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Jan 2024_D.Gagneret


Watch Video 1 and answer the following questions:

1. List the reasons why bedside manner is so important to Dr. Kelly Dodson:

2. Fill in the blanks in Dr. Sawyer’s statement:

A lot of people are nervous when they come to see a ______________, because
they think we're going to be ________ ________. But we're there to help them
and make it possible for them to _________ what they eat, while ________
______ of their health.

3. Fill in the blanks in Dr Zao’s statement:

I like to treat my patients and their _________ _________ just like the way I’d like
to be treated when I'm _______. I think if we put ourselves ____ _____ ______,
I think that would probably _________ more than just a simple _____________.

4. Fill in the blanks in Dr. Green’s statement:

Most _____________ part of my job is just knowing that patients are ______ and
______________ when they're having ___________ procedures.

5. Fill in the blanks in Dr. Harris’s statement:

They're definitely not a ________. They're not a ____________. Every patient is
going to have different _______ and different _____ that need to be addressed.
And we try to be as __________ as possible to meet that patient where they are.
Jan 2024_D.Gagneret

Now watch Video 2 and do the following exercises:

1. True or False? Justify with words from the video:
a. At New York’s Weill Cornell Medical College, actors play patients in real
exam rooms. T/F

b. Actors play patients with different symptoms throughout the day. T/F

2. Answer the questions:

a. How many US medical schools are using these standardised patient

b. According to Yoon Kang, why is this programme useful?


3. Fill in the blanks:

At the David Geffen school of medicine at UCLA, _________ ________
encounter Twinky, a ____________ 17-year-old.

(Molly Diaz) I interviewed Twinky a few years ago, and she seemed very
_________ at the time, but I actually had a patient who was very similar to Twinky
in one of my _________, and I feel like having that interview sort of under my belt
in a _______ ______ environment really helped me __________ with that patient.

(Cathryn Haeffele) It got to a point where I felt like, yes, like, you know, I’m hearing
this patient’s ________ and we’re trying to figure out the next steps of _______,
and it’s really _______________ to be able to have that kind of experience
_________ ________ in the next steps of my medical education.
Jan 2024_D.Gagneret

4. What do you think of the reporter’s final statement that ‘textbooks will never tell you
that sometimes, a hug is the best medicine of all’? Take a few notes on the topic, and
be ready to discuss it with the rest of the class:


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