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Today's Devotional: Divine Guidance: Your Access To Dinstinction!



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Sunday, 3rd July, 2011 - Divine Guidance: Your Access To Distinction!

Posted by admin - 03/07/11 04:00AM - 13 Comments - Text: Genesis 26:1-14 othing can take the place of divine guidance in the life of a Christian. If you chose to operate as the people of the world, you will fail as they fail. You must acknowledge the fact that you are limited, only God knows the end from the beginning. When there was a famine in the days of Isaac he went down to Gerar, a Philistine city, perhaps on his way to Egypt. But the Lord appeared to him and said, Go not down into Egypt; dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of: Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee (Genesis 26:2-3). So, your blessing is determined by Gods presence, not by your location. When Gods presence is with you, even in the driest land where everybody else is closing down and selling off their businesses, you will be blessed. In Genesis 46:3 God said to Jacob, Fear not to go down to Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation. But in the case of Isaac, He commanded Him not to go to Egypt. Both are His servants but His agenda for each of them was different. Never use somebody elses direction as a yardstick for yours. God knows His plan for you and how to bring it to pass, so look unto Him alone for direction. Where God leads is where your flourishing is guaranteed. He said to Isaac, I will be with you and bless you (Gen 26:3). And in spite of the strivings and envying of the Philistines, Isaac prospered in the land because the Lord guided him. Perhaps the Lord has spoken to you to go somewhere for a particular assignment but to you it doesnt look lucrative. So, you have decided to remain in the place of your choice and as a result, things are not working. May you receive the courage required to follow Gods leading for your life. Gods leading is never popular or attractive but those who are smart enough will follow it. As Isaac sojourned in the land that God instructed him to stay, the Bible says, The man went forward, and grew until he became very great. For he had possession of herds, and great store of servants: and the Philistines envied him (Gen. 26:13-14). You dont need to do too many things to succeed in life, you only need to be directed. Be sensitive, open up to receive Gods leading for you today and you shall be established in your place of blessing!

Joke Daniella Onovae

04/07/11 03:08AM Thank u Dadi for this powerful word this morning i will no longer be misdirected in life.[7/4/2011 9:54:42 AM] - Daily Devotionals!`

04/07/11 02:34AM Thank You Sir,i am bless this morning.

04/07/11 02:18AM Thank you sir!

04/07/11 01:34AM It was a divine leading to ur blog this morning and indeed i am blessed sir. More wisdom and grace to ur ministry sir.

ehizogie faith
04/07/11 01:15AM Thank you sir , am bless

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