1020 Studyguide Exam2 Fa19

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Study guide for BIOL 1020 Fall, 2019 Exam 2

To be Given on October 24, 2019

Focus on what is covered in the lecture notes. For most topics, I have listed the section in the book that
covers that topic.

Unit 5 Reproduction
A. Why do cells divide?
What are the two types of reproduction?
What is generated from each type?
B. Asexual reproduction or mitosis (6.2)
1. When and why is asexual reproduction used? Production of new individuals
of a single cell organism, for production of all the cells of a multicellular
organism, for replacement of damaged cells
2. What is a Genome, chromosome?
3. What are the phases of the cell cycle? Know Order
a. What happens in interphase
b. What happens in mitosis
c. When is the DNA replicated/duplicated?
4. Know the events that occur during Mitosis (6.2)
a. Why is the DNA condensed and when does this happen?
b. What gets segregated during mitosis?
c. What is the generated when completed?
d. How is the cell cycle regulated?
5. What is cancer? (6.3)
What types of changes cause cancer? Mutations in what types of genes? (6.3)
What promotes cancer?

2. Sexual reproduction – Meiosis (7.1 and 7.2)

A. How is mitosis similar and different from meiosis? (7.2)
What is generated from meiosis? 4 haploid (1n) gametes with only one
version of each chromosome). How chromosome # changes?
B. What does it mean if a cell is haploid (n) verse diploid (2n)? Know the
difference between homologous pairs and sister chromatids,
C. What are the key events that happen during meiosis and in what order do they
happen? Two segregation events
Know what gets segregated in each round? First homologous pairs then
sister chromatids
What do the cells end up with at end? One version of each chromosome and
only one copy of each chromosome. Chromosome # cut in half
D. What is the advantage of sexual reproduction? In lecture notes

E. How is genetic diversity generated by meiosis and sexual reproduction?

(independent assortment of chromosomes, crossings over and random fusion
of two gametes)
F. Errors in Meiosis (7.3)
Know types of errors seen
Nondisjunction and Down’s syndrome

G. What is reproductive cloning? How does it differ from normal reproduction?

H. What are the different types of stem cells?

Why do medical doctors what to use stem cells?
What is therapeutic cloning? Production of embryonic stem cells from an
adult by reproductive cloning to treat a disease or injury in the adult.

Unit 6 Genetics
1. Inheritance (Chapter 8)
A. Who is Mendel and on what organism did he use for his experiments?
Father of genetics who helped determine rules governing inheritance by
studying peas
B. In genetics, what are a character, a trait, and a cross?
C. Know phenotype and genotype
D. What are alleles? Different versions of a gene
E. What does it mean to have homozygous and heterozygous genotype for a
F. What does it mean to phenotype if one allele is dominant over another?
G. What is meant by indicating a genotype with a capital letter verse lower case
A capital letter means the allele is dominant; a lower case letter indicates it is
H. Know how to use and read a Punnett square for a cross involving one
character and two alleles.
H. If looking at crosses involved two characters, how does independent
assortment of chromosome affect the outcome?
I. Know features of each of the following complex inheritances?
a. Incomplete dominance - What would one observe?
b. Multiple Alleles
c. Codominance – AB blood type
d. Polygenic - What would one observe if polygenic? Bell shape distribution
2. Genetic Disorders (notes)
A. Know how the inheritance would be different if a genetic disorder was
autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant or sex (X)-linked.

3. DNA structure Replication (9.1)

A. What are important features of the structure of DNA? (9.1)
Two complementary chains of nucleotides twisted into a helix with bases in
interior and sugar and phosphates on outside
Be able to write the complementary sequence if given a sequence of DNA.
B How is DNA replicated? (9.2)
C. What is a mutation and what can cause them?

4. Gene Expression (9.3 and 9.4)

A. What is a gene?
B. Steps in Gene expression: Transcription and Translation
1. What is transcription?
How does mRNA sequence relate to DNA sequence of a gene?
How is RNA similar and different from DNA?
2. What is translation?
How is the nucleotide sequence decoded during translation into an amino
acid sequence?
Know how to use the Genetic code to convert a mRNA into an amino acid
sequence (Genetics Practice problem set)
What structure/organelle does translation?
Role of tRNA

C. Why is regulation of gene expression important? How is gene expression


D. What is a genetic modified or transgenic organism (GMO)? What have them

been used for? (10.1-2)

E. Genetic testing and DNA profiling? What is looked at for DNA profiling?

Additional study aids

Practice problem set 5 and 6.
Chapters 6-9 and part of 10 and questions at the end of the chapters

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