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Cee es heh Ce f Cortyol sysbemas ae Tr e- & Cae Vet aot? Ee quivalent systems _ —€ Block diagrams and Digna Slow aperhs Sastems can be represent in two ways Noleck cbiagramss ond AS Signal Glow graphs bled diagrams ote, usually used. Farr Frequency clomain analysis and chexsq, Seyrall Blow graphs ave useol: Sar state Space analyets « T Block Diacrems 9 — An ti J Sastews hensfer fanchion Ge eon be veprernted in a bloc bagram age Ress 1Ga] Ce 2\Gal-—* 7 Th © output ki = Rey Tt i trans Sunchon Gren = oukat _ Ces Ted Res Applying Secohback te above syle, We get ° es . Yess a Ee és) =Rey Hey Cesy ~~) P= Ge) Ey -~-~ > (2) Sbstihete cy into (2) ale Co) = Gey Res) ~HesCers| =Geay— Gales Coy +GeatksCay = Geokes) Coal < Geots| = GeRes . Ts - Co . Gs Res \+Gotle, % Disturbance. Stqnels An afecdbeck contrel system — A clisturbance Signal {s an Unwanted inert Signed Bak alert the 5 Here § ead si nal The ckictarbance i nals Can be beduceot u rm sy oY ie by asing feeol back Siqnehs. 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L-GregruGy Oa IN OL, hye FAT Signal flow ayarh _ alas WN Gee be Mk hr Sigel Stow WHS ate an alterpetive te bleck sas et benches, these A Signal How qrph is @ cicgram consisting, of fh > elements afe shown in, Figure. @) Gs) —{a. }— => Sel blede, iagteam y Signal flow gregh} « Frere aX) ¥ Conce pts 2 o. Sfqnal ew graphs ote simplified fr bhck diagram Res “TE = * (block tiagrar\) ¢ Styne ie gp-th) O Ger and _ ave Calleel branch aging . ® The frarel pate Wh FTt Ts the product gains Gran Yee inp to the He oat Res 1s, Biot ses The Foriuatel poth Jan =U CQ G -\s~— ® th ; he looP fin e_ Ft is the phockict? & band ans alouncl a lvoP Rar go Gg ster leep Gain = GH ee) G@ Wen touch 7 ching loeps e they ate. coy. 4Wo loops that dea? 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