustrated with cartoon animals, and written by a
P. Bateman.

14 Executive Homicide A magazine describing the best way to kill the current sitting president, the words in
the magazine seem to change with each viewing.

15 6e The fabled sixth edition of a popular TTRPG, supposedly it fixes every single problem
with 5e. Issue is, no one’s willing to learn the system because the previous edition is
what they’re used to.

16 Spell Book A small leather-bound book written by a Mandrix Witchblight, of Evermere. The
introduction page describes the book as a spell book for upcoming wizards and
sorcery. However, all the pages with spells are written in arcane runes.

17 How to Change a Tire A mechanical pamphlet illustrating how to change a flat tire.

18 Poetry for the Anxious A magazine full of poems that carry no real theme throughout the pages. However, if
someone reads a poem out loud the room will with the sound of snapping fingers.

19 Woodsman A short instructional magazine giving tips and tricks on how to survive out in the
wilderness alone.

20 Next Top Manifesto A competitive write-in magazine where people compete to write the best manifesto.
The more controversial the content the more likely you’ll make it into the magazine.
On the back it says that all entries are personally checked for authenticity.

19 | P a g e
Customers: Random Event Table
Roll Customer Description

1 Jimmy of He trashes the bathroom with a sharpie. Nothing supernatural; he’s just (poorly) drawing dicks.

2 Mary Sue An annoyingly perfect woman with no flaws who remarks on how everyone seems to love her. Despite her annoying personality you
can’t help but offer her discounts on whatever she’s wanting to buy.

3 Clearly a bunch If not called out they will make their purchase and leave. If called out or they grow paranoid, they will scatter and immediately
of raccoons in a perform a snatch-and-grab with whatever they can get their paws on.

4 ??? A guy dressed in black and white stripes wearing a mask over his eyes carrying a bag with a dollar sign on it. Orders chips and gets
some gas.

5 Russian Looks shady and asks about the KGB. Russian

6 Movie guy Guy thinks the store is a movie rental and refuses to believe otherwise.
● Leaves a copy of face off.

7 Two comic book Arguing about who is stronger - Hero X or Hero Y.

geeks ● They pull everyone in the store into their argument.
● They could even get into an actual fight over it.

8 Bates family Man, wheels in his clearly dead mother in a wheelchair.

outing ● He acts out scenes of an abusive childhood with 2 candy bars

9 “Orc” An Orc with green skin, big teeth etc. He wants to pay for everything in actual human teeth.
● He is really a dentist who is LARPing and going to a convention, but he will NOT break character...
● …unless you threaten to call the cops, however; then he will pay in cash.

10 Mutant family Mum, dad, and 1d4 children.

● 1D4 extra arms
● 1D2 extra heads
● 1D4 extra legs

11 Madam Rosaline Fat woman dressed in shaman clothing will read tarot cards to determine the next encounter, roll on major events table.

12 Crow Steals packets of chips.

13 Priestess Rieloux A scrawny prune of a woman dressed in voodoo robes and speaks with a heavy creole accent. If given a shrunken head, she’ll give
you a random cursed item.

14 Jack Man on crutches, claims he used to work at a gas station. NOTHING seems to faze him. Handles himself well in danger despite the

15 Honkers A busty clown enters the gas station, if asked about work she admits she misses working birthday parties. She now works… a
different kind of party.

16 Raven A middle-aged Goth. Despite this she acts like an edgy teenager.

17 Fred Frederson The name it first gave back when its vocal cords still worked - or at least that's what the note left by the previous employees said. It
never even tried to act human. It just comes in every few weeks or so carrying a crumpled-up handful of blood-soaked change and
jewellery. It tries to buy as much beef jerky as it can carry before limping back into the forest- normally it's not enough to make up
for the price of the jerky but... If it leaves with just the jerky, it's as much of a win as you can ask for.

18 The gambler Called that because he wears a black gambler's hat with a comically large rim, as well as him only ever purchasing a scratch-off and
a pack of Marlboro reds. He speaks in a Louisiana drawl and his presence comes with a thick fog that disappears when he leaves.

19 Crazy cat lady Insane and smells like cat piss. She WILL stab you if denied service.

20 Squirrel Hates the crow, eats the insulation.

21 The Narrator The GM should describe themselves walking in, but they keep narrating every action taken.

20 | P a g e
22 Not a werewolf A customer enters the gas station wearing an obvious fur suit. They insist they are holding back their primal urges and must satisfy
the beast however they can. The customer may hit on the player before just buying a lot of beef jerky.

23 Puppet man A man enters carrying a puppet, his eyes are glued to the floor. The puppet in his hands will grab a few items and pay without issue
if you don't question it. If you try to ask about the puppet, it will immediately threaten you and advise you to mind your own
business. If you ask about the man holding the puppet he will begin to sob softly as the puppet tells you not to worry about the meat

24 A normal family Nope, that's it. They just stopped by for gas and left.
of four

25 Butcher A strange man comes in asking for butcher’s paper and 5 pounds of salt

26 Fentanyl addict Attempts to hold up the shopkeeper with a banana.

27 ATF agent Is “investigating this business under suspicion of an unregulated hand grip for a 1911” (doesn't have a warrant). Don't let Dough near
him! Fucks off reluctantly.

28 The... woman? A ‘woman’ with a strange pendant hanging around his neck walks into the station wearing half a straitjacket and demands a tampon.
While procuring what the customer asked for, they start talking about “THE GREAT MERGER” and other nonsense. if asked to leave
“she” will attempt to pepper spray you.

29 Homeless guy Pays for everything in change and begs for any extra food you may have. If given food, he thanks you and gives you a mugging pass
valid for three muggings!

30 Regular Bear An Arkansas black bear. He's here for the candy bars and you sure as hell ain't gonna stop him. Very polite otherwise.

31 A man with A man in a black suit and polo hat with dress shoes stands outside the store, but he has a starry void where his eyes should be. He
hollow eyes asks: “May I enter this fine establishment?”, if permitted he walks into the store and asks for a story. (The consequences for denying
on either of his requests are left up to the Gm)

32 Friendly A black bear pulls up outside on a bicycle, leaning it against the wall. He is clean with well washed fur, and walks on two legs easily,
neighbourhood as if he has done it all his life. He speaks of his father having done the same when asked and will normally buy junk food and
bear lemonade with crumpled, bloody cash notes.

33 Reshov the Bard Reshov is an odd man that insists he is in fact a level six bard, sucked into this realm via the means of a lich his party was about to
kill. Being within the confines of the gas station keeps you immune from his powers, but you can tell he has been romancing and
killing his way through the surrounding cities.

34 Edgy rogue A shady looking man wearing leather armour rolls through the front door as if he thinks you can’t see him and starts stealing food
and drinks, all while knocking over cans and rustling plastic. If confronted, he will stop moving and say “you can’t see me” until you
either leave him to his petty crime or threaten him enough for him to throw a smoke bomb at you that takes a good three seconds
to start emitting a tiny thin smoke screen only for him to tail it out the door.

35 Wheatflow A tallish young man with blonde, dusty hair and dusky blue eyes. Despite his strong appearance, he is soft handed and rarely ever
raises his voice. Despite being the leading hand in bringing a God of Farming back to life, he has a subtle weakness for the chicken
taquitos, as does the God itself, and he makes visits through the week to satisfy the God’s hunger for fast food Tex-Mex.

36 Alexandra A freckle-faced woman in her 20’s, Alexandra Harkness describes herself as a female adventurer, but the sly smile and come-hither
Harkness eyes make you wonder just what kind of adventure she is on. She can appear:
● Slimy, sputtering at anything that comes near her lips.
● Covered in scratches and nursing an injured knee.
● Normal, wearing blue jeans and a soft white tank top.
● Extremely tired, stretching her back and legs constantly while buying energy drinks.
● Whatever comes to your horrible little mind, GM.

37 The Engineer, An older woman in her 50’s. Her hair is shock white, but her grey eyes are sharp and inquisitive. Despite the oil-stained coveralls
Gwendolyn and goggles she wears, you can't help but notice odd shapes along her back, things squirming around in her pockets, as well as the
subtle ‘tick, tick, tick’ as she walks, almost as if there is metal on the heel of her boots.

38 Hadrian A favourite in the gas station, Hadrian is something called a ‘Cottercanauch’ or something of the sort. His short cat ears and long
Cloudfang fluffy tail have made him a hit among the locals when he shows up out of the blue, travelling through dimensions as a formal
dignitary to his people. He doesn’t have any business on Earth but loves to woo a pretty woman and indulge in cheese nachos with
pickled jalapenos.

39 Rye “The Gypsy” You would think she was Amish if it wasn't for the eccentric clothing, the large Gypsy Vanner horse, and the bow top Vardo she calls
Tonic home. She stops by on her travels to buy water, wood, fuel cans for her stove, and most important of all, the delicious cans of spam
that are for some reason always on sale here. She is a lovely woman, mildly flirtatious, but always avoids letting people touch her
exposed skin, instead pulling down a sleeve to shake hands or hand over money.

21 | P a g e
40 Doktor Kran Short for a man at 4’2’’, Doktor Kran is a bright-eyed clinical practitioner that operates out of a large moving truck, having an entire
hospital room in the rear. He is rarely not covered in blood or some other kind of bodily fluid when he comes in, and everyone
knows it's because he has someone in the back of the truck and cannot drive into town with them. However, Doctoring is thirsty and
tiring work! So, a quick stop at the gas station mid-surgery is a must.

41 Salvador Kai His mother was Chinese, his father was Spanish, but his fists are nothing but pain. Salvador fights in the underground rings where
sometimes, death was on the table, and the pay was triple if you could put your enemy down into the ground for good.
Unfortunately, he is paying off family debts, and must travel to the rings on a moped scooter, and this is the only gas station that
doesn’t give him the stink eye when buying snowballs and his favourite canned drink: Nettle Cola.

42 Matilda What is her last name?... No one fucking knows, and she’s not telling. A busty redheaded woman with a figure to kill, she instead
found her love and joy in… juggling. Yes, juggling. Chainsaws, goats, live swans? She can juggle them all, and all the men line up to
watch. Management doesn’t really like her staying too long, as she ends up just juggling things around the store without putting
them back in their original place. She also insists on juggling the coins, money, and items, grinning evilly as you try to scan the items
or take the money. She’s also currently juggling six men, three of which are married, and finds it the hardest act of all.

43 Rainy Ashglade A male Elf, stuck on this side of the world. Morose and normally downbeat, he is only smiling and happy when the weather is dour
and prefers wet weather the most. He is currently living in a tent in the forest, and the gas station is the only place he feels
comfortable enough to go and get supplies from.

44 Korbin Insists he is a paladin of some holy order or another and is intent on exorcising the demons of this realm in the hope that his
beloved Goddess will come back for him.

45 Dale A ‘wizard’ of self-description, and is hiding ‘incognito’ amongst the populace. If true, someone is fucking with him, as he believes
Commonbrook wizards on this plane wearing fedoras, flame button up shirts, and cargo shorts. However, he is quite skilled in the arcane, and will
do certain things as a favour for those who ask… or in trade for Cheetos, which he sees as a ‘power booster’.

46 Moth Flies down the back of your shirt or into any drink exposed to air. Why are they like this?

47 Michael Johnson A tall man with buggy eyes in sweatpants, an ironman shirt and Marty McFly’s coat. He asks for a “carbonated beverage” and “the
nutritional equivalent of the average human's daily required sustenance”. He doesn't blink nor does he chew, only thanks you for
your “sufficient cooperation” and walks outside only to get sucked up by a beam of light.

48 Drunk guy Walks in shit-faced, says he's hungry and tells you he'll pay extra to drink the nacho cheese directly from the tap. Trips on the
magazine rack and nearly knocks over the dear jerky. Is belligerent and hostile if asked to leave and will inevitably pass out and shit
himself on the bathroom floor.

49 Marava A tall woman wearing a tight black dress. Her skin is pale, and her lips are bright red. She has a very seductive energy. She always
Gothitelle buys a bottle of the most expensive red wine and as she’s buying the wine she tells you, “I have my eyes on you, my child.” Her eyes
turn pitch black and for the rest of the game a black raven follows that player.

50 Mr.Kentucky A man dressed in a white suit, using a black cane, and. odd white facial hair. Always trying to sell you a bucket of fried chicken.

51 Horny An absolute rat bastard of a demon-kin who is expressly here to fuck with people all over the states. He is so cliche about it that he
Horninson wears leather pants, a leather jacket, no shirt, and no underwear either. Management refuses to let him into the store, and he must
use a small window to order what he wants, usually fistfuls of condoms and liquor.

52 Jamesh Tornis Jamesh is a cook, an interdimensional cook that has bitten off way more than he could ever chew when opening his restaurant.
While human in build and features, he is not human in colouration, his skin, hair, and eyes all being a light grey while his fingernails,
teeth, and tongue are bright purple. Jamesh is usually in a frenzied hurry when visiting the gas station, grabbing armfuls of canned
meat, two litres of soda, and as many packs of instant noodles as management will allow that day. He is their favourite customer,
though, as he always pays in solid gold coins.

53 Lillith A procurer of renown and an Elf more punk rock than many humans. Lilith is all about the trade and uses the gas station as a
Morningend honeypot for cheap sunglasses and keychains she can sell for massive amounts of money on ‘the other side’. She is normally wearing
any number of punk outfits and is slowly building her collection of facial and ear piercings as time goes on.

54 Couldabeen A beggar by trade, a hobo by fate, Couldabeen is a rangy older man who finds joy in stomping along the road towards the next
adventure. He doesn’t work, or at least doesn’t like to, and finds his supper from the hands of others. The man smells like a wild
animal and has the eyes to match, but that rarely ever dampens his happy disposition.

55 The Roman “Stand fast, Samnite! Are the chips fresh today?” The Roman is one of the few that slipped in during a time lapse, falling out of his
debut match in the colosseum and being dumped out into a corn field in the middle of Arkansas. Not one to be put out for long, he is
making booku dollars in the underground fighting rings as a trainer for anyone who seeks his tutelage in hand-to-hand combat. His
olive skin, black hair, and charming face has also made him popular with the local women, who he has no issues in romancing and
impregnating as fast as a rooster in a den of hens.

56 Crystal lady A woman wearing rags and smelling of essential oils walks in waving a crystal around and nodding to herself in affirmation. She tells
you that there are powerful “flow lines” running through this place and that she is a “spiritual tourist” and that the “will of the
universe” has brought her here. If asked to buy anything she informs you that she does not carry “worldly ties such as coin and
paper”. She gets offended if you ask her to please leave.

22 | P a g e
57 Amgard Lionel He says he is a ‘feer bulgen’, whatever that is, but he looks more like a hairy blue hippy with a cold. Amgard is amicable and makes
his money raising patches of mushrooms in the forest that he sells for major profits to drug peddlers. To keep his profile low and out
of town, he shops at night in the gas station.

58 Slapchop Short is a kind term for Slapchop, as he is actually a Halfling, but everyone here just calls him a Dwarf. He’ll argue end on end about
the differences between Halflings and Dwarves, but no one ever pays him much mind, except to tell him to wear shoes.

59 Iguaness She only comes out at night, and for good reason. Igauness is a lizard person, stumbling her way into the realm after a major
Lashings happenstance caused a rift. While the American Military was doing battle with a minor invasion force, Iguaness slipped out to avoid
a marriage to a rather ugly Hiccasynth noble. Iguaness has a kind face with soft features and can be called ‘beautiful’ if you can get
past the fact, she has to lick her eyeballs from time to time if her second eyelids can't keep up on dry days. She’s still getting used to
the whole ‘clothing’ thing as well, causing quite a few confused moments when younger male shoppers are in the store.

60 Bilbur Bones A motherfucking Gnome, who would have thought? Except this Gnome doesn't wear clothes, except for a pointed red hat and
leather shoes, and collects bones to carve into toys. There is no telling what Bilbur is buying today, but management said to keep an
eye on him and make sure he doesn’t try stealing a toilet again.

61 Bahleen An actual Dwarven Thurmin Guard, but out of work due to no one needing a heavily armoured man-at-arms in this day and age.
Reddiger Now he finds work as a prospector, going underground faster than any machine and finding water for ranches and farms, mineral
deposits, that whole thing. He has a cosy cottage in the woods, but hates going to town because of the stares. He shops at the gas
station for the peace, except when it's not peaceful, which is why he's actually there. Bahleen craves violence, and for some reason
this gas station is rife with it.

62 Walckcalb Through the front door comes a man walking backwards. He then puts food on the shelves then rushes out saying “sresol retal” as
ynnhoj he gets in a car and backs out of the driveway and down the road.

63 Katelyn Normally people would panic when locking eyes with a Gorgon, but Katelyn has caught on and is normally wearing tight fitting
Truegeist goggles around her eyes. Her snakes are well mannered, only occasionally biting people, especially Bilbur Bones, and she stops by
the gas station as a main refuelling spot for her big rig.

64 Emma An extremely old female veteran, but she won’t say what war she fought in. Her face is a mask of scars, her arms doubly so, and is
never found not strapped with some kind of weapon. Those who have interacted with her say she lives in a bunker deep in the holler
and runs some kind of technological gate for running shine.

65 Beau Cartwright A bright eyed and curvy innkeeper from a rift down the way. No one finds an issue with seeing her red hair and freckles coming in
through the door, basket in hand, and her alluring green eyes made management stock high quality flour just for her to buy. She also
buys a shit ton of the liquor stocked in the store, and says she makes a killing in her inn thanks to “Jack and Jim’’. Pays in gold coins,
always tells the cashier to keep the change.

66 Tilly Junk So old, his back is bowed and has hired a stronger, lithe younger man to help him walk around. Of course, if he took off all the gold
chains and rings, he may walk a bit better, but these were figures of his station as a jeweller for royalty. However, no matter how
rich he might be, the man has a crippling addiction to milk duds and chatting up the Terran customers who come into the store, and
once Tilly arrives, he's not leaving for a few hours at the least.

67 Ekil Chill Another Halfling who has made her home on Earth, but instead uses her figure to incense Humans on OnlyFans as a ‘real life short
stack’. Despite this, her true love is fishing, and she stops by the gas station due to its large stock of fishing gear, lures, and a little
drum of minnows she can pick bait from. She has gotten into many arguments with The Roman, to the point a physical altercation
broke out in the chip aisle when he said, “she was the perfect hide for pickle polishing”. It took a while for The Roman to pull all the
fishing hooks out of his pelvis, but he managed it in the confines of the bathroom.

68 Durgot The mental picture of what everyone thinks when the term “strong female orc’’ enters their mind. Durgot was a survivor of a major
Darkthorn event around the gas station, and evaded capture from the Military by hiding in the gas station’s dumpsters. Due to her physique,
she found work quite quickly in the BDSM culture, and now makes her coin by strangling men with her thighs or head locking them
until both their heads turn purple. She finds it fun.

69 Heartsmasher His father picked his name in the hopes he would become a warlord, but unfortunately for him, the Goliath named Heartsmasher
became a painter instead. Heartsmasher loves to paint, make pottery, and craft jewellery, living down the street from Bahleen
Redigger and selling his goods on Esty.

70 Chaucer Despite the name, if the hills had eyes, then Chaucer would have three of them. Deformed and ugly, Chaucer makes up for this dour
luck roll on life with a winning personality and as bright a smile as he can have with only a fistfull of teeth still in his mouth.

71 Dale McKinnon Dale… no one is really sure what Dale does, really. He only drives a NASCAR racer car to and from work, wherever that is, and insists
on climbing through the window despite his potbelly always getting stuck halfway through. He also only wears the racing onesies,
always in different colours or sponsors despite the clear indication he is actually sponsored by none of them.

72 Mr.Graves A head priest from a long-ago smitten cult, Mr. Graves is still trying to rebuild the flock to the great God he calls a patron. His
demeanour is dour, he’s a prolific buzzkill, and can bring down any room he steps into. Someone in town said he once made a
stripper quit the job all together by insisting he pay her in pages from his ‘good book’.

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73 The Cat Woman Claims she is a fantastical “cat woman” from another realm, despite the obviously glued on patches of fur and Amazon cosplay cat
paws that she wears. If you say she is not and is just some sad, overweight weeb, she will go ballistic and begin tearing apart the
displays while making angry cat noises. Management doesn’t want her in the store at all, but she tends to sneak in.

74 The Fence Probably one of the only customers who comes in without the desire to buy anything. The Fence plays into the whole alley way
stolen good peddler all the way down to the long leather duster and hat that covers their face. Likely to spend several hours trying
to sell the players stolen radios, watches, and weapons.

75 Joseph Burns Joseph, a locksmith, is normally called in to fuss with safes, getting into vehicles, or opening doors to homes when the key is lost. He
may be in his 60’s, but he drinks like he is in his 20’s. His business is in the back of his van, as is a bunk rack to sleep in.

76 The Lot Lizard Management hates this woman, but those with little self-respect and a five dollar-bill in their pocket don’t mind having her meth
gums lap at their jollies. The Lot Lizard tends to dig around in the trash bins, harass customers, and at one point was caught trying
to take a full nude bath in the car wash. When seen, she must be removed as quickly as possible from the premises or else she
attracts even fouler things.

77 The Gunt Walking is a marathon, and so is your mom. The Gunt is a massive man who drives a shitty car filled to the brim with fast food
wrappers and buys most of his cheap liquor here. Despite his grotesque appearance, he believes he is witty and has a shot with any
woman he sets his eyes on. Wafting behind him is usually the putrid stench of body odour and unwashed ass and can clear the store
out faster than a teargas grenade.

78 The Three Lost You have no idea how they are going to ‘fuel up their camels,’ these three older tanned gentlemen are insistent they must be there
Men on time to witness the birth of the new messiah. Not only are they lost, but they forgot to buy gifts as well to bring and will buy
whatever they can from the gas station in a hope to appease the new messiah… if they ever get there. Camels look friendly though.

79 Timothy Groan A tall, slender man with long pale fingers, a dark suit, and vacant grey eyes. He drives a Gremlin that's been converted into a double
decker hearse, the horn of which has been altered to sound like a low zombie groan. He insists that it's not his job to pump his own
gas and will attempt to lure a worker outside to do it for him.

80 The Gushing An older woman that can power walk at the speed of light. She has no idea why she always has to pee when passing this gas station,
Granny but she’ll pull over and sprint to the bathroom. Every time she “stops by,” the car wash water always smells very… odd.

81 The Consoomer Insatiable appetite for all things. He can’t help himself. He cannot control himself. He simply, must, consoom.

82 The Bloomer No one minds when he shows up to the gas station. No matter the weather, or the horrible event going on outside, he knows that
there is always something good to be found in the day itself, or right there at that very moment. His ambitious optimism is
contagious and has turned the tide within the store quite a few times when he has stopped in for a cheeky candy bar.

83 Towel Man You’re pretty sure he owns pants, he would have to in order to go to a job and afford the nice car he has, but God damn it why does
he always have to wear a towel when he comes into the store? He's a nice enough looking man, and is wearing a nice pair of leather
shoes, but why just a towel?! I swear to God if the wind blows hard ag-oh come on!

84 The Green His name is Patrick Hubers, and he's as human as any human can be, but his outlook on life could be called… unfortunate. Stooping,
Goblin gnarled nosed, and just depressingly ugly, Patrick looks more akin to an actual Goblin than a regular Human male. He is however
insanely rich from being intelligent and playing the stocks, and he only wears green track suits… for fun.

85 Jerard Cage A man wearing stained and torn clothing with a gas station pin on his shirt stumbles into the store and collapses on his knees.
Panting and out of breath he sobs: “This is the 600th station... Will we ever be free?” When questioned he explained that he was a
night shift employee just like you, but when the paranormal happenings lead to the death of his two co-workers one of which being
his wife, he ran for his car and drove to find his way back to safety, only to find that all the roads lead to other nearly identical
stations, all the while never seeing dawn. And that this was his 600th attempt to escape the cycle.

86 Mr.Blinksy The issue that many employees have with Mr. Blinksy is his extreme lack of eyelids, his wrinkled age, lack of lips, and his ability to
instantly appear within the store without any notice. As far as any employee is aware, no one has ever seen him come in through the
door at all, he just appears when he needs something. He is not a very welcomed guest, due to his general appearance; Mr. Blinksy
wears nothing but stained tighty whities, flip flops, and a ragged, stained tank top, his flabby arms rarely devoid of scratch marks or
bruises. Most unsettling of all is the ring of teeth worn on a strand of copper around his neck. He shuffles, grumbles, or moans as he
shops, and so far, has shown no hostility to employees, but has been known to attack other customers.

87 John Paul Jones Those who hear the name automatically think of the sea shanty and privateer, but John Paul Jones could not be more different. He
may be the sole reason why there was a self-checkout kiosk installed in the gas station, as anyone who sees him walking up to the
store from his jet-black Ford Pinto immediately bolts for the safety of either the manager’s office or the freezer. John Paul Jones
could be called a ‘plague doctor’ by his outward appearance, as his stainless-steel mask, jet black clothing, and jet-black boots
resembles the beaked costume worn by them. What sets him apart is security footage of John Paul Jones chasing and butchering
unlucky employees in the middle of the aisles, or even chasing them down in the parking lot to dissect them. No one knows why he
doesn’t do this to other customers, nor why he shops here, but every employee new or old is told of his weaknesses to extreme cold,
holly wood doors, and his penchant for instant ramen noodles.

88 Amanda Cage A loud tear can be heard as a rift in reality forms in the center of the store, only for a woman to step out of it. She's covered head to
heel in strange trinkets and seemingly mundane objects strapped onto her via scavenged rope and cloth. She has red hair with
streaks of silver and is missing her right eye. She tells you to “stop gawking and get a move on! it's only gonna get worse from now
on...” She explains that there’s no way out other than to make it to the morning. She buys a beer and wishes you luck before stepping
back into the rift and saying: “As for me... if you see Jerry... Tell him I'll be waiting for him at The Crossroads!”

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89 Lorelei Llorona Her appearance and demeanour are rarely above a frown and melancholy disposition, even when the hotdogs are fresh and the
nacho cheese hot. Lorelei is, as some have guessed and hypothesised, a person living only in name, as she was pronounced dead
almost a decade ago when possessed by a demon. This demon drove her to drown her children and then herself, however after
being pulled from the water, she came back to life at the first touch of the scalpel during her autopsy. She believes the curse of the
demon was born anew within her, and she is stuck in a horrible limbo between life and death. Staff of the gas station are not fond of
her shopping due to the fact she leaves puddles of water wherever she stands, and rarely wears shoes.

90 Papa Yada Quite literally the inverse of Baba Yaga, Papa Yada is a hedge warlock that lives in the woods inside of a great burned-out tree.
Genial and happy to help, he spends most of his morning at the gas station offering aid and herbal remedies to those who stop by for
fuel and respite. His uppers are particularly popular with truckers due to their lack of crash, but his prices are steep due to demand.

91 Spider Man No one cheers when Spider Man appears. While Alfred Arachna was his name in his youth, his mental deterioration after the violent
death of his wife has left him in bad shape as he entered his 40’s. While his face still carries handsome features and his body retains
its strength, his mind is matchstick and his hands tremble faintly when he handles the many spiders that call him - and his large
wool coat - home. Rose Hair Tarantulas, Orb Weavers, Black Widows, and fist sized Peacock Jumping Spiders are some species that
have been seen scuttling around his shoulders or lounging in his warm palms. He is also confined to using the self-checkout
installed for John Paul Jones after a cashier was bitten by a Wolf Spider.
● “Susie was stunning, oh you should have seen her, could crochet as fast as you could spin webs!”
● “Chestnut hair… honey eyes…. Chestnut hair… honey eyes… Susie… Susie.”

92 Ellen Connor Bit of a pain in the ass to cash out but a nice woman most of the time. Ellen is an older woman who has eyes that say she has seen
things that you wouldn’t believe. She also refuses to touch or use any kind of technology and needs to be cashed out by hand receipt
every time she comes into the gas station. This takes some time, and she's always spinning yarns about fighting black, glossy aliens,
chasing genetic clones of people through neon lit streets, or even fighting giant cyborgs hell-bent on killing humanity. Most of the
staff just think she is a bit quacked and has an imagination the length of Texas… but she does have an awful lot of scars though.

93 Dana Xena Tired, sighing, and pulling off her dark aviators, she tucks them into her suit pocket.
“So, what happened this week?” she says.

She’s been coming through every week or so to catalogue and jot down the odd events of the week, the comings-and-goings of
certain customers, or whether certain anomalies have happened. Management isn’t fond of her due to her lack of actually ever
buying anything from the store and her constant poking around in the business. True to form, some customers such as Papa Yada
and Beau Cartwright steer clear of the store if she is there, coming back the next day instead. She insists she does not work for the
FBI, but her whole appeal and fashion choices just scream ‘I'm a FED, where are the bodies?”.

94 Mr. ▋▋▋▋▋▋▋▋ A human shaped black void walks into the store, picks up a magazine, and hands the appropriate amount of cash to pay for said
magazine to the cashier only to walk out of the station like any other customer all without saying a word.

95 John D. Greyhmn The most average looking guy imaginable walks into the store and in a friendly disposition says: “Nice weather we've been having
lately.” He says this regardless of the actual weather matching the statement. “I'd like a Coors light and a sack of classic Lay's potato
chips please.” At the register he will cheer for whatever football team is currently playing on the tv, then he will leave while telling a
dad joke. (At the Gm’s discretion)

96 Stalker A skinny man in his thirties wearing a black hoodie with bags under his eyes. He buys a Redbull and stands in a corner of the store. If
asked what he's doing, he says “waiting for someone very close to me... They'll be here... soon.”

97 The salesman A man dressed as a salesman from somewhere between the late nineteenth to early twentieth century shows up and congratulates
you on your tidy store. He asks if you have any matches for sale, he says “Matches are in high demand back in 1830 I'll tell you that!
Haha... Anyway, I'll be off now… if you are ever in need of any of my services. Here's my card.” He hands you a card with a number
on it and leaves the store.

97 Buck A tall, tanned, muscular cowboy called Buck. Asks for directions to a place called ‘Ram Ranch’. Looks very disappointed if not given
directions, buys a pack of smokes either way.

98 Fat fuck A morbidly obese man in a mobility scooter wearing a red shirt and short shorts. Or you think those are short shorts, on second
glance they might have been regular shorts, but your eyes were simply tricked by the disparity of pants to exposed stomach ratio.
Behind him trails an almost equally fat Latino man holding a video camera. This pile of lard then says in the most stereotypical of
gay lisps: “Uhhhhm can I get five large nacho cheese bowls, seven hot dogs aaand four extra-large slushies? Please and thank you!!!”

99 Lab Coat A man in a lab coat walks in and starts taking notes of the station. He ignores any attempt at conversing and leaves out the back
door when done. If followed out the back, he simply touches something on his wrist and disappears without leaving a trace.

100 Carlos Illegal alien from mars who just happens to look like an everyday Hispanic janitor.

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Minor Events: Random Table
Roll Description

1 Woman in a night dress that acts normal but won't stop pissing on the floor.

2 The small portable stereo in the office as well as the broadcasting store radio picks up a signal in another language, which sounds like someone simply
talking. Another voice joins in and the two begin talking to one another. The only things understandable are the names of the current players and
customers who are currently on the premises.

3 Garden gnomes appear in random places and any time you look away they double in number.

4 Despite not seeing anything in the store, small bags of chips, snacks, and other merchandise fall to the floor. Players and customers may feel something
brush past their leg, and if one listens close enough, the sound of small-padded feet can be heard on the tiles. As the night wears on, small, faint ‘meows’
can be heard. Hot dogs in the roller may have pieces bitten out of them. Large rats are found dead and mauled out by the pumps and car wash. At 4am,
something hairy brushes against the Cashier’s hand.

5 The front windows of the store will suddenly change from being normally glass windows to mirrors, while mirrors in the bathrooms, or any other mirror
on the premises, instead turn into windows, exposing anything that may or may not be behind them.

6 With a simple twist of the faucet, you hear something click within the walls, but investigation proves nothing to be there. When the blow dryer is
activated, the world shifts 80 degrees to the left, and time has shunted forward an hour.

7 A shirtless cowboy in his boxers appears in the bathroom sharpening an axe. He doesn’t mean harm but speaks in odd riddles and gives vague advice in a
southern accent.

8 Ah, the milkman has arrived. He drives the old-fashioned milk delivery truck too, wears the white suit, has the little bottle holders for the small glass
bottles and larger bottles, and is always friendly. Problem is, management never orders milk, let alone knows who this guy is, or why he always delivers
at night.

9 Something catches your hair, and after a moment you realise it's a long, dangling fly trap hanging from the ceiling. You’ve never seen any flies in the
place, and you have no idea who keeps hanging these things up.

10 Crows and ravens are no stranger to the gas station, and always know when you are throwing out the old food. These particular feathered scavengers
are quite talkative today, and perhaps even a bit too friendly. If approached with food, they will begin to trade more food for information, speaking
particularly about the “large upright dog” they saw prowling around in the forest.

11 Knock, knock, knock. Looking over to the automatic door, you see another person kindly waving at you and asking to be let in. It's a bit annoying since
you must walk all the way over and get the door to open for them, but they seem nice enough. It’s like the fifth one today, and none of them have been
showing up on the security camera feed either.

12 There she is again, Mrs. Punk Rock in the Stalks. Courtney Day was as country as they came before she got the internet installed, and now she is hellbent
on creating a country themed punk bar and club all the way out here in the sticks. She may have more piercings and a mohawk to put a slayer to shame,
but she still wears those soft denim jeans and cowboy boots. Some habits, and people, are hard to kill. Or, harder to keep dead, that is.

13 Meth addict. It isn’t clear if they’re going to cause trouble or not, but they are certainly tweaking out.

14 Backdoor won't lock.

15 TV plays static.

16 Light static fuzzes over the small TV nearby, and as you watch, it begins playing a news broadcast from the Vietnam war.

17 Light static fuzzes over the small TV nearby, and as you watch, it begins playing a new broadcast involving people you have never even seen before.
When did teen pregnancy become so popular suddenly?

18 TV falls over out of nowhere and breaks.

19 A rather clumsy customer slipped over his own shoelaces, careening helter-skelter all over the shop and knocking over multiple racks. Nacho cheese,
chips, relish, and the Blood Beaters is all over the floor, and the mess is substantial. All of you go to the back to grab multiple mops while the customer
calls out in a panic that they will clean it, and that they are sorry.
● When everyone comes back out with their mops, the store is just as it was. All the food in the rollers is fresh, the nacho cheese machine looks
brand new… hell, everything looks new.
● Where is the customer? Are those his shoes? Why did he leave his shoes behind?

20 Customer complains that the hot dogs are all old, which is absurd because you just put in all fresh ones after that truck cleaned yo-
● What the FUCK, what happened to these hot dogs?!

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21 Customer states that none of the bathroom sinks are working. After inspecting under the sink… the PVC pipe is gone. You go down into the basement
and sure enough, the rest of the fucking piping is gone as well.

22 Cash register is full of cockroaches.

23 The door opens, and a sun-devoid teenager ambles inside, yawning and tucking an old Gameboi Colour into her back pocket. She’s wearing the same
uniform as you, but you have never even heard of this chick, let alone anyone who looked like her on the employee roster chart. Despite this she seems
to know you and greets you by name, even asking you how your morning shift was and even knowing an event that happened earlier in the shift. She
knows a little about you, your family, and bemoans how mean the day shift guys are, noting that they have no “regard for the classics”, waving her
Gameboi at you. After a small amount of chit chat, she says she is there to relieve you, and begins coming behind the register.

24 Some cultist keeps coming into the gas station from a compound in the forest trying to recruit you.

25 You’ve been noticing it for a while now. Bright moonshine, sudden darkness, bright moonshine. You first thought it was just the trucks going by with
their headlights, but you are really starting to notice it now. Bright moonshine… sudden darkness. After another hour of this you finally break and step
outside the doors, staring up into the sky at the moon and waiting. A pair of thick, dark lids slide over the moon, the long lashes sparkling like star-filled

Bright moonshine… sudden darkness… bright moonshine.

26 A pig cut vertically down the middle runs into the station and starts trashing everything on the shelves.

27 You blink your eyes and suddenly you’re behind the station digging a hole (each time this happens the hole gets deeper).

28 Chinese sounded good, and corporate offered you a free meal voucher for taking the shift. Annoyingly the delivery driver left you with ten fortune
cookies, and after the meal is done, you take one and crack it open.

It describes how full you are of Mr. Leewin’s home cooked food, and everything you are wearing, down to your shoes. You look at the other nine fortune

29 While cleaning up the trash near the pumps and sweeping up piles of dust that seem to form all the fucking time, you begin noticing small business
cards, recipe cards, note cards, and old post-it notes floating about, in the trash, or even tucked into gaps in the pumps.

1. English
2. French
3. German
4. Latin
5. Sumerian
6. Hyperborean

30 In the trash cans you keep finding road maps of the local area, clearly marked on by truckers, delivery men, and other such drivers. What doesn’t make
any sense however is how they appear to be drawing on new roads that lead into forests, caves, or the middle of nowhere.

31 Not even pausing for the automatic door, a rather hairy fellow wearing stained boxer shorts and a white wife-beater slams into the store demanding
some niche board game.

32 You walk out to check the car wash and catch a gang of raccoons two sizes too big with orange bulbous pimples all over their bodies bathing in soapy

33 That's the fifth time today the door has opened on its own. Staring at it, nothing happens, but the door greeter bell rings, and the doors slide back shut.
After a few minutes it does it again, but this time it stays open, as if someone is walking in front of it from the outside.

34 A white Chevy passenger bus pulls up to the pumps and the door slides open. A whole gaggle of nuns piles out, chatting to themselves and looking
around the area as they stretch their legs. This wouldn’t be nearly as odd except for the fact they all have their eyes wrapped in ornate cloth, the tassels
hanging down their left cheeks in beaded braids. They come into the store and greet you, while they walk around as if they can see perfectly.

If a blindfold is removed by a player, or another customer, this changes into a Major Event (See #61)

35 A man wearing normal day wear strolls in, waving happily to you and any other employees within eyeshot. He buys a can of cola, a hotdog with a hearty
application of relish and mustard, then picks up a small bag of chips as well. He tells you about his day, about how hard it is getting the crop in on time
with so little help, and just makes pleasant chit chat as you help him check out. After he leaves, you notice the door stays open a little longer than it
should, and one of the other workers askes:

“Huh, not normal you see twins walking around like that.”

You saw only one person.

36 There it is again, that odd little sound on the glass windows. You flick your eyes towards where you heard it while checking out Darrel, always on time
for his habitual chicken tortilla rollers and coffee before heading home from the lumber mill. You hear it again as you place Darrel’s change in his hand,
and you can see it this time. Small white marks appear on the glass. Four of them, skittering along in a drag. If that wasn’t creepy enough, the puff of hot
breath fogging the window may just put it over the bar.

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37 It’s high moon, and the Ravens have left graffiti on the back walls near the dumpsters again. What it says you have no idea, but they are adamant for
something. Thankfully they use chalk, so it's easy to spray away. As the water drips down the wall, carrying away the callings of crows, something else
begins to appear in the moonlight:

“Omnes faciunt ambulantes edentes. Divitem me facturos dixisti. Totus mihi nunc est larva cum stylo.”

38 While cleaning and checking the rat traps on the shelves, you come across a set of six VHS cassettes, all of them unmarked except for a single number.
● If these are placed into a VHS player, they start a few minutes after the true beginning, showing various places around the gas station
● Within minutes, a victim in the center of the screen is attacked and brutally murdered. Sometimes fast. Sometimes slowly. The assailant wears a plain
white mask devoid of features, and fastidiously cleans, recording the entire time.
● When everything is cleaned and the body disposed of, the masked figure looks into the camera and whispers, “Practice makes perfect”.

39 It was faint at first, almost like someone by the pumps had their radio on. However, as you focused on it, the music is instead coming from inside the
store. Even more frustrating is that no matter how hard you try to find it, it's like it's moving around you.

40 Normally seeing an ice cream truck is smile worthy. As this ice cream truck rolls by at 3am, it instead makes you want to duck behind the counter.
Slowly driving by on the road is a standard backwoods ice cream truck, complete with jingle, selections on the side of the truck, and the ever-popular ice
cream bar sign on top.

What's not normal is the jingle. The sounds emitting from the speaker echo out in high pitched squeals, guttural roars, and bone trembling moans that
even the trees seem to bend away from.

41 He was nice enough as customers went, but you can’t help but notice his passenger as he got into the driver seat. You thought she was sleeping, but as
he puts the car in reverse, the head lolls to the side.

Has the hole in the side of her head always been there? Why didn’t you notice before?

42 Field mice are one thing, but these rats are a complete other order of business. Toothpicks are going missing by the pack. Empty cans are being
ransacked from the trash, making one hell of a mess. Even more concerning is how quickly they are outsmarting the traps put out for them.

43 “Here you go friend!”

They place the money in your hand to pay for their cola and snacks, but something is weird about the money. It’s the wrong colour and shape, but it feels
and looks like it's authentic. You have no idea who the woman is on the front of the bill, or what building she is burning down, but it feels… real?

As you go to place it into the till, all the money within it is different as well. As a matter of fact, you see no money that you recognize. None of these clay
tabs. None of the sparkling opal loop coins. None of it. You scramble for your pocket to feel around for any money, and you find a singular, regular
quarter, ol’ Washington staring back up at you from profile.

“Hey, friend, are you okay?”

44 “You’ve been a huge help! I would have been going in the wrong direction for miles if I hadn’t stopped here for gas.”

You see it all the time. RV full of kids, wife, and husband, all out for a family road trip. They buy their snacks and fuel with a credit card.

“Gotta use this when I can, I get money back you know.”

Yes, you’ve heard it all before. Same old song and dance. You watch them pull away from the pumps, their RV bouncing as they enter the road, and then…

Then it all just goes… wrong. Something happens, and the dad swerves. The RV bounces off into the trees. You hear the screams. You see the smoke. The
fire. Emergency services come running down the street, lights and sirens blaring away into the night. They come into the store, asking you who set the
RV on fire. They don’t believe you when you say the family inside had just left the gas station.

“Family?! There’s nobody in that damn rig. Just a bag of snacks and a receipt from this store!”

45 What is with these crows and constantly playing with trash? You gotta clean it up though, so on go the gloves and out comes a fresh bag. As you’re
picking up trash and kicking rocks away, you notice the power box behind the store casting small sparks every now and then as if it is damaged. When
opened, more rocks fall out, and you reckon the crows must have something to do with this. However, rocks and nut shells are not all you find.
Much to your surprise, the cables, breakers, and other such electrical things look extremely old and rusted, if not outright ancient in terms of modern
wiring. Wrapped in cloth, duct tape, and even gauze, it looks like it has been like this for decades, if not longer. It looks completely busted, or that it
could catch on fire at any moment, but as soon as you clear out all the rock and the bottle cap half wedged in one of the breakers…

Everything hums back to normal, working as if it was brand new. Lights are on, carwash is beeping away… how odd.

46 Standing on the other side of the road, back to the trees, is a man. He is wearing normal clothes, a fitting t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes, you can even see
the bulge of a cell phone in the front pocket. All he does, however, is stand there, watching the gas station. You wave at him to try and get his attention,
and he does slowly turn his head to lock his eyes onto you, and that’s when you realise that perhaps you should not have gotten his attention.
● Everyone else in the station has noticed him as well, and everyone can figure out quite quickly that he is only staring at you. Customers dart
their eyes back and forth between you and the man, and some subtly ask you if you need help.
● If a player or a customer shoots the staring man, he falls down as if dead, bleeding, convulsing, the usual attributes that come with death.
However, if you look away and then back, he is back on his feet, staring at you, the bullet hole gone as if nothing had happened.
● If anyone approaches him, a vehicle passes by on the road between them, and when it has passed, the figure is gone. He doesn’t come back
this time. If there are others there with you, no one else remembers the figure was ever there.

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47 Man with Parkinson’s Disease comes in; the players must be led to believe he is a Skinwalker.
● It is just Parkinson’s. Shame the players for their assumptions.

48 A low buzzing can be heard outside, like the sound of hundreds of large insects off in the distance.

49 Slushy machine grows legs and becomes hostile.

50 You hear music echoing from an indeterminable spot in the woods beyond the gas station. It's a song that is important to the character somehow. It

51 You walk out back and see a patch of plants growing beside the dumpster. Only thing is these plants look oddly like human hands and grab at you when
you get close.
● Farmer Jim calls and asks if he can take a hand plant with him.

52 You walk into the freezer and see a stack of three sharply dressed dead bodies, all of which look to be the same person.

53 Your radio starts playing a broadcast of a neutral sounding man reporting on people who live in the small town nearby by giving random gossip.

54 A woman rocks out of her large truck, slamming the door as she does. She sidesteps past people, and you can see her greet people in an instant, even
knowing their names. She comes into the store, hooks a hard right, and holds out a bill and some change.
“Twenty dollars and thirty cents on pump 3, no I don’t need any lott-”
She stops, blinking as she looks down at you.
“Oh… you’re new. This is new, this is big!”
She claps her hands, giving you finger guns before running back out to her truck. She pumps her gas then speeds off, roaring down the street.
● The next day on your next shift, the same truck, the same woman, stops at the same pump. She is livid, screaming up at the sky while kicking
the side of her truck. She walks in, throws you a twenty-dollar bill and thirty cents, then speeds away.
● She is back the next day, hanging her head and leaning against the side of the truck.
● You can see in her hand a twenty-dollar bill, and a few coins,

55 Your radio won’t stop playing chase music from famous horror movies.

56 Man walks in a trench coat trying to blend in and failing due to lack of other customers. When he thinks you're not looking or if you aren’t looking, he
will proceed to create minor inconveniences around the store. Removing the wet floor sign, flipping the "open" sign to "closed", taking all available straws
from the soda fountain. Then if someone does walk in, he's quick to point out these issues and talks about how "this would NEVER happen at the other
gas station". If questioned, he acts tough but is quick to admit he works at the rival gas station across the street. The issue is there's no gas station across
the street and if asked to show its location he will make a run for it.

57 Someone ate your lunch. The one with the special turkey sandwich with bread in the middle!

58 Someone steals one egg out of a carton and a customer brings it to your attention to complain about it.
You later find the egg in a strange location in the store.

59 Penny glued to the floor but keeps moving into different random places:
● Your forehead
● By the front door
● In the forecourt
● Bathroom
● In Front of the soda fridge

60 A little girl sets up a lemonade stand outside. All customers will go to her until she packs up and leaves or is forced to.

61 Red slushy machine turns into blood.

62 A young-looking woman comes into the store and flirts with you. She invites you to come back to her place after work. A few hours later an investigative
reporter shows up and wants to do an interview with you.

63 Graffiti Artists that spray murals on the walls/ceilings/floors/whatever. Things they draw tend to happen. Roll on the major events table.

64 Player finds themselves two feet behind where they were standing.

65 Man/woman asks for directions backwards (if confronted they are confused, think you are strange and leaves).

66 Two teens walk into the gas station accompanied by sitcom music and sound effects. They very loudly discuss their plan to buy beer the moment they
walk in regardless of how close you are.

67 Man walks into the gas station on his phone describing the area and previous events from the night. The last detail he’ll describe is the players, NOT the
characters but the players themselves. He ends the conversation telling PCs not to mind him - his friend will be here soon.

68 A deer walks into the store standing like a human. It puts a bag of deer jerky on the counter and coughs up a few bucks to pay.

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69 You feel something wet and slimy drag up your neck. When you turn around nothing is there, but your neck is still wet

70 You hear footsteps rapidly approaching but see nothing.

71 Products on shelves spell cryptic messages.

72 Station rattles and lights flicker.

73 You hear screaming out in the forest.

74 All background noise abruptly cuts out and you feel as if you are being watched.

75 The ‘no firearms allowed’ sign on the front door changes to say, ‘Please shoot everyone inside.’

76 Every floor tile, ceiling tile, and piece of furniture creak all at once.

77 Every pane of glass in the windows disappears.

78 The entire gas station becomes a mirror-image of itself.

79 Sitting on the stool behind the counter is a human skull, still covered in blood as though it came fresh from someone’s head.

80 A lightning bolt strikes a tree outside the station.

81 A troop of intelligent badgers enter the store, bickering about finding a trench coat and stilts so they can sneak into the R-rated movie in town.

82 A blood curdling screech is heard outside, and something slams against the window. Blood splatters out from the impact zone, and the shape of the
blood makes it seem like something hit the glass headfirst.

83 Across the street, another gas station appears, and you can see another attendant looking at you, just as confused as you are.

84 Everything you try to do doesn’t happen until a second after, and it reminds you of lag from video games.

85 A large black dog the size of a dire wolf strolls past the gas pumps, a mangled humanoid torso gripped in its mouth.

86 Your skin prickles and crawls, as if someone is looking at you. You keep seeing shadows move at the corner of your vision. Bushes rustle and shake
before you can turn to look at them… someone is watching you.

87 Hotdogs get bored and start turning themselves on the roller.

88 Nacho cheese sauce dispenser begins gurgling, then spits out a dead fairy covered in cheese.

89 A literal succubus strolls into the building, happy as could be and is asking for a man named Robert.

90 The phone starts coughing up smoke.

91 All the doors to the freezers and coolers swing open, and the sound of dozens of naked feet running across the tile fill the store.

92 A fairy flies into the bug zapper with a loud BZZZT.

93 Slushy machine breaks.

94 Tree branch crashes through a window.

95 Several cans of food explode.

96 Bathroom sink taps turn on.

97 Something smells like rotting meat.

98 Shadows have a slight delay when light sources are moved.

99 A deeply pained moan can be heard coming from the sewer drain.

100 You have a premonition of your own horrible demise. Followed by the feeling that it will - in some way - be caused by the station itself.

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Major Events
Roll Description

1 It has been quiet all night. Dead quiet. The boredom is starting to even affect you mentally, and to stay away you take out a few stale chips and try to
lure in the crows for a conversation.

● You hear a moan, and you look to see a man stumbling awkwardly near the forest’s edge, staggering, and tottering his way across the grass.
● “Another meth-head.” You say disapprovingly, and glower at the lack of crows.
● As you go to head inside, you hear a crackle of gunfire towards town. Not unusual, but still, odd. The gunfire quickens, now a cavalcade of
booms, staccato reports of machine guns, and even the thunder of large explosions.
● You rush back inside and see people fleeing down the road, running for the life. Many are covered in blood, others missing limbs. Police and
military personnel sprint past or roar down the road in vehicles.
● The phone rings, and you pick it up.
● “This is David Akermack from corporate. Lock the doors and stay put. We’re coming to get you and do a hard reset.”
● Who? A full reset? The questions only have enough time to enter your mind before the line goes dead. It's now much quieter than before,
and you look out to the roadway. A shambling mass of undead in all manners of death and state are shambling down the road, and you
quickly duck down behind the cashier.
● The windows are all glass. It's just a matter of time. Can you last until corporate comes to save you?

2 For almost the first part of your shift, the radio and TV have been blaring that aliens have invaded. Your station, much to your annoyance, is right on
the emergency evacuation route. Scared civilians stressed military personnel, and what you think are government agents are flooring into the station,
buying up all the gasoline and supplies they can carry. You, however, do not have that much supply, and things are starting to get scarce. Tensions are
high and hit fever pitch when a new arrival says that the ‘saucers and greys’ are headed your way.

3 The rumble of motorcycle engines causes you to jerk your head towards the windows. Throwing their bikes to the ground and running towards the
store, the armed biker gang members force their way inside, barricading the door and throwing the merchandise racks against the windows. Before
you can even react, a straggler biker roars into the parking lot and goes to get off his bike.

● You can’t see it, but something grabs him, ripping off an arm with savage strength. The biker howls in pain, stumbles forward, and is then
ripped in two, organs spilling out wetly onto the sidewalk. Blood flecks onto their creatures’ hands, and that's when you realise that
whatever is chasing the bikers is invisible, and it wants inside.

4 Every motorised vehicle, from tractors to station wagons, has come to life. You know this is not a good thing when a four door sedan rams into a man
and pins him to the wall of the gas station, spraying boiling hot radiator fluid onto him and burning him alive. Something has brought the vehicles to
life, and you must survive until someone figures out how to stop them.

5 People always ask you to go into the back and ‘look, just in case’. It’s fucking dumb, and you know full damn well it’s not in stock, but here you are,
kicking over empty boxes to at least make it sound like you are giving a good go at it. You kick another old box and find it to crumple, but not skitter
away like the rest. You open the flaps and discover that it is in fact a hidden spiral staircase, leading down into a wet cavern with an old fallout shelter
hidden down in the depths. The blast door is locked from the inside.

6 A woman comes screaming out of the women’s’ bathroom, fighting to pull up her pants as the men’s’ bathroom also erupts into chaos, men pouring out
of it while struggling with their zippers:

1. Dark chanting is heard from both doors of the bathrooms, and light itself fails to pierce into the gloom
2. One man is too slow and is bisected cleanly in half. Bone, brain matter, and intestines splat sloppily onto the once clean tile floor, while the
other half is not seen at all.
3. Nothing seems to happen, so you poke your head inside just to see what is going on. Every inch of the bathroom is covered in writings,
graffiti, scrawlings, and even the smudged smears of someone drawing with their hands. At first it just looks like madness, but then you
started to understand that this is in fact a spell of some kind.
4. As you get close to the bathrooms, all the lights inside switch out, only the faint light of dusk spilling in through the small vent windows high
on the walls. You see a shadow step out from the gloom of a corner, faintly human:
a. Male if in female bathroom
b. Female if in male bathroom
It slowly steps towards you, the sound of its bare feet on the tiled floor, and a chill runs up your spine. Something inside you is telling you to run,
something primal warning you that this thing is dangerous. The primal thing inside you coils up like a snake in your chest when the shadow thing
speaks to you:

“Why do you have fear? Come to me. We are old friends, your kind and I.”

7 A gang of what appears to be cosplayers in ‘explorers’ clothing rush into the store, sand and dust wafting off them like steam onto the floor. Before you
can ask them to get the fuck out, and that you just mopped, one of them stumbles and crashes to the floor. A tablet of pure gold and silver skitters out
of his bag and along the tile floor, all of them rushing to pick it up and hide it.

● No rest is allowed as a hand slams against the glass window next to you, and much to your horror, a half desiccated mummy is staring back
at you, it’s fleshy eyes just juicy enough to make your stomach turn.
● Its voice is mangled, guttural, but you understand it well enough: “Return the slab or suffer the cursequences!”
● It appears to think it is funny.

8 A full moon, a full hotdog rack, and a full order of restock in the back with your name on it. It was all quite mundane, just restocking the instant
noodles, the lines of soda cans, and tucking beef jerky sticks into their correct slots. Two hours in, the howls begin. You’ve heard of werewolves, but
have you heard of were-cougars? Were-badgers? No? You’re about to.

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9 The peeling of tires alerts you to something odd going on outside, and the car wash appears to be dark when it should be filled with light, music, and
scented bubbles. You reckon it must be the breaker box again.

If investigated:
As you step out into the night to turn the breaker back on, you start to hear very odd noises the closer you get to the car wash. At first you thought it
was animals, or even just the squeaking of the larger washer rollers within, but your ears do not lie to you. The sounds of whimpering, screaming, and
the voices of begging victims echo out from the car wash interior, and you poke your head around the corner.

Inside, five people are tied up, lying near one of the sprayers, while ten other masked people stand around, setting up tripods, steady cams, cameras…
and weapons. Axes, baseball bats, hammers, and other such implements lay in a neat row on a towel. There ain’t no party like a snuff party.

10 Moon sure is bright tonight, so bright that you and the other employees believe that you could easily work outside without any of the lights on. When
night first began, she was bright, white, and glowing radiantly. As the hours wore on, the moon began to take an odd, orangish tint to it, and still ever
got brighter. The fun, festive feeling of the night had turned sour, everyone on edge, seeing shadows at the edge of their vision, or swearing something
was moving about the trees.

● You had heard the rumours whereas the locals of old used to hold human sacrifices to something that demanded it of them, but it had been
some time since the county sheriff had found a body. The thought kept prickling at the back of your mind all night, but seeing the odd,
cloaked man by pump 3 startled you into reality. He was tall, thin, and wore a mask that had no eye rolls, but a simple slit where the mouth
was. The mask showed the same colours as the moon, that odd, rusty orange tint, and he stepped forward over the concrete island that held
the pumps.
● You were so focused on the mask that you didn’t notice his hands. Clutched in both fists were two long dead locals, their throats slit so
savagely the heads bobbled on the spine, tempting fate to fall off completely.
● “Mediocre! She demands better! Better of those who stare into her bright gaze!”
● The Herald of the Harvest Moon has arrived.

11 The first blaring klaxon-like siren echoed through the air, causing many within the store to clutch their ears. It blared, again and again, and military
vehicles crowded around, shoving anyone attempting to leave back inside and even shooting out the engines of vehicles so they could not leave.

● To your amazement, long metal shafts are laid out in a circle around the station, and with a command, shoot out, erecting a steel dome of
titanium weave around the station. The quiet is so sudden and deafening that you can hear your ears ringing and the whimpers of those
trapped inside.
● As well as the growl of something else, trapped inside the dome with you.

12 Stories always told of the future of war, metal men with laser rays, eyes that can melt steel, and steel bodies that not even tanks could destroy. The
Cold War always pushed the boundaries of what war could have been behind closed doors, its many experiments unknown even today. There had
always been rumours of an old military testing site miles into the woods, but they were always waved off as a flight of the fancy minded.

● That was until the local meth head decided to track a long cable for its copper and stumbled upon an old blast shelter. Seeking the copper
within, he used rudimentary explosives and meth head ingenuity to blast open the old rusty doors and got a TY-990 Hypersonic Combustion
Bolt to the head for his troubles. There was no way for him to know that the steel men within had been stored away for safekeeping, but that
robot cat was out of the bag. Now ten elements of the lost Ymir Platoon trials are loose upon the world and heading for their last known
training site: The Gas Station.

13 The sudden burst of icy blue light had caught the gas station by surprise, and left you seeing blinky shadows for a few seconds, but nothing seemed to
happen. Everyone checked themselves for new tails, larger ears, or an extra limb or two, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

That was until the hotdog one man was holding lurched forward and took a bite out of the jelly from his eye.

Nacho chips, cans of cola, and even the animal crackers are lurching to life with blood lust on the mind, and they have set their eyes on the flesh of

14 You didn’t believe in ghosts. How could a ghost be real, anyway? Normally you shook your head at the idea, the thought being one of the easily spooked
and gullible. Though as the first ghostly cannon ball shatters through the front doors, the spiritual horse carriage can be seen leaving rather real
looking smoke trails, perhaps you have been too hasty.

● Spirits from the bandit group Titum’s Troopers had come back from the dead to have one last go at raiding and set their sights on the booty
within the gas station, whooping and hollering at the shattered front glass doors to the station. Judging from the man they just ran through
with a sword at pump 4, not only the cannons are putting out damage to the living.

15 He’s an odd man and has been staring at the rolling hot dogs for an uncomfortable amount of time
“Clean living is the only way to happiness, as clean as these juicy looking frankfurters… yes…”
Your skin crawls with goosebumps at his voice again. It sounded unnatural, and you still haven't been able to see his face from under the hood of his
filthy hoodie. As a matter of fact, you can see any of his skin, and the other customers are giving him a wide berth.

“Freedom from filth, from drugs, to join the great host and become one within the family. The great family of Omurr.”
You watch as he reaches out and takes one of the hot dogs, holding it up in front of his face. He shoves it into the shadows, but you hear no chewing, no
gnashing of teeth, just a wet, slimy rushing of legs.

● That's when you notice it, his wrist and lower arm exposed, finally. As soon as you focus, you wish you hadn’t, as all you can see is the
swarming, teeming host of bugs that this man is composed of.
● Behold: One of the many Sons of Omurr.

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16 A group of wild-eyed, bloodied people barge in and begin fortifying the store, throwing shelves and anything else that moves against the doors and
windows. Despite the urging of the employees, they refuse to leave, even chastising the store for “their willingness to abandon them out there.” They
spend several hours preparing, ignoring you, even stealing beer in order to have ‘one last hoorah at life’ before death.

● While very cute, this drags on for almost 6 hours, and you are just about sick of these people and pissed the police are so late getting here.
Fed up with their bullshit, they are demanded to leave, and begin to sheepishly swear that “We’re sorry, but you don’t understand, they were
so real!”
● You aren’t sure what they are talking about, but they unblock the front door, and all begin to file out. As you walk forward to lock the door
and try to get some of this mess cleaned up with your fellow employees, you hear a scream and the sound of… something outside. You jerk
your head up in time to see one man go screaming to the ground, something large and feathered growling and ripping out his throat. You
realise with a quick glance that these are some sort of mutated dinosaurs; they are part human, part pyroraptor, part… something, and there
are six more of them running at the store at full force, screeching out with the bloodlust of the hunt.

17 A helicopter with a spotlight appears over the station, and a man with a megaphone demands that somebody come out with their hands up. As far as
you have been aware, no one has been to the gas station for well over three hours, and all you and your fellow employees have done is clean and play on
their phones to pass the time. More alarming, you can see the spotlight tracking something behind the store.

18 At first you thought it was some kind of prank, but indeed, there are mother fucking chickens with ray guns running… clucking? Towards the store. The
ideas of a prank were torn from the mind when they turned nice old Jerry Klavik into dust as he was getting fuel, and they are still running towards the
store at full… cluck. Behind the flock of assailants, one larger chicken holds a banner with a crudely painted image: a bloody bucket of chicken

19 Flan always turned your stomach. It's like sweet snot, and you want no part of it. However, the locals can’t seem to get enough of the stuff. So much so
that they have started turning violent when you run out. There are thirty of them outside, staring hungrily at you, and you realise with panic that the
truck is running almost four hours late. Uh oh.

20 An older wheat farmer comes running into the station with an honest to God mediaeval two handed warhammer. It is even glowing with little Latin
runes. It would look like a cosplay prop, if it wasn’t for the blood spatters on it. He barricades the door behind him, turns, and looks at you. “They’re’ah
comen’, and I need you to watch mah back!”

Do you have the strength to handle what comes next? Roll 1d4
1. Angry sheep
2. Living scarecrows
3. City Slickers bearing satanic, glowing weapons
4. A single grey, confused alien who is holding a toaster and looking extremely worried.

21 Terrified woman with black hair and a small boy on a trike asking for directions to x location.

● A mad man with an axe shows up 2 hours later demanding you tell him where she is going
● He will not believe you even if you say where and trashes the store

22 The nice older man was not a problem customer, though his choice in beverages and magazines was enough to raise a curious brow. It’s over an hour
until someone realises, he left his briefcase in the men’s bathroom, and it is opened in the hope to find a way to contact him, since he paid in cash:

1. There are only a few sets of clothes, a few research papers and notes bearing “San Garland State Museum” on it, as well as a very old and
patinated bronze medallion.
2. The suitcase is empty except for a small vial, which is equally empty. Stepping outside, you can see thick masses of plants ripping out from
along where the sewage pipe lays. In a matter of minutes, a full rainforest fills the area outside.
3. Inside the suitcase is a single revolver. The barrel is still warm, and a single shot has been fired.
4. As you go to open the suitcase, it gives a jerk.

23 The calm night is ripped apart by the sounds of crunching metal, explosions, and the blades of a jet engine spin across the pumps, rattling off into the
nearby forest. Running outside with other employees and customers, you see a man stumbling towards you at a strangled run, bleeding from the head.

● You realise quite quickly that he is a Luftwaffe pilot, and the thing you heard explode is a Heinkel He 162, the remnants still burning slightly
near the engine,
● He seems to know some English, mostly curse words, and keeps damning “The Light Men and their damned silver planes!”
● There's a scream from some of the customers, and as you look, there are curious looking men just behind the Heinkel He 162, staring warily
at the gas station and its neon signs.

24 The first thump made you jump, the noise sudden and alarming. Then the second, third, and fourth impacts on the roof have caused you to panic. What
the fuck could it be this time?

As you look outside, a man wearing casual clothes slams into the sidewalk just by the ice machines, his head exploding open with a sound like a
machete hitting a coconut. Brains splatter and bones scatter on the concrete, and to your horror… he is not the only one. It's raining men.

25 In the distance, you hear thunder. You check your phone, but there are no storm clouds on the radar, which has you puzzled. Thunder continues, then
smaller booms, crackles of what sound like fireworks, and it's only after a few minutes of listening that you realise there is a battle happening

● Later, main battle tanks roar down the street at full speed, turrets spun backwards and firing on the run. A soldier comes in and asks for
medical supplies, his eyes wild but also bearing odd contact lenses.
● Behind him in the distance, you see something slowly float down the road, and to you it appears to be some kind of non-Euclidean geometry.
● They attack the store with no provocation and other soldiers flood inside. All who gaze upon them can't look away unless they also wear the
strange contact lenses.

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26 An anthropomorphic glass pitcher of juice smashes thru a wall immediately shouting, “oh yeah!” before charging at the nearest creature. If caught the
creature will attempt to extract victim’s blood directly into the top of their pitcher

27 The pump explodes, setting the entire station ablaze.

28 It starts raining foetuses and blood as the sky turns a deep red.

29 A bleeding Elven warrior stumbles into the gas station with a slash wound across his crumpled armour. He is speaking in a dialect of Elvish and cannot
be understood, but he points towards six heavily armed Orcs charging at the front doors, weapons raised.

30 Hundreds of dark figures emerge in the distance outside and come towards the station, surrounding it in minutes. They beg you to come out and join
them, that if only you do it will all be over, but as they approach from up close... you can tell they are human in all but their eyes which have been
replaced with empty chasms dripping black ichor into the sky.

31 Your reflection splits into two of you, one of which tries to kill you (Gm should allow reflection to search for useful items to harm the player, such as
punching, tripping, biting and stabbing). Any harm done to either reflection is taken by the player. To end this effect the player must not show up in
reflective surfaces or trap and paint over the enemy reflection so it cannot escape its glass prison.

32 The floor gives out, throwing the players and whatever else was in the room into what appears to be a basement. However, this space is larger than the
store, almost as if the properties of space were different here. The walls are made of a fleshy substance resembling something seen in a Giger work.
The fleshy pipes and tubes pulsate. In the center of the room where all the pipes lead is a pulsing blob of amorphous mass that vaguely resembles a
giant foetus; but of what, you’re not sure. Every time your brain decides on a shape, colour, or material to cross reference what you’re looking at it
changes, almost as if its very being exists to spite the idea of rigidity and order. After witnessing such a sight your mind is in no more of an organised
state then the thing you see, but what you do know is you must NOT let whatever that thing is be born.

33 The temperature rises to 70°C (158°F).

34 The temperature lowers to -50°C (-58°F).

35 An attractive succubus slams into the store, ripping the door off its hinges and calling out for Robert. She's 3 months pregnant and PISSED.

36 An identical version of your current self-knocks on the window outside, trying to get your attention. If you look at them, they will yell at you that you
need to leave the store! They will begin to beg and plead with you to leave and come with them, and that it’s the only way you can survive. Lights in the
store will slowly begin to flicker, and turn off one by one, and the identical version of yourself will start pounding on the glass, screaming at you to go
outside! You can hear something large breathing louder and louder as the lights continue to flicker.

37 Dozens and dozens of military personnel are running around outside as tanks and other vehicles roar past on the road. You start to notice oddities,
such as odd glowing weapons, bright red grenades hanging at their belts, or a lot of the soldiers are running with their eyes closed, as if too afraid to
look behind them. A grating howl is heard outside, and a ripped in half soldier lands in front of the pumps.

38 You see a bright flash followed by a loud explosion and all the glass breaking, the tv comes to life moments later informing you of a nuclear strike on US
soil, and that a nuclear response has been authorised.

39 A meteor falls from the sky landing in the forecourt. When inspecting the creator, you find a seed. If touched or put in contact with any biological
matter it will activate, taking root in the nearest lifeform and engulfing all biological matter into itself becoming larger and more intelligent as it grows.
It can regenerate if its cells are intact.

40 A man dressed as an orange cat walks into the store quoting lines from the Garfield Show in a perfect imitation of Garfield’s voice. After a while he
keeps saying lasagna repeatedly. If he doesn’t get any, he starts attacking the nearest person, trying to bite them while saying lasagna over and over.
Once he gets a successful bite, he swallows whatever’s in his mouth and tries to run away.

41 Paranormal film crew comes in claiming they want to get some REAL footage.

● 1d2 if they believe what they see or not.

● You now have a paranormal crew following you for the day.

42 A van pulls up and five people get out wearing leather masks and holding custom made weapons (feel free to get creative). The one in the center says,
“let the hunt begin.”

43 The station is surrounded by men in armoured vests and uniforms emblazoned with the logos of three letter agencies you’ve never even heard of. In
seconds a fence is set up surrounding the entire property, they tell you over a loudspeaker that you are saved and that they will handle it from here.
However, before you can respond a raccoon runs out of the bushes and is instantly turned into red mist by a volley of gunfire. It is clear they have no
interest in your wellbeing nor intend on letting you leave with your life.

44 After one of the restock vans top up your magazine rack, one of those magazines is apparently very valuable and four different collectors who arrive
just after the restock van are ready to kill to get it. At first you thought it was joke, but then one of them pulled out a knife.

● One of those magazines is a rare entire reprint of Abdul Alhazred's greatest work.
● The other is a graphic novel about gas station attendants dealing with paranormal shit every night, they all die on the last page.

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45 A man who never takes off his sunglasses (and who seems to shield his eyes from the artificial light of the fluorescents) comes in at midnight wearing a
suit. No matter how you look at him, he just seems wrong, and your brain is having a hard time dealing with his mannerisms. He stares past things that
he picks up, knocks stuff over on accident as if his hands don’t work properly, and walks as if he's not used to moving on solid land (or, and you don't
want to admit it, with two legs). He doesn't respond when you say hello, just staring at you with slitted eyes.

● Finally buys a jerry can that is full of gas.

● Pays with crumpled up bills that feel oddly damp and like the sea.
● As he's leaving, you notice he doesn't have a car.
● If you run out after him, you see him disappear into the woods.

46 Civil War re-enactments are nothing new, and the huge field behind the store along the wood line gets used a lot for practice before the main event.
You already pre-stocked on water and snacks for the people who watch, as the groups who do the re-enactments get really into it and draw in people
from states away.

● One group is the real deal, and are looking around in shock and horror
● The other ones with fake bayonets haven’t realised it yet..

47 The report of a rifle booms out from the woods, and you only wish this was something you weren’t used to.

● Guy runs in a few minutes later covered in black goo, carrying a double barrel shotgun that smokes idly from its own speckles of black goo (1
shot left)
● He begins to smear black goo from his body onto his hand and paints an odd-looking symbol on the front glass doors.
● "I'll go secure the back. You stay here!"
● Runs to the back
● Hear shouting, violence, gunshots. By the time you get there he's gone.
● Only a trail of black goo and the shotgun mark that he was ever there in the first place.

48 The power goes out. The fuse box is completely missing.

49 Illegal alien from Mars who happens to look like an everyday janitor.

50 There's this brand of creepy dolls the gas station sells, as they are apparently the store’s ‘mascots.’ No one ever buys one, and you know the day shift
people don't sell any. So then why is there one missing when you come back from the bathroom? You walk over to the small rack and look it up and
down. The packaging has been opened, and the little twist restraints are broken. Who the fuck would want to steal one of these? (Alternatively, the
dolls show up on your shelves out of nowhere).

51 In the sky you can see the gas station as it would be seen from above. Almost like the sky has become a giant mirror

52 They looked tired, if not stressed, and most of their purchases are energy drinks and fruit snacks. As they walk out the door, you hear them scream, and
you jerk your head in their direction.

“My tires! They slashed every fucking tire!” They yell, dropping the bag of their stuff to the ground.
A can falls out of the bag and rolls, then stops abruptly, as if an invisible foot has halted its path.

53 It’s not a huge store, and you can count the number of doors on your hands. What you don’t remember is a wooden door in the freezer, and the fact no
frost has built up on it causes you to worry.

54 Smoke breaks are nice, even if you don’t smoke. As you look up into the sky, taking a drink from your break beverage of choice, you notice that you
can't see Orion. With a startle, you also see that the Big Dipper is in the wrong place.

55 This has been the most boring day you have ever fucking had. Not a single customer came in. No one went through the car wash, hell no one has even
come to get gas at the pumps with their credit card. You follow protocols, switching out old food items, playing on your phone, and the entire shift not
a single thing happens at all. You go home, unmolested and without incident when the day shift shows up. On your next shift, the manager
congratulates you for a record number of customers and sales. He shows you out onto the floor and the store looks as if he had been picked clean, only
the store mascot dolls sitting on the shelves.

56 Searching for a new roll of receipt paper for the cash register, you discover some sort of shrine set up in the back of the stock room. The candles are
still lit, and the head of the Day Shift manager still lays on it, blood dripping onto the ground.

57 Every so often during your walk around the station to sweep up litter, you spot another dead animal. This is the tenth animal so far, and it’s a flamingo
of all things.

58 Criminals come in to rob the place and pull guns out from their pockets or hip holsters. As you stick up their hands, they turn white with fear. They
stare past you and start pissing themselves, their pistols shaking in their hands... They run the fuck out of the station, clearly scared out of their minds.

You can feel something staring at the back of your head, and every muscle in your body is telling you not to turn around.

59 Get a text from a dead friend, asking if you still work at the old station. Says they'll be there in 20 minutes.

60 Hillbillies come in with a dead...something on the hood of their truck. It doesn't look like any deer you've ever seen. It's at least twice as big, and you
think you count 6 legs, maybe more. The Hillbillies act like regular hillbillies and buy beer and shit. If you ask them about it, they walk out without a

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61 Someone has somehow removed the head wrap from the nuns, and it is now that you can see their slitted eyes, purple irises flaring with light. The nuns
begin to chuckle as they all begin to unwrap their faces, all of them bearing the same kind of eyes.

“Oh you poor soul, don’t you think we have our eyes wrapped for a reason?”

You seem something… unfurling from around the waists of the nuns from under their robes, and the spaded tails of Succubae greet your eyes.

62 Every night, you get a visit from a completely unremarkable man in a grey suit who buys gas and a pack of his favourite brand of candy. When the gas
station runs out of it (the brand was being discontinued after all), and the customer is missing his daily dose of sweets, he gets a little crazy.
Unfortunately, you haven’t had the candy for the last 3 weeks, and he snaps. The monster within exposes itself, and now danger is on the table.

63 An NPC co-worker rushes into the store saying that they need help with something and that they just hit someone with their car. You go and see a man
dressed in a sharp suit keeled over dead in front of his car. You recognize him as someone running for local office. The NPC asks for you to help him
hide/bury the body. No matter what happens, the next day you see the person who your co-worker hit walk like nothing happened.

64 You discover a young girl in the store. You don’t remember ever seeing her walk in, let alone a girl wearing vintage 1970’s fashion. She says she is lost
and looking for her mother. Normally you would just phone the police and get them involved, but something stops you. You look down at the girl again,
happily putting condiments on the sausage link you kindly gave her.

Normal little girls don’t have pointed ears. Or tattoos on the back of their necks. Ah… fuck. Not again.

65 The people around you are suddenly speaking a weird language you never heard. The change is instant, some changing mid-sentence. Everything is
suddenly written in hieroglyphs, and nobody seems to understand you anymore no matter how much you try to talk and pantomime.

66 A terrifying humanoid creature with glowing skin enters the store. Its long gangly fingers flex impassively as it looks around, then gives you a wave. It
buys a few cans of soda, a half-gallon of milk, and grabs a fistful of gummy bear bags, not giving a fuck about how you or other customers are looking at
it. It steps up to the counter, grumbles about “damn kids” and “recession”, pays with normal money, then leaves.

67 One wall of the convenience store is covered in employee of the month pictures dating back to when the Gas Station was first opened in the late 1950s.
Taped behind one photo of a smiling high school age girl wearing an attendant's uniform from the 1980s is a wad of wrinkled, mismatched bills totalling
$437, and a hastily written note explaining that "I've sent the guys back to the break room. I'm going to face them this time" and that the girl's life
savings the players just found ought to be saved for emergencies only.

68 People in black robes show up and talk among themselves loudly about how pleased they are on how the antichrist summoning went.

● As they are leaving to get into their van a hell spawn dog breaks out of the back and eats one of them.
● They will quickly try and scoop up what's left of Gary and awkwardly stuff him into a bin.
● You will need to clean it up before the end of your shift.

69 Trucker is paying for petrol and a half naked hitchhiker escape from his truck, he will chase after her and not pay.

70 Time loops and the last 10 minutes repeats like Groundhog Day every 10 minutes for an hour for 6 times in total

71 A Wendigo stalks past the front door and looks around. It smells like death, is covered in fresh blood, but looks at you with its bony face glistening in
the lights.

“Hotdog… fresh?”

72 A pregnant woman enters the gas station and immediately makes her way to the bathroom. You hear screaming from behind the door. Upon
investigation, you find the bathroom floor and walls are now covered in large spiders. The woman barely alive will comment on how beautiful her
children are.

73 Man has a mental breakdown sets himself on fire with the pumps

● All that's left is a note

● Note is in a dead language
● Note reads “I hate Mondays.”

74 Man comes into the gas station looking for his friend. After failing to find him he will pull out a gun and threaten the PCs demanding his friend be
released. After a moment his phone will ring. Upon answering it, he will describe the gas station’s events of the night then describe the players, not
their characters, the players themselves. At this point he stops and apologies for entering the wrong universe and will leave.
● NOTE: if minor event 67 has already occurred the two men will just buy coffee and leave casually

75 Stepping outside of the store for a moment you see two guys standing off in the parking lot. Both have black trench coats and some kind of fedora on.
You catch the sounds of arguing about anime or something like that. You sit back and watch for a second and you see them both pull katana’s from
seemingly nowhere and they start causing havoc. One slash of a sword was strong enough to cut through trees and cars. You’re gonna have to figure
out how to get this under control before the whole damn station gets wrecked.

76 The doors to the room you're in have vanished, the lights begin to flicker as a strange man of shadows begins moving in closer.

● If PC attempts to destroy the wall where the door was, the PC will crash through the door as though nothing had happened.
● If PC fails to escape the “shadow man,” the PC will black out and awaken in the middle of a major event.
● If PC fails to escape while playing in a group, the PC will turn hostile.

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77 You get attacked by an invisible force. Lure it into a dark room with no light and barricade the exit with a line of sea salt. it will not be able to escape
unless the line is broken. It will meet a painful end when the sun's rays pierce the windows in the morning but will retreat into a shadow given the
opportunity to escape before dawn and finish the job it started the following night.

78 The floor in whatever room you're in starts to bend and melt as you start to sink, the very station is trying to consume you.

79 While going through the freezer you find a perfect model of the gas station. On closer inspection, you can even see miniature versions of people
running around the place. Anyone not inside can see what looks like a giant peering down from the sky.

80 A man, married to a female Wendigo, stumbles into the door, his skin covered in claw marks, fresh blood on his cheek, but a lot of hickies are all over
his neck. He turns and asks for far more condoms than one man should need.

81 A woman runs into the station in a panic, she's screaming about how “they’re” after her. She abruptly goes silent and explodes in a shower of viscera.

82 A three-foot-deep trench is dug around the edge of the gas station, when looking in you see boiling water.

83 While opening a random compartment, it reveals a pit instead of what was inside it. Gravity directly above said pit functions as if the pit is “down”
regardless of the portal's angle compared to the rooms, so if said portal was a door the player would fall into the pit. The other side of the pit is the next
compartment opened (normal gravity applies) (exits do not magically grow to compensate for large objects) and the effect ends when both
compartments are closed.

84 A loud scratching sound can be heard on the back door. If someone goes to check, they see four scratch marks on the outside of the door and the
severed head of a rabbit at your feet. They are displeased by your presence.

85 Lights flicker and the whole room is upside down. Everything that was on the floor is now affixed to the roof, including yourself. They flicker again, and
it's back to how it was. You feel no difference in balance or movement while the event occurs.

86 A massive treant explodes from the floor tiles and starts destroying the gas pumps and attacking anyone it sees using the pumps.

87 It starts raining intense acid that burns through the roof in the first minute of downpour.

88 The clouds twist and warp into physically impossible shapes completely alien to anything found in nature, as the sky looks like it's about to be torn
apart from something high above it.

89 Every piece of cloth in the gas station suddenly comes alive and tries to strangle every employee.

90 A ballista bolt flies through the window. A Roman detachment has been set up on the edge of the tree line and intends to take over the gas station.

91 A man walks in and buys a few things, but when he goes outside his car has been crushed by several pigs that seemed to have fallen from the sky,
having made no sound. Looking up, you see a legion of flying pigs dive bombing station

92 You go into the back room and when you walk out it’s the beginning of the day again.

93 Some say it’s raining cats and dogs, but outside it’s raining sphinxes and werewolves. Any who survive start fighting each other. Whatever survives
wants more bloodshed.

94 The night becomes pitch black, no moon hangs in the air and all lights in the station go out. The players are now being hunted by a serial killer.

95 The forecourt is filled with small pixie-like creatures. The day starts with small harmless pranks, but by the end of the day these pixies start trashing
the station and attacking the workers.

96 Man comes into the gas station looking for his friend. After failing to find him, he will pull out a gun and threaten the PCs demanding his friend be
released. After a moment his phone will ring upon answering it, he will describe the gas station events of the night then describe the players, not their
characters, the players themselves. At this point he stops and apologies for entering the wrong universe, and that he’ll have everyone’s memories.

● Note if minor event 67 has occurred the two men will just buy coffee and leave casually

97 Ghost of the Assistant Manager. A very pale, gangly high school age girl wearing an Attendant's uniform from the 1980s. Although you have no
recollection of her when she first appears, she talks as if you and she are close co-workers: she knows little facts about your family and interests,
bitches about the day shift, and claims that she's here to relieve you whenever she shows up. Assistant Manager and Employee of the month for 3
straight years back in the 80's.

98 The gas station feels unsafe, and nothing feels right. Suddenly in the middle of the day the workers are accosted by beings made of shadow and fear.
These beings can only take physical form in the shape of the fears of the people around them. Have players note what their biggest fears are and have
these beings take these shapes. These creatures are aggressive, and extremely violent.

99 Go into the back room at 11, Come back out at 2. Time skip.

100 As it started, so it ends. Reality comes to a sudden and abrupt end.

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