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200 CHANNEL PROGRAMMABLE HAND HELD SCANNER 200 CHANNELS 12 BAND COVERAGE, CRYSTAL FREE AUTOMATIC SEARCH PRIORITY CHANNEL, SELECTIVE SCAN DELAY DISPLAY LIGHT AUTOMATIC LOCKOUT RACK TUNING DIRECT CHANNEL ACCESS OPERATING GUIDE Installation Introduction ‘elcome othe exchng werd of hand heidraio When thebaties become ow, simply lg the cea prfibesAr cnietting snd i AC Adspte/Charger inthe Jack on the rear of eon pov pogmmatie cyan the btery pack and charge overnight is impor Ghd dapendabily whe minimatag sie an {atte peicaly alow ts baer to ucharge FE STESShn, Tuc teytord allows you to complet to ratan fll operating capabiy Peseum any VHF ce UHE fogincy oma 200 See the Beery Maiteancevetin of is pie. ae do cnt Sum Lacon, Pet, : _ SSETSUWSSI Sheik Ying Tune oF Yosh Pa Ho ea See Cesar ltesachngor acts eter ol {StS The o's keybomr oc con fc Tas diomepmagctineana, Togemorete baer pack om he nk sy APL dno ee mtn tie Miran Here Cabal pier pein Waralog: Donot alow te emis of he ormatan ane Ncaeansy po ios Wamu: Doct alow te cemint ihe Sete erp ectecenpe eigen ry ete beer Pe oes ey [Cis dagnd to tnd te toot oie =i ont lah te ak se ttangektertonmest and et ot Pts wher heater mea ok IB inpac ABS at Tere leather mi sevreetiah usec bac atcniting Flexible Antenna Installation (oopere he sa “The BC 200XIET inser a Hele sean for andl ae: Pt the ste onto the BNC con- ‘Warning: Uniden does not repeset hs unit to fear onthe op ofthe seamer an un tbe TeNtncepoofed Toreaice the rakot fe, eee” ‘Senna comet coche 1/¢tur ok io, ic! shower damage, donot expose hs unit 10 Under aoa contons this antenna should eo ‘aor moure sess epi: Howe ft ch Tbeaon within your Bore, end proxy to le Note: Tose ofascumer in avebilemayte teal planer may ermine ceo aly ult oe potibtes nome stats. Check with Fore ipa espa elecclly ney Yourloelathories bor perasng «noble ations an enteral tena ay be i A seanner, ‘ating pos (oponl) maybe red © cone ee ‘strut anteane. inpacking af eal a em he ting AC Adaptor ‘Son. thre say vase dams ante Tye BC 200KLT canbe powered bythe AC SGpewntotemiday dg noirenrn Genito Rly sae shite scam whch one ‘Gv place of purchase. Pewee be Uniden inched with th cacy ch convert {Cstomer Service Crier for information orin- Sil egaectar ofthe AG apt nto the ack in ‘Seuss on any problem you may have {fe bac ofthe ratio marked DU 12V. Phgthe (Gi) 40.2685 dam-spn EST, Monday-ritar. Se en ts ay standard 20V AC hosed ‘he lowing es we cluded wah your i BC 20K Note; Place be suet ws ony model AD-140U INC Adapr/chrgr or be model PS.001 Cig (Melee spor load) wr bier ves, ‘Stese play may damage our eit Memory Backup Freqvenciet maintained inthe BC 200XT az ep he tpn con nd pci ‘iucworsoversasselewacandtotsnpan te anny oe protected om ns) 2 3 ‘pect which protect the merry for up to 30 Rechargeable Batteries " ‘he BCAOOXLT comes wit recharpable ‘Nad baer pack When iy charged this Fee etal nc bate pk nly ek ‘ontrols and Functi Controls and Functions TOm/O%, Value - Turse te eit on, oro, ant Sool the di apa eve 2, Squceh -Etninats the aenoyng “usin Sound that preset ttn transom ouignl bengroouned oper adjust of ‘Becomes he cies sn lows 2. Scam Pret to sat sansng al euences rogremed ino memory tha rent ced xt ‘anual wep otmenew cha Frew and od ‘apy se hough te cance, Press he chanel ‘echt mamuby tod ow 5. riovity- Te pro ey samples the et hal ofeach tected ba every to seconds serene epee Py 6. Hold - Press to stop and ho te search funetion Step upto the neve Requncy Pres and hold oe pid ep up throug te setch roqunc 1. LCD Diaplay- The LDC apa shows the Shannl nbs sd inc, tae led tary Po ek i a 8. Weather Search» The weather ey searches all even NOAA weather fequencie atl toes on ‘Sotone that sven your ro 8, Delay - The delay key provides a2 second ‘lay on any shame! orceve reply anes son oa these frequency before eming sech fr scin, Delay tained feo 10, Limi - Ee the ow an igh iis of th Seicrange Press to rama epee fe {Sey dP ai sep he 1. Seare- Pest search for new ative t= uci iin preset ranges fay Dad. 12. Lockout Press to ochont he ception of fFoquences on acted chance dring sean oahu tained in Pres gaint cle week "Note: Chanel 1 canot te locked out if rin Ins been sete. Alot prion chanel ay ‘locked ot ogame a mene a ret Emer The “Ey sno eer goals BS eee anno 15, Keypad Lack - Thi ungue faire i wed to loch keyed to prevent acts eter To Toc be Leyac, pee onc, To snl pss 16. Lig Pres co am te dip Hon foe 15 Some Pests ton sae wi he iis ‘oil ur rot 11. Earphone The eupbone jack lions yous woe scape pany or cnet ah CAUTION When your unit has not been usd for a longer pesod of tine ican fal to ‘operate at ist power up. Please UY 0 ‘eet the powes Sich again and 20 that operates prtety!, ‘The BC 200KLT has 200 memory channel, ech nick canbe propammad to re one ‘suony, The channels ae credits 10-20, ‘hae! banks, wef for soving sna ‘qances order tomantaa fer sang {yeles. When san posed ac ofthe po _ganmod fequencie within rlced bank wll sample ravenna (eked chanel ‘il be Sipe) athe rato stout 15 chanels be second. an aeve requney foun the it wl stop aod oar tat equency wl (here's ao npr any acy. Ato second Slay ‘in be added to cach anal snd wil slow te ‘inved tramsmission. I, ater two seconde, the fe- ‘Ben rea natn, tbe saeing ee Wen the unit Sat tre on, each han wil Sain "00.000" When now rauences re rowan, hold wi eet anneal ERE see “ove dead {he ded level Ada the auch by tering te ob ly clock ntl araing sound ‘er Tne Last wt te fsener "et, Ate the casas hae ben propansed {pert snl Press he san yt som ll ‘Re channls, Wh the recive teznig sha Sank of 9 hannele on oot The ac nes Ue epet tie LCD dna shew yori okt tec telecod: fs bask azeny tecte, howe by atin line ander be bank aunt) pes Uh cerespoaing bution il derles tht bank Pres the manal key to stop seannag Repeatealy ‘essing the masa key wl sep ch the LCD Display ‘The BC200XLIT ha act pay which sows the cuteat channel an Heaneny a ell sw the operational modes, When the usa Sg the channel mur wil epi nance Wiehe esuency cisply wl go lnk. When the reaner it sepped te Carrer chanel fe ‘ony lain Be spayed When fequencies ‘Ee propammed the dapiy wil show the dig {hey are etre. Te play wl show “PRI when the por mode i," when. cael appear that has bee locked [Sn DLY" whence chanel tas ben pr [Farmed for dele. Acs the tp elie deni, ‘Too of dashes wader the aambers 110 wil Present. These ae te ba nde far "Thee are sled or dtl rng he san ‘ena by the ue of he name Pad Programming Toprogam aftequncy ho channel pres the Teta tae Seauenyincidig the eal pak ind the, pes the ner ey Wan nea quency entered he dip wil show “Eee” ‘Tekan a eeqeency erate new one she clone wil seared, To progam 162.380 int chasm! 2 ‘am ZMAN Pret 162 302 To props 471.2575 nen channel 7 Pear IMAN es 411233E Multiple Bateies - When you press the “E> [ey to enor th se requeny in aiorent ‘Shane ho LCD wil show the chanel murber Sf the current fequeney “Ch 3°" pou want ‘repeat that fresuency in tho new hans press the “E" hey agen: That frequaney ll tow be programmed in bath channel You can ‘repeat a roqney as many mes a desire, Features ‘The along i a rit dessiption te opr: ona fates ofthe BC ORL Manual Chanoe Seleton To mancaly select ‘chanel pes the manual Key repestedy ot the dested chanel number appear inthe Sep [you nave deselected any ofthe banks wl be Impose to aces any ofthonechaels’ maul ool you ave secede party ‘homanal key to rpuysep through che chanel rss the chanel number you wih a aces, then Ealy advance tothe ested chanel regaren Lockout: Select the chanel io be hipped Pret Inthe diplay whenever hal chanel doo appear: Tote bean of pres th kt ot a [NotI rior slate, channel wl at be Miva telocked ot All oder proriy chanel Priority - When itis important ep teak ofthe Sciy on one agincy meen ooh ibe procs fection shi vse Prog the Inject equenc othe ft channe fay Ink rear the priory key atv he pry ‘anion. Every 2 sends the wl check the {ist chanel fal mato bala fr aca te ey indieatr will appear the pla) a ‘Emami snd the ua wil eat ‘Shans Io nae oand te wot wl tien {othe previous chara! and neon: Prete ploy key apin orn ff the prey nein Search - Use he reareh made to ok or ew tev Regeenis win the bands of Your "ue owen ency onthe keypad and ter he higher Ei equengy and press he init ey aan ‘Those two ruse tthe range tha the uit stilsearch, rer the search yt sta searching a active Fequncyb found the seamser il top to montor te sgn Pres ta hold ky to Sot the neuen oot requency. Press he hd Keyan sep eno bens pret eye, you wil apily step through the search fre fendes (Sepp with he Hol heya stop down Sram) Wen heist Low Battery Indicator ‘The BC 200XLT ha ow baler indicator to et ou know when your batery nee tees barged, Wh te BATT inde on he LCD ‘play stars oink means tate tery ierbomnecanpay esha eee Helpful Hints Helpful Hints “The BC 200KLT aigh quale elaronc radio 1, Soaner i ct working propery reeset. The following ht shou ep You A. Chick the power conecions Ades snd eno Sour nt 1 Check the vohume and sel |. Makesrethe unit tured of before removing _C: Make sure rogammiag comet ‘hotter pack. You may wart toresordthe pro” 2. Signal is weak or distur. {Bammed equa before dong hace (eee ‘remy it. 1B Check proper Reqensien 2.}feenon i sino seropamcacchar- _€ Make sure een wane $e Manory kee wilteindecd br entimstar” 4, narener een ‘Requenclraeac canna a — 3. song iteriernceo ecco s 8 Repoiton radi, ‘eee aaron ste Cheek antena cooneton, ortctate pin Anctewal wicuantey 4 Sean we stop. hote ramus, 2 es se art 4. Whenever the keypad i sedis important to C Good meee ee ‘rss ly onthe Soto ach ey Check oct 5.Do ot ue the scenes is hgh mitre fp eoenareemae svronnen such the Kishen othe buirom, Heomelaterecion 6. Clean the oubide of the cabinet wih amid Check sgectchsautmere deerent Donte srnivecemwers5O-g Keoetyennce ‘ent Be cee at tora LD win ae Therese no wer serviceable pats inside with {he ecetion athe bate pac” Do neat 7 Prsy won wok |A-Check keypad look switch [ny reais eee replant ‘A. Check agusch austen 1B Improper tequenay in Channel Perth Optional Accessories [iCal bates am develop a contion known 2 Snemony" This concn atthe smut of ‘tery power sail. To arld Uae coeion, ‘he flowing battery maimentnce sap onl be The flowing aceon are avaliable fo you BC 200XLT st yar ca Uniden Deter om {he Uniden Orsomer Sarvce Car actions: T prey 2-3 mortise scaer should tetea (017) 822483 Bm Spm BST, Monday. ey. cf drun all tary power Beare townie PS-OOI Vehicle Power Cord «This power cone ‘Sn te progamned equanc fr reprogram- Seine or we wih ts BE SOOKLT in eae ‘Bg when the bau carped Sle Tas heay dry cd comes compte wi a 2-Rechargethetateiesfor14— 16hovrstoiae SNE leer constr and fae. see AD-140U Replacement AC Adaptor Domine ie chespuemsio rns ATOM Flee Anca Recent tan pertettne Dovurccare ears frie be ORL ee ‘BP-200 Extra Battery Pack - Foe Beary wee pt Trouble Shooting Sescenbechargar whic hetero 1 your BC 200%. i performing up to your expestations, ry the sep eed belo, you ca ‘ot pa saiatry rr lee cl the Uden (017) 842.2683 San 5pm BST, Monday Fda. Specifications Betsy Bearcat Froqueney Directory - You can {ch me ou of your scamer with one othe Bey Beare Prquetcy Decor Tee of ‘Hovtands of verified quencies for pole, fe, Snegeney, seat aod, ad many tor Serger: Wen youn to you loa we You ‘nl find now ave requenies fall of oxcene ‘TeonThere ra dienes frthe ears tates {hd west sts anda ool reuensy tig [EBE - East USA inhaing al ares inthe x [FBW - Westem USA including oral and wes: [LPL Local isting of activ rene in your sowed [Note:The we of a scans ina vebice may be Tepid i some water, Chock with your ce ‘Mths before paring able anne Specifications Fey Ries Heke 0p ate Diet wrens ped Forename viel Act oe ine ‘cauTION LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY Because of inherent limitations, Fiquiderystal displays should no be subjected to extremes of temperature or humidity. Khe unit [sexposed to temperature below 20° C5" F) or ebove +60" C (140° F, the liquid crystal display ‘nay temporary cease to funetion Property, and in some emer ermaneat damage may result. Iti therefore, commended thatthe {dio not be subjected to extreme conditions, such as a closee ‘tomb in direct slight or NOTICE FOR ALL. UNIDEN SCANNER PRODUCTS. The installation, possession or use ofthis scanning radio ina motor Vehiele may be prohibited regulated, or requte a permit in eta state, ees, anor Toes Janséetion, Your local law forcement officials shouldbe able {fo provide you with information regarding the las in your Birdies Frequency Allocations Alladin sesatpstoracehingndeniedsignals,_20mwztan he BC OXLT tps during sean ode Bd 9 an sox founds head tayo reomimg Bie” Be 290°4872 anya ‘Gerare atraly peered sina nberent ithe 349-05 ‘ce ‘Gesrnicroaltheremner:PrestheScankeyto 38 ot Frequency Allocations ee eae fost ‘nc gengapieai ees wil ot behead merg Sit 3 Se Gta 2eS mes dance (a excepion i agy® 2S aa ‘when signs ounce tack wear om thelonor 32 sae oe [pisre) Forth remonassparte Regency devo: 342° 2800 ia ar Gamer be eopied foreach eal nore ee ‘aaa Most standard frequency separations and ciassif- Sasa Fen ae ‘eons arefemlaed tthe United States Oy te a0 3030 ins FCC nick slbcston and srensomedieowe fe: ao ano seca (Guencisconerediyyourreamerwesbowabeow 22.2233 = Fisetrequensieswemseomcereayacivelayour deat" aeet aes wee Untcaproviesimeasemorvesemrepional 236-808 Se Gncdyadaloadlisingetsctvenemences Seo 2 28 ta ‘Acionosersecion iemoreinioe ‘estan sive Abbreviations tise aaa. Pane “Tae flowing alt of areviatons edie iden. ban ran oo Uiythoorunaatone mike equeney aloewions ie a locations Frequency Allocations Frequency Allocations Warranty (ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY erat orn oe tw Produc tbe tes ran dele mmr ahd tnanshe wth ony ‘tar ounaron ngwnrrya mit tie con) er re ‘aasaete 3o6126) 2848 LLLtti titi itt tapi ey CLLLLLL ttt tte wo.ay LLILttiiit ttitit somata LIL ILL 14 Seria No, _! tiit ‘tee ett naancat you ave Sather a 17, re youpctona te prodt? Toyecramecnres Hate 12.20 uniden 4700 Amon Carter Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76155 PC MARKET RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 2. ypect ts ou net Ea ‘hs See eros | 1 use Fete 1 B8tton gon Ehparscance ! FE eteaten vena ecetanernosone i Epecay rene ! Bie ee 1 UNIDEN AMERICA CORPORATION

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