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Timing : 1 Hour  Maximum Marks : 20
• Answer all questions. benefited the countries in those days and built
• All questions carry 20 marks each. a bridge of understanding and amity when
Ans. (a) Brain Drain refers to the situation when communication between the neighbours even
highly qualified and trained people leave a was not easy.
country to permanently settle in some other In the under-developed countries like India,
country. It is also referred to as ‘Human capital the ambitious and highly educated people
flight’. Highly educated professional people found it very difficult to climb the peak, for
immigrate to other advanced countries for the obstacles were many and the bureaucratic
better opportunities and a comfortable life bungling was irritating. Hence, the alarming
style. exodus started in the fifties and in the seventies
 The problem of brain drain, in our age, the brain-drain appeared to be complete.
has become very elusive. The developing Hundreds of talents emigrated to the U.S.A.
countries like India are desperately in need of and Europe which assured them of great
talents, especially in the field of science and opportunities for getting to the top, and of
technology, but for one reason or the other, the secure and comfortable living, with satisfaction
talents are fleeing their countries, leaving their and glory in their respective fields. If the
native lands impoverished in the process. emigrants could have all those assurances,
Brain Drain is an extremely serious problem they would not think of fleeing their country.
for the developing countries. The destiny of But the problem is that, a developing country
such countries lies in the solution to this great like India could hardly afford to accommodate
problem. India can be taken as an instance at so many ambitious people, nor could the scope
this point. After independence, this country is be made broad enough to secure affluence
engaged in difficult struggle against poverty. for all. Some of them, after training and
But struggles cannot be launched in papers; experiences in foreign countries, return home
they require armies of trained personnel-the with individual problems and when they fail
scientists, technical knowhows and specialists to fit in with the evolving patterns at home,
in the field of planned development. If instead despair drives them away again.
of contributing to the prosperity of India, the But India needs these professionally trained
Indian scientists, research scholars, engineers, people, so they should be persuaded to stay in
doctors and economists immigrate to other India and be content with less lucrative jobs.
countries, it is difficult to see how India can When India is rich enough to reward them,
implement her development plans and attain they would not find much to complain about.
her goal of prosperity. All these people are among the fortunate few,
In ancient times, the scholars of one country enjoying the privilege of education, while
visited neighbouring countries, and they some eighty percent of Indians languish in
often stayed there for years, both learning dark hovels remaining poor, ignorant and
and teaching. The great scholars of China superstitious. It is the duty and responsibility
and Persia and other scholars from the west of those privileged few to take them out of
visited India during her prosperous days in the the morass, instead of joining the mad rush
past and wrote memoirs which are precious for careerism. There may be many obstacles
materials for Indian history. But these were in their way, but their dedicated services and
not considered brain drain then. For what patriotic zeal will help them rise above them
Hiuen Tsang came to India or Shilbhadra and restore to India, her lost glory.
visited Tibet, staying there for many years, Ans. (b) I do agree, as in the west, old-age homes are
their absence from their own countries did becoming a reality in India too. We have
not make much difference. On the contrary, been following West for music, clothing,
the experiences and wisdom gained from their eating habits, and now, we youngsters while
visits enriched their countries. Such exchanges
2 | OSWAAL ISC Chapterwise/Topicwise Question Bank, ENGLISH PAPER–1 (LANGUAGE), Class-XII
following Western culture, are lacking in The walls echoed of silence, as I strolled through
Indian culture also. Our country is famous for the home for elderly located at Ambphalla,
a culture where sons like lord Rama who went Jammu. The atmosphere had a wave of serenity,
to exile for fourteen years to keep his father’s while in the environment, there was growing
(Dashrath’s) promise given to his step-mother solitude. I could see scattered groups of oldies,
Kaikayi. Kaikayi, were born. Then Shravan some discussing politics, while others were taking
Kumar is remembered for his love, devotion a stroll under the evening sun. Their faces had
and service offered to his blind old parents. wrinkles of times passed, but their smile tinkled
He took his parents to the pilgrimage to forty with strength and vigour adding a charm to their
places. He put each parent in a basket and tied faces. Some were really friendly and came up to
each basket to the end of a bamboo pole, which me, while others cowered in fright and squirmed
he carried and balanced on his shoulders, with rage as, I approached them. “I’ve spent some
while walking barefoot. All these are the harrowing nights in the company of my unruly
stories which should not be forgotten. But our children”, a woman said in a dreaded tone, “I sleep
youngsters are taking giant leaps in following well here.” she added taking a sigh of relief. “I
the western culture nowadays. don’t miss my children anymore”, she said with a
grin. But a hug away, she gave up all the courage
Ever since a child is born, a mother lays awake
she’d been holding upon and broke down into
for countless nights, anxious about her child’s
tears. The rest was, as they say, history! Different
well-being, ensuring that he sleeps well and not
people, different circumstances, different journeys
a meek voice bothers him. For years together,
but their destination was the same. Though old-
she retains him close to her heart, pouring all
age-homes are mostly surrounded in a negative
the love and care that she has for the little boy.
light, I witnessed mixed reactions from the various
She curtails her needs and expenses to make inhabitants I spoke to. While some had gathered
sure that he gets the best education. After he the courage to start from the scratch, some were
grows up, gets married, starts working and still coping with the fact that they had been shown
becomes successful; she becomes old, sick and the door by their own blood. The continuous
weary, then, without giving a second thought, tantrums and revolts in the family, it seemed,
he mercilessly puts her in an old-age-home. have jotted their heart like some big blow. Yes! We
His logic may be sound. May be the settings of can’t deny the fact that a perfect family picture is
a metropolitan city do not allow him to afford incomplete without our elders but I’d change it
a house with enough space to accommodate a little and say a perfect family picture has elders
his mother, while in the same house he has with smiling faces. At no cost should the smiles
evening drinks and cards with half-a-dozen disappear. “I could have never imagined that my
colleagues; and his fashionable wife often own children would find it difficult to bear my
throws lavish kitty parties at weekends. This sight. At home my life was terrible. Everyone was
is the harsh reality of the 21st century. With a busy in their own lives. They had no time for me.
focus on materialism in the changing times, Even if I tried to approach them or call them, they
people tend to be more selfish and greedy. didn’t care to respond or call back. Food, the basic
Hence, it may be sad, but not surprising, that necessity, was denied at certain times”, tears rolled
such instances are on this rise. Many a time, down his eyes and then this old man came back
the children turn out to be counterfeit coins. to his spirit and enthusiasm. Wiping his tears, he
Elders in the family, our parents, - when they said, “But now this is my home. I have my friends
struggle to raise their children - they expect here and never feel alone. I’m glad that they
that the children would reciprocate with sent me here. At least I don’t have to go through
nothing but love. They expect that they would everyday humiliation and even the food is good!”,
caress them and care for them for when their tears rolled down my eyes too when I saw this
bodies begin to give up. It is in fact a child’s 80-year-old man telling me his story, trying to
duty and moral responsibility to look after its reinforce, “I am happy”. On asking him if he
elders. The mother offers a glass of water when misses his family, he said “You miss those whose
her sons and daughters return from school or thoughts make you feel good but in my case all
office. It is taken for granted that dad will bring I’m left with is anguish but my grand-daughter, I
chocolates for his children without fail. This is miss my grand-daughter. She loves me a lot and
the confidence that they have instilled in us by calls me quite often.” Talking to this man living in
their care since the time we were born. Parents the old age home, put me in a scuffle where my
being parents will perform their duties without sole vision of looking at the old age homes in all
anyone having to tell them, while on the other negative aspects now started deliberating whether
hand when they are shouting for help at the one can be satisfied here more than in one’s
autumn of their age, their voices are silenced own home.
by sending them to the old age homes.
We grow up hearing stories about happiness, and indeed usually thinks of himself as the
which entails the true essence of a happy most companionable of men, to write as one of
family. A family that eats together, stays them, is to acquit oneself of the stigma.
together is a typical jargon at the dinner tables, Nonetheless, at some time, I fear, everybody is
especially in India. Earlier a phenomenon such a bore, because everybody now and again has
as ‘Old age homes’ was unheard of. The ethics fixed idea to impart, and the fixed ideas of the
and the values implanted by the elders in our few are the boredom of the many.
country never even brought such thought Also, even the least self-centred of men can
in the minds of the kids. What has changed? now and then have a personal experience
Why the need for old age homes? Today, the sufficiently odd, to lose its true proportions
wisdom of our elders and their experiences and force him to inflict it over much on others.
seem inconsequential. Many elders feel But bores as a rule are bores always, for egotism
suffocated while staying in their own families. is beyond question the bore’s foundation
They are beset by illness and the prime reason stone; his belief being that what interest him
is their loneliness. In this scenario, old age and involves himself as a central figure must
homes are becoming a required necessity for interest you.
our country which is trying to march on the
Since he lives all the time, and all the time
same lines as many Western countries. This is
something is happening in which he is the
the reason why one can see this alien culture
central figure, he has always something new to
burgeoning across the span and scope of the
discourse upon himself, his house, his garden,
cities in India. At this pedestal of life, when
his wife, his children, his car, his handicap,
they need us the most, they are left bereaved
his health, his ancestry. without inviting, all
to ponder over what went wrong. They long
kinds of people confide in him and ask his
to be with their grandchildren and cuddle
advice. His humorous way with waiters, his
them in their arms. Nothing is gained by
immunity from influenza, his travels, his
erecting four walls for them to stay. We need
instincts, his clothes, his dentist, his freedom
to prioritize things and make sure our elders
from shibboleths, he being one of those men
are on top of our priority list.
who look upon the open air as the best church,
The answer to, whether old age homes are his possible ignorance of the arts but certitude
necessary, is apocryphal but what is certain is as to what he himself likes, his triumphs over
that it is a home away from home for some, as the income-tax people, all make him be in the
they find freedom and independence, if not limelight. These are happy men, this world’s
love and care. The right to healthy ageing is axle trees.
every individual’s prerogative which cannot
(I have been referring to bores exclusively as
alone be attributed to medical reasons. Social
men. Whether that is quite just, I am not sure;
relationships and engagements make ageing
but I shall leave it there.)
easier and more gratifying. When they are
repudiated of the same in their own houses, Bores are happy largely because they have so
old age homes become their final resort and in much to tell and come so well out of it; but
most cases, bear positive results. Also, today it chiefly because they can find people to tell it
seems that privatization and globalization has to. The tragedy is, they can always find their
filled our pockets but emptied our minds, we listeners, me, almost first. And why can they?
have become so techno-frenzy that we like the Why can even notorious bores always be sure
touch of our keypad more than our mother. of an audience? The answer is, the ineradicable
We need Social Media to keep in touch with kindness of human nature. Few men are strong
our long-lost friends, but can’t spare some time enough to say, ‘For Heaven’s sake, go away,
for our parents. But as the good old saying goes you weary me.’ Bores make cowards of us all,
- Life is not complete until it takes a full circle. and we are left either to listen and endure or
What you sow so shall you reap. Neglect them take refuge in craven flight. We see them in
today and wait until regret piles up. The future the distance and turn down side streets or
looks grim with only fragments. Painful yet hasten from the room. One man, I know, has
true, all the questions will be answered when a compact with a page-boy, whose duty it is,
our children treat us the way we treated ours. whenever my friend is attacked by a certain
After all, what goes around comes around. bore in the club, to hasten up and say he is
wanted on the telephone. An ingenious device,
Ans. (c) It requires a sense of superiority, assurance but it must not be worked too often; because
and self-confidence to write about bores at my dear friend, although he can stoop to deceit
all, except as one of them. But since your true and subterfuge, would not for anything let the
bore is always unconscious of his boorishness, bore think that he was avoiding him; would
4 | OSWAAL ISC Chapterwise/Topicwise Question Bank, ENGLISH PAPER–1 (LANGUAGE), Class-XII
not bring grief to that complacent candid face. experience an irresistible need to fit in with
For it is one of the bore’s greatest assets that their group. This encourages them to adopt the
he has a simplicity that disarms. Astute, crafty beliefs and behaviours of their friends. Since
men are seldom bores; very busy men are parents and teachers do not always agree with
seldom bores. them, they find solace in the company of their
Of all bores, the most repellent specimen is friends.
the one who comes close up; the buttonholing To conclude, I totally agree with the statement
bore. This is the kind described by a friend of that young people are more influenced by
mine with a vivid sense of phrase as ‘the man their peers. However, I do not feel that this is
who spreads birdlime all over you’. A bore, a positive trend because friends are unlikely to
who keeps a reasonable way off, can be dealt have the unconditional love that parents have
with; but when they lean on you, you are done. for their children. They also lack the worldly
It is worst when they fix your eyes, only a foot wisdom that parents or teachers have.
away, and tell you a funny story that isn’t
Ans. (e)
amily celebrations, such as anniversaries,
funny. Nothing is so humiliating when you
birthday parties, engagements, weddings and
have to counterfeit laughter at the bidding of
holidays bring joyful occasions for all. It is
a bore; but you do it. The incurable weakness
often the only time we get to see our family
and benignancy of human nature once again !
members. And when families get together,
Then there is the bore who begins a funny they talk, enjoy and have fun. The stories may
story, and although you tell him you have focus on today-or reminiscences of the past.
heard it, doesn’t stop. What should be done
I have taken on this tradition with my family
with him? Another one of the worst types of
and have learnt from them how fun it can be
bore is the man who says, ‘Where should we
to plan a day or weekend filled with special
be without our sense of humour?’ He is even
outings and surprise for the ones you love.
capable of saying, ‘Nothing but my unfailing
There is nothing better than watching your
sense of humour saved me.’ There is also the
loved one be continuously excited as their
man who says, “Live and let live”, as my dear
special day unfolds before them. And with all
father used to say.’
the hard work the rest of the year, having a
Ans. (d) For the motion : few days to really look forward to, that stand
There is no denying the fact that teenagers are out above the rest seems like a good way to
more influenced by their peers than by adults. make someone smile and create a lifetime of
The young people are more influenced by their sweet memories.
friends than by their teachers or parents. It is I want to relate my sister’s wedding occasion
quite natural for them to get influenced by the which was good to enjoy but very tedious for
people they spend time with. me. My lovely sister got married last year on
Parents are the biggest influence on children 15th February. Being a bride is a tough job but
during the first few years of their life because being bride’s youngest sister is the toughest
young children don’t get many opportunities one. While it is the bride whose life is going
to interact with the world outside their family. to change after the wedding, it is her sister
When they begin to attend school, their friends who has to make sure that this transition is a
begin to play a more important role in their smooth one.
life. Young children want to dress and behave Every girl has many ideas about how she wants
like their friends. her big day to look and since she has shared
 Friends exert an even bigger influence on all this with you, as her sister and childhood
teenagers. Teens tend to have a rebellious partner, it is your responsibility to see that she
streak in them. They seek freedom and hate has the wedding of her dreams.
it when parents or teachers try to impose The first and foremost duty of mine was to
restrictions on them. They find the company keep her excitement up. I took my diary and
of their friends more attractive because people jotted down all the details from the day she got
of the same age groups have similar needs, engaged. I did this to understand every detail
interest and tastes. Parents and teachers of the things she wanted in her wedding. I
often assume the role of advisors. They are started arranging various bridal magazines
well-meaning too. Unfortunately, teens hate and articles so that she could gather some
advice. The huge generation gap between ideas for her big day. Meanwhile, I kept my
children and their parents do not help the spirit of enjoying whenever she used to talk to
situation either. Teenagers today have access my jiju on phone. I constantly kept pulling her
to a lot of things that parents didn’t have when leg to have fun and relax her from the stress.
they were young. At this age, boys and girls Sometimes I would take off from my college
and made sure that she gets her designer once in their life time. For a bride, her wedding
dresses for fittings on time. I accompanied is the most cherished day of her life. But family
her for shopping for long endless hours. I and I made it the best day of my sister’s life.
had booked the best parlour for her pre-
Ans. (f)
 arun was driving his Wagon R according to
bridal and bridal care. I went on reminding
Rachel’s instructions to an old house nearby
her appointments and I also booked perfect
with a plate of cookies in her hands. “I hope
Mehendi wala for her. I kept on encouraging her
they won’t mind us dropping in unexpectedly,
to sleep well and eat healthy for the big day.
but I do want to surprise them and invite them
My father and brother booked the wedding over for Diwali,” Roopa said.
hall, caterer and decorations. Meanwhile, I had
Tarun smiled at his fiancee. “Baby, they’ll be
to co-ordinate with the wedding planner also.
ecstatic about a visit from us, especially you,”
Making sure that all her outfits were ready
he said.
and available, was a Herculean task. To check
She smiled at him. Navya, their almost-
if her trousseau had all the things she needed,
thirteen-year-old niece, perked up from the
my mother and I had to pack her complete
backseat. “Who are we going to see, Masi?”,
stuff and arrange as per the frequency of their
she asked.
arrival at late night hours. She was happy with
all the arrangements. One week before her “A couple, good friends of mine, sweetie,”
wedding, we both prepared a list of all our Roopa answered. “I met them sometime back
cousins and her friends who would attend and haven’t seen them in a while.”
her bachelorette party. She invited all those They soon arrived and going up to the door,
whom she wanted because we didn’t want Tarun knocked politely. “Come in!” A cheerful
her to miss any because that would haunt her voice called out.
forever. The family made her Sangeet the best Recognizing Phanty’s voice, Roopa smiled and
one with best choreographers and our well- led her fiancee and niece inside the house,
prepared performances, which she enjoyed “Hello?” She called out in a friendly voice.
the most. Each member of the family went Navya glanced around. “I don’t see anyone,”
down the memory lane and found out all she said.
the things that she likes. We all incorporated “Hmm, maybe they’re upstairs,” her aunt
them in her wedding. We had booked the best suggested. “Let’s split up and look.”
photographer and instructed him as to what Navya went up the stairs to the upper floors
she wanted. For her sangeet party, I had to pen while Roopa and Tarun took the lower floors,
down the best wedding speech for her. The searching for the inhabitants of the home.
extra duty was to take care of her cell phone The teenager was carefully looking around.
and make sure that she does not miss any “Hello?” She called out, looking in the rooms,
important call. but she didn’t see anyone. Nor did she see a
On the final day, in the mandap, I had already grey face glancing out at her, watching her
planned her best bride’s entry with light, curiously and wondering who she was.
camera, action, flowers and garlands. She The young girl sighed. “There’s no one here,”
was looking very beautiful-like a film heroine. she said and was about to close the door of the
Everybody’s eyes were set on her. In pheras room she had just exited when she paused.
and rituals I assisted her with her make-up, her “Wait. If no one’s here, who told us to come
outfits etc. But I didn’t forget to hide my Jija’s in?”
jooti, I demanded from him, a big amount.
“No doubt my daughter,” a voice answered
I got double amount as jiju wanted to impress
me as well as my sister wanted to have fun.
Navya turned to the voice and gasped at seeing
Perfect music on bride’s entry, bridegroom’s
someone there, he only had a tail like a ghost
entry and bride’s departure were all planned
would, a buttoned-up trench coat, fedora, and
by me. To protect my sister from her annoying
gloves. And they were see-through. That alone
friends and relatives of Jiju was quite difficult.
told the teenager what was in front of her and
As Indian weddings stretch for hours, so
she wasted no time running into the room
offering food and beverages to Didi and Jija
and going into the closet, hiding in there and
regularly was also my task. I was my Didi’s
peeking out through the crack in the door to
emotional support. So as to make her wedding
see if her pursuer came in.
overwhelming, I made sure that every
moment of her wedding was enjoyable to her. The Phantom cocked an eyebrow and floated
Weddings are fun, exciting but also tedious, into the room, glancing around before spying
chaotic and exhausting. For every couple, it is the closet door open a little and smiled to
the most beautiful thing that they experience himself, going over and opening the door
6 | OSWAAL ISC Chapterwise/Topicwise Question Bank, ENGLISH PAPER–1 (LANGUAGE), Class-XII
to see the teenage girl curled up on the floor AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH AH
and she gasped when she saw he found AH AH A!”
her. “Surely you know the way to properly Phantom glanced over, smiling at the scene,
greet a phantom, little one?” He said with an before he stopped tickling the little one he had
amused smile. trapped and watched her recover before she
Navya however scrambled back to try and get sat up, seeing her aunt and uncle tickle another
away, but her back came in contact with the ghost and she blinked.
back of the closet and the Phantom dove down “Ghosts ... are ticklish?”, she asked.
to catch her, grabbing her arms in a gentle, firm “Well, at least these two phantoms are.” Roopa
grasp. Letting out a cry of fear, the teenager responded with a smile before looking curious.
swung her arms around to get him to let go, “Although, we’ve never tickled Phantom
but to her shock, her hands went through his before.”
forearms. She tried to hit his arms and get free “I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to,” he
of him, but his hands still had a good hold on responded gently with an amused smile. “I can
her and he picked her up, gently tossing her make my body intangible to you.
over his shoulder and she was again surprised
The young woman smiled. “We’ll see about
that his shoulder was solid. As a result, instead
that,” she said and jumped at him. To his
of struggling, she grabbed onto him, scared
shock, despite him making his body intangible,
she would slip off his shoulder. Feeling her
she still was able to grab him and her hands
scrambling for handholds, the Phantom made
reached up for his underarms and tickled him
himself a bit more tangible for her to grab
his shoulder and he chuckled before gently
flipping her onto her back onto the bed in the “Hey!” He cried out in surprise before his deep
room. Stunned, Navya shook her head rapidly laughter filled the room.
and looked up to see the ghost flying nearer to Navya’s eyes widened in shock that her aunt
her. Afraid, she curled up, hiding her face in was able to tickle not one but two ghosts. She
her arms. “Hmm perhaps you don’t know how was also wondering if maybe her aunt and
to greet a Phantom, young one,” she heard uncle knew these two because they weren’t
him say. She shook her head in response. startled by them and the other two seemed to
“No!” He continued, amusement in his voice. know her aunt and uncle.
“Well then, allow me.” Seeing her niece looking confused, Roopa
Out of all the things she expected him to do, smiled and stopped tickling her friend, who
diving his hands down to tickle her stomach gave her an amused look and gently poked her
wasn’t one of them and she squealed in stomach to make her laugh before they heard
surprise before trying to roll away, but he laugh as Phanty managed to wiggle her fingers
caught her again. “Your lesson in greeting a into his neck and he playfully batted her hand
Phantom isn’t over yet, little one,” he said, away. The young girl then noticed the almost-
a teasing note in his voice as he continued teenager sitting on the bed. “Ooh! A new
tickling her, not letting her get away as she friend!” She said in glee.
squirmed and laughed. “Well, well, look at Navya blinked. “W-What?” She asked in
how ticklish you are. Let’s see how ticklish confusion.
your tummy is.” She heard her aunt chuckle. “Guess you didn’t
One thing Navya noted was that for a ghost, expect to meet another uncle of yours, did
his hands were actually warm instead of you, honey?” The older woman asked, a smile
cold. That made her curious as ghosts were on her face as Tarun and Phanty came over to
supposed to be cold. where she was.
Just then, another ghost entered the room, “Uncle?” The young girl asked.
spying the other one. “Father, help!”, she said “She is one of yours, Roopa?” Phantom asked
with a giggle. “They are after me!” curiously.
“Not so fast, little one,” said Tarun coming in “One of Rook’s and my nieces, yes,” she
with his rope ready, a cable shooting out of it replied.
and wrapping around the ghost. He smiled and turned to Navya. “Well then,
“We’ve got you, Phanty,” Roopa said, coming I’m pleased to have taught you how to greet a
in and going up to the ghost, tickling her sides Phantom, little one,” he said.
and stomach. She was surprised, he had instantly accepted
“EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Phanty squealed her and jumped when Phanty hugged her
happily as they tickled her. “That tickles! AH with a grin.
“ were you and Uncle Tarun able He turned to her, smiling as he gently ruffled
to tickle them if they made their bodies her hair. “The same one, my dear,” he said.
intangible, Aunt Roopa?” she asked. “And I play too just like my dad!” Phanty said
“A new formula your uncle Subash happily. “I can’t wait for everyone to hear my
developed,” Roopa said. ”He asked us if we’d songs and play them like they do with Daddy’s
test it on some ghosts we knew, and since your songs.
uncle Vijay, an alien ghost, and we knew, it Phanty’s enthusiasm was contagious and
worked on him, we needed a couple of real Navya had to smile. Feeling a hand on her
ghosts. And that’s where Phantom and his shoulder, she glanced up to see her new uncle
daughter came in.” smiling at her. “Well now, how about we all
“So that’s how,” Phantom said with a smile. enjoy those cookies with some milk in the
“Careful. I know where you sleep.” living room?” he suggested. “After another
The young woman laughed in response, tickle torture of course,” he added.
knowing her friend was only playing with Roopa’s eyes widened at Tarun?” She “How
her. “Well, how about an invitation for you fast can you run?”
and your daughter to join us for Diwali?” She Catching her train of thoughts, Tarun scooped
suggested. her up and began running with Navya rapidly
He smiled and nodded. “Thank you,” he said. following and both Phantom and Phanty
“We’ll be happy to join you all that day.” cackling in amusement and flying after them
Navya had gotten closer to him and grew with wiggling fingers outstretched and ready
curious. “Phantom? Like,...the one that plays to tickle the three, once they caught them.
the organ?” she asked. 
8 | OSWAAL ISC Chapterwise/Topicwise Question Bank, ENGLISH PAPER–1 (LANGUAGE), Class-XII

Directed Writing/Report Writing
Timing : 1 Hour  Maximum Marks : 25
• Answer all questions.
• Marks are indicated against each question. school and our parents proud Parents Proud. I
Ans. 1. Victory at Inter-school “Military Precision ISC want to tell all of you that we did it all for You;
Past Competition” and succeeded because of your support and your
Recently, as a part of the “National Cadet Corps”, faith in us. I wish to thank all our supporters
I and nine others from Our School participated sincerely. The win was really a proud moment
in Inter-School “Military Precision ISC Past for all of us.
Competition”. To excel in our performance, we
used to gather at school every weekend and
NCC of Army General School
When we arrived at the Venue to take our
places, I could see the cynical look on the faces Ans. 2. Smart Books,
of our opponents. There were whispers, side- Lodhi Road,
glances and bemused smiles. We were the only Ludhiana.
competitors from a ‘neighbourhood school’
which had reached the Finals. Bobby, our Platoon 8th January, 2021
Commander spoke to us in his usual confident The Principal,
manner; We would make use of their cynicism Park Avenue Convent School,
to our advantage. They would be caught off-
guard; their underestimating us would be their
undoing.’’ Major Lobo agreed and smiled his Sub : Proposal of selling you our Best Collection
famous wicked smile. of Books to update your School Library
We were the last to perform. When our turn Respected Madam,
came, Anita, our Sergeant-Major ISCed out I, Ajay Mahadevan (Sales Manager of Smart
briskly. I could see that the judges were visibly Books), am glad to offer your institution good
shaken when she bellowed her orders. They quality Educational Fiction Books and Science
started! Then Bobby ISCed in and took over the books that you would require for your Library.
Platoon. As he barked command after command, As you know, books play an important role in a
we put in all that we had rehearsed all those student’s life, I personally feel that keeping good
weekends. I could not see what everyone was Books is equally important for a School Library,
doing, but I could hear the precise movements. Since your school is one of the Best Schools in
I was puffed up with pride when I realized that I town, we are offering you a good collection of
belonged to a ‘Swell’ Company of Army Cadets. books at a very affordable Price range, including
The end was inevitable. We were unanimously 25% discount rates from our side. I am attaching
voted Champions by the judges – a panel of a catalogue of our publications along with this
Military Professionals. The Chief Judge made a letter that will brief you on the quality and kinds
comment while announcing the results, ‘‘I want of books we publish and provide.
to especially commend the Platoon Commander Hoping to get a positive reply soon from your
and Sergeant-major of the Champion Platoon, I side after thorough research.
sincerely hope that you would make your career
in the Army. We need people like you.’’ With warm regards.
After the results were announced, our supporters Ajay Mahadevan
rushed into the field and literally carried us in (Sales Manager)
triumph. We were proud that we have done our

Grammar, Structure & Usage
Timing : 1 Hour  Maximum Marks : 20
• Answer all questions.
• Marks are indicated against each question. Ans. 2. a. about
Ans. 1. a. (B) Hardly had Juhi entered the hall when her b. off
fans mobbed her. c. from
b. (B) If I had known the answer, I would have d. up
helped you.
e. out/down
c. (B) You will fall sick if you drink dirty water.
f. of
d. (B) 
If I had been you, I would not have
g. over/ about
tolerated her comments.
h. into
e. (B) If you had asked me to do this work, I
would have done it. i. across
f. (B) If we hadn’t been late, we would not have j. down [½ × 10 = 5]
missed the train/If we had been early, we Ans. 3. a. had walked
would not have missed the train. b. invites
g. (B) If he had heard the cry, he would have c. has been working
stopped. d. was warned
h. (B) 
If I had money. I would have gone to e. relieved
f. have been living
i. (B) No one wishes to be unhappy.
g. have heard
j. (B) Who could count my love for you?
h. is studying
k. (B) Why to take unfair means in the exam?
i. had caught
 [1 × 10 = 10]
j. is [½ × 10 = 5]
10 | OSWAAL ISC Chapterwise/Topicwise Question Bank, ENGLISH PAPER–1 (LANGUAGE), Class-XII

Timing : 1 Hour  Maximum Marks : 20
• Answer all questions.
• Marks are indicated against each question. (c) (i) Possible points :
Ans. (a) (i) (1) glimmer 1. Eric saw : two red circles/eyes a large,
(2) sod shadowy mass as it was dark inside the
(3) seized  3
the interior of the hut that had no
(ii) (1) mass - The mass of the matter differs
window or chimney, lit by the candle
from the weight of the matter from
planet to planet. 3. a golden supple seven foot seal having
corn like fur with her two pups
share - The students are required to
share the information in the assembly. 4. He heard: the storm’s sobbing sound
past–The vehicle zoomed past us and 5. nothing (while waiting)
collided with a tree along the road. 3 6. his own heart beating
(b) (i) Eric collapsed face down on the threshold. 7. the faint continuous sound which was
He was gasping for breath and the gravel very low
pounded him hard against his legs. 2 8. 
the sucky, slobbery sound which was
(ii) Eric was afraid of the creature at first because pleasant4
he thought it could be some wild and terrible (ii) Summary : (100 Words)
animal – perhaps a great Kodiak bear. But
As Eric entered the hut, first he saw nothing
when it did not move towards him to attack
as it was dark. The interior of the hut had no
him, he understood that it might be friendly.
window or chimney. He saw two red eye-
Moreover, it made a sucky, slobbery sound; a
like circles glowing in the dark. Outside,
sound he associated with pleasant things. 2
he heard the storm’s sound. Gradually, he
(iii) Eric’s father had told him that in times of could see a large, shadowy mass. It was large
great danger – fire or flood, tempest or but not large enough to be a bear. He heard
drought – wild animals were not dangerous. his own heart beating. He also heard a low,
He also had left matches and candles in all faint sound. The sound was sucky, slobbery
the huts. These helped Eric in this time of and pleasant. He lit the candle and looked
emergency.2 at the animal. He saw against the wall; a
golden, seven-foot seal with her two pups. 4

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