CPI Chapter 4 Page 70-79

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Chapter 4 Page 70-79


11) List the similarities and differences between audio, video, and web-conferencing.

Audio Conferencing: Doesn’t include visual information. It’s generally the cheapest option, requiring
only the cost of a phone call.

Video Conferencing: Requires participants to use a webcam and microphone to interact in real time. It’s
well-suited for small team meeting, one-on-one discussions, or informal catch ups.

Web Conferencing: Relies primarily on text for communication. It allows a presenter to deliver a
presentation to a group of participants over the web. Participants can interact through chat, whiteboards,
and desktop sharing.

12) Describe ‘electronic conferencing’, and explain the methods and equipment required.

Electronic conferencing is a way for people to communicate and collaborate remotely using electronic
devices like computers or smartphones. It allows multiple participants to interact in real-time or
asynchronously, sharing ideas, documents, and multimedia content.


• Email
• Chat Rooms/Instant Messaging
• Audio Conferencing
• Video Conferencing


• Device
• Microphone and Speakers/Headset
• Webcam
• Internet Connection
• Software/Applications

13) Explain the differences between video and web-conferencing.

Video Conferencing refers to any method of communication between two or more people using video
and audio transmission over the internet. It allows users to see and hear each other in real-time,
facilitating meetings, discussions, and collaborations from remote locations.

Web Conferencing, on the other hand, typically refers to broader set of tolls and features that facilitate
online meetings and presentations. While it often includes video conferencing capabilities, web
conferencing may also incorporate features such as screen sharing, document sharing, interactive
whiteboards, chat, and more. It’s like a comprehensive online meeting platform.
Exam-style questions

1) A router is a networking device.

a) State the main purpose of a router.

The main purpose of a router is to connect different networks together and direct traffic between them,
like a traffic cop for data on the internet.

b) Discuss how routers are involved in data transmission over the internet

When devices transmit data across the internet, the data is broken down into small pieces called data
packets. These are sent separately, and then joined up at the end so that the message is complete.
Routers are used in the home to connect the hoe network to the internet. They allow many computers to
share an internet connection. The router will transmit the incoming web pages, streamed audio, etc. to
the correct computer on the network.


a) Describe the function of a hub in a local area network

A hub is where a network has a central point to which all the signals from individual computers are sent, a
particular kind of network device, either a hub or a switch, is needed.

b) Explain how a switch differs from a hub

A network switch handles messages more intelligently than a hub by inspecting the MAC address of the
device to which they should be sent. The switch knows the addresses of the different devices on the
network and only sends the message to the correct device.

3) Explain why network interface cards are needed by devices connecting to a network

The network interface cards (NIC), also known as network adapter is a component that connects a
computer to a network by formatting the data sent form the computer into a requires format according to
the protocols of the network to allow data packets to travel to and from the computer to the network.


a) State what is meant by cloud computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computer services over the internet.

b) Give four benefits of cloud computing

• Low maintenance costs: Software does not need to be installed, maintained, or upgraded on the
local computers or servers.
• All software is automatically upgraded
• All data is automatically baked up at the remote site.
• Employees can collaborate on the same documents because they are not stored on one
particular computer.

c) Give three disadvantages of cloud computing.

• Internet access is required

• The providers’ servers may be targeted by hackers
• Organisation has less control and is reliant on the providers to maintain access and update the
software but some organisations are building their own ‘private’ clouds.

a) Explain what is meant by user authentication

Authentication is the process of determining whether someone trying to log into the network is who they
declare to be. The primary method of authentication is by the use of passwords.

b) Apart from the use of passwords, list three methods of authentication.

• Magnetic Stripes
• Smart Cards
• Physical Tokens
• Electronic Tokens
• Zero Login

c) List four characteristics of a strong password.

• Should be at least eight characters long

• Contain both numbers and letters
• Contain both upper- and lower-case letters
• Contain at least one character such as: !, $, ?, etc.
• Never use user-identifiable items such as name, date of birth, phone number, postcode, car
registration, etc.

6) Evaluate the properties of audio, video, and web-conferencing, and suggest the circumstances where
each is the most appropriate.

1) Audio Conferencing

• Properties: Involves only voice communication without visuals

• Appropriate Circumstances:
- When participants have limited internet bandwidth.
- When participants are primarily discussing verbal information without much need for
- When conducting quick meetings or catch-ups where visuals are not crucial.

2) Video Conferencing

• Properties: Involves both audio and video communication, enabling face-to-face interaction.
• Appropriate Circumstances:
- When non-verbal communication cues are important for understanding, such as in
negotiations or interviews.
- When building rapport among team members, especially in remote teams.
- When sharing visual content like presentations or demos is essential for collaboration.

3) Web-Conferencing

• Properties: Incorporates both audio, video, and additional features like screen sharing, chat, and
file sharing.
• Appropriate Circumstances:
- When collaboration involves sharing documents, presentations, or applications.
- When participants need to interact through text chat alongside audio/video.
- When hosting larger meetings or webinars with participants from diverse locations.
- When real-time collaboration on documents or whiteboarding is necessary.

7) Compare and contrast Wi-Fi and Bluetooth as methods of communicating wirelessly

Wi-Fi is a digital communications protocol that sets out how data is transmitted on wireless LANs. Wi-Fi
is a trademarked term that is owned by Wi-Fi Alliance. Each device must connect to a wireless access
point to access the network.

Bluetooth is a wireless protocol allowing communication over short distances, usually up to 30 feet. It is
used to link personal devices – for example, laptops, tablets, smartphones, speakers, or smart televisions
– so that data can be shared between them. Using Bluetooth, music can be streamed to remote speakers.
It allows direct communication between the devices while Wi-Fi does not.

8) Describe the differences between local and wide area networks and give examples where each would
be used.

Local Area Network (LAN) enables a group of computers that are in close proximity to each other to be
networked. Typically, a LAN would be used in a school, in an office, or at home. A LAN is useful because it
allows resources such as files, printers, games, and other software applications to be shared by the
computers on the network

Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network that connects separate LANs over a large geographical area.
Typically, a WAN will connect cities, a country of many countries. Imagine an organisation that has offices
in more than one town; they would probably each have a LAN setup in each building and them connect
them all together into a WAN. A WAN ensures that computers in one location can communicate with
computers and users in other locations.

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