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From the Division of Dental Medicine, College of Dentistry, and The George Williams Hooper
Foundation for Medical Research, University of California, San Francisco, Calif.
HE "accessional dentition"* makes its appearance with the eruption of the
first permanent molars which are guided into position by the distal surfaces
of the second deciduous molars (terminal plane). When the distal surface of
the mandibular molar is mesial to that of the maxillary, thereby forming a
terminal plane with a mesial step, no adjusting mechanism is necessary to assure
eruption of the first permanent molars into proper cuspal interdigitation (Fig.
1, A). If the terminal plane remains perpendicular, an end-to-end relationship
of the first permanent molars may result (Fig. 1, B).
Three theories have been proposed to explain the ocelusal adjustment of
the deciduous arches from the straight terminal plane into a mesial step:
A. A mesial forward adjustment of the mandible in its fossa may occur
during the period of the deciduous dentition as described by Korkhaus,4 and
Gottlieb and Orban.3 If the mandible or the lower dental arch move forward,
this must result in increased sagittal measurements between distal surface of
the lower deciduous canine to the distal of the upper one. In order to determine
whether such a movement takes place, this distance between the distal surfaces
of the opposing deciduous canines was measured seriatim on plaster reproduc-
tions before and after eruption of the permanent first molars.
B. The possibility of a forward migration of the lower teeth during the
period of the deciduous dentition was suggested by Zielinsky14 and others.2' 6, 8
The observations made in the previous paper of this series1 showed that the
terminal plane remained constant throughout the period of the deciduous den-
tition. It was therefore necessary to investigate whether such a change in the
terminal plane takes place after eruption of the first permanent molars or not.
C. A mesial tipping of the lower first permanent molars after shedding of
the lower second deciduous molars may take place as described by Kantorowicz,5
Strang,1" and recently reviewed by Speidel.10 In order to demonstrate any
probable movements of the posterior teeth in the upper or lower arches the
distance from the distal of the second deciduous molar to the distal of the
deciduous canine was measured before and after eruption of the permanent
Aided by grants from the Board of Research of the University of California. the American
Foundation for Dental Science, and the California State Dental Association.
Received for publication, August 24, 1949.
*The transformation of the deciduous dentition into the mixed and the permanent denti-
tions has been divided into two processes: (1) The eruption of the 12 permanent molars, which
were not preceded by deciduous teeth, is termed "accessional dentition." (2) The eruption of
those permanent teeth which replaced the 20 deciduous teeth are the "successional dentition."
The above subdivision is justified on the ba sis of the histogenesis. While the "accessional
teeth" arise from the (deciduous) general dental lamina, the teeth of the "successional dentition"
develop from separate anlage laminae.
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-1 ---
J. D. Re,.

A comparative study of ca,,sts of 60 eases before and after the eruption of
the, permanent m-olars revealed three distinct kinds of normal molar adjustment:
1. In deciduous dentitions which terminated with a marlkcd tnesial step the
first permanent molar-s erupted immediately into normal euspal interdi gitation
without altering- the position of the neighboring teeth (Fig,. 2, A). The occur-
reuce of a mesial step at the end of a deciduous dentition was generally due to
an increased mesiodistal measurement of the upper second deciduous molar over
that of the lower. Thiis, however, was found only iii S cases (14 per cent). The
mesial axial inclination of the lower first molars as compared w ith the distal
axial inclinationi of the, upper favo-red their normal ocehisal relationship.

Fig. 1.The dexelopmont of~~~~~~~~~..

ocluio . .....
of..%.. ..olars.
A, Correct cu~~~~~~~pal interdigitation behind a deciduous dentition in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x
of he -eon doci uou niolars form .niesiae......... ..................
hich.the distal.....
B, End
t o relati~~~nship behind a straight terminal plane of the deciduous
eiid dentitin...

I~ ~ ~ z4~ ~ ~ ~u~ ~ ~ i "~ ~ . £7. . . . .

il-'ig. ~~~ Iltistiatrons of to o kinds of adjusting media iii iii.' a Ii oh imri....u.......i..t....produce.
proper niolar~~~~~~~~... oc o.................
A, Occlusion
is ofachiex tire ed per nra font
firstdirectly (Th riiolars
upper behind deufifiog
second a deciduour
in a amesiol
thsa e niaur.en.s.h lx..r.).Case 1..... molars.shoxx.mesiodis
B,Occlusion of~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... permanent.
the.....firsgh niolr.bhina. staiht.c ...nq deid ou.dii
titinon of Type I is~~~~~~~~..
the prim ate space~~~~~~~~~~. .Case
into 2.... effected....... m thro
sia miraio of. the andib lar.deiduous molar

2. ..Ill. spaced decid. ou den iton o.. !ff ...with ..t... ni........1)........
observed that following the eruption first
itwas of
straigilt terminal~~~~~~~
plane haddeetpe i. Fg , ) fe h
eruption of the first l~~~~~~~~c~malleilt Inolar.....s, nleasllrellle..l..t...of'.the. distance...l et..x.. .l..the
distalsurfaces~~~~~~.of. the. seon decduus..oar .ui th .lista surfaceof.til
man ib
canines in the~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. la all caesa...rk.i...ras o
with thisprocess. The deciduous lhlolals had moved into the primateThe~~~~~~~~......
exteto their mesial; mirto.olsne with.the.x.idtli
tha spce of..

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Number 3

Fig. 3 shows thait the lower first 1)elrmahent molar nmves Ines<i'alix after its erup)-
tion. It fist contacts the second deciduous molar and then ipuslies t he deciduous
molars into the primcate space.
it is ap)piarelnlt that this miesial m11igration caused th-le ehallne oft the straight
temlomial plaile into a niesial step sinee the rre.tcsq)ollilldg- mnaxillia- distallce
r eml1ained unchanged. This process eiablded the upper peninanent molars. to
erupt dli retlv into normal oclusion. Pig. 4 illuLstraites the l)t'orless of these
challges iln them same
deCtitiomi of a citienthem (en 5 and 7 eats of a1e.

6 Yrs

11010 r 1 1(erup ed
fl~nt nt ition s(fae)otIpc bt o airad 01 eonn

~ ~lE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. .
~ ~ ~ ~_:
lN~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =

rsig. :)I(gl~~ons]of Phys.iologic mlesiatl muigr-itio in Cn5ste :I. The> 1,mver fir.St
nenlt 11 Tlltlel (11I'1tedtt( ,it ve rl,-; of ane, :Noate .n spac.X(e between molarfl a-ndl s<}econd] deiduou.11zl,
mi-la r. 'riiis si~vact ;a1t1(i )tileprimte .spa<ce 31<1v disappEearied oneS ye~tr 1:ter t 5-C't I'S Of 8 90.

...... ...
::: ;;00;;
:i;t iy!1 ....

.. .. .. ...
....... i2


Fig. I. Ocscilusa.l adjustment o)f the first. peraarnent mol111s in Case 60. Between 5 aLnd 6
(e1ia's of age the distance between the distal of the- er deiluous
(lec ((nine and the po4tla.cteon
(p1) decree cid 1-.5 1nan1. concomitantl> with the closure of the ma ndlibu]a 1r pri nate. spaci'e. Thb
straight terimninal plane at 5 yec s is transformledi into a nesi'l stel) at 7 (015rs, While thlel
anteroposterior relationship of the deciduous Ciuzaines Iremiti('id ulnlaiaed. (Note closure e of the
nmaxillai'r I.rimlate' space upon ertiption (of t(Ie upper central incisor.)

Measurements lbetxween the distal surfaces of the opposingi deciduous nines

revealed thlt there was 11o change in that (iillensiol in any- o)f the 60 cases.
This is illustrate(I in Fi)s. 2, 4. 7, 8, and 9 which show- that theE occlusal relation-
ship of the canines rei-mained unifollylv constant after the dlteration oQf the
terminal plane.

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)34 A\VMATE iTJ1Xe, 1930
3. rll ('1(1cd (delltitiOlls of Ty1pc II a mesial mirlrrationi of' tile lower' deei(ltloeI S
Illol s('I-ilIlnot oetiur lbecauise of tile a.l.seClee 01' the priiilite' 5;1)8008 IP1'' 0eJ)5)llo
})e'11.ilellt- niolails, t11e'eitoloe, are foee(1 to elipt 1)ehiilld staihllt terirnral
Pla 10(llleill- 811 elld-to-elfl( ocl0115oll0 (Fig 5).
It is a collsistellt olbserIvation thflnt tile' per'llr.111n11t first 1'larS llmOXv m(esill1
wi1elle\el a space is treatedd anteriorly due to loss of eoitaet as the result otf
taries. ext lat tioli,01' p)1hysiologial siiedldliig of a tooth, Thrisi5tlecates that a
pressure il a. Illresial (iir'eetioi persists as hmngo1 <as the pIro0ess otf (1'ruItiOll of
a(eeessioliali teeth. goes (il. Since tire lmadlldiui)llar prlemOi laris ai'e 18inrowe tthan
their' de(eidiruous predecessors, some spac(e is piovidec when11cr) t1e hi Io 01' 801(lld
decidrious 11lolalIs al11 811e(1. The slll)sequellt Ilesiail 11ligrI'b 11ll ot I-lie lower' }ei-
111a1('llt first- ullrolars (.,lclhlag>e t10eil 01l-to-ell0 'elaItionship into a 10110811 one.
Thijs is tire mist .rdjustillog r lriranisra of the perlllirelit 11l)0111 oelusioin.

F-ig. ..-\fter' 10.' Of 1000inaihularsecond 1(e1110 uo0s mo101 th1e) endfl-t(-(nd relation of tho
pcirnan'nt iol0 's behind ;i Nf/f.igt tor)i.. 1ftinfe do'id4u118'8 cltitin of Tilpe' II is.I1'ljuste'd by
11W],i.I nlt-zr-ttion~r (>f thles ImvXeX first pterimm.etnt moll 3;lS (( t4.


Fig. ( 6e\ nse whihh dveloXpIl (1ew 1(1(nent di.stoc lht.Oovt. At 35 of t)4*' tin diti-
(t1)1S d(1*nt)'1 h sow.' d.listil t 11r)111l step, .qacwins- of tih' maxillnx op y p( iiOi.- oil e11c to
' ho'ti-
bitt' of t' (det 1 icii
l t c1)nin.1
At 11''liS ol. 1s(i0 ml mligratitl]n of tlOw omer finst tolnir intt till'e ':lOO' h*twe('n thth ii Ii'1'''
dec1Oix(IO"-os po0. t jtioi,' o e I . 'P111 tet.i-lte in aln nvl rns&e1*8) (HI(,t)lI tol) 1(rn) (list4)0111i'in (f the
perr n al lentmt m ol; r.s;.

Seriril mneasur'eroerrts ill tilt' 11clxilia hlwem erll the distail (, t-le seo( di dlet'id-
11MI) rlaria15d1111 distal tif tile 08'111ill revealed hllat al1 itlt lii 1'oriwrrd pr'essure
a1s(o results ill ilte ('losllosing of'811(08w WhllevieX 0l' tie>' existed. Tils is illustrated
with m1o0(els1 of (l as 11 (Fig. 2, A.) w'irth'e a )i(pc'( etweeril lIr ip)(i'up rdeiduoirs
.llile .lltl fivst deciduirors 111.ol W.15 (10s8c0l .rfter (evtilpliof 'tie 1e1l11lielt

wile)) it is ailselrt ill the llirililrle, invar'iably iprodtects11al.i10 lu(si0 of' tile peI1-
11]1aelit l)1)1. ri's, i.e., distoel isioll Ig 6 ). :
Tile follow'iirg .iiiai-sis suggests tilhlt it'l etiolooipiOll 11t(10)8 (f tile e01ti1e
ardjusting' r1)0t'i).1i51
clxjilsll(>zle .lc~zX
isilisll 11 l).millIV
1' B'i'etlitarymdedoe
aw ~ia 111(1 ellioel)(eirotiu;eoeosfatr
0\08'0110t15 f~letor's
liik fulletiorll 11n1 lttiitioill 80e01 to 1)0e (If meal)ri.l'ltive lv little Ir)olrtallrte. Tlte
ilnfluenee oF1 forced 1ma.lstie'itio) 011 tIle developrilr t of tih' (dlentitionl \'a.-s studied
*An>1B(glc lass< 11 maloccllsion < ,Iso bcoetles fixedal(fte:l orimlonlti) of thl+§ 1wrimmentjt olare~ls
(ed tha10t
beh indi dle iluous (letitionfs w ith a terlinalfll puinel form in" '1 (list)!l stop. rt XX 18 obser
Iere till'e u1)1pe(r per1matrnent fiist molari 'IXlw e38
s tuiopted th'foie the low ier one0, whi )c 111(3 be a
helpful rind i(tion fot thleB ('a ly riecog-nition of this 111)lo('l()tuion.

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Voline 29 A1(G)ItNE1SIS (4'O81t
A((12 3

ont serial 1m1o(1els for 9 eases wvit h l111 en11(1-to-etl bite 81(1d llatred cH-sp oItt ritioli
of th1e tidceidijos 1110l1581(1md1e1ain0es. Cases ol this kitid 81e sup)posed to p)rlod10e
itleal] 0(1 lsielns Inst08(1e of (levelol)illZ into perlieet (1ellt01111 e[, 18loeelulsion
rlesUlted in 7 of thetm. Pour (lexel)oped a (listoelLtsionl 'FPig. 7) aiiid 3 c 1115es(i-
c11si801 ( Pig. 8).
Simiultaneously the nIllcallgei l rl'dionlhip) betweell the opplositig decidtioius
(11i1t0IS reveN Iled tbat 1 he tn Ilolel
(1801 was nlot tile 105( It (o, ilii an3te ti 01 01 IJ)-
ternor shift of, tle talliidihle. It wavs lilot SlUi)lpisillgp to note onl other Serial models
that ill spite of the absetlee of heavy att litiotil 1l(1 the exist ll11e 0)1 1 ])tolloulleed
toverbite, thle permailleiit tiolars e11u)ted Jillto 8 1)0 teetlv noirtial oeelusal rela-
tiollsiliii ( Tu. 9).

Cr >5Y 4 ' .-t 9'l'. . 1.

Y.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~B

Fiig. -Trransition oif two (11(i(111011s d(1ntures wxith end-to- ( nil elisionn in( 1malrked
abirsoion (1to di stock u(s0i1 atttri (e1rt1tioln of p(eI1m121nflnt 0lrs.
la No cangv t1heO
in relatiionshi)
(f ()posing- dI ciuous ca nines tookh p1l .
A, Ce
(Case5. , 18.

LO ; 4 y, 6 Y@GX,<s

I'ig. 8.-Trannition (If twxo 1 ec(ulios t nicn

on 0 '1/0(o ((0a71h/ into (01C1(01u.nioo aft'r
eruption (If (tn.1(11.
pe(1lillrnent 11(011.c. N cti(011.ta(Pi (of c1(e12 rlcti
t<w( 17s. BJ Case( .51 .

A. ('I I -SI(XIO e

(\11'(111tetlltts; sihowx10itig Mt1110i18t)0/l 1111tl10)(/l5te01iot telaltio ns olt' lie o1)1)s-

ill)( deciduotus (81111105 reve1l that t-110 elloept s of a 111018i1 sIt1ft oft ile e01tire
ma1n11dible, o1 of tile tire owet dental artohi, .1teo not r1/0110 out 1v floots. This is
fuitliel 5(bstcalitiat od 1)v thlie ateomte011nt
St of' Tlol)mpso)8(1 ld It/die( 11 tihe
1(1 hot
ilgulal trelatiotn to the etailillt) is not llterte(L (ldllillg (devel/)lllenlt SillmnllP
also reported ill his Studicild (a1l selmill milodels f11oll 1il.tt1 to th-le ag)e ol, 1(0
that, 'in ceasess where the child has tlihe p)ote0111tiality ol(4devejilopiti o(g d occ11-
1i0ll, little ethangoe is nt/ted iii t lie antiterlopost01eli vola-chtionshll oft t lie denltal
ailces (111du to p)eleilatulle loss (/, deciduous teeltl. 1e1eltoro Inigvratit/Il of the
(ledi1ut)us tntolars a~lt nlot loriard shift ofl the mandible etlistittutes a pil-Sioltlo-
ical 11i0surP by whic p)ro)p1 tlulsi(/Il (/ ItIle per anialellt 111018s
Oo 1m1i\0d 811(1

(lelltitioIl is secured.

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] A iE.T

3T6 1 D. Res.
June, 19;0

ion Imay lbe explained. 1y the presstue exertedi by

Thi1e (cause of the mngr-at-i011l
the etiptioni and root fP irlatiou of the pelimallent mola sc.: It onstitutes a
phy1siol(ogical1 regulator of Ilhe (lev elopment of occlusion. Tlie qiualitv of' occlusion
dlependsx onl the extent of' the forces and where 8(1d whn1 tile> miay become effec-
tI ix.
Onl thes Ilasis of clillieal studclies three different meelianisiis of -nortmal ocelusal
adjustment hiave l)een described I( the direct ocetrei-e(lfcof mesial steel, '

K2) thie earl- mesial shiit of thle lower first permanent morla effectinlgp a closure
of primateslpaces, 811(1 (3) the late mesial shift of the lower pelrillmllent m11olar
sulbsecluent to shiedding, of the deciduous molars. These riee-hanisiims are inter-
preted as an expression of tirelaw of variation whiel gov(ers the course of everv
1)11siologopic l)proess. it is pos-sible t(o have an combillatioll of, tLx of or more of, tile
ptroc(esses (ocurlrilng, consecutively to produce proper oeolusal relationship. Th1e
sil"nlifileate lies iln th-le ch-oro~logicanl orfder. of 1eirc*.

Co 3. Cost... I

r>ic. Bj is}t ainio(Tlsccoiid 8()18 It-locchl lawiolsiis slecuresss iiiiiiietliat c9Eflx 1)1011(1
ings f
ote 1 rela
rnl ha Ilin(ian etl. (in olaisiret xafc hirfil rp
ivn 511fip of ;the B islt}t

tion. These arTc the( surlest formIls of ocel usal a(-eilS~tustlnt . lPrp ((11 'an Ia rliodl
11)011 to m11(18n-~t l)roer (115J)8 1i~ei iliicitligitait in even aclit
f t he) p)rciiat re lo)ss
(f theC dec(iduou)1s; niola 1s. Th com~lilnltionl of th~e first andlf s(eond mlehallilsisls
seems< tov he tiel( unliforiii lcattt'lii iii apes. Th11e third is ai typincal hiiumanl pattern^l.
It expres;se;s the effort; nees.sav¢ to nit i mately- at ain p rop}}er inlartl occlulsion ii
the phxl-ln}genCt-icni l(- r ledued pxxl-s nit mod(ern11318111 Theseon SP( 1( 111(1 thlirol kiildS
arce often comhin)edl~ when tile cilo>sure(I tetp1i{ zireate space illitialtes; an irlsulffi-ienlt
cuspal i Ierd>igitation (It h~es first nilola is. Thle tlii (1 mnceha llismZ thuzs s~ecurles
t]()1lnormal occlusion..
The widX(ely h1eld colicellt of thze inhib;}it~ion) (IfB normal'J mola ad()si'~iju1stmentl by
a sevecre inei;sal ov{erbitec ouldl nlot l)e conlfirmled ill) this st-udy\. Serial ob)servations
rex-caled that dleciduouls d~ent tions xvithl glidling arzticulation hadl the{ potenltialityt
to produce poor: mollar occlulsion xvhile somelC tieltuie>s xvith~ deep~ ovrb~'}ite devlt\oped)!
norImal molar ocl('usi;on.
*Tiiis nearly miesiol1 miigrationi is; itt (ti he mlist~iken fin tin<t mnuilttej (it- d1es;>etiei bxr
W~einmaz~nn anti Sichl'}]~i] wh'ic tin<> dcsci7 ibed
a. the rle tilt of thse t>-eti
natO nd force0zsa which
is belica cci to be continuous,

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Number 3

The practical application of these findings to the problems of clinical ortho-

dontia emphasizes the importance of changing an end-to-end occlusion of the
first molars into their proper cuspal interdigitation as early as possible.
A further clinical study of the development of occlusion in 60 children by
means of serial plaster reproductions of the dental arches was made. Through
comparative measurements, three different biologic mechanisms of normal occlusal
adjustment of the accessional teeth were found:
1. The occurrence of a terminal plane forming a mesial step in the decid-
uous denture allowed the first permanent molars to erupt directly into proper
occlusion without altering the position of the neighboring teeth.
2. The presence of -a mandibular primate space and a straight terminal
plane was conducive to proper molar occlusion by means of an early mesial shift
of the mandibular deciduous molars into the primate space upon eruption of
the lower first permanent molar.
3. Closed deciduous arches and a straight terminal plane resulted in a
transitory end-to-bnd relationship of the first permanent molars. Proper occlu-
sion was effected through a late mesial shift of the mandibular permanent first
molars subsequent to the shedding of the deciduous second molars.
Migration of the lower deciduous and permanent molars constituted the
physiological measure to secure proper occlusion of the permanent molars. There
was no mesial shift of the mandible as indicated by the unchanged anteroposterior
relationship of the opposing deciduous cuspids. Function and attrition had less
bearing on the molar adjustment than widely assumed. The anatomical pattern
of the deciduous arches controlled the ability of the deciduous and permanent
molars to migrate mesially as a result of the eruptive force of the accessional
1. Baume, L. J.: Physiological Tooth Migration and Its Significance for the Development
of Occlusion. I. The Biogenetic Course of the Deciduous Dentition, J. D. Res.
12: 123, 1950.
2. Friel, S.: Migration of Teeth Following Extraction, Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. 38: 456, 1945.
3. Gottlieb, B., and Orban, B.: Zahnfleischentziindung und Zahnlockerung, Berlinsche
Verlagsanstalt, Berlin, 1933.
4. Korkhaus, G.: Handbuch der Zahnheilkunde, Vol. IV, MUnchen, 1939, J. F. Bergmann.
5. Kantorowiez, A.: Klinische Zahnheilkunde, Vol. 2, Berlin, 1924, Herman Meusser.
6. Salzmann, J. A.: Principles of Orthodontics, Philadelphia, 1943, J. B. Lippincott Com-
7. Schour, I., and Massler, M.: The Development of Human Dentition, J. A. D. A. 28:
1153, 1941.
8. Schwarz, M. A.: Lehrang der Gebissregelung, Vol. 5/6, Wien, 1944, Urban & Schwar
9. Sillman, J. H.: Serial Study of Occlusion, Am. J. Orthodontics 34: 969, 1948.
10. Speidel, T.: Diagnostic Implications of the Sequence of Tooth Eruption, J. A. D. A.
38: 5, 1949.
11. Strang, R. H.: A Text-Book of Orthodontia, Philadelphia, 1943, Lea & Febiger.
12. Thompson, I., and Brodie, A.: Factors in Position of Mandible, J. A. D. A. 29: 925, 1942.
13. Weinmann, J., and Sicher, H.: Bone and Bones, St. Louis, 1947, The C. V. Mosby Com-
14. Zielinsky, W.: Ueber die Einstellung der ersten bleibenden Molaren hinter dem Milch-
gebiss, Dtsch. Mschr. Z. Nr., 7, 1910.

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