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Chapter 4


1) It is necessary to be able to distinguish between different types of networks. Define the following three types:

• LAN – Local Area Network. This network enables a group of computers that are in close proximity to each other to be
networked. Typically, a LAN would be used in a school, in an office or at home. A LAN is useful because it allows
resources such as files, printers, games, and other software applications to be shared by the computers on the network.
• WLAN – Wireless Local Area Network. This is one type of way to connect devices so that they can communicate with
each other. This is when you use radio waves so that no cables are required.
• WAN – Wide Area Network. This is a network that connects separate LANs over a large geographical area. Typically, a
WAN will connect cities, a country, or many countries. Imagine an organization that has offices in more than one town;
they would probably each have a LAN set up in each building and then connect them all together into a WAN. A WAN
ensures that computers in one location can communicate with computers and users in other locations.

2) Bluetooth was developed to provide a wireless communication method to link specific devices that are close together. Give three
different ways that Bluetooth can be used by a person when they are using their laptop to listen to music.

• Bluetooth Headphones or Bluetooth Earphones

• Bluetooth Speakers
• Bluetooth Audio Receiver


3) Write down definitions for the following terms:

a) Router – Allow different networks to communicate.

b) Data packet – A unit of information that is made into a single package that travels along a given network path.

c) Packet Switching – This is the transferring of small pieces of data across various networks. Data chunks or “packets” allow for
faster, more efficient data transfer. Often, when a user sends a file across a network, it gets transferred in small data packets, not in
one piece.

4) Explain how data packets are transferred from one computer to another across the internet.

The computer breaks down the message. Each packet contains a bit of your message along with some additional information, like
the destination address. The packets are then routed. Each packet takes a different route to reach its destination. The packets are
reassembled. When the packets arrive at their destination, they are reassembled in the correct order. The last process is delivering
the message. The computer receives the complete message and can process it, whether it’s displaying a webpage, playing a video,
or any other task.

5) Describe three items of hardware that are required for computers to connect to a network.

• Network Interface Card (NIC)

• Wireless network Adapter
• Router or Modem-Router Combo

Steps to link a computer to a smartphone by tethering.

• Wi-Fi Tethering (Hotspot)

First look for the Wi-Fi network broadcasted by your smartphone. Select and connect to the smartphone’s Wi-Fi network. You
may have to enter the password for the hotspot network.

• Bluetooth Tethering

Enable Bluetooth on both your smartphone and computer. Then pair both your smartphone and computer via Bluetooth. Once
both are paired, enable the Bluetooth tethering on your smartphone. On the computer, navigate to the Bluetooth settings and
select your smartphone from the list of paired devices. Lastly, choose the option to connect to the internet via Bluetooth.

6) There are different types of networks that are in use in organizations and companies

a) Describe the differences between the internet, an intranet, and an extranet.


The internet is a global network of interconnected computer networks. The internet is used to connect people, communities, and
countries worldwide. Businesses can use the internet for information, communication, marketing and sales, and banking. The
internet allows all users access to web pages.


An intranet is a private computer network within an organization, such as a school or a business which uses internet technology.
Even though an intranet uses internet technologies, it is separate from the global internet and cannot be accessed by outside users.


This is an intranet that allows users from other organizations to use it for specific purposes. Examples include hospital intranets
that allow access to community doctors to book appointments for patients or a manufacturing company that allows access to
distributors for ordering and pricing information. The organization can also share news with other users and keep them updated on
future developments.

b) Give examples of situations in which they would be used.

Internet – Researching Information Online

Intranet – Company Employee Portal

Extranet – Supplier Collaboration Platform

7) Copy and complete the table below with words internet, extranet, or intranet.





8) Define cloud computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computer services over the internet. These services, such as software and storage space, are
housed in remote computers called servers. They are called servers because thy serve these services to the users.

9) State where cloud data and apps are stored

1) Google Drive

• Free Storage: Google Drive offers 15GB of free storage for all users.
• Additional Storage Cost: If you need more storage, you can upgrade to Google One, which offers plans starting at $1.99
per month for 100GB.
• Data Security: Google Drive employs robust security measures, including encryption both at rest and in transit. However,
it’s worth noting that Google’s terms of service allow them to scan your files for various purposes, including targeted

2) Dropbox

• Free Storage: Dropbox provides 2GB of free storage upon sign-up.

• Additional Storage Cost: For more storage, you can upgrade to Dropbox Plus, which offers 2TB of storage for $9.99 per
month, or Dropbox Professional for 3TB at $16.58 per month.
• Data Security: Dropbox also employs encryption techniques to secure user data. They have data centers with robust
physical security measures. Dropbox also provides features like two-factor authentication for enhanced security.
3) Microsoft OneDrive

• Free Storage: OneDrive offers 5GB of free storage to all users.

• Additional Storage Cost: You can upgrade to Microsoft 365 Personal for $6.99 per month, which includes 1TB of OneDrive
storage along with other Microsoft Office applications.
• Data Security: OneDrive offers encryption both at rest and in transit. Microsoft has strong data protection measures in
place, and they comply with various industry standards and regulations.

Overall, I think that Dropbox had the best prices for their subscriptions because they cost least per TB.

10) Which of these statements shown in the table below are true and which are false?


Practical Task 4.2

Create a web page for Avondale College comparing the benefits and drawbacks of local storage and cloud storage.

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<title>Local Storage vs. Cloud Storage</title>


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<h1>Local Storage vs. Cloud Storage</h1>


<div class="container">

<div class="storage">

<h2>Local Storage</h2>


<li class="pros">- Direct control over data</li>

<li class="pros">- No recurring costs</li>

<li class="pros">- May offer faster access speeds</li>

<li class="pros">- Can work without internet connection</li>




<li class="cons">- Limited storage capacity</li>

<li class="cons">- Vulnerable to physical damage or theft</li>

<li class="cons">- May require additional backup solutions</li>



<div class="storage">

<h2>Cloud Storage</h2>



<li class="pros">- Scalable storage capacity</li>

<li class="pros">- Accessibility from anywhere with internet</li>

<li class="pros">- Redundancy and backup features</li>

<li class="pros">- Collaboration and sharing capabilities</li>




<li class="cons">- Ongoing subscription costs</li>

<li class="cons">- Dependence on internet connection</li>

<li class="cons">- Potential privacy and security concerns</li>

<li class="cons">- Limited control over data</li>






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