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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

The honourable Mrs. Lina as the English teacher and all of my beloved friends.

First of all let us say thank to Allah SWT who has giving us some mercy and blessings, and don’t
forget to send shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad Saw, who has brought us from the
darkness to this brightness

Ladies and Gentleman

Let me introduce myself my name is Ahmad Galang Febrian from eleven social one.

Before i start my speech i would like to thank to Mrs. Lina for giving me the opportunity to standing
in front of you all. Today i’m going to deliver my speech under the tittle the importance of having

Ladies and Gentleman

In a super busy morning, many people tend to leave the house without getting their breakfast. This is
bad since breakfast brings a lot of benefits. Below are the most important reasons to have breakfast.

Having breakfast is going to help you feel more focused throughout the day. When you study at
school without having breakfast before, you will lose your focus during the lesson.

Ladies and Gentleman

Breakfast is like fuel that will keep you ready and active until lunchtime. Besides, breakfast will also
give your brains the entire essential energy in order to focus and function better on your tasks.

Having breakfast is also going to help you control your appetite. By skipping your breakfast, you will
end up snacking throughout the day until don’t need all those extra calories

Ladies and Gentleman

Based on the details above, breakfast will help you be more focused. Having breakfast will also keep
you healthier since it will help you control your appetite.

Make sure you get breakfast every morning and don’t you ever skip your breakfast.

Ladies and Gentleman

That’s all from my speech, i hope it have many benefits in our live. Thankyou so much for your

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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