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In our research in Africa, the Far East and the mountains of South America, we have come

across statuary of very grotesque beings, who according to the Indian and Shamanistic tradition,
went into the Earth at the time of a great cataclysm. . .
The Apache Indians tell stories of tunnels between their lands and the city of Tiahuanaco
and claim that their ancestors traveled for years by this route. The Indian chiefs
also assured that the tunnels were
...carved out by rays that destroy the living rock.
And that their creators were:
...beings who live near the stars. (From Uriel’s Machine by Christopher Knight and Robert
In Celtic mythology, the Tuatha de Danaan, a powerful tribe of Druid warriors,
descended into the underworld through what are called the Sidhes. We could fill volumes
with the references of alien visitation in connection with the Hollow Earth.
Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 13
Earth’s First Deluge
These accounts of the ancients have been dismissed for centuries and often ridiculed
and misunderstood. For instance, the visitors are sometimes described to be fantastic
in aspect, sometimes as having “two heads” or faces. But this description is comprehensible
when we realize that it refers to a face inside a space helmet, which appeared
to our ancestors as two faces or heads.
The “Men of Brass” or “Bronze” was also a title used for the visitors possibly due to
the metallic suits they wore. They also seem to have communicated in strange voices
(many-tongues). Can this not also be explained in practical terms? Can the references
about the “fallen angels” in the Old Testament, Book of Enoch, and the Dead Sea
Scrolls, for example, not be based on actual fact?
The Nephilim had to begin calibrations of the Earth in relation to the neighboring planets
and stars almost immediately after ascent from their subterranean havens.
Although they were in no immediate hurry, they believed they could leave the planet
whenever they desired. Earth was certainly not their home, but it was better than
nothing in an emergency. But because they had arrived suddenly and not by choice,
they were in a predicament as to where they were in celestial terms and in a quandary
about where to go in the future. The Nephilim with the help of the Neanderthal race
constructed and erected stone monuments and giant Earth calendars on the plains for
their astronomers to engage in calculations to orient themselves correctly in this new
wing of the galaxy.
There is some evidence to indicate that the Nephilim did not leave Earth immediately
because they feared that the solar system after the destruction of Tiamat was magnetically
unstable to the extent of preventing them from flying out and navigating easily. (One does
not drive their car through a volcano or earthquake by choice). The risk was too great for a
time. They also did not know if their enemies where still watching for them or whether they
had set some kind of warning “alarm” system that would signal the Nephilim’s presence.
The Nephilim established their main headquarters, Atlantis, on the continent of Appalachia.
From this center they would corral and experiment on the indigenous Earth
inhabitants taken from cultures and tribes that were shaken asunder by the recent
celestial catastrophe. Nearly all the native cultures of the Earth record the visitation of
strange and advanced individuals possessed of miraculous powers. An interesting
anecdote which repeats throughout the ancient records and accounts is that the beings
who visited the various countries were never numerically many. The records say that
Earth’s First Deluge
14 Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation
they appeared in groups of three or four members. The fact that the visitors were of
such a small number is suggestive that they were actually contingents of a larger mass
centered elsewhere, that they were on reconnaissance missions, and that were data
gatherers and ambassadors sent out to the corners of the globe. The strangers could
knit bones, provided food, took counsel, gave magnificent gifts, spoke in strange
tongues, were intensely intelligent, and pointed to distant galaxies when asked about
their origins. Many texts record that some of the visitors where also extremely vengeful
when wronged. And they were after mineral wealth and human labor. (See the
works of David Hatcher Childress.)
Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation 15

CHAPTER 3 Old World Disorder

After Atlantis was constructed, the alien-visitors sought to establish the “New Order”
over their minions, the erstwhile natural and nature loving inhabitants of the Earth.
Their common rationale was the same as John Milton’s fictional archangelic renegade,
Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven. (Paradise Lost)
One of the ways in which they sought to accomplish their goal involved biogenetic
interference with and alteration of the indigenous Earth inhabitants. Such a practice
was known to be a cardinal sin, and so, originally, normal sexual intercourse was
attempted with unsatisfactory results:
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters
were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and
they took them wives of all that they chose. (Genesis 6-8)
And the daughters of Cain with whom the angels had companied conceived, but they were
unable to bring forth their children, and they died. And of the children who were in their
wombs some died, and some came forth, having split open the bellies of their mothers they
came forth by their navels. (The Ethiopian Kebra Nagast)
Extraterrestrials visit neighboring planets and galaxies, but they rarely interfere with
the evolution of the species that they find there. This edict the Nephilim disregarded.
And they knew that there would be a penalty for their heinous actions. In the Book of
Enoch, we read of the Nephilim leader (called Samjaza, Anzal, Belial, Enlil, etc.)
speaking of the deed to his 200 brethren:
And then Samjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: I fear ye will

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