Working Paper 001

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Working paper


Commission: UNICEF

Topic: Worldwide malnutrition.

Block heads: The Russian Federation and United States of America.

Redactant countries: Kingdom of Spain, Federative republic of Germany, Central African

Republic, French republic, Georgia, Lebannon republic, United Kingdom, Russian
federation, Popular republic of China, State of Israel, Irak republic, India republic,
Democratic republic of Congo, Canada, Haiti republic and United States of America.

Signatory countries: Kingdom of Spain, Federative republic of Germany, Central African

Republic, French republic, Georgia, Lebannon republic, United Kingdom, Russian
federation, Popular republic of China, State of Israel, Irak republic, India republic,
Democratic republic of Congo, Canada, Haiti republic and United States of America.

Pre ambulatory:

1.1. Realizing that, the global situation of malnutrition is worsening, especially in vulnerable
populations (infants, elders, pregnant women), the delegations need to solve this problem that
has increased.

1.2. Also considering, the situation of vulnerable countries and territories such as Central
Africa, Lebanon, Iraq, Haiti, the United States of America, the Democratic Republic of the
Congo and Israel, which suffer malnutrition in an increased rate.

1.3. Having examined, the situation of more developed countries according to UNICEF
(Office of United Nations international children’s emergency found) as Russian federation,
Federal republic of Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Canada, France, Georgia, China,
which can help other countries prevail.

1.4. Worried about, this situation, as overweight, stunting, and wasting numbers are
increasing annually.
1.5. Disappointing, the current situation of many countries which have corrupt governments
and entities that cause poverty and therefore malnutrition.

1.6. Deeply disturbed, by all the deaths and suffering going on in other territories, the urge in
reducing malnutrition, and improving food security is crucial.

1.7. Deeply conscious, about the importance of a well nutrition for the well health of a
country, and benefit for all types of populations, especially vulnerable ones.

1.8. Having received, Monetary help to support other countries with high malnutrition in the


2.1. Encourages, the construction of more green walls to achieve more fertile lands to raise
agricultural levels and consequently increase nutrition levels.

2.2. Supports, the creation of new therapeutic food that provides more than 500 thousand fats
daily and evaluates nutritional weight, height and hemoglobin screening in children under 5
years of age.

2.3. Reiterating its support for, a modified program that was proposed by the Indian republic
which is based on providing complementary food and nutrients, in addition to seeking to
improve maternal nutrition and physical care by providing vaccines and monitoring children's
growth, this program will focus on pregnant women and children.

2.4. Invites, to promote physical activity from an early age so children do not lose these
healthy habits over time.

2.5. Promotes, breast feeding since babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of contracting
asthma, obesity, type 1 diabetes, serious lower respiratory tract diseases, acute otitis media,
sudden infant death syndrome and gastrointestinal infections.
2.6. Emphasis is placed on, improving the safety of high-quality food that meets all safety
measures and is high in beneficial nutrients.

2.7. Authorizes, the purification of water through salinization sources and HEPA filters with
activated carbon to improve not only nutrition, but also the hydration of individuals.

2.8. Declares prudent, the transportation of resources and goods by government planes and
ships to guarantee the security of these same resources and goods as well as their arrival at
their corresponding places and its distribution.

2.9. Recommends, increasing the adequate use of fertile land in countries such as the
Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic.

2.10. It encourages, the improvement of mental health since it affects a large percentage with
conditions such as anorexia or bullimia.

2.11 Collaborating, with international organizations and governments to establish policies

and programs that prioritize nutrition and food security.

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