Jira Xray Tests With Test Steps

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET

for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

T Key Summary Test Type

Test EBANK-1 Payment request is authenticated

Test EBANK-10 Abbreviations are consistently


Test EBANK-11 Confirmations are prompted

when leaving forms without saving

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-12 Type ahead feature is default

for form filling

Test EBANK-13 Table scrolling edge cases are


Test EBANK-14 Insufficient funds notifications

are straightforward

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-15 All documented shortcut keys

can be used

Test EBANK-16 Irrelevant menu items don'tManual


Test EBANK-17 Keyboard switching is automatic

Manualfor number type fields on mobile

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-18 Loading website with various

connections quality

Test EBANK-2 Test the behavior of required

fields for a card-not-present payment transaction

Test EBANK-20 Mobile browser compatibility


Test EBANK-22 Desktop Operating System Manual

compatibility test

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-23 Response time test at different

connection speeds

Test EBANK-24 Verify required SSL securityManual


Test EBANK-25 Database consistency test Manual

Test EBANK-26 HTTP protocol used to storeManual


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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-3 Enter different data types Manual

Test EBANK-31 Onboarding instructions depend

on customer account type (Standard)

Test EBANK-4 Use various text field widthsManual

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-40 Payment verifications performed

Manualfor account balance

Test EBANK-41 New third-party request canManual

be registered on Bank's API platform

Test EBANK-42 TPP list can be accessed by Manual

Bank employees

Test EBANK-5 Behavior of form instructions


Test EBANK-57 Transfer push notifications Manual

are sent

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-6 Onboarding instructions depend

on customer account type (Premium)

Test EBANK-64 Scanned account holder ID Manual

matches selfie

Test EBANK-65 Scanned account holder ID Manual

doesn't match selfie

Test EBANK-7 Financial goal progress bar Manual

visibility on different screens

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test EBANK-8 Payment transaction submitted

multiple times

Test EBANK-9 Language is automatically selected

Manual based on device location

Created at 11/Feb/20 9:44 AM by Levente Szabo with Better Excel Exporter for Jira
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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Manual Test Steps

Step 1: Initiate a payment request.
Data: input type="shop_id, transaction_id" name="action"
Expected Result: User is redirected to the payment page.

Step 2: Select the card type of your choice.

Data: Use official VISA and Mastercard test credentials
Expected Result: Card is selected.

Step 3: Submit the payment transaction.

Expected Result: 3D Secure authentication is performed.

Step 1: Navigate to About screen.

Expected Result: About screen is loaded.

Step 2: Hit CTRL+F to search.

Expected Result: The search box appears.

Step 3: Search for an abbreviation.

Data: FAQ
Expected Result: Results are highlighted and they are consistent.

Step 4: Search for an abbreviation.

Data: LTD
Expected Result: Results are highlighted and they are consistent.

Step 1: Navigate to the Registration screen.

Expected Result: Registration screen is loaded.

Step 2: Fill the Name field.

Data: Sandra Green
Expected Result: Value is accepted.

Step 3: Fill the Phone number field.

Data: 9018746701
Expected Result: The value is not accepted.

Step 4: Fill the Address field.

Data: 3242 Feathers Hooves Drive
Expected Result: The value is accepted.

Step 5: Navigate back to the Home screen.

Expected Result: Warning box appears that filled data will be lost.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Navigate to the Support screen.

Expected Result: The Support screen is loaded.

Step 2: Edit the Name field.

Data: Chri
Expected Result: List appears with suggestions to Christopher and

Step 3: Click name Christina.

Expected Result: Field is filled with Christina.

Step 1: Navigate to the My investments screen.

Expected Result: My investments screen is loaded with investment
items in table form.

Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom of the table.

Expected Result: Table header remains visible while other parts keep

Step 3: Scroll back up.

Expected Result: Table header merges back to the top of the table.

Step 1: Navigate to the My investments screen.

Expected Result: My investments screen is loaded.

Step 2: Select a stock item for new purchase.

Data: make total value around $1000
Expected Result: Insufficient funds error appears right away and it's
clearly worded.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Navigate to Home screen.

Expected Result: Home screen is loaded.

Step 2: Hit shortcut key.

Expected Result: About screen is loaded.

Step 3: Hit shortcut key.

Expected Result: Home screen is loaded.

Step 4: Hit shortcut key.

Expected Result: Products page is loaded.

Step 5: Hit shortcut key.

Expected Result: New transaction screen is loaded.

Step 1: Navigate to Home screen.

Expected Result: Downloads link does not appear.

Step 2: Navigate to Products screen.

Expected Result: Downloads link appears.

Step 3: Navigate to About screen.

Expected Result: Embedded map appears in the footer.

Step 1: Navigate to New transaction screen.

Expected Result: New transaction screen is loaded.

Step 2: Focus the number type field.

Data: Transaction amount field, Price field
Expected Result: Mobile keyboard switches to numbers.

Step 3: Focus the text type fields.

Data: Stock ticker field
Expected Result: Mobile keyboard doesn't switch to numbers.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Open the mobile website with mobile service providers.

Data: Sprint,AT&T, T-Mobile
Expected Result: All site components load with all providers under 3

Step 2: Open the website with Cable Service Providers.

Data: AT&T,Time Warner Cable,Verizon
Expected Result: All site components load with all providers under 2

Step 1: Send the form when all required fields are empty.
Expected Result: Form is not accepted, warning message appears with
a list of all required fields.

Step 2: Send the form when two required fields are empty.
Data: Phone number and email address fields are empty
Expected Result: Form is not accepted, warning message appears with
a list of the two fields left empty.

Step 3: Send the form when all required fields are filled.
Expected Result: The form is accepted.

Step 1: Try the major browsers.

Data: Google Chrome 40.0.2214 and up, Mozilla Firefox 56.0 and up,
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Expected Result: Mobile website works with all browsers.

Step 1: Install the desktop version on Linux.

Expected Result: The application runs without errors.

Step 2: Install the desktop version on Windows.

Expected Result: The application runs without errors.

Step 3: Install the desktop version on MacOS.

Expected Result: The application runs without errors.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Navigate to the My investments screen.

Data: Use bandwidth throttled to 0.5 Mb/s
Expected Result: App loads only crucial components and screen loads
under 4 seconds.

Step 2: Navigate to My investments screen.

Data: Use bandwidth throttled to 1.5 Mb/s
Expected Result: All necessary component load, full-screen loads
under 3 seconds.

Step 3: Navigate to My investments screen.

Data: Use bandwidth throttled to 0.1 Mb/s
Expected Result: App doesn't try to load, displays warning message of
too slow Internet connection.

Step 1: Test website for NIST guidelines.

Data: Resource for guidelines (see attachment)
Expected Result: Website complies with NIST security guidelines.

Step 2: Test SSL/TLS for HIPAA guidelines.

Data: Use AWS guidelines (see attachment)
Expected Result: Website complies with HIPAA security guidelines.

Step 3: Test SSL/TLS for PCI DSS security standards.

Data: See standards at https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/
Expected Result: Website complies with PCI DSS security standards.

Step 1: Run account checks on all accounts created since the last
Expected Result: No consistency problems are found.

Step 1: Access the website from mobile browser.

Expected Result: Home screen loads.

Step 2: Check if cookie values have been set.

Data: NAME=VALUE; expires=DATE; path=PATH;
Expected Result: Cookie values have been set.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Enter a phone number that is too short.

Data: +12123
Expected Result: Value is not accepted.

Step 2: Enter a phone number that contains dashes.

Data: 901-874-6701
Expected Result: Value is not accepted.

Step 3: Enter a phone number that contains non-numeric characters.

Data: 901-874-6701ABC
Expected Result: Value is not accepted.

Step 4: Enter a valid phone number.

Data: 19018746701
Expected Result: Value is accepted.

Step 1: Open the Services menu.

Expected Result: Services for the user are limited to Standard features.

Step 2: Find the Upgrade link at the bottom of the menu bar.
Expected Result: Upgrade option is present.

Step 1: Enter a name that is too long.

Data: Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald
Expected Result: Value is not accepted.

Step 2: Enter a name that is too short.

Data: A
Expected Result: Value is not accepted.

Step 3: Enter a name of valid length.

Data: Joe Black
Expected Result: Value is accepted.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Initiate payment request.

Data: Account balance is sufficient
Expected Result: Transaction approved by originator bank.

Step 2: Initiate payment request.

Data: Account balance is insufficient
Expected Result: Transaction is rejected and user is redirected to the
merchant's website.

Step 3: Initiate payment request.

Data: Authentication fails
Expected Result: Transaction is rejected and user is redirected to the
merchant's website.

Step 1: Create new TPP API access request.

Data: TPP is registered in the EU PSD2 directive TPP registry
Expected Result: New TPP partner is created and API access is granted.

Step 2: Create new TPP API access request.

Data: TPP is not registered in the EU PSD2 directive TPP registry
Expected Result: API access is denied.

Step 1: Login as employee to TPP partner database.

Data: Use level 3 clearance
Expected Result: Access is granted.

Step 1: Click on instructions icon next to ZIP code field.

Expected Result: Instructions appear.

Step 2: Click on instructions icon next to Bank account field.

Expected Result: Instructions appear.

Step 3: Click on instructions icon next to Phone number field.

Expected Result: Instructions appear.

Step 4: Find instruction to Name and Age fields.

Expected Result: No instruction icons next to Name and Age fields.

Step 1: Initiate a money transfer.

Data: Amount should be other than $0. Transfer is successful
Expected Result: Push notification is received on mobile device.

Step 2: Click link in push notification.

Expected Result: Transaction details are open in app.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Open the Services menu.

Expected Result: Services for the user are marked with Premium logo.

Step 2: Find the Upgrade link at the bottom of the menu bar.
Expected Result: Upgrade option is not present.

Step 1: Create a selfie.

Data: Account holder in Free tier
Expected Result: Selfie is submitted and saved.

Step 2: Image file is uploaded to server.

Data: Selfie is made of the same person as account holder ID
Expected Result: File is successfully uploaded.

Step 3: Script compares previously scanned ID image with selfie.

Expected Result: Match found and identity confirmed.

Step 1: Create a selfie.

Data: Account holder in Free tier
Expected Result: Selfie is submitted and saved.

Step 2: Image file is uploaded to server.

Data: Selfie is not made of the same person as account holder ID
Expected Result: File is successfully uploaded.

Step 3: Script compares previously scanned ID image with selfie.

Expected Result: Match not found and identity not confirmed.

Step 1: Navigate to the Home screen.

Expected Result: Financial goal is present at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Navigate to Accounts overview screen.

Expected Result: Financial goal is present at the top of the screen.

Step 3: Navigate to My investments screen.

Expected Result: Financial goal is present at the top of the screen.

Step 4: Navigate to any other screen.

Data: Transactions history, new transaction, bills
Expected Result: Financial goal is not present.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Step 1: Submit a payment transaction.

Data: Simulate a timeout error
Expected Result: Transaction is not completed, email notification sent

Step 2: Submit same payment transaction.

Data: Submit transaction within 1 minute of previous
Expected Result: Transaction is completed only once.

Step 1: Select the US as location.

Expected Result: App language is English.

Step 2: Select Germany as location.

Expected Result: App language is German.

Step 3: Select China as location.

Expected Result: App language is Chinese.

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Pre-Conditions association with a Test Test Sets association with a Test

[EBANK-34] Test user account balance is zero [EBANK-39] Immediate payment transactions
[EBANK-59] Banking workflows and business

[EBANK-29] Test user is logged in [EBANK-62] User Experience and Interface

[EBANK-62] User Experience and Interface

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-37] App speed and usability

[EBANK-63] Edge cases and overload scenarios

[EBANK-34] Test user account balance is zero [EBANK-38] API Testing for Payment Service

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-37] App speed and usability

[EBANK-37] App speed and usability

[EBANK-35] Mobile app is installable from [EBANK-37] App speed and usability

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-63] Edge cases and overload scenarios

[EBANK-62] User Experience and Interface

[EBANK-28] Transaction is already started [EBANK-36] Security and compliance

[EBANK-37] App speed and usability

[EBANK-36] Security and compliance

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-37] App speed and usability

[EBANK-36] Security and compliance

[EBANK-36] Security and compliance

[EBANK-61] Account holders data integrity

[EBANK-27] HTML consistency check [EBANK-36] Security and compliance

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-36] Security and compliance

[EBANK-32] Standard tier user is logged in [EBANK-63] Edge cases and overload scenarios

[EBANK-63] Edge cases and overload scenarios

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-39] Immediate payment transactions

[EBANK-38] API Testing for Payment Service


[EBANK-38] API Testing for Payment Service


[EBANK-29] Test user is logged in [EBANK-37] App speed and usability

[EBANK-29] Test user is logged in [EBANK-58] Test [EBANK-39] Immediate payment transactions
user account balance is not zero

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-30] Premium tier user is logged in [EBANK-63] Edge cases and overload scenarios

[EBANK-29] Test user is logged in [EBANK-59] Banking workflows and business

[EBANK-61] Account holders data integrity

[EBANK-29] Test user is logged in [EBANK-59] Banking workflows and business

[EBANK-61] Account holders data integrity

[EBANK-33] Financial goas has been created by [EBANK-62] User Experience and Interface

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-36] Security and compliance

[EBANK-37] App speed and usability

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

Test Plans associated with a Test Test Repository Path Links

[EBANK-60] PSD2 functional aspects /testing/2020/scenarios EBANK-54

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-63

[EBANK-67] Internationalization

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

[EBANK-67] Internationalization

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/scenarios

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

[EBANK-60] PSD2 functional aspects /testing/2020/scenarios EBANK-54

[EBANK-67] Internationalization

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/scenarios

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/scenarios

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/scenarios

[EBANK-67] Internationalization

[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-56

for versions after 1.1

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/scenarios

for versions after 1.1

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/scenarios

for versions after 1.1

[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/scenarios

for versions after 1.1 [EBANK-66] User
Experience Boost

[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-55

for versions after 1.1

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[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/scenarios

for versions after 1.1

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-6

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-60] PSD2 functional aspects /testing/2020/smoke tests

[EBANK-60] PSD2 functional aspects /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-52

[EBANK-60] PSD2 functional aspects /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-52, EBANK-53

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/smoke tests

for versions after 1.1

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Tests with Test Steps Generated with the Better Excel Plugin for JIRATue Feb 11 09:43:59 CET 2020

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-31

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/smoke tests EBANK-52

[EBANK-60] PSD2 functional aspects /testing/2020/scenarios

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost
[EBANK-67] Internationalization

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[EBANK-48] Features and security testing /testing/2020/smoke tests

for versions after 1.1

[EBANK-66] User Experience Boost /testing/2020/scenarios

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TCID Test Summary Description Component
Action Data result max number of executions
f executions

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