Resources For Teaching Philippine History

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Resources for

Teaching Philippine

Compiled by:

Leoregen Faith Sueta

Pamela Joy Cayanan
Marinella De La Puerta

Philippine history, rich and vibrant,

deserves captivating classroom
experience.History isn't a single narrative.
By inviting historians, community elders,
and individuals with personal connections
to historical events, we bring different
voices into the classroom. This presentation
unveils the tapestry of resources to engage
students, their curiosity, and ignite a
passion for Philippine History.

What is History?

History is the study of beliefs and desires, practices, and institutions of human

Why Study History?

An Investigation of the past can reveal a lot about how we became who we are
now. It entails the origins of modern ideas,attitudes, and issues.
What is a textbook?

A textbook is a type of book that provides a comprehensive and organized compilation of

information on a specific subject, typically used for educational purposes.

How are textbooks effective in Teaching Philippine History?

Textbooks can be useful tools for teaching Philippine history, but their effectiveness
depends on critical use alongside other resources:


● Structured learning: Organized overview, helpful for beginners.

● Comprehensiveness: Covers major themes, events, and figures.
● Accessibility: Widely available in schools and libraries.
● Standardization: Ensures basic understanding across regions.


● Oversimplification: Complexities get condensed, omitting nuances.

● Potential bias: Can reflect specific viewpoints, influencing the narrative.
● Passivity: Encourage reading/memorizing, not critical thinking.
● Limited scope: Neglects regional histories, marginalized groups, and contemporary
What is Multimedia?

Multimedia refers to the integration of different media formats to create a single

presentation or resource. These formats can include:

● Text: Written communication like words, sentences, and paragraphs.

● Images: Photographs, drawings, illustrations, charts, and maps.
● Audio: Music, sound effects, narration, and spoken word.
● Video: Moving images with or without sound, including animations, short clips, and
full-length documentaries.
● Interactive elements: Buttons, hyperlinks, and other features that allow users to
interact with the content.

Multimedia can be highly effective in teaching Philippine history, offering several advantages
over traditional methods:

Increased Engagement:

● Appeals to different learning styles: Visual learners benefit from images and videos,
auditory learners from audio recordings, and kinesthetic learners from interactive
elements. This multisensory approach caters to diverse preferences and keeps
students actively engaged.
● Makes learning fun and dynamic: Interactive multimedia presentations, simulations,
and games can break the monotony of lectures and textbooks, making learning more
enjoyable and motivating.

Improved Understanding:

● Combines various perspectives: Text, images, audio, and video can work together to
present a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of historical events and
● Visualizes complex concepts: Animations, maps, and timelines can help students
grasp abstract ideas and make connections between different elements of history.
● Enhances memory and retention: Combining multiple sensory inputs strengthens
memory and improves information retention compared to text alone.

Cultural Awareness:

● Integrates diverse voices and perspectives: Multimedia allows you to showcase

historical events from different viewpoints, including marginalized groups and
communities, fostering cultural understanding and empathy.
● Brings history to life: Images, videos, and audio recordings can transport students to
different eras and provide firsthand experiences of different cultures and lifestyles.
What is Primary Resources?

In the field of history and research, primary sources are original materials created at the
time of the event or topic you are studying. They provide firsthand accounts and evidence,
allowing you to directly access the perspectives and experiences of individuals or groups
involved in the historical event or subject matter.

Examples of primary sources for Philippine history include:

● Documents: Letters, diaries, speeches, government records, legal documents,

photographs, maps, newspapers, pamphlets, and personal artifacts.

● Creative works: Poetry, novels, plays, music, and visual art created during the period
you are studying.

● Recordings: Audio and video recordings of interviews, speeches, or events.

● Physical remains: Archaeological artifacts, buildings, and landscapes.

Using primary sources in teaching Philippine history offers several benefits:

● Authenticity: They offer firsthand accounts, providing students with a direct

connection to the past and perspectives of those who lived it.
● Critical thinking skills: Analyzing primary sources encourages students to evaluate
information, consider context, and develop their own interpretations.
● Deeper understanding: By going beyond textbooks and engaging with original
materials, students gain a more nuanced and complex understanding of history.
● Historical empathy: Connecting with the thoughts and experiences of individuals
from the past fosters empathy and challenges simplistic narratives.

What are Field trips?

A field trip is a journey taken by a group of people, typically students or colleagues, to a
place away from their normal environment for the purpose of education, leisure, or
observation. They are often used in educational settings to provide students with firsthand
experiences that complement classroom learning.


● Education: The most common purpose of field trips, especially in schools, is to

enhance learning by providing students with real-world experiences that connect to
classroom curriculum.
● Leisure: Some field trips can be purely recreational, offering participants a chance
to explore new places and have fun together.
● Observation: Certain field trips may focus on observing specific phenomena or
processes in their natural environment, such as visiting a nature reserve or historical


● Active learning
● Deeper understanding
● Motivation and engagement
● Social interaction

● Types of field trips:

● Educational: Museums, historical sites, scientific centers, nature reserves,

government buildings, farms, factories, businesses.
● Cultural: Art galleries, music venues, dance performances, cultural festivals,
religious landmarks.
● Recreational: Parks, zoos, amusement parks, beaches, theaters, sporting events.
What is a Guest Speaker?

A guest speaker in education is an individual invited to a classroom or event to share their

specialized knowledge and firsthand experiences on a specific topic. They are not regular
members of the teaching staff but bring valuable outside perspectives and practical
insights to enhance student learning, especially in subjects like Philippine history.

Here's how guest speakers can be effective in teaching Philippine history:

1. Expertise and Unique Perspectives: Guest speakers can offer in-depth

understanding and firsthand accounts of specific historical periods, events, or
figures that go beyond textbooks.They can present different perspectives on
historical events, challenging biases and enriching students' understanding of
complex situations.

2. Motivation and Engagement: Guest speakers can use storytelling, multimedia,

or activities to create dynamic presentations that capture students' attention and
stimulate curiosity.

3. Deeper Understanding and Empathy: Sharing personal stories or firsthand

experiences allows students to connect with the emotions and realities of people
who lived through historical events, fostering empathy and understanding.

By effectively integrating textbooks, multimedia, primary sources, field trips, and

guest speakers, you can foster a dynamic learning environment that cultivates
understanding and appreciation for Filipino heritage.

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