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Liste du vocabulaire sur l’architecture 📐

 1️⃣ Apartment building = Immeuble

 2️⃣ Arch = Arche, voûte
 3️⃣ Architecture = Architecture
 4️⃣ Blueprints = Plans architecturaux
 5️⃣ Attic = Grenier
 6️⃣ Balcony = Balcon
 7️⃣ Skyscraper = Gratte-ciel
 8️⃣ Ceiling = Plafond
 9️⃣ Brick = Brique
 🔟 Bridge = Pont
 10 mètres carrés = 100 square metres
 Air conditioning = Climatisation
 Builder = Constructeur
 Building = Bâtiment
 Balustrade = Balustrade
 Church = Église
 City planning = Urbanisme
 Classical = Classique
 Column = Colonne
 Comfortable = Confortable
 Concrete = Béton
 Crane = Grue
 Crane operator = Grutier
 Construction site = Chantier de construction
 Urban renewal = Rénovation urbaine
 Design flaw = Défaut de conception
 Drawing = Dessin
 Dilapidated = Délabré
 Each his own = Chacun ses goûts
 Extension = Agrandissement
 Eyesore = Une horreur pour vue
 Faulty = Défectueux
 Gothic = Gothique
 Housing = Logement
 Intricate = Complexe
 Moat = Fossé
 Ornate = Orné
 Patio, terrace = Patio, terrasse
 Pillar = Pilier
 Plumbing = Plomberie
 Renovation = Rénovation
 Scaffolding = Échafaudage
 Spire = Flèche
 Stained-glass window = Vitrail
 Story, floor = Étage
 Slate tile = Ardoise
 Suburb = Banlieue
 Three-story building = Bâtiment de trois étages
 Tower = Tour
 Townhouse = Maison de ville
 Wall = Mur
 Window = Fenêtre

Verbes sur l’architecture

 To ban = Interdire
 To build = Construire

 To buy = Acheter
 To convert = Convertir, transformer, aménager (un bâtiment)
 To cool (down) = Refroidir
 To deteriorate = Abîmer

 To demolish, to tear down = Démolir, raser

 To design = Concevoir
 To draw = Dessiner
 To enhance = Mettre en valeur
 To erect = Ériger
 To extend, to enlarge (a property) = Agrandir (une propriété immobilière, un
 To go to rack and ruin = Tomber en ruine
 To heat = Chauffer
 To paint = Peindre
 To pull down = Démolir
 To put up a building = Construire un bâtiment
 To renovate = Rénover
 To reinforce = Renforcer
 To restore = Restaurer
 To tile = Carreler
 To supply = Fournir
 To upgrade a district = Réhabiliter un quartier
 To wire up = Raccorder

Vocabulaire avancé sur l’architecture 📐

 Architectural heritage = Patrimoine architectural
 Baroque = Baroque
 Ceramic tiles = Carreaux de céramique
 Contiguous = Contigu
 Chipboard = De l’aggloméré
 Finishings = Finitions
 Framework = Charpente
 Housing policy = Politique de logement
 Insulation = Isolation
 Plywood = Contre-plaqué
 Municipal code = Code d’urbanisme municipal
 Shutters = Volets roulants
 Venetian blinds = Stores vénitiens
 Woodwork = Boiseries
 Watering = Arrosage

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