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1. A acceleration means you are gaining velocity

2. D kinematics equation 3
3. D draw vector triangle, v 1 = hypotenuse and v 2 = vertical leg
4. B must stop horizontal velocity and create vertical velocity
5. C third law
6. B total energy = 100 J, it will go twice as high
7. C displacement is max at the extremes
8. A U = minimum at equilibrium
9. D short cut: (difference in mass / sum of mass) * gravity
10. E P = Fv
11. D Ball X had no y-momentum at the beginning, now it does, Ball Y must cancel it out
12. C gravity is working against the centripetal acceleration of the ant
13. E ΣFc = mac , a c = ω2r, ΣFc = ant – gravity = F - mg
14. C work = force * distance = mgh
15. E total energy = -1 Joules, not enough to get out of the well
16. D third law, man goes up, balloon goes down, but balloon has more inertia
17. A impulse equation
18. A gravity is a conservative force
19. D no velocity, but gravity is still active
20. C angular kinematics equation 4, Δθ = 2π
21. E conservation of momentum: mv o = (- vo / 2 )( 2/5m ) + (V)( 3/5m )
22. C Field equation: Field = GMM / R 2
23. A weight = spring force, mg = kex , in parallel k e = k + k
24. A if the constant changes or the mass changes then the angular frequency changes
25. C time up = v oy / g (equation 1), max height = ½ gt2 (equation 2) , voy = vsinθ = v √ 2 / 2
26. E I = MR2
27. C gravity is still active
28. D gravity is only active force
29. B closer to large mass
30. E farthest from center of mass
31. D far away = 0, coming closer = entering gravity well
32. A conservation of angular momentum r1mv1 = r2 mv2
33. A shorter period = shorter string
34. B triangle = 3 4 5, gravity-x = mgsin θ = (5)(10)(3/5) = 30 gravity-y = n = 40, f = µn = 12
35. E torque: mgL 1 = M1gL2 and M2gL1 = mgL2 , divide first equation by second equation

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