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Research Gap: A research gap is a question or a problem that has not been answered by any of the existing studies or

research within your field. Sometimes, a research gap exists when there is a concept or new idea that hasn't been studied
at all.

Working Topic: Use of Conjunctions

Source / DOI Title Rationale Result Main Focus

Either DOI or URL Enter the title of the study -Write the main objective Usually found in the Main focus
of the study abstract

-Usually found at the last 3

paragraphs of the rationale

1.) The Effect of Using To examine the effect of This correlation indicates The goal of this research
10.24093/awej/call6.19 Conjunction as Cohesive the use of conjunctions on that the frequent and was to investigate the
Device on the the overall quality of general use of devices in effect of use conjunctions
Undergraduates’ Quality of writing. the writing of Jordanian on the overall quality of
Writing in Argumentative students did not contribute argumentative writing of
Essays of Jordanian EFL to the quality of the writing Jordanian English as foreign
Learners under any conditions. Also language (EFL) learners.
the finding revealed that
By: RYS Al Shamalat
there is an extremely
negative but irrelevant
correlation between the
use of conjunctions devices
by Jordanian EFL students
and their writing quality.
Therefore, the correlation
was negative and
insignificant for Jordanian
EFL students. More
specifically, the result
shows that the frequencies
of conjunctions were not
found as an indicator of
good writing quality for
Jordanian EFL students.
This research is significant
for providing a
considerable number of
pedagogical implications
for further research that
will offer great contribution
to the field of teaching
writing in

EFL setting in Jordan in

particular and English as
second language (ESL)
context in general.
Moreover, the research has
shown a better
understanding of cohesive
devices / conjunctions by
Jordanian EFL students at
Mu’tah University.
2. The Students’ Error in Using The students' difficulties in It was found that most of The problems in this
Conjunction (Because, using subordinate the students got errors in research were identified as,
Since, as, in Case) in the conjunction and to find out answering items number 5, the students' error in using
Sentences the causes of the students' 6, 9,10,14, and 15. For subordinate conjunction
problems in using and the causes of the error
number 5 and 10 it dealt
subordinate conjunction. in using subordinate
with the use of subordinate
By: Tagor Pangaribuan, conjunction. This research
number 6,9 and 15, it
Elisa Haddina, and was focused on the
concerned with the use of
Sondang Manik students in using
conjunction in the
conjunction “in case” which sentence. Especially the
was typically caused by conjunction were ones
carelessness or context. For know as subordinate
number 14, it dealt with conjunction (because,
the use since, as, in case)

of subordinate conjunction
“since” which was typically
caused by interlingual and
carelessness. And then

students got more errors in

using subordinate
conjunction “as” in
complex sentences. There
were 83 frequencies

of errors. Type of errors

that the students made
was “substitution” (It is a
sentence which of it is
aspects (Word) is

substituted by another).
Students made errors were
caused more by
carelessness rather that by
interlingual. There were
two subordinate
conjunctions of four (since,
as, because, in case) in
errors caused by

cause, they are “as” and

“since”. Most of students
transferred both these
conjunctions into Indonesia

so that they got errors to

use, in addition to both
they have more that one
meaning. There were all

conjunctions (since, in case,

because) caused by
carelessness or students
got errors in using them

3.). AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF The aim of this research is Students problem and
10.37081/ed.v7i3.1193 USING CONJUNCTION IN to explain the quality of writing quality in terms of
In this case study, the
WRITING NARRATIVE TEXT students' writing in terms using conjunction.
researcher has analyzed
(A Study at the First Grade of conjunction and to
the errors made by
Students of MTs YPKS analyze students' problems students based on the data
Padangsidimpuan using conjunction in writing analysis and it can be
2018/2019 Academic Year) narrative text. This concluded that the errors in
research is a qualitative the students test (1) The
research method. This result of the data finding
By: Nina Nurbaidah research also aim to know showed that the most of
the causes of stuents' students made error of
problem using conjunction using conjunction on
in writing narrative text. writing their narrative text,
it can be seen from the
high percentage of error
types that made by student
there were omission error
53%, addition error 178%
misinformation error 27 %
and misordering error 3%.

(2) Based on interview to

the 9 informants, it can be
concludes the cause of
error that made by
students are Carelessness,
first language interferences
and translation those are
from the learners
themselves or the teacher
and the method.

4. STUDENTS’ ERRORS IN The study aimed to analyze The students' errors are This study focused on the
USING COORDINATING Indonesian students (who coming from Intralingual students' errors in using
CONJUNCTIONS AT are still learning their Errors, also Developmental the conjunction. They are
second language Errors. The students may Indonesian students that
index.php/jr/article/ ELEVENTH GRADE
specifically English) errors use the conjunction with still learning about the
view/3291/1502 STUDENTS of using conjunctions. the wrong formula or can second language, especially
be from their lack of English.
knowledge also less in
Imam Ahmad Ma’shum vocabularies. The Result
proved that students still
MI Bustanul Ulum Jombang using coordinating
conjunctions except 'for'
incorrectly. The errors were
coming from intralingual
errors, and developmental

An Analysis of Conjunction The objective of the study The result of the study The main focus was to
in Descriptive Text of was to examine the use of showed that the most analyze the types of
English Textbook Used in conjunctions in a common type of conjunctions used in the
Tenth Grade of Senior High descriptive text from a conjunction in the English textbook and
School" and the authors are Senior High School descriptive text of the determine the most
Julian Fransiskus Xaverius textbook for the tenth English textbook used in common type of
Sianturi, Ayu Santiya, Elis grade. the tenth grade of senior conjunction in the
Arianti Panjaitan, and high school was the descriptive text.
Kartina Rahmadhani Rambe. coordinating conjunction.
Specifically, the word "and"
was the most frequently
used conjunction in the
descriptive text.

A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF The objective of the study The result of the research The study focused to
TYPES OF CONJUNCTIONS was to identify and showed that the most determine the most
USED IN THE RESULTS AND compare the types of common conjunction used common conjunctions used
DISCUSSION SECTION OF conjunctions used in in students' RAs was "and" in each type of article and
STUDENTS' RAS AND TEFLIN students' research articles with subordinating the most frequent type of
JAS PUBLISHED IN 2015 (RAs) and TEFLIN journal conjunctions as the most conjunctions used.
articles (JAs). The study common type. On the
aimed to analyze the other hand, the most
Dian Rahayu Purba, Safnil differences between the common conjunction used
And Rosnasari Pulungan conjunction usage in RAs in TEFLIN JAs was "that".
and JAs. Additionally, coordinating
conjunctions were the
most frequent type used in
students' RAs, while
subordinating conjunctions
were the most frequent
type used in TEFLIN JAs.
The study found a
significant difference
between the two groups in
terms of conjunction usage.

“Conjunctions in English” The paper aims to provide The author has explored The main focus of this
an in-depth study of various types of paper is to study
By: Tukhtasinova Zarina and
conjunctions in English. The conjunctions beyond the conjunctions in English in
Zokirjon kizi
author felt the need to commonly known depth, including their
conduct this research coordinating, meaning, types, and
because the study of subordinating, and functions. The paper goes
conjunctions has been correlative types. The beyond traditional
somewhat neglected paper has brought to light grammar to examine
compared to other parts of the significance of conjunctions semantically,
speech such as nouns, conjunctions in English pragmatically, and in
verbs, adjectives, and language study. propositional logic. It aims
prepositions. The author to stimulate interest in this
wanted to explore not only often overlooked area of
the traditional grammatical language study.
understanding of
conjunctions but also their
semantic and pragmatic

Enhancing English as a The study aims to The study found significant It focuses on enhancing the
foreign language university investigate the impact of differences between the writing skills of English as a
students’ writing through explicit teaching of experimental and control foreign language (EFL)
explicit instruction of conjunctions as cohesive groups in the post-test, students at a Saudi
conjunctions as cohesive devices on the suggesting that explicit university through explicit
devices: An experimental development of paragraph instruction of conjunctions instruction of conjunctions
study writing among Saudi EFL as cohesive devices can as cohesive devices. The
students. The authors improve students' study seeks to determine
noticed that these students paragraph writing. whether this teaching
Arwa Saleh Alawerdy and often overused, underused, approach can help students
Fahd Shehail Alalwi or misused certain write more cohesive
conjunctions in their paragraphs.
writing, thus affecting the
cohesion of their
The Analysis of Correlative The objective of the study The result of the study The study focused on
Conjunctions Used in was to identify the types of showed that there were 91 research articles written by
Undergraduate Students' correlative conjunctions correlative conjunctions undergraduate students of
Research Articles used in students' research found in 46 research the English Language
articles and to explain their articles. The most common Education Program at
functions. types of correlative Purworejo Muhammadiyah
Yeni Savitri, Junaedi conjunctions used were University in the academic
Setiyono, and Sri Widodo. "both_and" and "not year of 2018/2019.
only_but also". The
functions of the correlative
conjunctions were found to
connect words, phrases,
and clauses. Most of the
students used correlative
conjunctions to connect
phrases. The study also
identified some cases of
correlative conjunction
usage, such as omission,
misformation, misordering,
joining more than two
elements, addition, and
unparalleled element.

10. 10.33369/JEET.1.1.58-
The Students’ Ability in The research aimed to The research findings The main focus of this
Using Conjunctions (A describe the ability of sixth- indicated that the students' research is to assess the
Descriptive Quantitative semester students in the ability to use coordinate ability of students in the
Study of the Sixth Semester English study program at conjunctions was English study program at
Students of English Study Bengkulu University in categorized as "enough" Bengkulu University in
Program Bengkulu using English conjunctions. with mean scores of 61. using different types of
University) The study employed a Their ability to use English conjunctions. The
By: Rahma Syafitri, Arasuli, descriptive quantitative correlative conjunctions, study aims to provide a
Barnabas Sembiring design to assess the relative conjunctions, and detailed quantitative
students' conjunction subordinate conjunctions description of the students'
usage abilities. was deemed "good" with conjunction usage abilities.
mean scores of 79, 78, and
78 respectively. The overall
ability of the students in
using conjunctions was
categorized as "enough"
with a mean score of 74.

11. Students’ Grammatical The objective of this The research found a total The main focus of the
Errors in Using Coordinate research was to identify of 47 errors in the students' research was to analyze
Conjunction in Compound the types of errors and the writing tasks, including and understand the
Sentences Writing at SMPN most common grammatical omission, addition, grammatical errors made
1 Wonosobo in the First errors made by students in misformation, and by students in using
Semester of the Eighth using coordinate misordering. The highest coordinate conjunctions in
Grade in the Academic Year conjunctions in compound percentage of errors was compound sentence
of 2017/2018. sentence writing. The categorized as writing, specifically at
research aimed to address misformation (72.34%), SMPN 1 Wonosobo in the
the difficulties faced by followed by omission first semester of the eighth
By: DEVIYANA, VERA (2018) students at SMPN 1 (17.02%), addition (8.51%), grade in the academic year
Wonosobo in using and misordering (2.13%). of 2017/2018.
coordinate conjunctions
correctly and forming good
compound sentences.


The study aims to The post-intervention The main focus of the study
investigate whether results showed significant is to explore the
https:// Effectiveness of Teaching
teaching conjunctions in improvements in the use of effectiveness of teaching Grammar in Context:
the context can improve conjunctions by the grammar in context,
publication/ Teaching Conjunctions as an the use of these devices by treatment group (TG) who specifically teaching
372217808_The_Effective Example Libyan EFL learners. It uses were taught conjunctions conjunctions, for Libyan EFL
ness_of_Teaching_Gramm a quasi-experimental in the context of their use learners.
ar_in_Context_Teaching_C design with pre- and post- in texts. The control group
onjunctions_as_an_Examp By: Mohammed Omer intervention control and (CG), taught conjunctions
le Ramadan treatment groups to collect in the traditional way,
data. showed little or no
improvement. The TG
demonstrated greater
properties of correct use,
fewer cases of misuse,
underuse, and overuse,
and more diversity in using
conjunctions, including the
use of conjunctions that
had not been used before

Problems Encountered This study aims to Results show that the This paper is designed to
Libyan EFL Students in Using investigate the errors majority of the Libyan EFL examine the students"
Conjunctions committed by EFL university students do not writing skill and how they
university students in using use conjunctions properly use conjunctions in their
Using_Conjunctions By: Naema Alkhaboli
conjunctions in their in their writing. The writing. These students
writing. To fulfill this aim, findings reveal the were learning English as a
quantitative data included frequency of using foreign language in their
a written test which was adversative conjunction in fourth semester in English
selected for the study. their writing is lower than Dep., Faculty of Arts,
the frequency of other Azawiya University during
types of the conjunctions the academic year
used. However, students (2019/2020).
do not encounter
difficulties when using
additive conjunctions in
their writing.

14. The Common Use of The purpose of this study The data was collected The focused of the study
10.5430/wjel.v13n7p572 Connecting Ideas in Writing was to investigate the use from 26 students studying was to examine and
Paragraphs of Two Saudi of specific English at two different Saudi compare the use of specific
Contexts coordinating and universities. Thirteen coordinating and
subordinating conjunctions participants belonged to a subordinating conjunctions
(and, but, or, so, because) university in the north- in the writing of
among undergraduate central part of Saudi undergraduate students in
students in two different Arabia, while the other two different EFL contexts
EFL contexts in Saudi thirteen participants in Saudi Arabia. By identify
Arabia. The researchers studied at the Applied any differences or
aimed to compare how Linguistics Department at a challenges in the
students in these contexts university in the middle of application of conjunctions
applied the given Saudi Arabia. The based on the given
instructions regarding the participants were asked to instructions.
use of conjunctions in their write two to three
writing.. paragraphs using specific
coordinating and
subordinating conjunctions.
The analysis of the data
revealed that there were
no significant differences in
the use of conjunctions
between the two groups.
However, several
participants faced
challenges in recognizing
the function of these
common conjunctions, and
they made similar types of
errors when attempting to
combine their clauses.
15. 10.2991/ice- An Error Analysis of the Use The study aimed to analyze The quantitative analysis The main focus of the study
17.2018.131 of Conjunctions in the the types of errors made by revealed that Indonesian was to conduct an error
Chinese Language For Indonesian students when students made errors in analysis of the use of
Indonesian Students using conjunctions in the the application of conjunctions in the Chinese
Chinese language. The conjunctions in the Chinese language by Indonesian
researchers aimed to language. The study found students. The study aimed
identify and discuss the that there was a 22% error to identify the types of
specific errors made by rate when using single errors made by Indonesian
Indonesian students in conjunction words in students and analyze the
their understanding and sentences. The highest error rates in the
application of conjunctions error rate (70.6%) was understanding and
in Chinese. observed when using the application of conjunctions.
word "so," while the lowest The study specifically
error rate (14%) was found highlighted the challenges
in the use of the fixed faced by Indonesian
causal conjunction students in mastering
"because ... ... so ... ...". causal conjunctions in
However, when using the Chinese..
conjunctions "because ... ...
so ... ..." and "because ... ...
and ...," the error rate was
as high as 76%. On average,
Indonesian students had a
41.41% error rate when
using single causal
conjunctions and a 56.39%
error rate when using
causal conjunctions with
fixed collocation. These
findings indicate that
Indonesian students face
difficulties in mastering
causal conjunctions in the
Chinese language, resulting
in errors in their usage.

16. Analysis of Errors in The objective of this study The data analysis revealed The main focus of the study
10.37200/IJPR/V24I4/PR2 Conjunction in Factual was to examine and that there were errors in was to analyze the errors in
0201077 Genre Essay Middle School describe the errors in the the use of conjunctions the use of conjunctions in
Students (SMP) in West use of conjunctions in the between sentences and factual genre essays
Lombok Regency factual essays of middle between paragraphs in the written by middle school
school students in West factual essays of middle students in West Lombok
Lombok Regency. school students. The study Regency. The study also
categorized the errors into focused on identifying the
five types: (a) mistakes in specific types of errors
the use of coordinative made by students at the
conjunctions, (b) errors in phrase, sentence, and
the use of subordinative paragraph levels.
conjunctions, (c) errors in
the use of correlative
conjunctions, (d) errors in
the use of conjunctions
between sentences, and (e)
errors in the use of
conjunctions between
paragraphs. The findings
indicate that students
struggle with the proper
usage of conjunctions in
their writing, particularly in
maintaining syntactic
cohesion between
sentences and paragraphs.

17. The result of the research The research is all about on was that the students’ the students' ability and
elt.v9i1.107833 An Analysis of Second-Year The rationale of this ability in using correlative their problems in using
English Department research is to know the conjunctions was fair correlative conjunctions.
Students' Ability in Using students’ ability and their because the average score
Correlative Conjunctions problems in using of the students was 60,00.
correlative conjunctions. The students have very
The research is descriptive good ability in answering
quantitative research. The question part 1. It was also
population in this research found that the students
is the second year, fourth have some difficulties in
semester of 2018 English answering the question in
Department students of part 3. Furthermore, it was
Universitas Negeri Padang. hard for the students to
combine sentences using
correlative conjunctions.

18. Conjunction Selection Errors The objective of this study The study utilized a It focuses on examining the
10.18502/kss.v8i9.13385 in the Speech of a Three- was to identify and analyze descriptive-qualitative conjunction selection
Year-Old Child the conjunction selection method to analyze the errors in the speech of a
errors in the speech of a 3- speech of the child. Along three-year-old child. The
year-old girl named Noura with accuracy errors, the study aimed to understand
Inayah. The researchers child also made how the child chooses and
aimed to understand how conjunction selection uses conjunctions in her
children at this age choose errors. These errors align speech and to explore the
and use conjunctions in with Gleason's theory, developmental aspects…
their speech, with a specific which suggests that at this
focus on improving literacy developmental stage,
skills. children can combine two
sentences into one but may
struggle with selecting
appropriate conjunctions.
The findings highlight the
importance of parental
involvement in supporting
language development,
particularly through
activities such as reading
and writing for early

19. The Locus of Adversative The study aims to The study found that the Its main focus is the use of Conjunctions in the understand how English number of proper and adversative conjunctions in
158244017700946 Research Articles: Have native and nonnative correction adversatives writing by native and
They Niched or Vanished? EFL/ESL writers use used exceeded those of nonnative English writers,
adversative conjunctions to contrastive and dismissal. and how these
connect ideas in a way that There was a significant conjunctions contribute to
maintains the coherence difference between the the coherence and
and cohesion of the text. It two groups in the use of cohesion of the text.
focuses on the challenges proper and correction
nonnative writers of EFL adversative conjunction,
face when composing a but little or no difference in
piece of writing. the usage of contrastive or
dismissal adversatives.

20. A General Perspective on The present study aims to The results of the study The study focus on the use
the Use of Conjunctions submit a general have indicated that the of conjunctions in written
Across Arab Students as perspective to the most commonly used texts of Arab students
Turkish Language Learners conjunctions which Arab conjunctions by Arab learning Turkish, whose
students whose language students whose language language levels were B1
By: Dolunay, Salih Kürsad
levels were B1 and B2 have levels were B1 and B2 were and B2.
and Çiçek, Seher
structured in their written additive, causal,
texts. adversative and time; on
the contrary, the least
commonly used
conjunctions were
coordinating, expository,
exemplificatory and
conditional. The general
perspectives on the use of
conjunctions across Arab
students whose language
levels were B2 were found
to be higher in their written
texts compared to those
whose language levels
were B1.

Working Title:

A Corpus Analysis on the Excessive Use of Subordinating Conjunctions in Reflection Papers

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