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SY 2023-2024

Name: Date:_____________________
Section: Score: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the following test items and choose the CORRECT answer by writing the LETTER only
on your answer sheet. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.

Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the statements carefully and choose the correct

1. An academic discipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals, families, groups and
communities in an effort to enhance social functioning and overall well-being.
A. Counseling
B. Communication
C. Social Work
D. Governance

2. This is closely associated with government welfare and social programs aimed at
achieving social justice, fairness, and attainment of social equilibrium.
A. Social justice
B. Social services
C. Social work
D.Script writer

3. These people aims to protect the vulnerable ones from abuse neglect of self-harm
and to help enhance their well-being and quality of life.
A. Guidance Counselor
B. Nurses
C. Social Worker
D.Socio worker

4. They operate within legal frameworks for protecting and supporting vulnerable
A.Guidance Counselor
B. Nurses
C. Social Worker
D. Socio worker

5. It promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the

empowerment and liberation of people to enhance their well-being.
A. Societal worker
C. Social Work
B. Social Worker
D. Society work
6. The following are principles of social work except one.
A. Upholding and promoting human dignity and well-being.
B. Promoting the right to participation
C. Respecting the right to self-determination.
D. Neglecting the needs of people.

7. Refers to the way in which people perform their social roles, and the structural
institutions that are provided to sustain them.
A. Social Lifestyle
C. Social Working
B. Social Functioning
D. Social Roles

8. Which is true about the goals of social work?

A. Social reforms are largely driven by government and public institutions.
B. Social workers should aim to care, change, and cure contemporary societal problems.
C. The current situation of a person depends solely on its determination and intelligence.
D. One main goal of social work is to empower businesses which will, in turn, help people.

9. The wide variety of human problems also widens the scope of social work. Which of the following is not part of the
social work as a discipline?
A. Promoting Education
B. Poverty Reduction
C. Counseling
D. Technology Enhancement

10. Mr. Ronel Boris is a new social worker who aims to become better in his job. What can he do to achieve this?
A. Run as a mayor for his city or municipality to further help his community
B. Gamble all his money so that, if he wins, he can provide support for poor families
C. Utilize donations and supports from other individuals and organizations to fund projects.
D. None of the above

11. The following are the goals in social work except?

A. To help people obtain needed resources
B. To make organizations responsive to people
C. To severe coordination and interactions between organizations and institutions
D. To help people to enlarge their competence and increase their problem solving coping

12. One of the goals of social work. It is the heart of social work and it focuses on the
well-being or the welfare and comfort of the individual and community.
A. Caring
B. Curing
C. Changing
D. Cooperating

13. It refers to the aspect of treating people with problems in social functioning.
A. Caring
B. Curing
C. Changing
D. Cooperating
14. The active participation of the social workers in social reforms. It comes from a
perspective that there is a persistence of poverty, environmental destruction and social
A. Caring
B. Curing
C. Changing
D. Cooperating

Direction: Identify the scope of Social Work based on the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct
answer below.
_____15. Protecting the child from abuse, maltreatment A. Adoption and services to unmarried parents
and exploitation by parents.

_____16. Support service to keep children in their own home. B. Foster care
Counseling, family consultation, clients with appropriate
institutions such as day care centers and home maker services.

_____17. Difficult decision to keep the baby or place it for adoption. C. Support in own home.
It applies to both individual and group counselling to assist
women in making decisions.

_____18. Removing children from homes and placing them to D. Protective services
foster homes temporarily

19. A program that helps strengthens family relationships through educational activities to prevent family breakdown.
A . Family counselling
C. Family life education
C. Family planning
D. family support

20. Family Planning refers to assisting families plan the size and possible needs of the family that they wanted to
create. How can social workers help in this type of intervention?
A. Becoming one of the audiences of the family planning symposia
B. Provide scholarship programs for the next generation of students
C. Building houses with the expectation of a bigger number of populations
D. Conduct seminars about the possible options of achieving their desired future for their family

21. It involves the planning the number, spacing and timing of child births to fit with their needs.
A Family counselling
C. Family life education
D. Family planning
D. family support

22. It is a social provision that are funded by employers and employees through contribution to a specific program
A. Social services
B. Social insurance
C. Public Assistance
D. Donations
23. Financial aid to the poor.
A. Social services
B. Social insurance
C. Public Assistance
D. Donations

24. Various types of interventions requires social workers to take up different roles. Which social program is social work a
secondary discipline or support for primary proponent and actors?
A. Leadership trainings and coordination
B. Child protecting services
C. Family counseling
D. Family Planning

Identify the Core Values of Social Work being described in the following statements below.
Service Compassion Competence

Social Justice Integrity Importance of Human relationship

Dignity and worth of the person

__________25. It directs social worker to go beyond purely performing a service for a pay and allow them to be
generous with their time. Their work borders on charity and professional service.

__________26. Considered to be as an important value for all humankind. It is the basis for someone
to go out and become a voice to the voiceless and a friend to the people who need it most.

__________27. It separates social caregiving from social work professional practice. Social workers
practice within their areas and develop and enhance their professional expertise.
__________28. Social workers behave in a trustworthy manner.
__________29. Social workers do their job as most human situations they seek to address require collaborating with so
many other professionals and individuals with a stake in the issue.
__________30. The understanding of the need to ensure that everyone get serviced and that everyone gets a share of
what the community possesses in material and non-material.


Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answers on the space
provided before the number.

_______31. Human beings do not need self-esteem to live.

_______32. A counselor can also be considered as a social worker.
_______33. One of the six main goals of social work is to earn money.
_______34. A client's welfare is always the first priority of a social worker.
_______35. Workers can help people even without an informed consent or acceptance of help.
______36. To be involved in social work, the person interested must be at least a college graduate.
______37.Many problems of living are societal and systematic rather than personal or
______38.The rehabilitative function of social workers strengthens the full potential of individuals or
______39. Sexual relationship between a client and a social worker is allowed as long as they remain unnoticed.
______40. One of the many uses and benefits of social work is to meet popular people and get invited to parties
and events.


Read and understand the situation below and briefly answer the questions that follow (10 pts). Your answer should not
exceed six sentences.

Ms. Ella Marie Eco is a transferee, a new student in the senior high school program of Saint Michael Academy
Catarman. Being new to school, she is observed to be silent and avoids interaction in groups very often. Three
months later, the situation remains the same as she still finds difficulty building relationships. She prefers to eat,
to study, and walk alone. Bothered by the situation of Ms. Ella Marie Eco, her advisor in class referred the case to
the school's social worker.
Guide Questions:
If you are the social worker, how will you handle the case? What core values
and principles are you going to apply? How will you manage the situation? What are the things
that you need to consider? Write your answer below.


Explain your answers briefly. Your answer should not exceed four sentences.
51-55. How will social work as a primary discipline help in the removal of social dysfunction in our society? Cite


55-60. The province of Laguna is constantly being visited by typhoons. Floods also hits the coastal areas
of the town of Cabuyao, Calamba City, Los Banos, Bay and other towns near Laguna Bay. How can the
discipline of social work be significant in this issue? What do you think are the things in which social workers can
contribute on this problem?

* * * End of examination * * *

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

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