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For a certain time, it seems that the efforts of the rebels were successful.

The humans
probably relied on their physical numbers. However, the “evil ones” who lost battles
or who were deposed continued to practice their vile arts. More importantly, the offspring
of those who had been genetically altered also continued to exist and procreate.
They had within them the instincts of aggression and power mania innate to their forefathers.
It is these persons who moved from the limbic and later the left-brain modality
who excelled in the technological sciences and were predisposed to feeling separate,
distinct from, or superior to the planet’s natural inhabitants. They were the ones who
found it easy to destroy nature and to manipulate and murder their fellow human
beings. Throughout historical time, we find personages rising to the top of political
and cultural life who labor so assiduously for technological advance and yet who
demonstrably display little love or concern for humanity. Do such scenarios occur for
the reasons that we have been conditioned to believe? Can the same set of facts be
approached from another angle?
Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 25

CHAPTER 4 Lemuria and Homo Atlantis

As we continue to review even more coherent and provocative hypotheses and theories
concerning Atlantis, pre-diluvian history, and the coming of evil, we note how
scriptures, especially the Bible, contain references to key events:
The history of the Old Testament is the history of Atlantis. (Comyns Beaumont)
Some key modern writers, such as Brinsley La Pour Trench, Barbara Marciniak, and
William Bramley have espoused other important theories that seek to account for the
presence of evil in the world. These accounts relate to the same idea of alien visitation
and colonization. In this case, the alien invaders are referred to either as the “Serpent
People” or the “Brotherhood of the Snake.” (It has been repeatedly noted that though
physical snakes were unknown on most islands, the symbol of the snake or serpent on
carvings, etc., is extremely conspicuous). In the Apocalyptic Fragment of Clement, we
And on Earth shall be monsters, a generation of dragons of men, and likewise of serpents.
But though this is their title, it should not be taken that they had the physical likeness of serpents,
which they did not. A fuller explanation of this is provided later.
Though no two writers wholly agree on the question of evil, or an alien presence,
according to the most coherent theories the visitors are usually described as being of
dubious morality but possessed of great mental and technical power. This writer is relatively
convinced that they were headquartered on Atlantis, and that the notion that
this continent was the center of all that was elevated and good is erroneous, being
founded less on fact and more on wishful thinking.
Lemuria and Homo Atlantis
26 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation
On Atlantis genetic experiments were begun on indigenous Earth humans with the
equipment that was brought from the alien planet of origin:
And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…(Genesis 1:26)
The race that they subsequently created, the “Sons of the Serpents,” possessed the
DNA of their alien fathers, as well as that of the indigenous Earth people, the Homo
Sapiens. (In the Bible, the correct translation of “create” is “build.”) These genetically
created offspring were made to serve the needs of their creators in the “Garden of
Edinu or Eden.” They are “Homo Atlantis.”
The original pre-visitation Earth inhabitants were probably the Cro-Magnon, Engis, Homo
Erectus or Neanderthals. There could have been some other race altogether, but given the
suppression of data in these subjects, it is doubtful if we will ever know the truth about our
Earth ancestors. Recent findings seem to indicate that both Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon
races were genetically interfered with and were the victims of hybridization.
Unluckily for the “Serpent Masters,” this first-born progeny eventually began to chafe
against their imposed servitude. Their human qualities and sensibilities were such that
they were not only lofty of intellect, but were possessed of a moral and spiritual
dimension utterly lacking in their extraterrestrial masters. As a result of this, they
openly began to resist their creators whom they disliked and came to physically outnumber.
It is written that these “Sons of the Serpent” would not recognize the superiority
of their masters, since they lacked the exalted qualities. Finally, after an
unspecified period of time, the majority of the “Sons of the Serpents” leave the “Gardens
of Edinu” (Atlantis) and vacate the continent of Appalachia, relocating to the
island of Oceania, later known as Lemuria, where today’s Pacific Ocean is. Here they
establish a thriving civilization where they also practiced the high sciences. The sublime
cultural inventions and philosophies that enrich humankind then and now originate
from them.
Lemuria comes from Mu or Mu-devi which means the “Land Ancestral” or “Land of the
Ancestors.” Mu-Devi was the Hindu mother goddess. Shiva was her counterpart and is the
“Great Father” of mankind. An Indian Tamil text, Silappadikaran, describes a lost continent
in the Pacific and Indian Ocean that it calls Kumai Nadu or Kumari Kandam, which means
the “Dragon Land of the Immortal Serpents.”
Their rebellion and departure affronted their creators who, from that time onward,
would consider their “first born” avowed adversaries.

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