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Sean McGinley

Introduction to Philosophy

Professor Bernstein

24 October 2020

Arguments for Atheism.

One commonly heard solution to a set of questions is Occam's Razor which states that all

things being equal, the simplest explanation is the best one. This answer seems to bode well for

atheists. Atheism relies heavily on the notion that there is no God Or higher power in existence.

The main argument used to defend atheism is the lack of “proof” of a divine power at work. It's

also mentioned that the evidence in favor of no God existing outweighs the evidence that there is

indeed a god of some sort. A santa claus type approach has been taken by many atheists that

suggests that we have developed an idea of a higher power to comfort our human suffering. This

higher power gives us hope in an otherwise hopeless world. Santa Claus does not exist anymore

than a higher power.

As mankind progresses we have developed new theories in order to explain our origins.

Theories like evolution, or the big bang, the idea behind these is to explain how we came to be

and give us something to cling on to. Interesting that many atheists accept these other types of

religions, ( we are calling them religions because they are ) A religion relies upon trusting in

something we cannot prove with human ration. We cannot prove these theories, yet we believe in

them so I will consider them a religion (taken from a strictly dictionary based definition of the

word religion). Of course it makes perfect sense to me that human beings could have made up all

these things in order to give us a feeling that we are not alone, but when we examine our deep

feelings we can find a soul, a body, and a mind. When we make certain choices we can notice
certain feelings, we can perceive the world around us. The world is massively complex, perhaps

the complexity of the world is what prompted us to decide that a higher power is responsible for

its creation. The overused question of Why? Has forced mankind to believe in something.

Whether that something is a higher power, or that high feeling you get from going to a rave,

everyone believes in their own sort of religion.

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